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Pyq Gravitation

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7 Gravitation


Topic-1: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

7. If the angular momentum of a planet of mass m, moving
MCOS with One Corret Answer around the Sun in a circular orbit is L, about the center of
the Sun, its areal velocity is: |Main 9 Jan. 2019 |)
1. The orbital angular momentum ofa satellite is L, when it is L 4L L 2L
revolving in acircular orbit at height hfrom earth surface. (a) m (b) m (c) 2m (d) m
Ifthe distance of satellite from the earth centre is increased 8. Figure shows elliptical path abcd of a planet around the
by eight times to its initial value, then the new angular
momentum wil1 be [Main April 8, 2023 (1)] sun S such that the area of triangle csa is 4 the area of the
(a) 8L (b) 4L (c) 9L (d) 3L
ellipse. (See figure) With db as the semimajor axis, and ca
2 Choose the incorrect statement from the following: as the semiminor axis. Ift, is the time taken for planet to go
[Main April 6, 2023 (1II)] over path abc and t, for path taken over cda then:
(a) The speed of satellitein a given circular orbit remains
constant. |Main Online April 9, 2016|
(b) For a planet revolving around the sun in an elliptical (a) I, =4t,
orbit, the total energy ofthe planet remains constant.
(c) When a body fall towards earth, the displacement of (b) t, =2t, d

earth towards the body is negligible. (c) , 3t,

(d) The linear speed ofa planet revolving around the
(d) ,= t,
sun remains constant. A binary star system consists oftwo stars A and B which
The time period of a satellite revolving around earth in a 9.
given orbit is 7 hours. Ifthe radius of orbit is increased to have time period T, andT¡ radius R, and Rg and mass M,
three times its previous value, then approximate new time
and Mg- Then |2006 -3M, -1|
period of the satellite will be: [Main June 29, 2022 (I1) (a) ifT,>Tz thenR, >Rg (b) ifT,>T,then M,> M,
(a) 40 hours (b) 36 hours
(c) 30 hours (d) 25 hours R4
(c) (d) T,=Ig
4. Two planctsAand Bofequal mass are having their period of Rg
revolutions T, and T, such that T, =27R- These planets are 10. Ifthe distance between the earth and the sun were halfits
revolving in the circular orbits of radiir,and rp respectivey. present value, the number of days in a year would have
Which out of the following would be the correct relationship been |1996 -2 Marks]
of their orbits? .Main Jume 28, 2022 (1)) (a) 64.5 (b) 129 (c) 182.5 (d) 730
(a) 2r =r (b) r=2r E3 Numeric Answer

(c) =4rÀ (d) TË-T--4)

11. If the earth suddenly shrinks to 64 th of its original
5. The minimum and maximum distances of a planet volume with its mass remaining the same, the period 01
revolving around the Sun are x, and x,. If the minimum
speed of the planet on its trajectory is v, then its maximum rotation of earth becomes *h.
The value of xis,
speed will be: Main July 25, 2021 (1), June 25, 2022 ()] [April 10, 2023 ()
Vox; VoX2 6 MCS with One or More than One Correct Answer
(a) (b) (c) (d)
12. Imagine a light planet revolvingwith around a very massIYe
6. A particle is moving with uniform speed along the star in a circular orbit of radius R a period ofrevolutiou
circumference of acircle ofradius R under the action ofa planc
central fictitious force Fwhich is inversely proportional to T. Ifthe gravitational force ofattraction between
[1989 - 2
and the star is proportional to R 5/2
R'.Its time period of revolution willbe given by:
(a) T' is proportional to R
[Main Feb. 26, 2021 ()]
(b) T' is proportional to R2
(C) T' is proportional to R32
(a) T«R3 (b) T«R? (c) T«R (d) T«R2 (d) T² is proportional to R3/73

10 Subjective Problems () the speed of S, relative to S;.

by an
Two:satellites S, and S, revolve roundlaplanet in coplanar () the angular speed of S, as actually observed
13. |1986 - 6 Marks]
oireular orbits in the same sense. Their periods of revolution astronaut in S.
are Ihour and 8hours respectively. The radius ofthe orbit
ofS, is 104 km. When S, is closest to S, find
Topic-2: Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation
G) 1 MCØS with One Correct Answer 5. Astraight rod oflength L extends from.x =a tox=L+a.
The gravitational force it exerts on point mass 'm` atx=0,
1. Two identical particles each of mass'm'goround a circle if the mass per unit length of the rod is A + Br, is given
[Main l2 Jan. 20191|
of radius a under theaction of their mutual gravitational by:
attraction. The angular speed of cach particle will be:
[Main April 15, 2023 ()] Gm
Gm Gm Gm Gm
(a) 2' (b) (c) (d)
V4a3 1
2 Three identical particles A, B and C of mass 100 kg cach
are placed in a straight line with AB = BC= 13 m. The
(b) Gim a+L

gravitational force on a fourth particle P of the same mass

is F,when placed at adistance 13 mfrom the particle Bon
the perpendicular bisector of the lineAC. The value ofF
(c) Gm| aA+ L +BL

will be approximately: [Main July 25, 2022 (1)]

