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Gen AI

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Manufacturing Develop a Gen AI solution that

automates quality control

by Startup India (DPIIT) processes in manufacturing,
ensuring consistent product
AI-Powered Quality Control quality and reducing defects, by
for Manufacturing integrating with existing
manufacturing workflows. The
solution can address specific
challenges in the Indian
manufacturing sector such as
inconsistent product quality, high
defect rates, manual inspection
limitations, limited technology
integration, compliance with
regulations, sustainability, and
waste concerns.
Financial Services and
Fintech The platform should seamlessly
connect MSMEs with diverse
by Indian Software Product financing options from lenders,
Industry Roundtable investors, and government
(iSPIRT) programs, while empowering them
Develop a GenAI-powered with tools to optimize financial
platform that revolutionizes management and enhance
credit access for creditworthiness. By leveraging
underserved micro, small, AI, cash flow-based lending
and medium enterprises models, and OCEN integration, the
(MSMEs) platform should enable efficient
credit assessment, streamlined
data exchange, and access to
short-tenor, small-ticket loans
crucial for micro-enterprises.
Urban Planning
Contribute to the development of
by People+ai the City AI Engine, an AI-powered
system that creates a data-first
A platform that leverages digital twin of cities. By integrating
diverse data sources, including, but
AI to synthesise and break
not limited to government datasets
data across silos to create and real time citizen feedback, the
an ultimate digital replica of engine will deliver AI-driven insights
a city with multiple data to improve decision-making for city
attributes to a location. officials, citizens, and businesses.
The proposed solution can be
either solving one of these issues,
or could be an integrated
approach that tackles multiple
Sustainability Build an AI tech solution for
automated collection of data for
by People+ai packaged food products. Existing
Data Points on label: Product
ConsumeWise is an AI- Name, Product Qty, Brand Name,
enabled smart label reader Weight age in Gram/ML,
that helps consumers Nutritional information with
understand the health serving size, Ingredients, Product
impact of packaged food Category, any proprietary claims
products and nudges them made on the label. This data layer
to make better choices. can also be augmented and
enriched in various ways to widen
information available for our
algorithm stack. Food products
can be categorized into various
indexes based on user habits like
purpose, frequency etc.
Education and Edtech

by Blume Ventures The Socratic method is where the

assistant asks probing questions
Develop a Gen AI powered and leads the student to the
tool to make a teaching answer instead of revealing the
assistant to teach a student answer. Given this is a hard
using the Socratic teaching problem, we want to restrict it to
method. one particular topic viz. Learning
of Data Structures and Algorithms.
Feel free to narrow it down even
further if it helps make a high-
quality assistant e.g. only for
Algorithms of Sorting.
Digital Public Infrastructure

by Antler

Develop a Leveraging The goal is to make DPI accessible

Generative AI to Accelerate and beneficial to a wider
DPI Adoption in India: population, thereby accelerating
GenAI India's digital transformation and
driving economic growth.
that promotes the adoption The proposed Gen AI solution
and maximizes the benefits should address the following key
of Digital Public aspects: Accessibility and
Integration and Interoperability
Infrastructure (DPI) in

by Akasa Air

Revolutionizing the Airline Create a frictionless, pleasurable

Journey: A Frictionless travel experience that sets a new
Experience from A to B The standard for customer service and
end-to-end airline journey operational excellence in the
is riddled with friction aviation industry, with the
points and inefficiencies, potential to transform other
impacting both customer sectors like ground transportation
experience and operational and healthcare.
costs for airlines and
Financial Services and
by PolicyBazaar
The platform should Provide 24/7,
Revolutionize Insurance personalized guidance on policy
Accessibility and Trust with selection and claims via voice,
AI.Develop an AIpowered video, or chat, Ensure clear
humanoid agent that understanding of policy terms and
transforms the insurance accurate disclosures, fostering
experience for consumers. trust, Automate form-filling with
AI for error-free applications and
higher claim acceptance rates.
E-commerce & Retail

by BigBasket The AI should generate high-

quality banners and/or videos
AI-Powered Dynamic tailored to the provided inputs.
Banner and Video The ideal solution will be:
Generation for Promotions: Creative: Produce visually
Develop an AI solution that appealing and engaging content.
revolutionizes promotional Flexible: Adapt to various themes
content creation. and promotional offers.
Efficient: Generate content
quickly and at scale.
User-Friendly: Easy to use, even
for non-designers.

