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Job Description

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The nursing service department assigns job description for each category of nursing

personnel. Job description is crucial for hiring and retaining the best workers. Often the

employees are lead to believe a job is one thing only to be disappointed to find that the

employment is not as satisfying and challenging. A job description is usually developed by

conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the task and sequences of task necessary

to perform the job. The analysis looks at the areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job.


A job description is a list of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position.


1) To have a clear outline of duties.

2) To increase the results by specification of responsibilities.

3) To improve the cooperation by giving all members of the insight in existing


4) To determine the amount of pay per function.


• Title of the position

• Department

• Reports to (to whom the person directly reports)

• Overall responsibility

• Key areas of responsibility

• Consults with (those who the person works with on a regular basis)

• Term of employment.

• Qualifications (necessary skill and experience required)



1 Position title:

2 Reports to:

3 Grade:

4 Date:

5 Mission of the department

6 Major functions:

7 Major duties and responsibilities:

8 Profile

a. Required qualifications

b. Required skills and competencies

c. Working relationship

• External

• Internal



a. Pre – University course or 10 + 2 or equivalent

b. B.Sc. Nursing recognized by Indian Nursing Council / Basic B. Sc Nursing from a

recognized University according to INC norms.

c. M. Sc Nursing or equivalent degree

d. Ph. D in Nursing or other equivalent doctoral degree (only for Principal College of


e. Registration: Registration with the State Nursing Council / INC.


Teaching experience in school / college not less than 5 years.



She is the administrative head of the school / college of nursing. Directly responsible to the

Director of Medical Education / Director of Health & Family Welfare Services. Also

responsible for implementation of curriculum for various courses and research activities.


1. Administration


Developing philosophy & objectives for educational programme.

Identifies the present needs related to educational programme.

Investigates, evaluates & secures resources.

Formulates the plan of action.

Selects & organizes learning experiences.

2. Organizing

Determines the number of position & scope and responsibility of each faculty & staff.

Analyses the job to be done in terms of needs of educational programme

Prepares the job description, indicate line of authority, responsibility in the relationship &

channels of communication by means of organizational chart and other methods.

Considers preparation, ability and interest personally in equating responsibility.

Maintains a plan of work load among staff members.

Provides an organizational framework for effective staff functioning such as meeting of the

staff etc.

3. Directing

Recommends appointment & promotion based on qualification & experience of the individual

staff, scope of job & total staff composition.

Subscribes & encourages development developing aspects with reference to welfare of staff

and students.

Directs activities of staff working under.

Provides adequate orientation of staff members.

Guides & encourages staff members in their job activities.

Consistently makes administrative decision based on established policies.

Facilitates participation in community, professional & institutional activities by providing time

opportunity for support for such participation.

Creates involvement in designing educationally sound programme.

Maintenance of attitude rightly acceptable to staff & learners.

Provides for utilization in the development of total programme & encourages their

Provides freedom for staff to develop active training course within the framework of


Promotes staff participation in research.

Procure & maintains physical facilities which are of a standard.

4. Co – ordinating

Co – ordinates activities relating to the programme such as regular meetings, time schedule

maintaining effective communication etc.

Initiates ways of co – operation.

Interprets nursing education to other related disciplines & to public.

5. Controlling

Provides for continuous follow – up & revision of education programme.

Maintains recognition of the educational programme by accrediting bodies, University, State

Nursing Councils, INC etc.

Maintains a comprehensive system of records.

Prepares periodic report which reviews the progress & producing of the entire programme &

presents plans for its continuous development.

Prepares, secure approval of and administrates the budget.

6. Instruction (Teaching)

Plans for participating in educational programme for further development.

Recognizes the needs for continuing education for self and staff & provides stimulation of

opportunities for such development.

Participates as a teacher in the educational programme.

7. Guiding

Provides for systematic guidance programme for staff members & students.

Encourages studies, research & writing for publication.

Provides & maintains a programme for recruitment, selection and promotion of students.




a. Pre – University course or 10 + 2 or equivalent

b. B.Sc. Nursing recognized by Indian Nursing Council / Basic B. Sc Nursing from a

recognized University according to INC norms.

c. M. Sc Nursing or equivalent degree

d. Ph. D in Nursing or other equivalent doctoral degree (only for Principal College of


e. Registration: Registration with the State Nursing Council / INC.


Teaching experience in school / college not less than 5 years.



The professor is overall in charge of the department and there by responsible for the

administration, teaching activity and guidance of that particular department.