(a) 21G (b) 100 G (c) 59G (d) 42G Gm
3. Four particles each of mass M, move along a circle of radius (d)
Runder the action of their mutual gravitational attraction Take the mean distance of the moon and the sun from the
as shown in figure. The specd of each particle is
|Main 2014 Sep. 1, 2021(I)] carth to be 0.4 x 106 km and l150 x 10 km respectively.
Their masses are 8 x 1022kg and 2 x 10*°kg respectively.
GM The radius of thecarth is 6400 km. Let AF, be the difference
M M in the forces exerted by the moon at the nearest and farthest
(a) 2R(22+1) R R points on the carth and AF, be the difference in the force
exerted by the sun at the nearest and farthest points on
(2/2+1) 900
R the earth. Then, the number closest to
1 R |Main Online Ápril 15,2018|
2\ R
GM(2/2-1) M M
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 10-2 (d) 0.6
From a sphere of mass Mand radius R, a smaller sphere of
(d) R
VR radius is carved outsuch that the cavity made in the
4 Find the gravitational force of attraction between the ring 2
original sphere is between its centre and the periphery
plane of
and sphere as shown in the diagram, wherethethecentres.
he ring is perpendicular to the line joining If (See figure). For the configuration in the figure where the
V8R is the distance between the centres of a ring (of distance between the centre of the original sphere and the
where both have equal removed sphere is 3R, the gravitational force between the
mass 'm')and a sphere (mass M).Main Feb. 26, 2021(1)) two sphere is: [Main Online April 11, 2014]
radius R'
M 41GM2
(a) 3600 R2
Y (b) 450R2
59 GM?
(c) 450 R2
(a) GMm (b) V8 GmM
38 R 9 R GM
225 R
\8 GmM GMm
R 3 R?
on 2022 kmma
be 2021
of which will,2022 2022
that to 20234800upwards 2023
as of 0.5%(g) earth) a earth
increases: weight rocket, at 4267has
the falsetruetruefalse is cqual
R 31, carth carth26, gravity earth weight24, =1.732] the will25,
times 31, W 3 of 26, to on July
choose Where Jan.(d) July(d) is radius r
rR June (d) which
are are is is is theTheJan.
(d) a of earth June of equalplanet
gravity II II of four d kmvertically of surface
surface [Main 2133km [Main23W
II II Statement
below surface
surface. 2560 above carth. to R=|Main
of system
|Main weight
an that
above Statement
ofstatements, becomes the V3
surface. due 3
belowearth (c) projected of
W 9 the (c) 4% of (Given the becomes and solar of on (c)
theabove acceleration weight
earth's andandbutbut gravitykm). km
radius (c) center (b) (d) from km(c) and object
be: in km)
options true"d" above
false a kmsome
R=6400 earth same
Gravity I =6400 640 reach decrease
km 6400 height body the
Statement is the 100 32 (b)
the 4685
in of If
the is is depthto 3R W, height
times W 3%
of from the is:
approximate planet the
the R (b) to
due earth
I IStatement of =
(b) massearth.
II:below from Statement (Take
height weight
surface (b) percentage
height by:
variation earth
of earth 3840km of
to Statement light certain
accelerationkm nine
that (r)
weight a theof weight
BothBoth 5260 R of
due down answer a body to a of distance
of Consider
[Radius double (a)
the at at
earth's to (Radius surface density
a value bodyW 91 Thetaken 1%
The The the
go In (a) (b) (c) (d) At
Acceleration of (a) A (a)
(c) (a) the
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
p to (II)] andof will(I)] density, the will(1)]
N the the pole(II)] correct the)) above
weight the (I)) weighing
average ()) N. fromthe(ID) (TDIat
densities 4:3
due 2023 (d) ratio (d) 4:3 of ( (d)
200N 100 of (d) different
'4R' :g) 2023 N, 2023 on on the 2023 2023 2023 2R2) 2023W 2023 25
N 2023
radius 2h R² 2 is height,radius
Topic-3: accelerationandThe 11, mass 20010,
have 13, (g, (d)
effect earthat
that 10,
the true.false. false.
Then 8,
8, Its object 6, (d) earth 6, 1,
is April choose at
height April April
April ofuniformearth
April R' respectively.
surfaces showsthe April is are areareN. the by (d) earth.
(b) 1g'=g|
g'=g a theApril Feb.gravity
R 'B'
300N (g). and II II 400depth
halfof 100N
|Main An W the at
(c) 3:4
(c) of Statement
IIl II is |Main
given |Main taken N |Mainearth.
Answer [Main |Main R 2 of Main minimum
[Main below.Statement
statements, planet:213of
theearth. |Main(c)
d= earth rotation
andof : their surface
carth surface to
ratio spheredepth earth)(c) statements: due
to of (c) when of
R A p/3 the given (radius
ofearth) massofthe statements:
One B respectively.

(b) a a
be at
to bodyweight
Radius two

to of
of dueeffect
butbut andandtheato 300N
I I body taken

s'g1-2h) that
theweigh (b)

W on force

on equal 64N
and to earth The
the the Statement
I Iis 2R. earth, two
with two due acceleration
The R h to (b) on
densities the aof R= are the
Statementofa when will
equal a
are places
A the its I:
below at of
II: value
of'g' from be: of of
MOØsplanets of acceleration weight(Given 400N light has I:
(a) Assumingif
1:16 Statement is
Statement weight
body earth W weightsurface below 100N
(a) Statement
at (a)radii
p/2gravity2:3 earth, of Both will(a)
Zero h is
planet 228
Given theanswer earth
if density is: different
Twoand Thetheir the be: (a) earth on carth Given
| be: of In (a) (b)(c) (d) The (a) (c) A W (a) TheThethe
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7.

l6. Abody weighss 49 Non a spring balance at the north pole.

