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B.Tech Project Area of Interest

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Name of the

Faculty Area of Interest

Information Security,
Image Processing,
Dr. Chittaranjan Deep Learning,
Pradhan Multimedia System

Dr. Saurabh
Bilgaiyan Software Engineering, Soft Computing, Image Processing, ML, Blockchain

Dr. Himansu Das Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, and Data Science

Dr. Bhabani
Shankar Prasad
Mishra Machine Learning, IoT, AI

Dr. Junali Jasmine AI, Evolutionary algorithms, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Indian Knowledge
Jena System, web design

Prof Suresh Machine learning

Satapathy Soft computing

Dr Ajay Kumar
Jena Machine Learning, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Data Science and Software Testing

da Das Soft computing, Computational Intelligence

Machine Learning,
Santwana Sagnika Natural Language Processing

3D game development using HTML5+CSS+JavaScript. Animation and scientific

Ajay Anand visualization. Special effects in Computer Graphics.
Research Interests:

Present Interest: Machine Learning, AI, IoT, Fog/Edge Computing, Security, Distributed
Computing and Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor networks.

Dr. Niranjan K Interested to Work: Physical Unclonable Function(PUF), Named Data Networking
Ray (NDN), Federated learning, Dependable Cyber Physical System(D-CPS).

Any area where the student needs to use database, software engineering concepts for

Dr. Samaresh
Mishra Software Engineering, Cost Estimation

Dr. Pinaki Sankar

Chatterjee WSN, CWSN, Machine Learning

Dr. Suneeta
Mohanty Cloud computing,Network Security

Manas Ranjan
Nayak Image Watermarking, Copyright Protection, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Rajdeep Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Signal Classification (audio, speech, etc.), Satellite
Chatterjee Image Analysis

Prabhu Prasad
Dev Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image Processing

Dr. Jagannath Software Projects, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image Processing, App Design,
Singh Web Design

Sujoy Datta Recommendation System, AI, Machine Learning

Web Technology, Signal & Image processing, Machine learning & Artificial Intelligence,
Dr. Jay Sarraf Big Data Analytics, Brain-Computer Interface, Cloud Computing & AWS services
Lipika Mohanty Image Processing, Machine learning

Bhaswati Sahoo Data analytics, cyber security, e-Governance

Kunal Anand Software Engineering, Software Testing, Machine Learning, Speech Processing

Dr. Leena Das Real-time systems,Software Engineering

Roshni Pradhan Cloud computing, Data mining, Big data, Optimization techniques, Distributed Computing

Ronali padhy Cloud load balancing

Dr. Rajat Kumar Data Science & Business Analytics, Technology Adoption, Ethics & Technology,
Behera Software Engineering, Metaverse, Mobile payment, Big Data, AI

Dr. Manas Ranjan

Lenka Internet of Things(IoT), Blockchain, 5G/6G Networks, Wireless Sensor Network(WSN)

KANDULA Intrusion detection,Deep Learning, Machine Learning,

Jayanti Dansana Machine learning, Cloud computing

Amiya Kumar
Dash Machine Learning, NLP, Computer Vision

Dr. Aleena
Swetapadma ML,DL,Signal and image processing

Prof. (Dr.) Prasant

Kumar Pattnaik Brain computer interface

Kumar Devadutta Smart & Intelligent System Development for VUCA world
Dr. Abhaya Machine Learning, Recommender System, Data Analytics, Biomedical Image Analysis,
Kumar Sahoo Information retrieval

Dr. High performance Computing(HPC),Advanced computer architecture and organization,IOT

BANCHHANID and and its application in different domain,Embedded system design ,system
HI DASH programming,Machine learning

Darshana Data Analytics, Image Processing, Machine Learning

MOHANTY Graphics, Data Analytics, Data Mining & Data Warehouse, Machine Learning

KUMAR Machine Lerning, AI, Data Science & Analytics, Business Intelligence, IoT & Smart
TRIPATHY Applications

Sankalp Nayak Machine learning, IoT, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Suchismita Das medical image processing,deep learning

Dr. Sushruta Machine learning, Cognitive computing, Sentiment analysis, IoT applications, Smart
Mishra Agriculture and Healthcare analytics

PARIDA Image processing, security, water marking

SUJATA SWAIN Service Oriented Computing, Pervasive Computing, Internet of Things.

