New Scientist Usa 5 October 2024
New Scientist Usa 5 October 2024
New Scientist Usa 5 October 2024
WEEKLY October 5 -11, 2024
Can scientific insights help us create
a fairer, smarter politics?
News Features
8 Tantalisingly close 32 The future of politics
Quantum computers that News How digital technologies
solve real problems are near can help us rebuild a true
government for the people
12 An ill wind
Jet stream changes linked 36 Taking it easy
to historical fires and plague Knowing why we avoid effort yet
also seek it out can help reshape
17 Stopping the clock our relationship with exertion
How axolotls hit the pause
button on ageing 40 Cosmic mystery
How did some black holes
get so large, so quickly?
The back pages
20 Comment
We’ve got the “anxious 44 Dear David
generation” all wrong, How to overcome apathy
argues Dean Burnett and regain your lust for life
28 Culture
Explore the delights of 12 47 Tom Gauld for New Scientist
English natural landscapes A cartoonist’s take on the world
31 Letters 48 Feedback
Could crowdfunding save Making chickens blush and
a threatened observatory? 15 Oil see you later Camellia fruits could make the greenest cooking oil the entropy of tourism
NS Live Newsletter
Our accidental universe “The energy
Hear Chris Lintott explain how
astronomers stumble across
transition is
their discoveries on 12 October
at New Scientist Live, online or in
here. We’ve
person at London’s ExCeL Centre. just gotta
From the rich diversity of worlds
in our solar system to the edge plug it in”
of the observable universe, he
will reveal why what we know
about the cosmos is usually
the result of happenstance.
biodiversity: Costa Rica
Costa Rica covers just 0.03 per
cent of the planet, but is one of
the most species-dense countries
in the world. Accompanied by
our intrepid local tour leader, you
will delve deep into the science
behind biodiversity, visiting
cloud forests, wetlands, primary
rainforests, volcanic zones and
marine reserves. This 13-day
tour starts on 6 November
and costs £5699.
Galaxy quest Exploring our cosmos is bound to result in surprises
The team hear that the Arctic is
Video Newsletter
losing ice at an alarming rate, so Hidden figures Fix the Planet
much so that it is too late to save it
by cutting emissions alone. They
Hundreds of ancient drawings have
been discovered in the Peruvian
Environment reporter James
Dinneen considers how power
Essential guide
also learn that octopuses and fish desert with the help of artificial lines could be refrigerated to From tremendous chains of
have been found hunting together intelligence. Archaeologists have become ultra-efficient, helping galaxies to supermassive black
in packs, in an unexpected linked these creations to the people distribute the gigawatts of clean holes, our universe is a place of
display of cooperation, and of the ancient Nazca culture, who electricity now coming online. grandeur and spectacle. Find out
unpack the health concerns started etching such images, called Surprisingly, the solution may how we are probing the cosmos like
around microplastics. Plus, the geoglyphs, into the ground around come from superconducting never before in this 24th Essential
world’s oldest cheese has been 2000 years ago. The AI calculated technology designed for Guide. Available to download
identified in China – and it dates the probability that each square nuclear fusion power plants. in the New Scientist app or to
back 3500 years. of ground contained a drawing. purchase in print from our shop. fix-the-planet
PREPARATIONS of medicine – as well as the adrenaline- podcast with hosts Leah Crane and
are now under filled virtual rollercoaster ride. There are Chelsea Whyte, plus culture editor Alison
way for our annual also brand-new experiences, involving Flood hosting a sci-fi showdown that will
festival of science ocean beasts, dinosaurs and more. answer the important question of what
and ideas, New We have some amazing speakers the best science fiction novel of all time is.
Scientist Live, joining us this year, including Alice I am excited to be hosting a stage on
which takes place in Roberts, Turi King, Robin Dunbar and Monday, our dedicated schools’ day, where
London in just one week’s time. our own columnist David Robson. Across we open the doors to the next generation
The show opens on Saturday 12 October the four main stages – Mind and Body, of scientists. The dedicated speaker line-up
for two days packed with talks, hands-on Universe, Our Planet and Future – includes Suzie Imber and Dallas Campbell
activities and demonstrations, with you can hear talks about everything with live demonstrations, as well as
something for everyone regardless from forensics and supermassive black Stefan Gates’s highly explosive show!
of your age or interests. Explore the holes to the secrets of gravity and how As usual, we will have an exclusive
exhibition space, where some of our most to eat for better brain health. area and other perks for subscribers, but
popular interactive exhibits are back this Our Engage Stage will also be bigger and everyone is welcome – and if you can’t
year, including the hospital of the future – better than ever. Here, you can spot some make it in person, you can also join via our
where you can try out surgical robots familiar New Scientist faces, including a live stream. I do hope to see you there. ❚
and virtual reality at the cutting edge live version of our Dead Planets Society Catherine de Lange
DESPITE all the hype around occurs in one, it won’t affect the qubits and computation. The team which spreads out errors over
quantum computers, they are still overall computation. set up different combinations of vibrations in quantum computers.
far too error-prone to be of real use. “Ideally, you want to scale up qubits to make four logical qubits, Instead of qubits, this system uses
But recent experiments show that while at the same time further then performed basic logical “qudits”, which can take more
this may not always be the case, reducing the error rates, improving operations on the system, for values than just 1 and 0 and
boosting the credibility of claims the quality of your qubits,” says example where the value of a are theoretically more powerful.
from companies like Google and IBM Dan Browne at University College qubit is flipped from positive to Meanwhile, researchers at
that we might get useful quantum London. “Trying to do all of those negative. “They have fewer rounds Amazon’s quantum computing
computers as soon as 2029. These things at once is very difficult, but of error correction, so their quantum team demonstrated another kind of
latest experiments represent key memory is stable for less time, but bosonic code called category qubits,
milestones and signal that we are “Suddenly, really useful they can also do some computation which, like Google’s work, could
entering a new age, say researchers. devices seem tantalisingly with it,” says Bondesan. reduce errors as systems get larger.
“Suddenly, really useful close, in a way that they The quantum computer in
devices seem tantalisingly close, never have done before” Microsoft’s study uses a different
in a way that they never have done hardware design to Google’s, Roadblocks ahead
before,” says Jamie Vicary at the what makes me optimistic is this opting for a series of magnetically “The Google and Microsoft
University of Cambridge. Google experiment is an example trapped charged particles instead of approaches are really following more
For much of the past decade, of them doing exactly that.” superconducting pieces of wire. This mainstream qubit-based quantum
quantum computing companies However Google’s work didn’t allows it to utilise an error-correction computing, whereas the introduction
were focused on building ever larger involve performing computations on technique called a tesseract code, of bosonic codes in the Yale and the
machines, steadily increasing the the qubits – instead, the researchers where qubits are arranged in a Amazon experiments are more
number of quantum bits, or qubits, showed that these qubits can act as complex geometry known as novel and exploratory, but also
in their systems. Qubits are units of memory, says Roberto Bondesan at a four-dimensional hypercube. very, very exciting,” says Browne.
quantum information, made using Imperial College London. “In principle, they can host more Seeing error correction work
physical systems like the spin of A separate study published in logical qubits, with fewer physical over so many different designs
an electron or the orientation of September, from researchers at qubits,” says Bondesan. “In this and experiments is a sign that
a photon. But these qubits were Microsoft and quantum computing sense, it’s more efficient.” previous theoretical results could
too prone to errors to reliably run start-up Quantinuum, shows a Other researchers have shown work for real-world systems, says
algorithms of real-world use. combination of error-corrected error correction working in more Browne. “There were lots of nice
Companies now appear to be unusual quantum computers. theoretical ideas about fault-tolerant
shifting their attention towards A display model of Benjamin Brock at Yale University quantum computing and error
building error-free qubits, called IBM’s Q System One and his colleagues tested a form of correction, but none of them had
logical qubits. These are collections quantum computer error correction called bosonic codes, been demonstrated, or [they were
of physical qubits that together can demonstrated] in a very limited way
reduce errors to a good enough level or special case,” says Browne. “That’s
to run such algorithms. “It’s marking really changed a lot in the last couple
a reset in the whole conversation of years. There have been a lot of key
around quantum computing and milestones reached, demonstrating
new benchmarks,” says Vicary. one by one different aspects of
“This is exciting because this fault-tolerant quantum computing.”
is the time when quantum However, the rate of progress
computers start to be useful.” may yet falter and full fault-tolerant
In August, researchers at Google systems might still be a long way off,
published a paper showing that as dashing the hopes raised by Google
you build logical qubits by adding and IBM’s optimistic timetables.
more physical qubits to a computer, “I would be surprised if we see things
the errors won’t snowball and moving at a very consistent rate.