Earth) has the
What will be its weight recorded on the same weighing 22. A planet of radius R= 10 x(radius of
machine, ifit is shifted to the equator? well of depth
same mass density as Earth. Scientists dig a
(Use and radius of earth, R=6400 km)
R and a linear
|Main Online April 8, 2017 (S); Feb. 24, 2021(1)) on it and lower a wire of the same length
(a) 49N (b) 48.83N (c) 49.83 N (d) 49.17N touching
mass desity 10 kg m into it. If the wire is not
17. The value facceleration due to gravity is g, at a height
anywhere, the force applied at the top ofthe wire by a person
Earth =6 x 10 mand
(R = radius of the earth) from the surface of the holding it in place is (take the radius of ms)
2 the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is 10
earth. It is again equal to g, anda depth d below the sur |Adv. 2014|
(a) 96N (b) 108 N (c) 120N (d) 150N
face of theearth. The ratio equals : its
23. Ifthe radius of the earth were to shrink by one percent,
the acceleration due to
|Main 5 Sep. 2020 (1)|) mass remaining the same,
on the earth's surface would
(b) (c) (d) |Main 1981 -2 Marks Similar July 28, 2022 (ID)
3 9 (a) decrease (b) remain unchanged
18. The acceleration due togravity on the earth's surface at the (c) increase (d) be zero
poles is g and angular velocity of the carth about the axis
passing through the pole is o. An object is weighed at the Numeric Answer
equator andat a height h above the poles by using a spring 24. If the acceleration due to gravity experienced by a point
balance. If the weights are found to be same, then h is:
(h<<R, where R is the radius of theearth) mass at a height h above the surface of earth is same as that
|Main5 Sep. 2020 (ID] of the acceleration due to gravity at a depth ah (h << R)
from the carth surface. The value of a will be
R'o? R'? (use R 6400 km) |Main July 29, 2022 (1)|
(b) (c) (d)
2g 4g 8g 25. The clongation of a wire on the surface of the earth is
19. The ratio of the weights ofa body on the Earth's surface to 10 m. The same wire of same dimensions is elongated by 6
of aplanet is 9:4. The mass of the *10 mon another planet. The acceleration due to gravity
that on the surface
on the planet willbe ms .(Take acceleration due to
planet is th ofthat of the Earth.If R' is the radius
of the gravity on the surface of carth = 10 m/s 2)
planets |Main June 26, 2022 (I)]
Earth,what is the radius ofthe planet ? (Take the 26. In the reported figure of earth, the value of acceleration
to have the same mass density). point A and Cbut it is smaller
|Main2009, 12 April 2019 I| due to gravity is same at
than that of its value at point B (surface of theearth). The
R R value of OA:AB will be x:y. The value ofx is
(a) (b) 4 (c) (d) 2
|Main 2Sep. 2020 (I) (S); Feb. 26, 2021(1))
at Earth's surface
20. Thevalue of accelerationdue to gravity
surface at which the

1s 9.8 ms2, The altitude above its is close

3200 km
acceleration due to gravitydecreases to 4.9 ms, 2019 I}l B
to: (Radius of earth =6,4 x 10 m)
|Main 10 April
(a) 2.6x 106 m (b) 6.4 x 10°m
(c) 9.0 x 10 m (d) l.6x 10 m Earth
rotation of earth is 7
Suppose that the angular velocity of R=6400 kmy
increased. Then, as a consequence.
|MainOnline April 16, 2018]
(a) There will be no change in weight anywhere on the earth 4 Fillin the Blanks
earth, will
(b) Weight of the object, everywhere on the
decrease 27. The numerical value ofthe angular velocity of rotation of
earth, will
(c) Weight of the object, everywhere on the the earth should be .......ad/s in order to make the
increase effective acceleration due togravity equal to zero.
the earth will
(a) Except at poles, weight of the object on [1984 - 2 Marks]
Topic-4:Gravitational Field, Potential and Potential Energy
Ax in the x-direction. The magnitude of
1 MCQs with One Correct Answer
Abody is released froma height equal to the radius (R) of gravitational potential on thex-axis at a distance x, takin.
the earth. The velocity of the body when it strikes the its value to be zeroat infinity, is: [Main4Sep. 2020
surface of the earth will be: (a) (b)
(Given g=acceleration due to gravity on the earth.) (a²+a'y (r'+a'y?
[Main April 15, 2023 ())
gR (c) A(+ a'y% (d) A(x +a'y?
varies with the
(a) gR (b) 4gR (c) 2gR (d) V2 7. The mass density of a planet of radius R
2. IfV is the gravitational potential due to sphere of uniform distance r from its centre as p(r) =Po I Then the
density on it's surface, then it's value at the center of R'
sphere will be: [Main April 11, 2023 (II)] gravitational field ismaximum at: [Main 3 Sep. 2020 (1D1
(a) (b) V 3
(d) (b) r=R
3. Four spheres each of mass m form a square of side d (as
shown in figure). A fifth sphere of mass M is situated at
the centre of square. The total gravitational potential (c) r=R (d) r=oR
energy of the system is : .Main June 27, 2022 (II)| solid sphere ofmass 'M' and radius 'a' is surrounded by
8. A
m and
a uniform concentric spherical shell of thickness 2a
mass 2M. The gravitational field at distance '3a' from the
centre will be: [Main 9April 2019 I]|
(a) (b) (c) (d)
9a' 3a 3a
9. Four identical particles ofmass M are located at the corners
of asquare of side 'a'. What should be their speed if each
m -d m
of them revolves under the influen ce of others'
gravitational field in acircular orbit circumscribing the
(a) -P(4+/2)m +4/2M Square ? [Main 8 April2019I|
(b) [(4/2)M +4/m] (a) 1.35 (b) 1.16 a