Dr. Manas Ranjan

Nayak Image watermarking, Data Security

Dr. Arup Abhinna

Acharya Software Engineering
Dr. Namita Panda Software Engineering

Dr. Subhasis Dash Wireless Sensor Networks, 5G, ML

AI/ML/DL, IoT/Data Analytics/Cloud in HealthCare/Agriculture/SmartCity/Green

Energy/Financial Applications, BlockChain, Automotive Electronics, AR/VR, Automated
Dr.Prachet Software Engineering Processes. Quantum Computing, Software Defined Vehicle, Brain
Bhuyan Computing Interface.

KUMARI Quantum MachinLearning, Machine Learning

Bhaswati Sahoo Cyber security, e-Governance, data analytics

Arup Sarkar Blockchain,Wireless Sensor network,Smart Healthcare,IOT.

Dr. Nachiketa
Tarasia Data Analytics, Machine Learning, SAP

Dr. Minakhi Rout Machine Learning, Data Mining, Evolutionary Computing, Image Processing, Forecasting

Lalit Vashishtha Information Security

ANIL KUMAR Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Biomedical Image Processing, Smart Healthcare,
SWAIN Algorithms & Graph Theory

N Biraja Isac Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Dr. Sarita
Data Analytics, Cyber Security,Cloud Computing,Big Data,Data Mining,Machine

Mahendra Machine Learning, Web Technology, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, Data Mining,
Gourisaria Data Analytics

Dr. Abhishek Ray Open to all area

Meghana Raj IOT, Cloud , Machine Learning, Big Data.

Dr. Pradeep
Kumar Mallick Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning, Data Mining

Dr. Santos Kumar

Baliarsingh Machine Learning, Deep learning, Image Processing, Computer Vision

Dr. Tanmoy
Maitra Cryptography, body area network

Dr. Mohit Ranjan

Panda machine learning, soft computing, robotics

Prof. (Dr.) Alok

Kumar Jagadev Data Mining, Soft Computing, Machine Learning

Dr. Jayanta
Mondal Cryptography, Data Mining

Dipti Dash Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning

Dr. Shaswati Data Structure and Algorithms, Sequential Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms, Distributed
Patra Algorithms.

Manas Biswal Cloud computing, big data analytics

Ipsita Paul Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Harish Patnaik Cloud Computing, Web Technology

Cloud Computing, Network Security, Healthcare data Security, IoT/IIoT/IoMT DNA

Security, Cryptographic security mechanisms, Intrusion and Malware detection system
Dr. Ashish Singh using ML and DL, Federated Learning
Prof.(Dr.) Ganga
Bishnu Mund Program Analysis, Algorithms and Graph Theory

Biswajit Sahoo Parallel and Distributed Computing, Algorithm Design

Prof. (Dr.)
Santosh Kumar Software Engineering, Web Engineering, Compiler Design, Human-Computer Interaction,
Swain Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Network

Remote Healthcare, Mobile Computing, Cognitive WSNs, Remote Sensing, Machine

Dr. Monideepa Learning, Recommender Systems, Sparse Approximations,and Artificial Neural
Roy Networks.

Dr. Amulya Ratna

Wireless sensor networks, Operating systems and Virtualization

Big Data Analytics; Data Mining & Warehousing, Human Computer Interaction; Machine
Dr.Siddharth Learning; Imaging and Video Processing; and Intelligent Systems; Natural Language
Swarup Rautaray Processing; and similar other innovation research programmes.

Dr. Manjusha
Pandey Big Data Analytics, Computer Networks, Human Computer Interaction

Mrs. Krishna
Chakravarty Programming and Software Engineering

Mr. Ajaya Kumar

Soft computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning

Dr. Manoj Kumar Algorithm Design, Parallel Computing, Distributed Systems, Data Analytics, Grid and
Mishra Cloud Computing

Dr. Anuja Kumar

Acharya Machine Learning & Image Processing
Dr. Bindu
Agarwalla Web Based and Computer Architecture

Mr. Debashis Hati

Machine Learning, IoT

Dr. Amiya Ranjan

Machine Learning, Data mining, IOT, Software Defined Radio

Dr. Mainak
Bandyopadhyay Generative A.I , Underwater Imaging , Scene Graph Generation.

Mrs. Naliniprava
Behera Bio-Medical Image Processing using Deep learning, Machine learning.

Mrs. Lipika NLP (Natural Language Processing) ,Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Social Network
Dewangan Analysis

Mr. Jhalak Hota

Machine Learning, Privacy issues in Social Network

Mr. Gananath
IoT, Software Engineering, Machine learning

Dr. Saikat
Applied Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Medical Gait Analysis

Dr. Pratyusa
Information Security, Cryptology, Blockchain Technology, Web Development, Machine

Priyanka Roy
Image processing, machine learning, forensic handwritten documents analysis

Dr. Partha Pratim

Biometrics, Information Security, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Medical Image

Dr. Hitesh
Wireless Sensor Network, Internet of Things, Fault Tolerance, Software Engineering,
Software Development Life Cycle with ML, IoT, Sensor Networking
Dr. Ambika
Prasad Mishra
Brain computer interface, ML. NLP

Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Computer vision, Image processing,
Dr Soumya Vision based object detection/recognition/Human action recognition,OCR and other
Ranjan Mishra relevant areas.