FLYING during the day rather analyse the net warming effect of The team’s conclusions go London. “Flying during the day,
than at night could be a swift way 700,000 contrails from satellite a step further, suggesting that the contrails that you will generate
to limit the climate impact of a imagery covering Europe, North most daytime contrails have a will be less warming.”
holiday because vapour trails Africa and surrounding oceans. net cooling effect. Most of those Switching to day flights
produced by aircraft seem to cool Researchers already knew that seen in the study – 62 per cent – wouldn’t eliminate the climate
the planet during the daytime. contrails that form during the formed at night, which is why impact of flying, says Nicolas
Soot particles emitted night trap heat, but don’t reflect they found that the net effect Bellouin at Sorbonne University in
by jet engines can trigger the any solar radiation, so they have of all contrails is a warming one, France. “It doesn’t mean that the
formation of ice crystals, causing a a warming impact. By comparison, says Ortiz. However, the study only overall impact of your flight will
condensation trail that may last for daytime contrails both trap heat looked at the northern hemisphere be a cooling of climate, of course,
hours. These persistent contrails, and reflect sunlight, giving them in winter, when nights are longer because you have carbon dioxide
as they are known, help to reflect a lower warming impact. (arXiv, emissions that exert their own
solar radiation back to space, So, is flying during the day warming.” But for flights on the
which has a cooling effect. But Contrails that form in the a better choice for the climate? same route, you are more likely
they also block heat from escaping day can have a cooling Potentially yes, says Edward to minimise the climate impact
from below, causing warming. effect on the planet Gryspeerdt at Imperial College if you fly during the day, he says.
Previous studies have found However, the climate benefit
that, overall, contrails have a also depends on how long the
net warming impact on Earth’s contrails last. The average contrail
climate that is potentially greater lingers for 2.5 to 3.5 hours, but some
than the warming caused by can last 14 hours or more. So a
carbon emissions from jet contrail that forms in the later part
fuel. But the effect of individual of the day and lasts into the night
contrails isn’t as well understood. can have a net warming effect.
So Irene Ortiz at Carlos III A more promising solution
University of Madrid, Spain, might be re-routing jets to avoid
New picture of how Institute in Seattle, Washington. also analysed RNAs in T-cells influence how effectively T-cells
So, Gustafson and her collected from a separate group kill rogue cells and avoid harming
our immune system colleagues have analysed genetic of 234 people, aged 40 to 90. This healthy ones, which could explain
changes as we age molecules called RNAs, some of revealed that a subset of more than why cancer and autoimmune
which encode proteins vital to 100 RNAs increased gradually from conditions such as rheumatoid
A MAP of the immune system has the immune system, in more than age 40 to 65, before plateauing. arthritis become more common as
revealed how cells that are key to 13 million immune cells. These But from age 65 to 90, the we age, says Donald Palmer at the
fighting off infections and certain were collected via blood samples number of a different group of RNAs Royal Veterinary College in London.
medical conditions change with from 49 people aged 25 to 35 rapidly dropped, marking a distinct A better understanding of such
age. This could help improve and 47 people aged 55 to 65. phase of immune system ageing changes could help us develop
vaccines and treatments for The researchers found that the (bioRxiv, vaccines that are tailored to people
age-related diseases, such as number of copies of RNA molecules These changes probably of different ages, says Palmer.
cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. inside T-cells – immune cells that It could also improve cancer
Our immune system declines with target pathogens and cancer – “Understanding immune therapies for older people who
age, but we lack a detailed picture of differed the most with age. system changes could lead receive genetically engineered
how its cells change across our lives, To explore these changes across to vaccines tailored to T-cells, says Gustafson. ❚
says Claire Gustafson at the Allen a wider age span, the researchers people of different ages” Carissa Wong
Tumours targeted
by a precision
How ‘river piracy’ may have
radioactive ion beam made Mount Everest even taller
Alex Wilkins James Dinneen
A MORE accurate way to destroy AN ANCIENT act of “river mantle responds by rebounding dramatic increase in the volume
tumours using beams of radioactive piracy” might be partly upwards. This means that of water flowing down the Arun
particles could help target responsible for Mount the erosion process, despite river. This, in turn, would have
hard-to-treat cancers near organs. Everest’s soaring height. removing rock, actually causes given the river a greater capacity
Most radiotherapy uses beams At 8849 metres above sea the land surface to rise. to erode the landscape and
of X-rays to destroy cancerous cells, level, Mount Everest – also called Fox and his colleagues create the Arun gorge, which
but this can damage healthy tissue Chomolungma or Sagarmāthā – focused on the Arun river, which would have affected patterns
in the beam’s path. Newer methods is the world’s highest peak. flows north from Everest, before of elevation in the region and
that use beams of particles, such as Most of this stature is due to circling back to the south and added to Everest’s height.
proton therapy, can deliver most the tectonic uplift that formed The scenario that gave
of their radiation in an extremely
small space deep inside the body.
However, it is hard to precisely
the rest of the Himalayas.
But Everest is an outlier,
jutting above neighbouring
years ago, erosion by a river
the closest match to today’s
pattern of river elevation
involved a capture event
direct where this peak radiation giants by some 250 metres. may have started lifting Everest about 89,000 years ago.
dose is absorbed, which can still Matthew Fox at University At that point, “the Arun river
risk damaging nearby organs. College London and his passing through the narrow continued to erode backwards
Now, Marco Durante at the colleagues considered how but deep Arun gorge. A long- and stole the upstream
Technical University of Darmstadt the distinctive pattern of rivers standing debate is whether the drainage area”, says Fox.
in Germany and his colleagues flowing around the mountain river took this circuitous route A final nudge may have come
have demonstrated a particle beam, may have contributed to this before the rise of the Himalayas from extreme precipitation
using radioactive carbon ions, that height anomaly by eroding or whether it changed course or a landslide pushing the
can be directed more precisely. away the rock that lies close after the mountains rose. river to change course.
When these ions enter the body, to the flanks of Mount Everest. One possibility is that the river The researchers estimated
they decay and produce positrons, “The thick rocks that make initially drained a relatively how much extra rock would
the antimatter counterpart of up the Himalayas are floating small area, but as the mountains have been eroded by the
electrons. The positrons then collide on the underlying mantle,” says formed there was a “drainage Arun river after such an event.
with nearby electrons, and these Fox. When rivers cut through piracy” event that saw it capture They say it would correspond
annihilate each other and emit the landscape, eroding rock the waters draining from a to a rebound effect that adds
gamma rays, which can be used to and forming a deep gorge, the much larger area. 0.16 to 0.53 millimetres per
locate the exact point at which the The researchers modelled year to Everest’s elevation,
beam is depositing its radiation. Everest (lit by the sunset) scenarios of how such a capture equivalent to a 15 to 50 metre
“You can adjust the position of is the highest mountain event may have played out. If it rise since the capture
the beam and you can make sure above sea level on Earth occurred, it would have led to a (Nature Geoscience, DOI:
that you are not shooting in the 10.1038/s41561-024-01535-w).
wrong position,” says Durante The principle that river
He and his team used a beam erosion can raise elevation is
of radioactive carbon isotopes on well known, says Mike Searle
tumours next to the spinal cords of at the University of Oxford.
32 mice and used a PET scan, which However, he is sceptical that
detects gamma rays, to ensure the these estimates based on
beam was on target. modelling tell the full story.
Mice that received a low dose “The question here is whether
of the beam therapy had slower the river is causing the uplift
tumour growth than mice that or not. To me, it’s not. It’s
didn’t get treated. And in mice that the tectonics,” he says.
received a higher dose, the tumours Sylvain Barbot at the
stopped growing completely, and no University of Southern
damage to their spinal cords was California points out that
detected (arXiv, tectonic activity may have
Marine biology
Octopuses and single day octopus and a number of A day octopus hunting with a
fish were described in the 1990s, blue goatfish, while a blacktip
fish team up
How much should we worry about microplastics harming us? Many studies
have found tiny bits of plastic throughout the human body. But whether they are
bad for our health is still to be worked out, says Grace Wade
MICROPLASTICS have been found example, people whose plaques Adding to the challenge is the fact
in parts of the body ranging from our contained microplastics may be that microplastics come in a range
livers to our lungs. They have even exposed to greater amounts of of shapes, sizes and materials, each
shown up in human breast milk. air pollution, which can contain the of which may have distinct health
Last month, they turned up in the fragments. And air pollution is a effects. Richard Thompson at the
olfactory bulbs of people, a brain known risk factor for heart disease. University of Plymouth, UK, and his
structure crucial for smell. Most of the clues about colleagues have now found that
These small plastic fragments – the potential health harms of more than half of studies assessing
less than 5 millimetres in size – form microplastics come from animal the toxicity of microplastics looked
when larger pieces of plastic, such research. In 2022, Tracey Woodruff at just two types of common plastics:
as those found in car tyres or food Microplastic beads at the University of California, San polystyrene or polyethylene. Most
packaging, are broken down. They found in a cosmetic Francisco, and her colleagues studies also use spherical plastic
then make their way into our bodies facial scrub reviewed data from 24 studies particles even though most
through food, water and the air involving rodents. They found microplastics are irregular shapes
we breathe. Manufacturers also plaques containing microplastics microplastics had detrimental (Science,
add them to certain goods, such were four times as likely to have died effects on the digestive, All of these limitations make it
as exfoliating skincare products. or had a heart attack or stroke than reproductive and respiratory impossible, at least for now, to know
But it isn’t clear what, if any, impact the other people 34 months later. systems of the animals. Woodruff if microplastics are detrimental to
microplastics have on our bodies. So The finding doesn’t prove says this indicates microplastics human health. Yet that doesn’t mean
far, the most compelling evidence microplastics cause heart attacks may raise the risk of conditions we should assume they are harmless,
they can harm our health comes or strokes – it only establishes a like colon cancer or infertility. especially as they accumulate. “We
from a study published earlier this correlation. It is possible other factors However, a 2022 report from know that these particles are going
year, which detected such fragments could underlie the association. For the World Health Organization points to be incredibly difficult to remove,”
in plaques removed from the arteries out that most animal studies use says Thompson. He recommends
of 150 out of 257 adults. These are “Microplastics have concentrations of microplastics we take a precautionary approach:
a buildup of cholesterol, fats and now been found in the much higher than those people are reducing plastic production and
blood cells that can reduce blood olfactory bulbs in the typically exposed to, making it hard preventing them from entering
flow. The people with the artery brains of people” to translate the findings to humans. the environment. ❚
World’s oldest milk, Qiaomei Fu at the Chinese that the milk from each of these
Academy of Sciences in Beijing and animals was kept separate – unlike
cheese found on her colleagues have identified the the mixed cheeses in many Middle
Chinese mummies substance as a kind of kefir cheese. Eastern cheese-making traditions
A HUGE number of ancient UNESCO World Heritage Site LARGE language models (LLMs),
drawings depicting decapitated for the Nazca lines. The AI “The AI-based analysis which power AI chatbots, seem to
human heads and domesticated then produced a grid-based of remote sensing data is a get less reliable at answering simple
llamas have been discovered in map that categorised the major step forward, since a questions when they get bigger and
the Peruvian desert with the probability of each grid square complete map of the geoglyphs learn from human feedback.