Gm3m +4/2M GM
(d) 1.41
(c) 1.21 Va
10. A test particleis moving in circular orbit in the gravitational
(d) Gm6m +4/2M K
4. Amass of 50 kg is placed at the centre of auniform spherical fieldproduced by a mass density pr)=. Identify the
shell of mass 100 kg and radius 50 m. If the gravitational correct relation between the radius Rof the particle's orbit
potential at a point, 25 m from the centre is V kg/m. The value and its period T: [Main 8April 2019 I]
ofV is: [Main Aug. 27, 2021 (I)] (a) T/R is a constant (b) T²/R° is a constant
(a) -60 G (b) +2G (c) -20 G (d) -4G (d) TR is a constant
(c) T/R is a constant
Two planets have masses Mand 16 Mand their radii are a
11. Abody of massm is moving inacircular orbit of radius
and 2a, respectively. The separation between the centres about a planet of mass M. At some instant, it splits into
of the planets is 10a. Abody of mass m is fired from the in a circular orbl
two equalmasses. The first mass moves
surface of thelarger planet towards the smaller planet along R circular orbit0I
the line joining their centres. For the body to be able to of radius and the other mass. in a
reach the surface of smaller planet, the minimum firing speed
needed is: [Main 6 Sep. 2020 (ID; July 27, 2021 (1) S] inita
The difference between the final and
|GM GM GM2 3 5GM 2 2016
(a) 2, a
(b) 4
ma 2V a
(d) total energies is: [Main OnlineApril 15,
On the x-axis and at a distance x from the origin, the GMm
GMm (b) +.GMm (a) 2R
gravitational field due toa mass distribution is given by (a) 6R
(c) 6R
Gravitation A91

12. From a solid sphere of mass Mand radius R, a spherical

portion of radius R/2 is removed, as shown in the figure.
Taking gravitationall potential V=0 atr=0, the potential at
the centre of the cavity thus formed is : (c) (d)
(G= gravitational constant) [2015| R
Ifg isthe acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface,
(a) (b) 17.
3R R the gain in the potential energy of an object of mass m
-GM -GM raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to
(c) (d) R
the radius R of the earth, is
Which of the following most closely depicts the correct [Main 1983 -1 Mark; Similar July 29, 2022 (1I)]
variation of the gravitationalpotential V(r) due to a large 1
nlanet of radius R and uniform mass density ? (figures (a) mgR (b) 2mg R (c) mg R (d) 4
mg R
are not drawn to scale) [Main Online April 11, 2015|
3 Numeric Answer
V(r) 18. A body of mass (2M)splits into four m M-m
masses {m, M- m, m, M-m}, which
(a) (b) are rearranged to form asquare as
V(r) shown in the figure. The ratio of
V) m
(c) (d)
for which, the gravitational potential I)
energy of the system becomes M-m
maximum is x:1.The value of x is
|Main Aug. 27, 2021 (1)]
14. The gravitation al field in a region is given by 19. If onewants to remove all the mass ofthe earth to infinity
g =SN/kgi + 12N/kgË Thechange in the gravitational in order to break it up completely. The amount of energy
x GM2
potential energy of aparticle of mass I kg when it is taken that nceds to be supplied will be where x is
from the origin to a point (7 n,-3 m) is: 5 R
|Main Online April 19, 2014] (Round offto the Nearest Integer).
(a) 71J (b) 1358J (c) -71J (d) 1J (M is the mass of earth, R is the radius of earth, G is the
15. The gravitational field, due to the 'left over part' of auniform gravitational constant). |Main March 16, 2021(1)
sphere (from which a part as shown, has bcen 'removed 20. An asteroid is moving directly towards the centre of the
out'), at a very far off point, P, located as shown, would be carth. When at a distance of 10 R (R is the radius of the
(nearly) : |Main Online April 9, 2013] earth) from theearths centre, it has a speed of 12 km/s.
Neglecting the effect of earths atmosphere, what will be
Removed Mass of oomplete
sphre - M
the speed of the asteroid when it hits the surface of the
earth (escape velocity from the carth is 11.2 km/ s)? Give
your answer to the nearest integer in kilometer/s
|Main 8.Jan. 2020 II)
6 MOQ with One or More than One Correct Answer
S GM 7 GM 6 GM
8 GM
(a) (b) (c) 8 2 7 ?
(d) 21. The magnitudes of the gravitational field at distance r,
6? 9
and r, from the centre ofa uniform sphere of radius Rand
Aspherically symmetric gravitational system of particles mass mare F and F,respectively. Then: |1994-2Marks)
Po for r<R
has a mass density P=lo
for r>R (a) if r <R and <R
where p, is a constant. Atest mass can undergo circular
onon under the influence of the gravitational field of
Particles. Its speed v as a function of distance r (0 <r<o) (b) if n>R and >R
rom the centre of the system is represented by
(c) if n>R and r > R

(b) (d) if n<R and <R
A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units is (a) The gravitational force due to this object at the origin isz
located with its centre at the origin Oof coordinates. Two (b) the gravitational force at the point B(2, 0 ,0) is Zms
spheres of equal radii l unit, with their centres at A(-2, 0
0) and B (2,0, 0) respectively, are taken out of thesolid (c) the gravitational potential is the same at all pointso
leaving behind spherical cavities as shown in fig drdey?+2=36.
Then: |1993-2 Marks] (d) the gravitational potential is the same at all points on
the circle y²+=4.