1. Administration

Participates in determination of educational purposes & policies.

Contributes to the development & implementation of the philosophy & purposes of the total

educational programmes.

Utilizes opportunities through group action to initiate improvement of the educational


Interprets educational philosophy & policy to others.

Direct the activities of staff working in the department.

2. Instruction

Identifying the needs of the learners.

Identifies the need of the need of the learners in terms of objectives of the programme by

utilizing records of previous experiences, personal interviews, tests and observations.

Assists learners in identifying their needs.

Develops plan for learning experiences.

Participates in the formulation & implementation of the philosophy & objectives of the


Selects & organizes learning experiences which are in accordance with these objectives.

Participates in the continuous development & evaluation of the curriculum.

Plans within the educational unit, with the nursing services & allied groups.

Ascertains, selects & organizes facilities, equipment & materials necessary for learning.

3. Helping learners to acquire desirable attitudes, knowledge and skills

Seeks to create a climate conductive to learning.

Assists learners in using problem – solving techniques.

Uses varied & appropriate teaching methods effectively.

Uses incidental & planned opportunities for teaching.

Encourages learners to assume increasing responsibility for own development.

4. Evaluating learner’s progress

Recognizes individual differences in appraising the learners’ progress.

Uses appropriate devices for evaluation.

Measures & describes quality of performance objectively.

Helps learner for self – evaluation.

Participates in staff evaluation of learners’ progress.

5. Recording & reporting

Maintains & uses adequate & accurate records.

Prepare & channels clear & concise reports.

Shares information about learners’ needs & achievement with others concerned with

instruction & guidance.

Participates in the formulation & maintenance of comprehensive record system.

6. Investigating ways of improving teaching

Measures effectiveness of the instruction by use of the appropriate devices.

Increases knowledge & skill in own curriculum area.

Analyses & evaluates resource material.

Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives & content.

7. Guidance

Co – 0perating in guidance programme.

Sharing planning, developing & using guidance programme.

Gives guidance within own field of competence.

Helps the learner with special problems to seek & use additional help as indicated.

8. Counselling

Helps the learner to grow in self – understanding.

Promotes continuous growth & development towards maturity.

Assists in selection & promotion of learners.

Participate in development of criteria for selection & promotion of learners.

9. Research

Initiates & participates in studies for the improvement of educational programmes.

Identifies problems in which research is indicated / potentially desirable.

Continues to develop competence in problem – solving process.

Co – operates in & initiates group activities in development & evaluation of studies.

Utilizes findings of research.

Makes data available concerning learners & concerning methods of teaching & evaluation.




a. Pre – University course or 10 + 2 or equivalent

b. B.Sc Nursing (Post – Certificate) recognized by Indian Nursing Council / Basic B. Sc

Nursing from a recognized University according to INC norms

c. M. Sc Nursing or M.N or equivalent degree recognized by Indian Nursing Council.

d. Registration: Registration with the State Nursing Council / INC.


Experience as a staff nurse not less than 5 years in a Hospital.



She usually works under the direction of the professor / HOD of the particular department of

speciality and assists him / her in administration, instruction and guidance & counselling



1. Instruction

Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of the programme by utilizing the records of

previous experience, personal interviews, test and observation.

Assists the learners in identifying their needs.

Participates in formulation & implementation of the philosophies & objectives of the post.

Selects & organizes learning experiences which are in accordance with these objectives.
Assist the learners in using problem – solving process.

Measures & describes quality of performance objectively.

Maintains & uses adequate and accurate records.

Prepares clear & concise reports.

Shares information about learners’ needs & achievements with others concerned.

Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate devices.

Increases knowledge & skill in own curriculum area.

Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives & content.

2. Guidance & Counselling

Gives guidance within own field of competence.

Helps the learner to grow in self understanding.

3. Research

Assist in initiating & participating in studies for the improvement of educational programme.

Identifies problem in which research is indicated / potentially desirable.

Makes a data available concerning learners & concerning methods of teaching and evaluation.

Continues to develop competence in problem – solving process.

Co – operates in & initiates group activity in development & evaluation of studies.

Utilizes the findings of research.




a. Pre – University course or 10 + 2 or equivalent

b. B.Sc. Nursing (Post – Certificate) recognized by Indian Nursing Council / Basic B. Sc

Nursing from a recognized University according to INC norms

c. M. Sc Nursing or equivalent degree, preferred.

d. Registration: Registration with the State Nursing Council / INC.