help of artificial intelligence. containing geoglyphs. of the Nazca region is still not AI developers try to improve LLM
Archaeologists have The researchers still available,” says Karsten Lambers performance in two main ways:
previously linked these spent more than 2600 hours at Leiden University in the scaling up – using more training
creations to the people of the manually inspecting the Netherlands. But he also data and computational power –
Nazca culture, who started highest-probability photos and says that, like humans, this and shaping up, or fine-tuning them
etching such images, called doing field inspections. But they technology is more likely to in response to human feedback.
geoglyphs, into the ground estimate the AI helped speed find the more visible geoglyphs José Hernández-Orallo at the
around 2000 years ago. up the screening process by a than any harder-to-see ones. Polytechnic University of Valencia,
factor of 50 by eliminating Nearly 1000 AI-identified Spain, and his colleagues examined
Number of giant desert drawings
98 per cent of low-probability
aerial imagery and providing
probabilities for the remaining
candidates are still awaiting
inspection during future
field surveys, says Sakai.
the performance of LLMs as they
scaled up and shaped up. They
looked at OpenAI’s GPT series of
found with the help of an AI 2 per cent, says team member The AI screening offers chatbots, Meta’s LLaMA AI models
Marcus Freitag at IBM hope for discovering geoglyphs and BLOOM, developed by a group
These geoglyphs are smaller Research in New York. elsewhere in the world, says of researchers called BigScience.
and older than the Nazca lines The researchers followed David Beresford-Jones at The researchers tested the
and other figures that had up on the AI suggestions the University of Cambridge. AIs by posing five types of task:
already been found, which and discovered a total of 303 Speed is crucial because arithmetic problems, solving
portray huge geometric shapes figurative geoglyphs during many geoglyphs “lie on anagrams, geographical questions,
stretching several kilometres or field surveys in 2022 and 2023. the cusp of erasure through scientific challenges and pulling out
wild animals about 90 metres Of these figures, 178 geoglyphs agricultural expansion, urban information from disorganised lists.
long on average. were individually identified development and wind-power They found that scaling up and
The newly discovered by the AI. Another 66 weren’t generation”, he says. ❚ shaping up can make LLMs better
images typically depict directly pinpointed, but the at answering tricky questions,
humanoid figures and researchers found them in A 22-metre-long such as rearranging the anagram
domesticated animals around a group of potential geoglyphs drawing, potentially of “yoiirtsrphaepmdhray” into
9 metres long. Some even hint the AI had highlighted (PNAS, a killer whale with a knife “hyperparathyroidism”. But this isn’t
at human sacrifice, portraying matched by improvement on basic
decapitated heads and killer questions, such as “what do you get
whales armed with blades. when you add together 24427 and
“On some pottery from the 7120”, which the LLMs continue to
Nazca period, there are scenes get wrong (Nature,
depicting orcas with knives While their performance on
cutting off human heads,” difficult questions got better,
says Masato Sakai at Yamagata the likelihood that an AI system
University in Japan. “So we can would avoid answering any one
position orcas as beings that question – because it couldn’t –
carry out human sacrifice.” dropped. As a result, the likelihood
Sakai and his colleagues of an incorrect answer rose.
found the smaller geoglyphs The results highlight the dangers
Cannibalised person through the Arctic with 129 men James Fitzjames, Science: Reports,
aboard the ships HMS Terror captain of HMS Previous research had revealed
on doomed Franklin and HMS Erebus. But in 1848, Erebus, in 1845 cut marks on many of the
expedition identified Fitzjames, captain of HMS Erebus, recovered remains, with one
left a report in a stone cairn lower jawbone – now revealed
HUMAN remains recovered recording how the survivors had as belonging to Fitzjames –
from the British Royal Navy’s decided to abandon the ships. having multiple such marks.
doomed Franklin expedition Later, the unidentified skeletal This indicates that some of the
have been identified as those remains of many sailors were last survivors who were trekking
of James Fitzjames using DNA discovered in various locations profiles from a tooth that was found overland resorted to eating parts
and genealogical evidence. He has across the Canadian Arctic. on Canada’s King William Island of Fitzjames’s body and those of
also been confirmed as the first Now, researchers have put a with cheek swabs taken from several other sailors. The finding
known person to be cannibalised name to some of those remains. one of Fitzjames’s descendants. “reveals the desperation of the
among the expedition members. Douglas Stenton at the University The discovery also makes Franklin sailors”, says Treena
In 1845, an expedition led of Waterloo in Canada and his Fitzjames the first cannibalised Swanston at MacEwan
by John Franklin set out to find colleagues identified Fitzjames person on the expedition to be University in Canada. ❚
a navigable North-West Passage by comparing the Y chromosome identified (Journal of Archaeological Jeremy Hsu
activities when you least expect when users streamed the free on shopping and purchasing
it – and they are learning from ad-supported TV channels commands, but general questions
your habits and interests provided by Samsung or LG don’t result in profiling, says co-
to do targeted advertising. platforms. Data was uploaded author Tina Khezresmaeilzadeh
Smart TV manufacturers when the TV was operating in at the University of Southern
use frequent screenshots the US, but not the UK. California in Los Angeles.
and audio clips in their automatic LG and Samsung documentation To profile you, smart “Similar to other Amazon
content recognition systems, described such content tracking speakers and TVs can services, we may use customers’
designed to track viewed content as an opt-in choice during the collate information interactions with Alexa to provide
for advertising purposes. Samsung TV setup process. Customers about what you like more relevant ads,” says an
TVs can take screenshots every can later opt out, but this requires Amazon representative. They also
500 milliseconds and LG TVs them to change multiple “I don’t know that consumers say customers can choose whether
upload 10-millisecond audio options in the TV settings. have the intuition that when you’re to receive interest-based ads
samples from viewed content. “This is the sort of privacy- talking out loud, that also could by changing a single setting.
But researchers have now shown intrusive technology that should potentially be used to profile you By comparison, Google
that this tracking by smart TVs require people to opt in to sharing and then target you with ads,” says Assistant delivered imperfect
occurs even when they are being their data with clear language David Choffnes at Northeastern profiling. For example, it applied
used as external displays for a explaining exactly what they’re University in Massachusetts. the “married” label with 70 per
laptop or video game console. agreeing to,” says Thorin Klosowski Choffnes and his colleagues cent accuracy and identified users
“When a user connects their at the Electronic Frontier tested the three popular voice as having an advanced degree
laptop via HDMI just to browse Foundation, a digital privacy assistants on more than with 50 per cent accuracy. It also
stuff on their laptop on a bigger non-profit based in California. 24,000 voice queries and text- assigned initial profile labels
screen by using the TV as a ‘dumb’ based web searches to simulate for new user accounts prior to
display, they are unsuspecting a variety of people, such as a any voice interactions, says co-
of their activity being Listening in “fashion persona” or “books author Elaine Zhu at Northeastern
screenshotted,” says Yash Vekaria Smart TVs aren’t alone in tracking and magazines persona” for University. A Google spokesperson
at the University of California, people’s activities. By simulating Alexa users. They then used data said users can select categories
Davis. An LG spokesperson said fake people while interacting with disclosure requests to find out used to show ads or turn off
the firm’s system relies only on popular smart voice assistants, whether the voice assistants had personalised ads.
