Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
1st Quarter | 1st Semester
Made by Ezekiel Klein Ramos Conduct review of related literature -
Providing a major role for the literature
LESSON 1: QUANTITATIVE through justifying the research problem,
RESEARCH suggesting the research questions to be
asked, and creating a need for the
Characteristics of Quantitative Research direction of the study.
Data sets are large, and findings are Analyze the data - Analyzing trends,
representative of a population. comparing groups, or relating variables
using statistical analysis, and
Standardized approaches permit the interpreting results by comparing them
study to be replicated over time. with prior predictions and past research.
Data does not provide evidence for why Write the research findings and
populations think, feel, or act in certain conclusions - Writing the research
ways. report using standard, fixed structures
and evaluation criteria, and taking an
Specific demographic groups, objective, unbiased approach.
particularly vulnerable or disadvantaged
groups, may be difficult to reach.
Interval Variable - The order of the data These should be written in question
matters, and there is an equal distance form and lead to solving the research
between each interval. problem.
Ratio Variable - The most precise and 1. Begin with phrases like
informative level of measurement. "Specifically, this study aims to
answer the following..."
The order of the data matters, there is 2. Start questions with “how” or
an equal distance between each “what.”
interval, and the ratio between two sets 3. Identify the independent,
of data is meaningful. dependent, and control variables.
4. Use "describe," "compare," or
There is a true zero.
"relate" to define the relationship
between variables.
Mention participants and the research
Steps in Stating the Statement of the
Problem and Research Questions
Descriptive Question: "How frequently
State the objective or purpose of the
do African Americans feel isolated on
college campuses?"
Begin by clearly stating the purpose or
Relationship Question: "How do
long-term goal of the research, as
feelings of isolation relate to ethnic
indicated by the research problem. This
identity for African Americans in the
will help guide the direction of the study.
United States?"
Comparison Question: "How do Third Paragraph - Discuss the problem
African Americans and Euro Americans based on your immersion, supported by
compare in their perceptions of ethnic citations.
Fourth Paragraph - Present the theory
that addresses the problem.
STUDY Fifth Paragraph - Explain the general
objectives and rationale of your
Background of the Study - Provides research.
the context in which your research topic
was developed. It explains the situation Research Questions - This section
or circumstances that led to the presents the objectives and purpose of
research being conducted, ideally after your study, with clearly defined
a thorough literature review, which questions that need answering.
enables the researcher to see the topic
General - The general question is broad
and addresses the main focus of the
Research Gap - These gaps can be research. It is derived from the research
related to unexplored variables, problem and usually encompasses the
populations, or methods. To identify overall purpose or objective of the study.
research gaps, an exhaustive literature
Specific - Specific questions are more
review is crucial, and reading the
focused and detailed, breaking down the
discussion, conclusion, or
general question into smaller,
recommendation sections of previous
researchable units. These questions
studies can help.
guide the research in addressing
THE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY particular aspects of the general
ANSWERS problem.