by Glance

Develop an AI-powered The solution should be able to

solution that can accurately identify high risk patients and
detect cancer at an early alert healthcare providers for
stage using [specific data further screening and classify
type, e.g. medical images, cancer types and stages with high
genomic data, electronic accuracy. The goal is to improve
cancer detection rates and
health records].
enhance patient outcomes through
early intervention.

by RateGain

Develop an automated
solution that enables hotels Create an innovative, automated
to trigger marketing solutions that address the
campaigns at the optimal challenge of optimizing campaign
time during low booking timing and content creation,
periods and generate ultimately driving higher
occupancy rates during low
customized content that
targets the right audience
with the appropriate offers
E-commerce and Retail
Develop innovative and effective
by Croma
solutions that can address the
Transforming Retail Inside following: Reimagine network
and Out - for a multi-brand planning, Deeper demand
electronics and appliances forecasting, Seamless customer
retailer experience, customers across their

Transform electronics retail for

both customers and the retailer –
provide a best in class experience
in a manner that is sustainable for
the business in the long term.
Media & Information

by Network18
Develop a solution that enhances
the trustworthiness of video
Develop a solution that
content by: Establishing and
enhances the
Maintaining Credentials, Ensuring
trustworthiness of video Attribution, Detecting Tampering.

Focus on video content, as it is

heavily consumed and a primary
medium for spreading
Education and Edtech

by Sarvam AI

Design a course creation Should have copilots for

copilot, to help instructors translating course content into
with designing new online Indian languages, adding images,
courses. animations, voiceovers, and
lecture notes. The idea is to
reduce the time it takes for
anyone to create an online course,
while delivering production-grade
course quality.
Financial Services and
by Jio Finance Limited

Revolutionize SDLC with

Develop a Gen AI powered
development platform that can
Development Platform
directly translate product
requirements into functional code,
automating much of the
development process.
Marketing Technology
Create a cutting-edge multi-agent
from Netcore Gen AI system that sets a new
standard for personalized,
Revolutionizing Marketing efficient, and high-performing
Campaigns: A Multi-Agent marketing campaigns, with the
Gen AI Approach to potential to transform how
Personalized Content businesses connect with their
Creation. audience across various
Develop innovative solutions that
address the Enhance audience
segmentation, Generate tailored
content, Adapt in real-time
The solution should leverage
by Central Cyber Security machine learning models to detect
Agency unusual patterns and anomalies in
network traffic, user behavior, or
Develop an AI-driven system logs that could lead to a
solution that can cyber-security incident. The
autonomously detect, solution should be capable of
analyze, and respond to processing vast amounts of data,
cybersecurity threats in real identifying unusual patterns or
time at end user level. anomalies indicative of potential
security breaches, and automating
response actions to mitigate
threats before they cause
significant damage.
Cybersecurity The model should be capable of
interpreting and summarizing
by Central Cyber Security unstructured audit report content,
Agency enabling real-time, chat-based
interaction to answer decision-
Develop an AI based model
related questions. By leveraging
for analyzing unstructured
NLP, it must be able to understand
cybersecurity audit reports and process the reports with the
and providing chat-based help of machine learning
output to decision algorithms it must be able to
questions. analyze different reports and
actionable insights for
streamlining the decision making
process. Student Section (For
students only)
Education & Edtech

Gemini-powered AI
Learning Companion
Usage of Gemini APIs is Develop an AI-powered learning
companion that leverages Gemini's
advanced language understanding
and generation capabilities to create
a personalized and engaging
learning experience for students
across various subjects.

Gemini-Enhanced AI for
Mental Health & Emotional
Build an AI-powered chat bot or
Usage of Gemini APIs is virtual assistant that leverages
mandatory. Gemini's natural language
understanding and empathy o
provide mental health and emotional
support to students.

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