Topic-5: Motion of Satellites, Escape Speed and Orbital Velocity

MOQS with One Correct Answer 8. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: IfE be the total energy of asatellite moving
1. Two satellites P and Q are moving in different circular
orbits around the Earth (radius R). The heights of P and Q around the earth,then its potential energy willbe
from the Earth surface are h, and hÍ, respectively, where Statement II: The kinetic energy of asatellite revolving
h, = R/3. The accelerations of P and Q due to Earth's in an orbit is equal to the halfthe magnitude of total energy
gravity areg and go, respectively. If g'&o=36/25,what E
is the value of h? [Main Ady. 2023| In the light of the above statements, choose the most
(a) 3R/S (b) R/6 (c) 6R/S (d) SR/6 appropriate answer from the options given below:
2. Aplanet having mass 9 M, and radius 4R,, where M, and |Main April 8, 2023 ()|
R, are mass and radius of carth respectively, has escape (a) Both Statement Iand Statement Il are correct
velocity in km/s given by: (Given escape velocity on (b) Both Statement Iand Statement II are incorrect
carth V 11.2 x 10 m/s) [Main April 13, 2023 ()) (c) Statement Iis incorrect but Statement II is correct
(a) 672 (b) 16.8 (c) 33.6 (d) 11.2 (d) Staterment Iis correct but Statement II is incorrect
3. Given below are two statements: 9. If earth has a mass nine times and radius twice to the of a
Statement I: For a planet, ifthe ratio of mass of the planet planet P. Then xms -l will be the minimum velocity
to its radius increases, the escape velocity from the planet 3
also increases. required by a rocket to pullout of gravitational force of P.
Statement II: Escape velocity is independent of theradius where v, is escape velocity on earth. The value of x is
of the planet. [Main Feb. 1, 2023 (1)|
In the light of above statements, choose the most (a) 18 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) I
appropriate answer from the options given below: 10. The escape velocities oftwo planets Aand Bare in the ratic
|Main April 13, 2023 (I1)] 1:2.Ifthe ratio of theirradii respectively is 1:3, then the rati
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect ofacceleration due to gravity of planet Atothe acceleratior
(b) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect of gravity of planet Bwill be: |Main Feb. 1, 2023 (II)
(c) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct 4 2
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct 3
(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)
4. Two satellites A and B move round the earth in the same
orbit. The mass ofA is twice the mass ofB. The quantity 11. Two satellites Aand B having masses in the ratio 4:3 are
which is same for the two satellites will be : revolving in circular orbits of radii 3rand 4r respectivel
[Main April 12, 2023 (D] around the earth. The ratio oftotal mechanical energyo
(a) Potential energy (b) Total energy A to Bis:
(c) Kinetic energy [Main July 27, 2022 (0)
(d) Speed (a) 9:16 (b) 16:9 (c) 1:1 (d) 4:3
5. The ratio of escape velocity of a planet to the escape 12. Abody ofmass mis projected with velocity àv, in vertical
velocity of earth will be: [Main April 12, 2023 (1)) upward direction from the surface of the earth into space.!
Given : Mass of the planet is 16 times mass of earth and
radius of the planet is 4 times the radius of earth. is given that v is escape velocity and à.<1. Ifair resistano
is considered to the negligible, then the maximum heigh
(a) 4:1 (b) 2:1 (c) l:/2 (d) l:4 from the centre of earth, to which the body can go, will
Two satellites of masses m and 3m revolve around the (R:radius of earth) [Main July 27, 2022 ()
earth in circular orbits of radiir & 3r respectively. The 2'R
ratio of orbital speeds of the satellites respectively R R
is: (a) 1+22 (b) (d) 1-2
|Main April 10, 2023 (1)] 1-12 (c) 1-.
(a) 1:1l (b) 3:1 (c) 3:1 (d) 9:1 13. A body is projected vertically upwards from the suri
The time period of a satellite, revolving above earth's of earth with a velocity equal to one third of esca
surface at a height equal to Rwill be velocity. The maximum height attained by the body
|Main April 10, 2023 (N)] be: (Take radius of earth =6400 km and g= 10 ms )
(Given g=Tms, R=radius of earth) [Main July 26, 2022 (1)
(a) V4R (b) 8R (c) 32R (d) 2R (a) 800km (b) 1600 km (c) 2133 kn (d) 4800km
Gravitation A93
The escape velocity of a body on a planet 'A' is 12 kms-1 radius
Abody Aofmass m is moving in a circular orbit of
The escape velocity of the body on 21.
hose density is fOur times and radius another planet 'B
is halfof the planet collides
'A, is : R about a planet. Another body B of mass 2
(a) 12kms-1
(c) 36kms-! (b) 24[Main
kms-1June 29, 2022 ()]
radii of the
(d) 6 kms-! with Awith a velocity which is half the instantaneous
15. The masses and earth and moon are (M,, R)
and(M,., R)respectively. Their centres are at a velocity of A. The collision is completely inelastic.
apart. Findthe minimum escape velocity for adistance r Then, the combined body:
nass 'm' to be projected from the middle of particle of |Main 12 Jan 2019 (I) S; 9 Jan. 2020(1))
these two
[Main Aug.31,2021()) (a) continues to move in a circular orbit
(b) Escapes from the Planet's Gravitational field
4G(M,+M2) 4G (M, +M,) (c) Falls vertically downwards towards the planet
(a) V= (b) V=
(d) starts moving in an elliptical orbit around the planet
22. The energy required to take a satellite to a height 'h'
1 2G(M, + M,)
(c) V= (d) V V2G (M, +M,) above Earth surface (radius of Eareth = 6.4 x 10 km) is
E, and kinetic energy required for the satellite to be in
16. Two satellites A and B of masses a circular orbit at this height is E, The value of h for
200 kg and 400 kg are revolving round which E, and E, are equal, is: [Main 9 Jan. 2019 II]|
the earth at height of 600 km and B (a) 1.6× 10° km (b) 3.2x 10 km
1600 km respectively. (c) 6.4x 10° km (d) 28 x 10 km
IfT, and Tp are the time periods of 23. A satellite of mass m is launched vertically upwards
Aand B respectively then the value with an initial speed u from the surface of the earth.
ofTg-T : After it reaches height R (R = radius of the earth), it
Given: radius of carth=6400 km, mass of carth =6x 1024 kgl ejects a rocket of mass so that subsequently the
|Main Feb. 25, 2021 (1)| satellite moves in a circular orbit. The kinetic energy of
(a) 4.24 x 10 s (b) 1.33 x 10s the rocket is (G is the gravitational constant; M is the
(c) 4.24 x 10 s (d) 3.33 x 10 s mass of the carth): |Main 7 Jan. 2020 1|
17. Two stars ofmasses m and2m at a distancedrotate about
I13 GM 119 GM
their common centreof mass in free space. The period of
revolution is : |Main Feb. 24, 2021())
u +
200 R (b) Sm u' 200 R

