12 - SR - 4 - The Enemy
12 - SR - 4 - The Enemy
12 - SR - 4 - The Enemy
Life during wartime in Japan. Dr. Sadao Hoki and his pureblood wife Hana spot a dark shape
in the surf that turns out to be a white man; a severely wounded soldier. At first they agree
to turn the man over to authorities as a prisoner of war. This makes only perfect sense
considering not just the ramifications of treating his wounds, but that the doctor and his
wife are both virulently racist nationalists who consider the Japanese to be superior to the
white race anywhere in the world. They had met in America before the war and he only
proposed because his father consented to his choice of a pureblood.
Changing their minds in the face of the massive trauma exhibited by the man, the two
agree to take him back to their home and treat his injuries as an act of humanitarian
compassion consistent with their belief in the superiority of the Japanese people. The must
inform their servants of this decision, of course. The servants are every bit as racially
prejudiced and biased as their employers, but their edges have not been softened by the
humanitarianism of medical service. The servants make no secret of their belief that the
man should have been left to die and turn cold toward the doctor and his wife.
After a week of treating the white man and helping him recover from his life-threatening
injuries, the servants quit when their ultimatum that the man be turned over to the
authorities is met by the doctor’s steadfast resolve. Meanwhile the man—an American
named Tom—is well enough to thank the doctor for saving his life. The doctor warns him
not to be premature with this assessment. When a messenger arrives for her husband,
Hana is terrified that the servants have spilled the beans and they are about to be
Instead, the message directed Dr. Hoki to a patient consultation with General Takima, a
wife-beating hero of the Battle of Manchuria. Takima is very ill and will likely die without
the surgical skill of the doctor. Sadao chooses to confess to the General about the situation
with the injured soldier. The General, in a remarkable display of self-interest over duty
agrees to keep the secret. After all, if he turns in the doctor, then Sadao will likely be
executed and he needs the doctor alive in order to prolong his own life. They reach an
agreement in which the General will send assassins to kill Tom.
After a few days, the soldier not only has not been assassinated, but has recovered much of
his strength which intensifies the doctor’s fear. Since it seems the General has changed the
plans they agreed upon, Dr. Hoki takes it upon himself to arrange the man’s nighttime
escape aboard a Korean fishing boat without informing his wife. The escape plan seems to
be going off without a hitch.
Then the doctor is called in for emergency surgery to save the General’s life and when the
patient is strong enough to receive the news, he tells him that his prisoner somehow
escape in the night. The General confesses that he was worried about his own life to the
degree that he had completely forgotten the assassination agreement. He then goes on to
very strongly that it was simply a case of carelessness and most certainly not dereliction of
duty or lack of patriotism. The two men strike a deal to keep secrets secret with the
General promising Sadao that he will be rewarded.
As Dr. Hoki looks out toward the horizon for the American’s signal that he was still safely in
his hiding spot awaiting the arrival of the fishing boat. But the sun sets without a signal,
informing the doctor that the escape has successful. This, Dr. Hoki thinks, is his real reward.
As he ponders his time in America, the true depth of his irrational prejudice against the
white race is revealed through his thoughts. Such is the depth of his hatred of the
“repulsive” whites of the world that he is actually glad the country is at war with them.
Then muses to himself: “Strange. I wonder why I could not kill him?”