Mr. Sunil Kumar

Machine Learning, Meta heuristic Algorithm and Optimization

Dr. Jayeeta
Machine learning, Human gait/motion analysis, Signal processing, Image processing

Dr. Jasaswi Machine Learning,

Prasad Mohanty Natural Language Processing

Machine Learning, Deep Learning,

Dr. Rina Kumari Natural Language Processing

Benazir Neha
Cloud Computing and Osmotic Computing

Blockchain, Web 3.0, Quantum computing, Quantum Machine Learning (QML), Non
Dr. Vikas Hassija
fungible tokens (NFT), Digital Twins, Metaverse

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Recommendation System, Brain computer

Dr. Rabi Shaw Interaction, Cognitive, and Education Technology.

Federated Learning, Data Privacy, Lange Language Models (LLMs), GPT (LLama-2,
Dr. Murari
MiniGPT) models, Continual Learning, Machine Unlearning, Explainable AI, Privacy in
AI, AI Regulation

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Dr Mainak
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Similarity Measures, Label Distribution Learning
Swagatika Sahoo
Blockchain Technology, Security, Formal Method

Sovan Kumar
Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Question Answering

Dr Partha Sarathi
Human-Computer Interaction, Human Cognition and Socio-behavioral Applications,
Socio-Mobile Applications, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Chandra Shekhar
Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Information Security

Dr. Tanik Saikh

Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning

Dr. Mukesh
Kumar Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Image processing

Dr. Nibedan
Machine Learning, Metaheuristic Optimization, Image Processing, Deep Learning

Quantum Circuit Optimization, Reversible Circuit Testing, Optical Computing

Dr. Anjan
Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Metaverse, Serverless Computing,
UAV, Healthcare, Game Theory

Ajit Kumar
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Cloud Computing

Dr. Satyananda
Champati Rai
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, IoT, Health Informatics

Machine learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Image processing,Deep


Dr. Debanjan
Image processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine learning,Artificial
Dr. Raghunath
Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Data science, ML, NLP.

Dr. Suchismita
Software Defined Networking, Wireless Network, Cloud Computing, IoT

Dr Saurabh Jha
Machine Learning, Deep learning, Wireless LAN security

Sarita Mishra
Machine Learning, Data Analytics

Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis,

Dr. Jaydeep Das
Database Management System, Geospatial Information System (GIS)

Dr. Ramesh
Kumar Thakur
Image processing, Deep learning, Computer Vision

Dr. Rinku Datta

Image processing, biometrics, machine learning, deep learning

Dr. Asif Uddin

Advanced Wireless Networks, VANET, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Mobile Edge
Computing, Information Security, IoT

Dr. Sampriti Soor

Machine Learning, Image Processing, Graph Algorithms, Remote Sensing and GIS

Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Human Activity

Detection, and Medical Image Analysis.

Resource Management Techniques for Cloud Computing/Fog Computing/Edge

Prasenjit Maiti

Data-Driven Optimization, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Nature-inspired
Computation, Evolutionary Algorithms

Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graphs

Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Social Network
Arghya Kundu
Analysis, Recommender Systems, Genetic Algorithms
Machine Learning, Deep Learning , Data Analytics , Computer Architecture, Hardware
Abhishek Raj
Security , VLSI design , IOT , Advanced Digital Design

Dr Subhranshu
Sekhar Tripathy
Cloud computing,Edge Computing,IoT

Mr.Abinas Panda
Software-defined Networks, Machine learning, Wireless Networks, and Algorithms.

Mr. Sourav
Kumar Giri
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Blockchain

Dr. Kumar Surjeet

Cloud Computing, Machine Learning

Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things

Machine learning, Deep learning, Graph database, Cryptography

Mr. A Ranjith
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science

Mr. Bijoy Das

Cryptography, and Algorithms

Machine Learning, Cryptography, computer networks, financial mathematical modeling,

Mr. Vishal Meena
Data Analytics

Dr Dayal Kumar
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Forecasting, Computer Vision, IoT,
Remote Sensing Applications, Recommendation System, Computational Intelligence

Dr. Soumya
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine vision, Fractal Graphics, Deep Learning,
Ranjan Nayak
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Computation Intelligence

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