d 3m SGM m
(c) (d) 20 V 3R
2n \3Gm (b) 23Gm 8 6R
24. A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that
it never returns. IfE is the minimum energy delivered by
1 3Gm 3Gm the rocket launcher, what should be the
(d) minimum energy
that the launcher should have if the same rocket is to be
launched from the surface of the moon? Assume that the
18. Abody is moving in a low circular orbit about a pland ofmass density of the earth and the moon are equal and that the
M and radius R. The radius of the orbit can be taken to be R earth's volume is 64 times the volume ofthe moon.
itself. Thern the ratio ofthe speed ofthis body in the orbit to the [Main 8 April 2019 II]
escape velocity from the planet is: |Main 4 Sep. 2020 (II)] E E
(a) (b) (c) (d)
64 32 4
(a) (d) 2 16
(b) 2 (c) 1 25. Twosatellites, A and B, have masses m and 2m
A is in a circular orbit ofradius R, and B is ina circular orbit
1. Asatellite is moving in a low nearly circular orbit around of radius 2R around the earth. The ratio of their kinetic
the carth. Its radius is roughly equalto that of the earth's energies, T Tg is : |Main 12 Jan. 2019 II|
radius R,. By firing rockets attached to it, its speed is 1
nstantaneously increased in the direction of its motion so (a) (b) 1 (c) 2
2 (d)
that it become Due to this the farthest
2 times larger. 26. Asatellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height h from
distance from the centre of the earth that the satellite the earth surface, such that h <<Rwhere Ris the radius of
Teaches is R. Value of Ris : [Main 3 Sep. 2020 (D] the earth. Assuming that the effect of earth's atmosphere
(a) 4R, (b) 2.5R (c) 3R, (d) 2R, can be neglected the minimum increase in the speed required
20. The mass K so that the satellite could escape from the gravitational field
density of a spherical l galaxy varies as Over of earth is: [Main 2016, 11Jan 2019 ), Similar April 11,
a large distance ' from its centre. In that region, a Sa
Sar is in a circular orbit of radius R. Then the period of 2023 (III
revolution, Tdepends on Ras : [Main 2 Sep. 2020 ()) (a) 2gR (b) gR
1 gR
(a) T xR (b) T² « R(C) R3 (0) ToR (c) V2 (d) VgR(V2-1)
27. A satellite is moving with a constant speed v in circular
orbit around the earth. An object of mass "m' is ejected velocity from the planet is vsc= vN,then the value of
from the satellite such that it just escapes from the Nis (ignore energylossdue to atmosphere) [Adv. 20151
gravitational pull of the carth. At the time of ejection, 34. Gravitational acceleration on the surface of aplanet is
the kinetic energy of the object is:
|Main 2011, 10 Jan, 2019 I| where g is the gravitational acceleration on the surface of
(a) 2m2 (b) my2 (c) (d) m y2 the earth. The average mass density of the planet is
28. -Two stars of masses 3 x 103! kg each, and at distance times that ofthe earth. Ifthe escape speed on the surface of
2 x 10' m rotate in aplane about their common centre the earth is taken to be 11 kms , the escape speed on the
of mass 0. A meteorite passes through O moving surface of the planet in kms will be [2010]
perpen-dicular to the star's rotation plane. In order to Numeric Answer
escape from the gravitational field of this double star,
the minimum speed that meteorite should have at O is: 35. Two satellites S, and S, are revolving in circular orbits
(Take Gravitational constant G = 6.6 x 10-l1 Nm² kg) around a planet with radius R, =3200 km and R, -800 km
|Main 10 Jan. 2019 II| respectively. The ratio of speed of satellite S, to the speed
(a) 2.4 x 10 m/s (b) 14x 10 m/s 1
(c) 3.8 x 10 m/'s (d) 2.8 x 10 m/s ofsatellite S, in their respective orbits would be-wherex=
29. A very long (length L) cylindrical galaxy is made of |Main June 25, 2022 (II))
uniformly distributed mass and has radius R(R<<L). A
star outside the galaxy is orbiting the galaxy in a plane 36. The radius in kilometer to which the present radius of earth
perpendicular to the galaxy and passing through its centre. (R=6400 km) to be compressed so that the escape velocity
If the time period of star is T and its distance from the is increased 10 times is
galaxy's axis is r, then: [Main Online April 10, 2015] [Main March 17, 2021 (D)|
(a) T Cr (b) TocNr (c) T«r? (d) T² «r 37. The initial velocity v, required to project a body vertically
30. What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite upward from the surface of the earth to reach a height of
of mass m from the surface of a planet of mass M and 10R, whereR is the radius of theearth, may be described in
radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R? [2013]
SGmM 2GmM GmM GmM terms of escape velocity v, such that v; = XVe. The
(a) 6R
(b) 3R
value ofx will be [Main Feb. 25, 2021 (1))
31. Arocket is launched normal to the surface of the Earth,
away from the Sun, along the line joining the Sun and the 4 Fill in the Blanks
Earth. The Sun is 3 x 105 times heavier than the Earth and
38. Aparticle is projected verticallyupwards from the surface
isat a distance 2.5 x 10 times larger than the radius ofthe
Earth. The escape velocity from Earth's gravitational field of earth (radius R)with a kinetic energy equal to half of
the minimum value needed for it to escape. The height to
is y,=11.2kns.Theminimum initial velocity(v)required which it rises above the surface of earth is..
for the rocket to be able to leave the Sun-Earth system is