“audio watermark technology” such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Only Apple’s Siri didn’t appear
and Samsung didn’t respond to Assistant and Apple’s Siri, “This is the sort of privacy- to profile users based on voice
a request for comment. researchers have uncovered intrusive technology that interactions (arXiv,
Vekaria and his colleagues how each system learns should require people to An Apple representative says: “We
connected smart TVs from users’ personal preferences. opt in to sharing their data” clearly state on our website and
Samsung and LG to their own privacy pages that ‘Siri Data is not
computer server that acted as used to build a marketing profile,
a middleman to track network and is never sold to anyone.’ ”
activity that could indicate Some firms are upgrading their
what visual snapshots or audio voice assistants with generative
data the TVs were uploading. AI to improve their understanding
They found that the smart of human language. “If voice
TVs didn’t appear to upload any assistants improve, I’d guess
tracking data when streaming more people will use them more
Extraterrestrial life
Hunt for alien Three of the planets orbit in the Array in California, which might have could have been communicating
star’s habitable zone, where liquid resulted in such a leakage (arXiv, using weaker instruments, or
transmissions water can exist, and they might “Ultimately, we didn’t when the team wasn’t looking,
draws a blank be good locations to look for life. detect any signals,” says Tusay. meaning that interplanetary
Their tight orbits mean these The team’s search would communications in the TRAPPIST-1
A SEARCH for aliens communicating planets often cross over each other have been sensitive to a radio system can’t be completely ruled
between planets in one of the when we look at the system. Nick signal at least as powerful as out. “Maybe we just didn’t observe
most promising systems to look Tusay at the Pennsylvania State those transmitted by the Arecibo at the right time,” says Tusay.
for life has come up empty. University and his colleagues used Observatory in Puerto Rico, which Tusay says there are 60 to
Discovered in 2017, TRAPPIST-1 this to look for radio signals that was the world’s largest radio 70 other systems in our vicinity
is a system of seven Earth-sized might leak in our direction when telescope before it collapsed in that could also be good targets for
planets orbiting a red dwarf star two of the planets talked to each 2020. However, it is possible aliens similar searches, but none quite
much dimmer than our sun, about other, supposing any intelligent as promising as this. “TRAPPIST-1
40 light years away. The planets alien civilisations were present. “It is possible aliens is just so good,” he says. “Seven
all orbit closer than Mercury does In total, the team observed seven could have been planets that are nearly perfectly
to our sun and pass in front of events in 2022, lasting 28 hours communicating when aligned is very rare.” ❚
their star from our point of view. in total, using the Allen Telescope the team wasn’t looking” Jonathan O’Callaghan
New chemical
bond between
Forests became less diverse when
atoms created ancient people started herding pigs
Karmela Padavic-Callaghan Christa Lesté-Lasserre
IT IS rare for chemists to make ANCIENT DNA unearthed in the mountainous Bohemian of the DNA wasn’t good enough
a new kind of chemical bond, but from a European rock shelter Forest, in the Czech Republic. to tell if they were wild or
they have just done it. A covalent suggests that local herders There is evidence the area domesticated.
bond that relies on a single electron tended goats and sheep more sheltered animals and herders From 6000 years ago, DNA
has been created almost a century than 5000 years ago, but had from wind, rain and sun over indicates that domesticated
after it was first proposed. switched to primarily pigs several millennia. Previous goats were in the area. Over
All known covalent bonds, where 2000 years later – right about research teams have already time, sheep became more
atoms connect by sharing electrons, when the surrounding forests extracted well-preserved fossils common, with cows sometimes
contain two, four, six or eight became much less biodiverse. from the shelter’s sediment accompanying them. Little by
electrons, but in 1931, chemist The findings hint that little, starting 4000 years ago,
Linus Pauling theorised a covalent
bond with a single electron shared
between two atoms. To finally
keeping pigs – which root the
ground and are less picky eaters
than goats and sheep – might
1000 BC
By this time, forest diversity had
pigs also became part of the mix
(Current Biology,
By the late Bronze Age,
create this, Takuya Shimajiri at the have played a role in how dropped as pig herding increased 1000 years later, the most
University of Tokyo, Japan, and his modern forests took shape. predominant domestic animal
colleagues used a chemical reaction Archaeologists already knew layers, which represent the at the shelter was the pig.
to remove an electron from an that people in central Europe past 11,000 years. Walls and his Although the DNA can’t clearly
existing two-electron covalent bond started grazing animals in colleagues analysed more than distinguish domestic pigs from
between two carbon atoms. They forests about 6000 years ago. 400 million DNA sequences wild boar, since they were so
Studies analysing pollen have that they found in 10 layers of closely related at the time, what
A representation shown that within the following sediment. Some of the DNA matters is that the animals
of the bonds that two millennia, forests had came directly from plants and appeared to be herded in
can form between shifted from being very diverse animals, and some from faeces. enclosed areas, says Zampirolo.
carbon atoms to having a low mix of plant The researchers found that That timing corresponds with
species. While it has been the deepest, oldest sediments a shift in woody plant DNA, the
suspected that this agricultural contained no animal DNA. But researchers say. Starting about
practice influenced the starting 7000 years ago, they 4000 years ago, beech and
biodiversity loss, evidence saw DNA from goats, says team spruce – which have less
for the idea was lacking. member Giulia Zampirolo at nutritional value for animals –
used a large hydrocarbon that has Now, Matthew Walls at the the University of Copenhagen, became predominant. Two
very long bonds between its carbon University of Calgary in Canada Denmark. However, the quality millennia before that, the forest
atoms, which means it would be and his colleagues have taken was far more diverse and
energetically costly for an electron samples from up to 2.5 metres The eating habits of contained primarily hazel,
from elsewhere in the molecule to under the ground beneath a domestic pigs, like wild maple and a little bit of elm.
replace the one they removed. large rock overhang in a canyon ones, can be destructive “What we’re able to see in this
Shimajiri says past experiments neat perspective from the DNA
that attempted such electron is that [previous research about
subtraction resulted in bonds that biodiversity loss in early Bronze
broke too quickly for definitive Age forests] coincides very
analysis. But his team’s molecule clearly with this shift from
remained stable long enough to sheep to pigs,” says Walls.
analyse it. Based on how X-rays Associating pig herding
and several kinds of light bounced with the forest change makes
off or were absorbed, it was found sense, says Suzanne Pilaar Birch
to have a stable one-electron bond at the University of Georgia.
Placebo pain produced naturally in our bodies, medications that suppressed for pain relief, says Bingel. Opioids
was thought to be involved in the dopamine, encouraged its release and cannabinoids probably play a
relief may not placebo effect for pain relief. or didn’t alter its level. role, and hormones such as oxytocin
involve dopamine To get a clearer picture, Ulrike People’s dopamine levels and noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
Bingel at University Hospital Essen changed as expected, but this didn’t may also have an effect, she says.
THE hormone and neurotransmitter in Germany and her colleagues seem to affect how much pain they However, it is possible dopamine
dopamine is generally believed to asked 168 people, aged 18 to 40, felt or how much they anticipated comes into play when people are
be a driving force behind the pain to apply two creams to different that they would feel, which were more motivated to feel pain relief,
relief from the placebo effect, but parts of their arms before being both rated on a scale of 0 to 10 when pain is more intense, she says.
it may actually play little or no part touched with a heated rod, which (PLoS Biology, The placebo effect probably
in the phenomenon. caused mild discomfort. The creams This suggests dopamine isn’t involves social factors that depend
The placebo effect occurs when were identical, but participants directly linked to the placebo effect on the context around treatment,
someone’s medical symptoms were told that one contained an which are unlikely to be mediated
are lessened through the power active pain-relieving ingredient and “People’s dopamine levels by dopamine, says Lauren Atlas
of expectation, such as by taking the other was acting as a placebo. changed as expected, but at the National Institutes of Health
a sugar pill. Dopamine, along with Shortly before, the researchers this didn’t seem to affect in Bethesda, Maryland. ❚
opioids and cannabinoids that are asked the participants to take how much pain they felt” Christa Lesté-Lasserre
Mixed signals
Smartphones have indeed created an anxious generation, but it isn’t
young people, it is their parents, argues neuroscientist Dean Burnett
CCORDING to Jonathan increasingly concerned for their
Haidt’s bestselling book children’s safety over the decades,
The Anxious Generation, being ever more likely to restrict
the proliferation of smartphones them from unsupervised free play
and subsequent exposure to social outdoors as a result. While this
media among children and young may have been for valid reasons,
people has harmed mental well- restricting a child’s freedom and
being, resulting in an “anxious movement leads to more health
generation”. Hence Haidt’s title. problems in the long term.
However, a closer look at the Ultimately, the anxieties of
data reveals that such thinking is many modern parents regarding
aimed in the wrong direction. The their children’s safety directly
meaning and causes of increased harm their children’s health.
rates of anxiety in young people It is quite the conundrum.
remain complex and unclear. This situation becomes even
But simply put, when it comes more surreal when you learn
to phones and modern tech, it is that this trend of increasingly
often parents who are the overly keeping children indoors has
anxious ones, not their children. gone into reverse in recent years.
