H 200x200x8x12
H 200x200x8x12
H 200x200x8x12
H 200x200x8x12
Depth h 200.0 mm
H 200x200x8x12
KS D 3502:2007
Width b 200.0 mm
Web thickness tw 8.0 mm 200.0
Inner depth between flanges hi 176.0 mm 13.0
Sectional Area
Sectional area A 63.53 cm 8.0
Area moment of inertia about y-axis Iy 4720.00 cm z
Shear area in y-direction Ay 40.10 cm
Shear area in z-direction Az 13.76 cm
Torsional constant It 30.16 cm
Secondary torsional constant It,s 3539.56 cm
Section modulus for torsion Wt 25.13 cm
Warping ordinate with respect to shear center max ω 94.00 cm
Warping constant with respect to shear center Iω 141380.00 cm
Warping radius of gyration with respect to shear center iω 47.3 mm
Plastic section modulus about y-axis W pl,y 525.50 cm
Plastic section modulus about z-axis W pl,z 243.80 cm
Plastic warping section modulus with respect to shear center W pl,ω 2256.00 cm
Plastic section modulus of webs about y-axis W pl,y,webs 61.95 cm
Plastic section modulus of flanges about z-axis W pl,z,flanges 240.00 cm
Plastic shape factor about y-axis αpl,y 1.113 --
Ultimate resistance to axial force Nu 1493.172 kN
Weight G 49.9 kg/m
Surface area per unit length Am 1.162 m /m
Volume V 6353.00 cm /m
Section factor Am/V 182.856 1/m