Experience as a staff nurse not less than 5 years in a Hospital.



She is teacher in School of nursing, responsible to the Principal / vice principal of School of

Nursing & responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programme & assist in

administration of School of Nursing.


1. Academic function

Responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programme.

Teaching subjects in the curriculum.

Overall supervision of the clinical teaching programme of subjects in the hospital / community

health setting.

Maintain class room equipments, supplies & teaching aids.

Conduct test for (theory & practical) & evaluation of students’ assignment and performances.

Preparing teaching materials and implementing it under the guidance of other teachers.

Helping students with extra – curricular activities.

2. Administration & Evaluation

Assisting in the administration of school of nursing.

Supervision of student health, welfare and security.

Assisting the selection of students & administration.

Assisting in examination, tests (sessional & terminals)

Supervision of living condition of students in the hostel.

Assist in teaching of other categories of personnel in the hospital & community.

Assisting in the procurement of school supplies & equipment.

Assisting in the library work.

Assisting in maintaining school records.

Planning & implementation and evaluation of specification courses.

Shall carry out any other duties assigned by the Principal / Head of the Department in the

interest of education.




a. Pre – University course or 10 + 2 or equivalent

b. General Nursing & Midwifery recognized by Indian Nursing Council according to

INC norms.

c. B.Sc. Nursing recognized by Indian Nursing Council / Basic B. Sc Nursing from a

recognized University according to INC norms / Certificate in Public Health Nursing

from any recognized institution.

d. Registration: Registration with the State Nursing Council / INC.



Her area of work is the entire district. She is attached to District Health Office. And directly

responsible to District Health Officer (DHO)and has relegated responsibility for all nursing

personnel in the District public health field. In technical matters, she is guided by the Deputy

/ Assistant Director of Health Services (Nursing) at Directorate level.


1. General
To organize, direct & develop all the community health nursing & midwifery services in the


Will take part in all relevant discussions of health services in the district.

Will interpret the needs of the nursing & midwifery services to the DHO and Zilla Parishad

2. Administrative

She is responsible for the implementation of policies and programmes relating to nursing &

midwifery services in the district.

will make recommendations to the DHO regarding the selection, appointment, leave, transfers,

further education and possible promotion of nursing staff.

Responsible for intending of supplies and equipment for her section, and also taking part in

budgetary planning.

Will evaluate all reports from nursing staff in district, sent to DHO office.

Will submit monthly and annual reports on the work done by her to the DHO.

3. Supervisory

She will aim to promote harmony & efficiency within the health team to improve the quality

of work.

4. Educational

She will initiate & assist with,

In – service educational programmes

Orientation training programmes

Dais’ training programmes

Health worker (female) training programmes

Training student nurses in rural field health centres.


In all the organizations, the parts have to work in co – ordination with each other to produce

effective results. In ward management of any hospital, there is a need for proper co –

ordination of work in each ward / unit. The managerial & supervisory functions are divided

among the various staff members. Thus the role of the nurse in the hospital is of at most

importance. Nursing has responses to the demands imposed by the changes & will continue

to respond in order to accomplish the goals of the profession. As health services increase the

need for nursing services is also increases and more & more person become involved in

providing the services.


1. Basavanthappa. B. T., Nursing Administration, Job Description of Nursing

Personnel, 1st edition, 2008, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, Pp. 541

– 579.

2. Goel S. L, Kumar S., Hospital Supportive Services: Hospital Administration in the

21st Century Volume 2, 1st edition, 2004, Job Description, Deep & Deep Publications PVT.

LTD., New Delhi, Pp. 67 – 79.

3. Kunders G. D, Hospital Facilities Planning & Management Responsibilities of Nurses,

2nd edition, 2004, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., Pp. 173 – 175.

4. Park. K, Essentials of Community Health Nursing, The District Public Health Nurse,

3rd edition, 2000, M/s Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur, Page. 316

5. Sr. Nancy, Stephanie’s Principles & Practice of Nursing Volume 2 Senior Nursing

Procedure, Job Description, 4th edition, N.R Brothers, Indore, Pp. 582 – 583.

6. Sharma S. K, Sharma Yashpal, Hand Book of Hospital Administration, Nursing Services &

Ward Management, 1st edition, 2003, Durga Printers, 4 – Gowshala Complex, Pp. 150 – 160.

7. Tabish Amin Syed, Hospitals & Nursing Homes Planning, Organization Structure, 1st edition,

2003, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, Page. 844.

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