So much of the current Why? The most obvious answer
discourse about phones and is phones! Children having their
young people stems from own phone means parents can
concerned parents, to the point check in on them at any time,
The world’s
greatest festival of
ideas and discoveries
SAT U R DAY 1 2 – S U N DAY 1 3 O CTO B E R 2 0 24
80+ exciting
exhibits 70+ incredible
speakers 5 fascinating
stages 1 unforgettable
New Scientist Live is just around the corner and the excitement This is my fifth New Scientist Two in five of the world’s plants
in our office is now palpable. I’m counting down the days until Live, and it has never been are threatened with extinction,
we open the doors to ExCeL London and thousands of science anything less than delightful. yet most people aren’t aware
enthusiasts come streaming in. The thing I am most excited for of the problem due to what is
This year, the show will run from 12 to 14 October, with is on Sunday, when US editor sometimes called “plant
Monday 14 October just for schools. We’ve got some of the Chelsea Whyte and I are blindness”. Chris Thorogood,
best-loved names in British science, from Alice Roberts to Adam putting on a live episode of our who is deputy director of the
Rutherford. You can explore the cosmos with Chris Lintott and podcast with New Scientist, Oxford Botanic Garden, is on a
discover why we die with Nobel prizewinner Venki Ramakrishnan. Dead Planets Society. mission to raise the profile of
If you can’t make it in person, we will also be streaming It’s a slightly unhinged plants and restore our vision.
every stage live for our online ticket holders. You can even buy an podcast where we take wild At New Scientist Live, I’m
online upgrade if you’re at the show so you can go online after the hypotheticals about how to looking forward to hearing him
event to catch up on anything you missed at the time. tinker with the cosmos and describe an epic expedition to
Our four main stages will cover the biggest questions in subject them to the scrutiny Indonesia to investigate one of
science. You can explore the secrets of the cosmos on the of actual science, with the help the world’s most extraordinary
Universe Stage, the mysteries of being human on the Mind and of a special guest who’s an plants: Rafflesia, sometimes
Body Stage, the wonders of nature on the Our Planet Stage actual scientist. This year we’re called the stinking corpse lily.
and the science of tomorrow on the Future Stage. going to play an interactive The plant produces the
On top of this, there is the Engage Stage, which is our game about wrecking the largest flower in the world
informal arena for interactive presentations. You can play universe, and it promises to (a metre across), which emits
genetics bingo, watch a recording of our hit podcast Dead Planets be extremely fun. the scent of rotting meat. It has
Society or debate the greatest science fiction novel of all time Aside from that, I’m excited no roots or leaves, instead
with our literary panel. to meet some robots and hear parasitising a host plant and
As always, our packed show-floor has amazing exhibits where lots of talks outside of my flowering when it needs to
you can get hands on with the latest science and innovations. usual bailiwick, from dinosaur reproduce. As Chris says,
From the hospital of the future to the Incredible Oceans behaviour to the evolution Rafflesia is a fraudster and a
experience, you’re sure to find something to delight and amaze. of free will. thief, and I can’t wait to hear
Our dedicated day for schools on Monday 14 October will be more about it.
packed with compelling, fun and thought-provoking talks, from
the rudest bits of science to how to leave the planet. Check out
our website if you want to bring your school along.
Whether you’re a veteran of past shows or are joining us for the
first time, you are welcome at the world’s greatest festival of ideas
and discovery. I can’t wait to see you there.
Carissa Wong Tim Boddy Obomate Briggs Matthew Sparkes
Health reporter Picture editor Trainee video producer Technology reporter
I’m excited to hear Kimberley While officially a cat person, This year I’m looking forward I’m excited to catch Neil Lawrence’s
Wilson’s talk on what to eat to I’ve found myself terribly excited to the talks on the Future Stage, talk on the difference between
boost our brain health, as well about Rachel Casey’s talk on the particularly Christopher French’s human and machine intelligence,
as Venki Ramakrishnan’s important role that dogs play in exploration of anomalistic and how AI can be safely used in
insights on why we die. our lives. I will offset this with a psychology. It’s a sub-discipline everyday life.
After those, it’ll be talk about all things human, with I hadn’t heard about, but as an I speak to so many
a tough choice between David Robson on the laws of avid watcher of shows and films cutting-edge researchers
David Spiegelhalter on how social connection. David has been containing paranormal about AI and hear wildly varying
uncertainty influences our lives on a fantastic run of sensitive and phenomena, I am fascinated opinions about where the current
or hearing Adam Rutherford moving writing for New Scientist by the idea that science can boom in research will take us and
speak about human origins and about human relationships and provide an explanation for what the risks and benefits are.
how science can be a weapon the psychological barriers that seemingly supernatural events. I may not always be convinced by
against racism. affect our day-to-day. Christopher promises to an opinion, but any time I hear an
I’m also looking forward I also cannot wait to see reveal how psychological expert talk I come away with a
to hosting the Mind and Body New Scientist staff members factors can influence our greater understanding.
Stage on the Sunday, where Bethan Ackerley and Alison Flood perception of extraordinary New Scientist has published
Camilla Nord will talk about the on a panel with our former editor experiences, and it will be a lot of stories about the harms
science behind mental health Emily Wilson, debating “what is interesting to watch him dissect that AI can do and the problems
and Robin Dunbar and his the greatest science fiction novel examples of spooky goings-on. that need solving in the field, but
colleagues will discuss the of all time?” on the always On the same stage is Anne Neil seems to have a more
psychology of group dynamics – engaging Engage Stage. I’m Coxon’s talk comparing and optimistic stance than some other
human behaviour is always expecting belly laughs, and for contrasting the media portrayal experts. He believes that our fears
fascinating! it to get seriously heated. of forensic science with reality. of being replaced by AI might be
Away from talks and panels, Having been very close to misplaced, and he promises to talk
I’m intrigued and mildly scared by becoming a forensic scientist more about that, which I hope will
the Incredible Oceans experience, because of the masterpiece that be as convincing as it would be
where there is a promise to get up is Silent Witness, I am looking comforting to hear.
close and personal with the forward to finding out whether
giants of the ocean. I will be disappointed or happy
with my choice.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2024 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
Views Columnist
This changes everything
E HAVE all come across into the stereotype that they are ByteDance, a firm founded in
dystopian visions technologically advanced but China. Fear of an Asian-dominated
of a bad future, like culturally backwards, needing future has inspired anti-
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s “humanisation” by the West. Rho immigration laws across Europe,
Tale. Less familiar is the practice Chung, a critic and researcher at steep tariffs on Chinese goods
of bad futurism, often hidden the University of Edinburgh, UK, in the US, and violence aimed
inside seemingly compelling drew a parallel between the fear at Asian immigrants in the UK.
stories, which promises an absurd of automation stealing jobs and Bad futurism leads to bad
tomorrow based on foolhardy the fear that Asian people will. decision-making, and that can slow
Annalee Newitz is a assumptions about the present. The term techno-Orientalism or even stop valuable innovation.
science journalist and It was my pursuit of the latter that is a nod to Edward Said, whose So what’s the solution? During
author. Their latest book brought me to a packed convention 1978 book Orientalism laid bare the panel in Glasgow, author Eliza
is Stories Are Weapons: hall at the World Science Fiction the way Western nations have Chan said it was partly a matter of
Psychological warfare and the Convention in Glasgow, UK, demonised and fetishised their telling stories that include actual
American mind. They are the in August to watch an all-star Eastern neighbours. It came into Asian people and represent Asian
co-host of the Hugo-winning panel of authors and critics widespread use in the 2010s, cultures in respectful ways. Her
podcast Our Opinions Are discussing “techno-Orientalism”. thanks in part to the influential fantasy novel Fathomfolk explores
Correct. You can follow them As I discovered, however, this anthology Techno-Orientalism: a world where figures from
@annaleen and their website idea goes far beyond fiction; Chinese and British folklore
is it has infected our political and “In the dark future deal with war, immigration
economic plans for the future, too. of the space opera and finding community at the
You may not know the term, bottom of the sea. Aliette De
Firefly, characters
but if you have watched the 1982 Bodard’s Universe of Xuya series,
Annalee’s week movie Blade Runner or the 2002 curse in Mandarin, meanwhile, is set in a distant
What I’m reading TV series Firefly, you have seen it but we never meet future where Chinese and
Model Machines: in action. As critic Kelly Kanayama a Chinese person” Vietnamese cultures have given
A history of the put it, techno-Orientalism is a rise to a spacefaring civilisation.
Asian as automaton, collection of tropes that describe a Imagining Asia in speculative Still, fiction alone can’t solve
a fascinating exploration “bad, Asian-influenced future with fiction, history and media, edited this problem. We need the US
of the Asian robot no Asians in it”. In Blade Runner, by David S. Roh et. al., and has and China to renew their decades-
trope, by Long T. Bui. an apocalyptically polluted Los since become a handy epithet long Science and Technology
Angeles is full of signs in Japanese, to describe futurism based on Agreement, which fosters
What I’m watching but features virtually no Japanese racism and prejudice rather than collaboration between them on
Ramen Akaneko, characters. In the dark future of evidence-based speculation. scientific endeavours. As of me
a delightful anime the space opera Firefly, characters This isn’t just a matter of sci-fi’s writing this, the agreement has
about cats who run a curse in Mandarin, but we never plausibility: techno-Orientalist lapsed, though Nature reports that
noodle shop in Japan. meet a Chinese person. These anxieties influence the real world the two nations are still in talks.
are just two of many sci-fi stories too, especially when it comes to The European Commission needs
What I’m working on that exhibit techno-Orientalism, science and technology. That’s to invite more Asian partners into
Shipping free books to which condemns and erases Asian because techno-Orientalism is a the Horizon grant programme,
states in the US where cultural power at the same time. fantasy about how Asian nations a €53.5 billion fund for research
they have been banned. Mai-Anh Vu Peterson at will destroy the West using their into climate, health and more.