closest to (Ignore the rotation and revolution of the Earth [1997 -2 Marks
39. The masses and radii of the Earth and the Moon are M,.
and the presence of any other planet) [Adv. 2017]
V.=22 kms-l (b) v= 42 km sl R,and M,, R, respectively. Their centres are at a distance d
(a) apart. The minimum speed with which a particle of masS m
(c) V,= 62 km s-l (d) v=72 km s should be projected from a pointmidway between the two
2 Integer Value Answer centres so as to escape to infinity is
|1988- 2 Marksl
32. Two spherical stars Aand B have densities p, and p: 40. A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of
respectively. A and B have the sanme radius, and their 6R above the surface of the earth, where R is the radius ot
masses M,and M, are related by M¡=2M,. Due to an the earth. The time period of another satellite at a height oe
interactionprocess, starAloses some ofits mass, So that 2.5 R from the surface of the earth is .......h.ourS.
its radius is halved, while its spherical shape is retained, |1987-2 Marks]
and its density remains p,. The entire mass of lost by Ais
deposited as a thick spherical shell on Bwith the density 5 True /False
of the shell being p,. Ifv,andv, are the escape velocities 41. Itis possible to put an artificial satellite into orbit in such
from A and B after the interaction process, the ratio
a way that it will always remain directly over New Delhi.
|10n |1984- 2 Marks]
the value of n is |Ad. 2022)
VA 6 MCQs with One or More than One Correct Answer
33. A bullet is fired vertically upwards with velocityv from
the surface of a spherical planet. When it reaches its 42. Two spherical planets P and Q have the same unitorn
maximum height, its acceleration due to the planet's gravity density p, masses Mp and M,, and surtace areas Aand 4A
respectively. Aspherical planet Ralso has uniform density
is th ofits value of the surface ofthe planet. Ifthe escape pand its mass is (M,, +M,). The escape velocities tron
the planets P,Qand Rar V, Vo and V respectivey
Gravitation A95
(a) , |2012] STATEMENT - 2 : An object moving around the carth
under the influence of Earth's gravitational forcc is tn a
(c) Vp=3 (d) Vp/VÍ 2 state offree-fall". (2008|
ASatellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the (a) Statement- Iis True, Statement-2 is True, Statetent
earth. The mass of the satellite is very small compared to 2 is acorrect explanation for Statement -I
the mass of the earth. (b) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True: Statement
|1998S -2 Marks]
(a) The acceleration of S is always directed 2is NOTacorrect explanation for Statement - I
centre of the earth.
towards the (c) Statement - 1 is True, Statement- 2 is False
(b) The angular momentum of S about the centre of the (d) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True
earth changes in direction, but its magnitude remains
constant. 10 Subjective Problems
(c) The total mechanical energy of S varies 46. Abody is projected vertically upwards trom the bottomof
with time. periodically
(d) The linear R
momentum of S remains constant in a crater of moon of depth where R is the radius of
magnitude. 100
moon with a velocity equal to the escape velocity on the
) 7 Match the Following surface of moon. Calculate maximum height attained by
A4. Aplanet of mass M, has two natural satellites with masses the body from the surface of the moon. |2003 -4 Marks]
m, and m,. The radii of their circular orbits are R, and R, 47. Distance betvween the centres of two stars is 10a. The
respectively, Ignore the gravitational force between the masses of these stars are Mand 16M and their radii a and
satellites. Define vj, Lj, K, and T,to be, respectively, the 2a, respectively. A body of mass m is fired straight from
orbital spced, angular momentum, kinetic energy and time the surface of the larger star towards the smaller star. What
period of revolution of satellite 1; and v,., Ly, Ky. and T, to be should be its minimum initial speced to reach the surface of
the corresponding quantities of satellite 2.Given m,m,- 2 the smaller star? Obtain the expression in terms of G, M
and R,/R,= 1/4, match the ratios in List-I to the numbers and a. |1996 -5Marks]
in List-IL." |Adv. 2018| 48. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around
LIST-I LIST-HI the earth with a speed equal to half the magnitude of
P. 1. 1/8 cscape velocity from the earth. |1990 - 8 Mark]
Q. Ly 2. 1 () Determine the height ofthe satellite above the earth's
R. K/K 3. 2 surface.
S. T/T; 4. 8 () If the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and
(a) P’ 4;Q’2; R’ 1;S’3 allowed to fall freely onto the earth, find the speed
(b) P3;Q ’ 2; R ’4;S’1 with which it hits the surface of the earth.
(c) P’ 2; Q ’3;R’1;S’4 49. Three particles, each ofmass m, are situated at the vertices
(d) P’2:Q’3;R’4;S’1 of an cquilateral triangle of side length a. The only forces
acting on the particles are their mutual gravitational forces.
9 Assertion and Reason Type Questions It is desired that each particle moves in a circle while
maintaining the original mutual separation a. Find the intial
45. STATEMENT-1: An astronaut in an orbiting space station velocity that should be given to cach particleand also the
above the carth experiences weightlessness. time period of the circular motion, |1988 -5 Marks]

