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International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends

Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Power Quality Improvement in a Grid Connected Wind-

Solar Integrated System Using UPQC
M.Tech Scholar Manpreet Singh, Assistant Professor Manpreet Singh
Deptt. of Electrical Engineering
Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib

Abstract- The integration of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (PV) and wind power systems into the grid has
gained significant traction in recent years as a means to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy sustainability. The
integration of these renewable energy sources, into the existing power grid poses challenges related to power quality due to
their intermittent and variable nature. This thesis investigates the enhancement of power quality in grid-connected PV-wind
integration systems using Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Flexible AC Transmission System (FACT) devices,
implemented and analysed through MATLAB/Simulink simulations. The research aims to evaluate the efficacy of UPQC
FACT devices in improving power quality parameter harmonic distortion suppression.

Index Terms- Power Quality Improvement, UPQC, Renewable energy sources.

I. INTRODUCTION the grid according to effective control[3].The use of FACTS

devices in electronic security has been an interest in area
In recent years, wind energy has become one of the most of ongoing research. Most published studies have focused on
important and promising sources of renewable energy, the ability of this device to improve energy stability by
requiring more transmission capacity and better quality to increasing energy emissions and various attempts have been
maintain reliability. The necessity of integrating renewable made to study the impact of reliability of electronic
energy sources such as wind energy into the power system is equipment.
to reduce the impact on the environment. Wind energy is the
lar gest source of renewable energy and has significant Opportunities arise from the ability of FACTS controllers to
environmental and social benefits. To improve physical control the impedances that control transmission system
performance, high performance devices based on electrical performance, including series and shunt impedances, the angle
power are increasingly used in various applications. This and damping of oscillations just below frequency. These
could lead to further compromises in energy efficiency and limitations cannot be overcome while maintaining the safety
concerns about the future impact of physical activity. required by the technology without reducing the potential for
Therefore, if there i s a problem in the subsystem, it will cause contamination. FACTS controllers provide greater flexibility,
interference, interference and other effects, thus the quality of keeping the power delivered through the line close to its
the system will decrease[1].The transmission capacity of long thermal value. Mechanical switches should be supplemented
transmission lines is usually limited by their signal capacity. with electrical switches. The FACTS technique can be used to
All economic factors, such a s the high cost of long lines an overcome stability limitations, which in this case may be
the income from the provision of additional energy provide an thermal and dielectric.
incentive to explore all business opportunities and the
effectiveness of increasing the safety limit. On the other hand, UPFC is a recently introduced FACTS controller that can
developing effective ways to use transmission systems at their control all four transmission parameters. The Unified Power
maximum thermal capacity has attracted the attention of much Flow Controller (UPFC) is a member of the FACTS family
research in recent years[2].The rapid growth in the electrical with very nice features. It is a combination of static
energy sector has begun to affect the energy sector as well. synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and static
The ability to control the flow of energy in a power plant synchronous series compensator (SSSC) features, as the
without upgrading or rep lacing the transformer can use device can control many parameters independently.
controllable devices to improve energy efficiency. Flexible
AC Delivery System (FACTS) technology is the best tool to 1. Definition of Power Quality
ge t the most out of existing equipment thanks to fast er Power quality in a power system refers to the reliability and
control and new features. The most important is the ability to stability of electrical power supply within certain acceptable
directly control the line and make qui ck changes by changing voltage, frequency, and waveform limits. It encompasses