Britain’s East and South East Asian superior tech. And we need to see Western
Network, an independent arts In the US, this fantasy has governments creating a safer
organisation, pointed out that made it harder for scientists environment for Asian immigrant
another techno-Orientalist trick to collaborate with Chinese workers and students.
is to represent Asian people as colleagues across the Pacific, Techno-Orientalism leads
robots – or, as Kanayama summed even leading to the arrests of US to fear of the future and of each
it up, “sexy Asian lady robots”. scientists accused of colluding other. If we want our civilisations
Outside sci-fi, Asian people are with the Chinese government. to advance, it is time to throw
This column appears depicted as robotic, willing to do It is arguably fuelling many US the old tropes in the trash,
monthly. Up next week: any kind of labour obediently. The politicians’ obsession with reach beyond our borders
Rowan Hooper panellists agreed that this idea fits banning TikTok, created by and build something better. ❚
Tim Boddy
snobbery. Thoughtful writers odour of chemicals” – a place local less comfortable perspectives. Alex Wilkins
like Richard Smyth (a distinctly people, inexplicably, “nevertheless Publishers have fallen over Reporter
Northern, working-class voice regarded as bucolic and Edenic”. themselves to find and promote
whose favourite bird, splendidly, People like Lewis-Stempel. a more diverse range of authors, My recent visit to Berlin
is the pigeon) have skilfully traced To be fair, England is anything and the result, in environmental, for a planetary science
the links between conservation but ignorant of environmental landscape and nature writing, conference coincided
and conservatism, the wilderness problems. Lewis-Stempel has has been an efflorescence. with Berlin Art Week.
ideal and colonialism, and the harsh words for agri-business and There are plenty such writers The exhibitions were
folk tendency and nativism. knows more than most about its at work in the UK beyond Malay mostly light years away
Lewis-Stempel doesn’t confront unfriendly wildlife practices. After and Smyth. Try Jamie’s new book, from space and planets,
uncomfortable thoughts. For him, rhapsodising about swimming Cairn (see box), or her Sightlines
“the countryside of England is the in the Wye as a child, he admits (Sort of Books). There is also Jini
greatest work of art in the world”. given today’s pollution, he “would Reddy, who explores belonging
It can look different to people not go into long stetches of its and otherness in Wanderland
whose ancestors didn’t fight at flowing waters in chest-waders”. (Bloomsbury Wildlife) and
Agincourt. Michael Malay has just And at a downbeat moment, he Wild Times (Bradt Guides). Dara
won the prestigious Wainwright McAnulty, a neurodiverse young
prize for nature writing for his Late “In Lewis-Stempel’s writer from Northern Ireland, is but, to my surprise,
Light (see box, below), describing encounters with another Wainwright prizewinner. some were scientific.
his love for the English outdoors Or Noreen Masud (see box), whose Take Rohini Devasher’s
despite feeling “self-conscious,
nature, the mess of haunting A Flat Place tackles exhibition Borrowed
aware of my out-of-placeness” as an human existence is English landscapes in the context Light, an intriguing
Indonesian-Australian immigrant. mostly out of frame” of post-traumatic stress disorder exploration of astronomy.
For a radically different view, there and the legacy of a postcolonial Its centrepiece, One
is Australian Richard Flanagan in stares glumly out of the train at age, melding memoir and nature Hundred Thousand Suns
his astoundingly original memoir, “spavined diesel-dosed bushes writing in a startling way. (pictured), was a four-
Question 7 (Chatto & Windus/ of buddleia. Creeping bramble, Internationally, cross-genre screen video installation
Knopf). He called the English as bad as barbed wire. Not much writing has proved fecund, often drawing on Devasher’s
countryside “a long-ago poisoned to see.” But then that’s Urban in the context of activism. There time at Kodaikanal Solar
land, domesticated and dead, full England. Not the Countryside. is Nemonte Nenquimo’s We Will Observatory in southern
of the sounds of diesel and the You don’t have to look far for Not Be Saved, with Mitch Anderson India. Interviews with the
(Wildfire/Abrams Books), about the astronomers on the deep
Amazon. Robin Wall Kimmerer’s meaning they found in
2013 book Braiding Sweetgrass (see experiencing eclipses
box) is still a beacon for exploring were particularly moving.
Late Light Braiding Sweetgrass
scientific and Indigenous plant I also visited a photo
Michael Malay Robin Wall Kimmerer
knowledge. And we must mention exhibition called Labor
Manilla Press Penguin/Milkweed Editions
feminist-environmentalist Rebecca Lab, by Sarah Ancelle
“In England the “I wonder what it Solnit for her wonderful A Field Schönfeld. Her work
hills would hold feels like to drag Guide to Getting Lost (Canongate/ focuses on the chemicals
the light for hours, that tender skin – Penguin Books) and Orwell’s Roses, involved in being female,
as though the with a smooth, (Granta Books/Penguin Books), with psychedelic-tinged
sun had become soft belly made which explores the English microscope images
mechanically stuck for sliding over relationship with nature. of hormones, such
in its descent – no wet leaves – across Lewis-Stempel’s England is as progesterone or
longer in view and yet close enough the asphalt. I stoop to pick her up, richly informed and beautifully oestrogen, on prints hung
to light everything up: the valleys, circling my two fingers just behind written. It is deeply rooted. around a white room
the sky, the paths. I loved the light of her front legs. There is surprisingly Indigenous, even. But, sometimes, (we had to don lab-like
those long evenings and the mood little resistance. It’s like picking up outsiders have more interesting shoe covers). Faint,
of those suspended hours; and I an over-ripe banana: my fingertips things to say. ❚ throbbing techno in the
liked the experience of walking sink into her body, cold and soft background completed
deep into blueness.” and wet.” James McConnachie is a writer this eerie experience.
and editor based in Hampshire, UK
Worlds apart Bill Gates’s Netflix series offers a bumpy ride as it discusses routes
and roadblocks to the future – AI, climate, inequality, malaria and more. But Gates
looms too large for alternative solutions to emerge, says Bethan Ackerley
Editor’s pick approach to reconciling the cancellation. Surely NASA could Astrology is bunk, but just
quantum and macroscopic find some protocol that allows maybe it did have a heyday
worlds. His perspective seems it to accept a private donation?
Out of the corner of my eye 24 August, p 10
to align closely with the principles
I spied a monstrous thing of process physics, which posits a From Neil Wickens,
14 September, p 23 Trolley problem has a
real world emerging from systems Uraidla, South Australia
From Brian Darvell, of interacting processes rather rather selfless solution I have to agree that astrology
Neston, Wiltshire, UK than the physical interactions 31 August, p 28 can only be regarded as nonsense.
Fear of snakes really is hardwired, of elementary particles. From Terry Klumpp, How can the behaviour of any
as your look at our fascination with This is rooted in the process Melbourne, Australia particular one-twelfth of the
monsters highlights. At a social philosophy of Alfred Whitehead, There was a mention of the classic world’s population be governed by
meeting, I had an involuntary which has found widespread trolley problem in your look at the position of the stars at birth?
startle reaction, thinking I had seen application in the social and a new book on morality. This left However, please consider
a python out of the corner of my biological sciences. me wondering whether – rather the following: it is a fact that
eye – a friend was wearing brown than choose to push an innocent a mother’s behaviour, living
trainers with a pale buff “eye stripe” bystander into the path of the conditions, diet and so on can
Plastics came from oil,
either side. The feeling was strong imaginary, out-of-control tram to influence the development of
and kept recurring that evening they may go back to oil save five people – you could, were the fetus during pregnancy. If we
and on subsequent occasions, even 7 September, p 17 you a paragon of virtue, instead go back to when living conditions
though I knew what it was. I have From Christopher Jessop, throw yourself into the path of were seasonally dependent, then
no actual snake-related concerns Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, UK this runaway vehicle to use your it is clear that a child conceived
and have had no bad experiences. Considering what a hotchpotch own body as the trolley brake and in, say, October in the northern
I have never seen a python in the of substances are released from save the five lives. But who among hemisphere – where astrology
wild, but this was unshakeable. crude oil when it is “cooked” in a us would be so selfless? developed – would gestate during
refinery, would it not be possible a time of cooler weather, a lack
From Guy Cox, Sydney, Australia to use the vaporised plastic bottles of fresh fruit and vegetables,
I and many others have argued
One day a strange signal
and bags you describe as a refinery inhalation of smoke from open
that goblins, elves, pixies etc. are side-feed? Then, you could came from a distant star fires and so on, whereas a child
folk memories of other Homo or repurpose those molecules any Letters, 14 September conceived in, say, April would
hominin species, which we know way you wanted while using an From Paul Whiteley, gestate during months with
coexisted with our species. existing process. Unless, that is, Bittaford, Devon, UK an abundance of healthy food.
Now, I am going to take this there is some problem with the John Hedger’s letter on feeding This could lead to the children
one stage further in relation to chemistry of the plastics that coffee pulp to animals and the appearing to have characteristics
“monsters”. The mass extinction would preclude this approach. necessity of getting out in the depending on their date of birth
at the end of the Cretaceous field to find out why they weren’t and, hence, the position of the
apparently wiped out 100 per thriving made me chuckle. stars. There could be subtle
Could crowdfunding save
cent of dinosaurs. I suggest that In a similar vein, as a duty variations spread over the year.
a few, scarce, surviving dinosaurs threatened observatory? engineer many years ago, I was So, perhaps star signs weren’t
were around long enough after 24 August, p 20 called into the control room of altogether nonsense at the time.
this to create the myth of dragons, From Milan Kralik Jr, a large multinational telescope.
found throughout Eurasia from Spinnerstown, Pennsylvania, US The visiting scientists were getting
Try the zero-calorie
Scandinavia to China. Of course, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein’s some strange results from their
fire-breathing creatures are column made me think that if ever spectrum of a star. They were gingerbread man diet
biologically impossible. However, there were a project worth saving excitedly talking about this and 7 September, p 47
on a cold morning, a warm- with a crowdfunding campaign, coming up with fantastic theories From Dan Salmons,
blooded reptile would have steam it would be the Chandra X-ray and solutions as to what might Ilminster, Somerset, UK
on its breath like a mammal, so Observatory. There are millions be happening inside the star or Tom Gauld’s delightful cartoon
it is easy to see how the legend of scientists, science students and indeed whether they could trust featuring gingerbread men raises
could have arisen. astronomy aficionados around the data. The spectrum did look an interesting possibility. If what
the world who would, I believe, weird. I went into the dome and one gingerbread man says is true,
contribute to this worthy cause found that someone had forgotten namely that you can “run, run as
This new take on reality
to save it from the threat of to turn the fluorescent lights out! fast as you can! You can’t catch
reminds me of something me…”, then the only conclusion
7 September, p 32 is that gingerbread men are able
From Dave Holtum, Want to get in touch? to travel at the speed of light.
