Model Predictive Control
Model Predictive Control
Model Predictive Control
• It is well known that handling the required state and control constraints and
achieving the system stability are the main priority needs for tracking a
trajectory by the high non-linear dynamic models.
• The MPC controller has emerged as the most popular and valuable control
technique since the 1980s, known as Receding Horizon controller as well.
• Subjected to the state and control constraints of the system dynamics, the
optimization problem is solved to determine the optimal control input.
The concepts and The origins of predictive control
• Linear.
• nonlinear.
• SISO (Single input Single output).
• MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) with strong coupling.
• Models with constraints.
• Models with time delays.
• Models with inverse response.
Constrained Linear Model Predictive Control
• Where the terminal state and its desired state are denoted by 𝒳N and 𝒳*N,
respectively, and the reference state is denoted by 𝒳*k. The prediction
horizon is denoted by N. Qf and Q are positive semidefinite matrices and R is
a positive definite matrix.
• The constrained optimization problem for linear MPC at each time instant k is
• 𝓧𝑲 ∈ 𝓡𝓷 , 𝒰𝐊 ∈ 𝓡𝓶 , A𝑲 ∈ 𝓡𝓷𝒙𝓷, B𝑲 ∈ 𝓡𝓷𝒙𝓶
• Where the state and input constraints are presented as
• For each sampling k, the optimal control sequence can be found by solving
the optimization problem including constraints in order to perform the NMPC
method. A nonlinear programming (NLP) or a quadratic programming (QP)
algorithm can be used to solve a constrained optimization problem at each
time instant k.
• The constrained optimization problem for non-linear MPC at each time
instant k is:
Figure (1) Basic concept of MPC
Where 𝒱 ≤ 𝑓
The goal of the model predictive controller is to determine a set of control
inputs at the time instant 𝐤, that will make the output of the system to follow a
prescribed output trajectory (desired control trajectory) over the prediction