© 2024 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

various factors related to the consistency and cleanliness of 2. Need of Better Power Quality
electricity delivered to consumers. Power quality issues can  Power quality is becoming an important concern because
arise from various sources, including disturbances within the of many reasons. Some major reasons are-
power grid, equipment malfunctions, or the operation of Key  To increase the efficiency of power system many new
aspects of power quality include: devices such as shunt capacitors and adjustable-speed
motor drives are gaining popularity. These devices
Voltage Stability increase the harmonic level of the power system which
Ensuring that voltage levels remain within acceptable limits, increases the concern.
without significant fluctuations or sags that could disrupt  Power electronic devices and loads that make use of
sensitive equipment or cause damage. control based on microprocessor and microcontroller
based are more affected by power quality issues.
Frequency Stability  The interconnected networks that are used nowadays are
Maintaining the frequency of the alternating current (AC) badly affected by the power system disturbances because
within a narrow range around the standard frequency (e.g., 50 if any component is failed the entire system is affected.
Hz or 60 Hz), as deviations can affect the operation of  The awareness of problems in the quality of power and
synchronous equipment. difficulties faced like under voltage, overvoltage, flickers
etc. is among the utility customers or end users is
Waveform Distortion tremendously increasing which arises the demand of a
Minimizing harmonics and other waveform distortions caused high and better quality of power.
by non- linear loads such as computers, variable speed drives,
and LED lighting. Distorted waveforms can lead to The most common problems with power quality are long-term
overheating of equipment, increased losses, and interference fluctuations (overvoltage, under voltage and interference),
with sensitive electronics. short-term fluctuations (interference, dips (dips) and swells),
voltage instability, waveform distortions (DC offset,
Transient Voltage Variations harmonics, interharmonics, notches). ). and noise), voltage
Managing transient voltage variations such as spikes, surges, fluctuations (voltage flicker) and power supply frequency
and voltage dips caused by lightning strikes, switching changes. Most of these problems are caused by the load
operations, or faults in the grid. These variations can damage connected to the power supply. Motors, heaters, and
equipment and disrupt operations if not properly mitigated. incandescent lamps are examples of linear loads that produce
a current proportional to voltage. Nonlinear loads use high-
Power Interruptions speed electrical converters to convert electrical equipment
Minimizing the occurrence and duration of power from AC to constant voltage DC used by the internal power
interruptions, whether due to faults, maintenance activities, or supply. During the conversion, harmonic current will occur in
external factors like severe weather. the electrical network. The formation of harmonic current
(PCC) at the connection point can cause many negative effects
Voltage Unbalance such as line voltage distortion of PCC, overheating of
Ensuring that the voltage across different phases of a three- equipment, derating of transformer, overheating, operation on
phase system is balanced to prevent uneven loading and electronic equipment, Noise increases. noise, flickering of
overheating of equipment. fluorescent lights, unstable operation of circuit breakers and
relays, machine fuses and enclosed electrical equipment,
Flicker overheating of conductors due to third harmonics in three-
Addressing variations in light intensity caused by rapid phase four-wire machines, etc. due to rms current in
fluctuations in voltage, which can be perceived as flickering communication. . Personal computers, fax machines, printers,
and may impact the comfort and safety of occupants in UPS, variable speed drives, electronic lighting ballasts,
facilities with sensitive lighting systems. ferromagnetic materials, DC motor drives, and arc devices are
all the comparable limit of non-uniform items.
Maintaining high power quality is crucial for the reliable
operation of industrial processes, commercial facilities,
sensitive electronic equipment, and residential appliances.
In the present work, a comprehensive study is conducted to
Power quality monitoring, mitigation techniques such as
improve the power quality of a grid-connected hybrid wind-
voltage regulation, harmonic filtering, and surge protection, as
solar system using a Unified Power Quality Conditioner
well as adherence to relevant standards and regulations, are
(UPQC) in MATLAB/Simulink. The hybrid system combines
essential for ensuring a stable and efficient power supply.
renewable energy sources, specifically wind and solar, to
non-linear loads.

© 2024 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

provide a more stable and reliable power supply. However, Series APF Control: Utilizes a synchronous reference frame
integrating these renewable sources into the grid introduces (SRF) theory to detect and compensate voltage disturbances.
several power quality issues such as voltage sags, swells, The control strategy ensures that the voltage at the point of
Mharmonics, and fluctuations due to the intermittent nature of common coupling (PCC) is maintained within the acceptable
wind and solar energy. limits.

The primary objective of this research is to design, model, and Shunt APF Control
simulate a UPQC system to mitigate these power quality Employs instantaneous reactive power theory (p-q theory) for
problems effectively. The UPQC is a combination of a shunt current harmonic detection and compensation. This controller
active power filter (SAPF) and a series active power filter maintains the current waveform shape by injecting
(SAPF), which works in tandem to provide comprehensive compensating currents to counteract the harmonics and
power quality solutions. The series APF handles voltage- reactive power.
related issues by injecting appropriate voltage components,
whereas the shunt APF addresses current-related problems by Simulation and Analysis
compensating for reactive power and harmonic currents. The entire hybrid system along with the UPQC is
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Various
MATLAB Simulink Model Hybrid System Configuration scenarios are simulated to analyze the performance of the
The hybrid wind-solar system is designed with wind turbines UPQC in mitigating power quality issues.
and photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The system configuration also
includes maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms
to ensure optimal power extraction from the renewable

 Solar System
 Wind turbine
 Three Phase Transformer
 Grid
 DC-DC Boost converter
 Three Phase Source
Fig.2: Grid Connected Hybrid Solar and Wind Power System
UPQC Structure Without UPQC
The UPQC is modeled with two voltage source inverters
(VSIs) - one connected in series and the other in parallel with The 100KW hybrid solar-wind energy system is connected to
the grid. distribution system.

Fig.3. Grid Connected Hybrid Solar and Wind Power System


Test Case
Fig.1. Functional block diagram of the UPQC controller Include scenario with UPQC is connected in system and
without UPQC in system. Note the values of Total Harmonic
Control Strategies Distortion (THD) in system with UPQC and without UPQC.

© 2024 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

The MATLAB Simulink environment is chosen for its robust IV. CONCLUSION
modeling and simulation capabilities. A PV-Wind integrated
system is used so that we can fed power to the grid Then, This research validates the application of UPQC in improving
there is a Boost converter which is used to maintain DC power quality in a grid-connected hybrid wind-solar system.
voltages. Also, there is inverter which gets DC input and The MATLAB/Simulink simulations confirm that UPQC
convert it into AC so that it could be fed into grid. effectively reduces THD and enhances voltage stability.
Future work will focus on optimizing UPQC control strategies
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and exploring real-world implementation challenges.

The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the REFERENCES

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© 2024 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

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© 2024 IJSRET

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