Bathampton, Somerset, UK Send letters to; From this, you can conclude that
Thanks for the intriguing article, see terms at they must have no mass. So on
“Reality’s comeback”, which Letters sent to New Scientist, 9 Derry Street, this basis, they appear to be the
discussed Robert Spekkens’s London, W8 5HY will be delayed perfect treat for those on a diet. ❚
Can digital technologies help us rebuild a true government
for the people, by the people? Laura Spinney investigates
ANY of us entered this so-called
super-election year with a sense
of foreboding. So far, not much
has happened to allay those fears. Russia’s
war on Ukraine is exacerbating a perception
that democracy is threatened in Europe
and beyond. In the US, Donald Trump, a
presidential candidate with self-professed
autocratic tendencies, has faced two
assassination attempts. And more broadly,
people seem to be losing faith in politics.
“Most people from a diverse array of countries
around the world lack confidence in the
performance of their political institutions,”
says a 2024 report by the International Institute
for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
On many objective measures, too, democracy
isn’t functioning as it should. The systems we
call democracies tend to favour the rich. Political
violence is growing, as is legislative gridlock,
and worldwide, elections are becoming less free
and fair. Some 30 years after commentators
crowed about the triumph of Western liberal
democracy, their prediction seems further than
ever from being realised. What happened?
According to Lex Paulson at the University
Mohammed VI Polytechnic in Rabat, Morocco,
we have lost sight of what democracy is. “We
have made a terrible confusion between the
system known as a republic – which relies on
elections, parties and a permanent governing
class – and the system known as a democracy,
in which citizens directly participate in
decisions and rotate power.” The good news,
he says, is that we can revive the original dream
of government by the people for the people.
That is what he and other researchers are trying
to do. With insights from complexity theory,
innovative online platforms and help from
artificial intelligence, they are reimagining
democracy for the 21st century by returning
collective intelligence to the core of politics.
The word and concept of democracy dates
figuring out the origins of the effort paradox But studies in recent decades haven’t borne engage in effort – things like making an
and why some of us struggle with tasks that this out. “Our intuitions weren’t quite right,” error, or disappointing people,” he says.
others might find easy. What they are finding says Amitai Shenhav, a neuroscientist at the And yet it is far too simple to say that the
avoidance of exertion is the whole story.
None of us would be on this planet at all had
The effort
our ancestors not expended a great deal of
physical effort to hunt, gather and survive.
“People do not avoid effort in general,” says
Dreisbach. “They avoid the waste of effort.”
The complications come in the fact that
how we each define the cost – or benefit –
of effort differs depending on the task, the
requirements and even our own abilities,
personalities and resources.
Although this may seem intuitive, by
thinking deeply about how and why we put
more effort into some activities, researchers
Understanding why we avoid effort, yet also seek are beginning to unravel the effort paradox.
it out, can help us commit to those hard but truly One clue comes from the observation
that we seem to value effort after the fact –
meaningful activities, finds Amanda Ruggeri demonstrated by the so-called IKEA effect.
Aside from those folks for whom a Sunday
spent puzzle-piecing together flat-pack
furniture is the highlight of the week,
many of us would prefer that our bookshelf
instead arrived premade.
If we choose to assemble it ourselves,
we might think it is because the cost of that
effort – including the time and the mental
and physical exertion – is worth the money
saved. But this doesn’t entirely explain what
happens after the process: once it is built,
we often value that IKEA bookshelf more, >
College in New York found that, after being good at it or should quit.
rewarded for completing mentally tough tasks, Beyond education, similar ideas can be
students tried harder and for longer on tasks applied to our relationships and how we treat
that were completely unrelated. each other. Empathy, for instance, can feel
Despite being a “brilliant” idea, however, effortful and so be something we try to avoid
“the empirical evidence was not complete”, feeling, as Inzlicht has found in previous
says Inzlicht. “Some of the ideas from that experiments. “Cognitive costs deter people
read it again, before being tested. A second paper were never tested, or least never from sharing in experiences of others, a central
group reads the text just once, then is tested. tested well.” In research published in March, but underappreciated point in the study
Which group do you think remembers the Inzlicht investigated Eisenberger’s idea of empathy,” he and his co-authors wrote in
text better one week later? It is the group that with more modern methods, using a series a 2019 paper. If we recognise that empathy
read it just once. Making the finding more of challenging computer games in which takes effort, and that effort itself can be a
striking, immediately after the experiment, players received rewards according to the good thing, we may be more willing to work
the twice-reading group performs better. amount of effort they put in. The concept on being empathetic, Inzlicht suggests.
One hypothesis for why these gains reverse of learned industriousness held up across If more of us realise the implications of the
is that those who read the text just once feel the distinct types of game. effort paradox, researchers say, we can begin
less prepared for the test, so retrieving the “If I reward your effort in one domain, it’s to reshape our relationship to effort, helping us
information from memory creates what possible that I will also increase your effort- change our habits and improve our well-being.
have been dubbed “desirable difficulties” willingness in a second domain,” says Inzlicht. Exerting effort is connected to meaning and
by cognitive psychologist Robert Bjork at the concept of eudaimonia, a Greek word that
the University of California, Los Angeles. Effort is costly roughly translates to human flourishing, says
“Many students think that if something yet we also seek Inzlicht. It usually isn’t when we do nothing
feels hard, then that’s not conducive to out and value it that we feel our actions are meaningful and
learning,” says Anique de Bruin at Maastricht important, he points out, but when we are
University in the Netherlands, who studies exerting some form of effort.
effort and learning. “For these specific At the very least, this may mean we want
learning strategies, it turns out that even to reframe how we think of our leisure time.
though they feel more effortful, they’re Rather than sitting and passively watching
still helping your learning – and this is television, we might want to pursue a hobby
why they’re helping your learning.” like crafting or puzzling, a physical activity like
In educational settings, helping students climbing or running, or solving a problem that
want to put that extra, tactical effort in is is important for your family or community.
often a matter of explaining “this paradox “Our human limits are far vaster that we
of perceived learning and actual learning”, says think,” says Inzlicht, “but we stop ourselves.” ❚
UPERMASSIVE black holes are, as you Koudmani spoke to New Scientist about why degrees, making it glow brightly – imagine the
might expect, rather large – millions and supermassive black holes are so fascinating, intense orange-white glow of molten metal,
sometimes billions of times as massive the joy of discovering surprises in the early but far hotter and more luminous. But this
as the sun. They lurk at the centre of all large universe that throw up new questions, and energy doesn’t just stay near the black hole.
galaxies, including our Milky Way, shaping the how ambitious computer simulations can It is propelled outward in powerful jets and
growth of these cosmic structures. And yet we help us finally make sense of them. winds, travelling to the galaxy’s outer edges.
can say precious little for certain about Normally, stars form when galactic gas
how they form and why they grow so big. Daniel Cossins: What is so interesting about clumps together and collapses into dense
These mysteries have come into sharper supermassive black holes? spheres. But the fierce radiation and outflows
focus in recent years thanks to the James Webb Sophie Koudmani: What I really like about from the supermassive black hole blow apart
Space Telescope (JWST), which has peered back astrophysics is that it brings together all the these gas clouds, preventing them from
in deep time to spot a surprising abundance of different disciplines of physics but under collapsing into stars. It is this interplay
supermassive black holes in the early universe. extreme conditions, and that is especially between the supermassive black hole and
Intriguingly, it seems that just a few hundred true of supermassive black holes. We’re talking its host galaxy that drives the evolution of
million years after the big bang brought our about extremely dense objects here, where a galaxies, shaping their gas structure and stellar
universe into being, the cosmos already huge amount of mass – at least 100,000 times populations. And this is something we see in
contained black holes that were far too the mass of the sun – is concentrated in a simulations. The only way to get galaxies in
hefty to make sense under our current relatively small space at the centre of every the computer that look like the ones we can
models of how the cosmos evolved. There large galaxy. So there’s an incredibly rich set see is to include a supermassive black hole.
simply hadn’t been enough time for of physics associated with supermassive black
anything that enormous to form. holes, which are really the engines of galaxies. What are the big mysteries about these
Sophie Koudmani, an astrophysicist at cosmic giants?
the University of Cambridge, is among those How exactly do supermassive black holes The two big questions are how they formed
trying to solve this conundrum. She uses shape galaxies? and how they became so big so quickly in the
supercomputer simulations to model galaxies As gas spirals towards a supermassive black early universe. We can start with the second
and supermassive black holes in the early hole, it forms a flattened, disc-like structure question, which has really come to the fore
universe, testing ideas about their origins called an accretion disc. The immense thanks to discoveries made by the James
and growth and even predicting what we gravitational forces and friction cause the Webb Space Telescope. JWST has opened a
should be looking for in future observations. gas in the disc to heat up to millions of whole new window into the early universe >
supermassive black holes are appearing in out and test with future observations.
much lower-mass galaxies than expected. We have a few scenarios in mind for how
What is particularly exciting is these supermassive black holes can form, and these
discoveries open up a host of new questions. will have different signatures in the early
How did these black holes grow so large so universe. For example, we can say that if
quickly? What conditions could have led to supermassive black holes formed in a certain
their formation in such small, early galaxies? The James Webb Space way, then an X-ray telescope would expect to
The problem is that we would expect smaller Telescope has spotted see a certain thing. In astrophysics, it’s very
black holes to be the seeds of supermassive several surprisingly hard to do experiments because you can’t
black holes, but it’s very, very difficult for them large supermassive rearrange the galaxies in the sky. But you
to grow so big in the timescales needed. So black holes in the can rearrange them in the computer and
this really shows that we don’t understand early universe then see what impact different assumptions
supermassive black hole growth very well: about supermassive black holes have.
how the gas actually gets funnelled towards
the centre and allows the black hole to grow How do these simulations work?
so rapidly, especially in small galaxies. You can think of it like a galaxy in a box, where
we can simulate the galaxy from its birth not
You say that we expect smaller black holes to be
the seeds for the creation of supermassive black
holes, but is that the only way for them to form?
That remains a major open question, and we
have several possibilities. Some people say that
because we see these supermassive black holes
so early on, they must have formed from the
direct collapse of massive gas clouds, which
would allow for them to start off quite massive.
Others say you could start with a different
formation channel that produces a lower-mass
black hole that then grows very rapidly, even
if we’re not sure how. Here, the seed for the
supermassive black hole could be the
remnants of the first generation of stars,
which were a lot more massive than today’s
stars and a lot more short-lived. Or it could
be the extremely dense star clusters found
at the cores of many galaxies, including our
Milky Way, where runaway collisions create
a supermassive star that collapses to become
the seed of a supermassive black hole.
The ongoing controversy is whether the
discovery of numerous large supermassive
black holes in the early universe favours the
heavy seed idea or whether there is still scope
for light seeds, even though these would have
Dear David
Feeling zesty
Apathy can overcome many of us – even our advice columnist,
David Robson. Here are some ways to regain your lust for life
researchers started studying
Everyday acts of kindness zest as a psychological construct.
can be a great way to escape According to one measure,
a rut. You can find a list of people are asked to rate – on a
ideas that might inspire scale of 1 (not at all like me) to 5
generous behaviour at (very much like me) – statements such as “I look forward to each
the-kindness-blog/2943-50- new day” and “I want to fully opportunities to seek novel a 10-week programme rolled
kindness-ideas-for-random- participate in life, not just view experiences and learn new out by Avondale University
acts-of-kindness-day it from the sidelines”. skills. Alternatively, we may find College in Cooranbong, Australia.
Losing one’s zest is often a sign we have been placing too much The participants were given
of depression – and if it coincides importance on a single element of daily and weekly challenges,
with other symptoms, such as life, such as work, only to find that such as performing a random
altered sleep, disordered eating it can never offer the fulfilment we act of kindness, witnessing a
or suicidal ideation, it is vital crave. (I have certainly been there.) sunrise, spending an evening
to seek professional help. In either case, one potential by firelight or taking a digital
It is perfectly possible to means of restoring our verve is sabbath. By the end of the
experience its absence without to explore an unfamiliar activity. programme, participants reported
Dear David, an evidence- a clinical diagnosis, however. We This may be a different sport, higher levels of flourishing,
based advice column, appears may feel we are stagnating rather a social commitment like which included increases in
monthly. Drop David a line than flourishing – an unhappy volunteering (pictured) or an engagement and optimism.
with your social dilemmas at state of being that deserves intellectual pursuit like stargazing. We can’t expect instant He attention in its own right. The important thing is to step miracles. Give ourselves time,
will be talking about the laws There are many possible outside our comfort zone and however, and the weakest flicker
of social connection at New causes for our ennui. According embrace the challenge of the new. of enthusiasm may transform
Scientist Live on 13 October: to research, we need a sense Alternatively, we may look into a new lust for life. ❚ of “self-expansion” to remain to incorporate small well-being
happy in life. Once we become boosts into our day-to-day These articles are
Next week settled into adult life, many of routines. This was the philosophy posted each week at
Stargazing at home us don’t give ourselves enough behind the Live More Project,
Answers on page 47
Answers and BrainTwister
the next cryptic set by Paul Taylor
crossword #40 There are four lights
next week
A machine has four lights labelled A to D,
one of which is lit at any time. It also has
ACROSS DOWN a red button and a blue button. Pressing a
7 New World stork (6) 1 Muscle weakness (7) button changes which light is on according
8 Outside influence; trigger (8) 2 Psychological strategy (4,4) to the arrows shown. (An arrow from a letter
9 Swinging weight (8) 3 Central parts (of atoms, perhaps) (6) to itself means the light doesn’t change
10 Ungulate toes (6) 4 Nocturnal heathland bird (8) when that button is pressed.)
11 Ascorbic acid (7,1) 5 Number puzzle popularised
12 19 Downs of energy (6) globally by Wayne Gould (6)
13 Hexagonal structure of 6 Less loud (7)
the compound C₆H₆ (7,4) 8 Silicon, for example (13)
18 Increases the speed – 14 Rigid airship (8)
of an engine, perhaps (4,2) 15 Small worm (8)
20 Last (8) 16 Glenn ___ , US chemist (7)
22 >90 degrees (6) 17 Demonstrate elasticity (7)
23 Sixth prime number (8) 19 K, s or m, say (2,4)
24 ___ sign, hardening of 21 Fractions of around 0.33 (6)
certain lymph nodes (8) If light D is lit, how many different ways
25 Take away (6) are there to press exactly three buttons
and end up with A lit?
due to chemical reactions within lying out in the open. Their
the food than, say, canned peanut bottoms had rusted away, but
butter powder or sardines in oil. I can assure you the stuff at the
Food cans are made of different top was perfectly edible!
alloys and other materials and
have different internal coatings. This week’s new questions A different view
The coating is often specific to the
food contained and is sufficient Fast asleep Why is it that people who snore loudly easily Do black holes look the
for the intended shelf life with a wake others, but rarely themselves? Ben Walsh, London, UK same from any angle?
good margin for safety. Famously,
members of John Franklin’s Arctic How brainy? If human brains could be made larger, how Ron Dippold
expedition in 1845 seem to have much smarter could we become? And is there a practical San Diego, California, US
been seriously affected by lead limit to brain size? Ray Carnally, Christchurch, Dorset, UK In theory, yes; in practice, no.
poisoning from the solder in their First let’s distinguish the parts
unlined tins of provisions at a of a black hole. In the centre is
time when canning was poorly was canned over a century ago, odour, so the smell of canned food the singularity, where all physics
understood (see page 15 for new including cans abandoned shouldn’t be used as a reliable breaks down because the maths
findings about the expedition). by Antarctic explorer Ernest guide that it is safe to eat. goes to infinity. The part we
The way in which cans are Shackleton. Although safe Honey has an indefinite shelf can “see” is the event horizon,
stored will affect the contents and to eat, it had lost much of its life if properly sealed: 3000-year- where almost no light can escape
the container. Mechanical damage flavour and nutritional value. old honey from the tomb of King the gravitational pull. We can’t
Canned low-acid foods like Tutankhamun is still edible. Of actually see it, because no light
“Cans abandoned baked beans remain reliably edible course, we wouldn’t be able to except faint Hawking radiation
over a century ago for up to five years, while high-acid survive on honey alone. can escape to hit your retina, but
foods like fruit, tomatoes and Dehydrating, freeze-drying we can tell where we stop seeing
by Ernest Shackleton
pickles shouldn’t be left in cans for and vacuum sealing are other things – the central shadow.
have been tested by longer than one-and-a-half years. methods of extending the life Then there is the photon sphere,
scientists and found Cool, dark and dry environments of food. Freezing food depends which is where light that comes
to be safe to eat” extend the shelf life of food, even on a power supply or living in in at just the right angle goes into
when it is canned. a very cold place, which would tight orbit around the black hole. It
and temperature extremes will Damage to the can, like dents introduce its own survival issues. eventually falls in or escapes, and
also exacerbate can failure and or rust, reduces the shelf life of Many so-called preppers we see the escaping light as a bright
food deterioration. the food inside. Indeed, such store food in a cool, dark and ring around the central shadow.
Should an apocalypse typical cans should be discarded as they low-humidity environment. The biggest part of the black
of the Hollywood film industry can harbour botulism if the seal They label food and rotate their hole environment is the accretion
ever happen, though, none of is compromised. Bacteria like stocks so they always consume disc, which is all the matter it has
this will matter because all our Clostridium botulinum – the cause the oldest food first, before it sucked up rotating in a giant disc
surviving tinned food is likely to of botulism – don’t produce an exceeds its shelf life. around it. The extreme forces in
be consumed within the first year. this region cause the disc to glow.
Want to send us a question or answer? Some of the accretion disc is
Mike Follows Email us at doomed to spiral in and be eaten,
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK Questions should be about everyday science phenomena but some of it will be blown out
Scientists have tested food that Full terms and conditions at in massive relativistic jets at the
Cryptic crossword
#145 Answers
ACROSS 1 Pirate, 4 Avatar,
9 Sputnik, 10 Mauve, 11 Album,
12 Methane, 13 Trouser suit,
18 Cadmium, 20 Ratel,
22 L-dopa, 23 Lab coat,
24 Deduct, 25 Astern