Topic-6: Miscellaneous (Mixed Concepts) Problems

2 A thin uniform annular disc (see figure) of mass M has
1 MCQS Wwith One Correct Answer outer radius 4R and inner radius 3R. The work required to
p(r) in takea unit mass from point P on its axis to infinity is
1, Consideraspherical gaseous cloud ofmass density its center. [2010]
radical distance from
a free space where r is the mass m
The gaseous cloud is made of particles of equal with the (a)
moving in circular orbits about the common centre particles is 7R 4R
Same kinetic energy K. The force acting on the
constant in tme. 2GM
heir mutual gravitational force. If p(r) is (b) -(4v2 -5) 3R
The particle number density n(r)=pr)/m is [Adv. 2019)
[Gis universal gravitational constant) GM
3K K (c) 4R
(a) (b) 2rm'G
(d) 5R
6 MCQs with One or More than One Corret Ahy
IntegerNon-negative Integer Value Answer
3, The distance between two stars of masses 3M,and 6M, is 5. Two bodies, each of mass M, are kept fixed with ,
9R. Here R is the mean distance between the centers of the separation 2L. Aparticle of mass mis projected from the
Earth and the Sun, and M, is the mass ofthe Sun. The two midpoint of the line joining their centres, perpendicular to
stars orbit around their common center ofmass in circular the line. The gravitational constant is G The corret
orbits with period nT, where T is the period of Earth's
revolution around the Sun. The value of n is statement(s)is (are) |Ady. 2013|
[Adv. 2021] (a) The minimum initial velocity of the mass mto escane
4. A large spherical mass M is fixed at one position and two GM
identicalpoint masses mare kept on a line passing through the gravitational field of the two bodies is 4,VL
the centre ofM (see figure). The point masses are connected
(b) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape
by a rigid massless rod of length l and this assembly is free
to move along the line connecting them. All three masses GM
interact only through their mutual gravitational interaction. the gravitational field of the two bodies is
When the point mass nearer to Mis at a distance r = 3!
M (c) The minimum initial velocity of the masS m to escape
from M. the tension in the rod is zero for m = k
288 2GM
The value of k is |Ady. 2015] the gravitational field of the two bodies is

(d) The energy of the mass m remains constant

Answer Key
Topic-1: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (16) 12. (b)
Topic-2 : Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a)

Topic-3 :Acceleration due to Gravity
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (2) 25. (6) 26. (04.00) 27. (1.24x 10)
Topic-4: Gravitational Field, Potential and Potential Energy
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (2) 19. (3) 20. (16.00)
21. (a,b) 22. (a,c,d)
Topic-5 :Motion of Satellites, Escape Speed and Orbital Velocity
1, (a) 2. (b) 3. (2) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (2.3)
33. (2) 34. (3) 35. (2) 36. (64) 37. (10) 38. (R)
39. |4G
40. (8.48 h) 41. (False)42. (b,d) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45. (a)

Topic-6 : Miscellaneous (Mixed Concepts) Problems

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (9) 4. (7) 5. (b, d)
Chapter Gravitation
Time period of revolution,
Topic-1: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion 2rR
T= .. Too R
1. (d) Angular momentum, L=mvr m

Here, V= GM, h 7. (c) Areal velocity; dt
1 dA 1
GM. .rLor2 dA =r'de ’
L= m 2 dt 2 dt 2
Now distance from centre is dA 1L
in creased by 8 times. So new Also, L= mvr = mro
dt 2 m
distance from centre =r+8r=9r 8. (c) Let area of ellipse abcd=x
Now angular momentum L' c (9r)l2 X X
Area of SabcS = 2
(i.e.,ar of abca + SacS)
L' (9r)2 3 (Area of half ellipse + Area of triangle)
2. (d) Planets revolve around the sun in elliptical paths. =

Thus their linear speed is not constant.
3. (b) By Kepler's law
T² c R

=7(3)2 =7x3/3 =21/3 hours =36 hours Area of SadcS = X
3x X

4. (c) By kepler's law T² « r 4 4

Area of SabcS 3x/4
Area of SadcS x/4

5. (c) When distance of the planet from the sun is maximum

i.e., x at apogce so velocity is minimum and vice-versa.
tl=3 or, t,=32
9. (d) Incase of binary star
system, the
gravitational force of attraction
Sun between the stars will provide the
Perigee Xy Apogee necessary centripetal forces.
So angular velocity o of both stars
Ma Rg
is the same. Therefore time period T
By angular momentum conservation remains the same.
mVoX; =mVx, 10. (b) According to Kepler's law T2 c R'

1 K R;
6. (c) We have given Fo 2
R Here T, = 365 days ; T, =?; R, =R and R,
Here K is a constant. This force will provide the required
centripetal force to the particle for revolution. \3/2 RI273/2
= 129days
my K 1 T,=T, R
Gravitation A279

11. (16) From conservation of angular momentum,

100 kg F,sin 9 ’ F sin 0
(:L=Io) 2 (b)
V/64 F y 2F, cos 0
R RJ4 13 m13m
100 kg 100 kg 100 kg
So, FpeF+ 2F,cos 0
Gx100 2G(100) 13
(13)2 (13/2)² 13V2
Here, I=MR2 MR? = 100 G
5 16 132
2 My?
16 T 16
3. (b) Centripetal Force Fnet R
Gravitational force between two masses =
Here T, =24 T1(:.x= 16)
16 16
12, b) The centripetal force is provided by the gravitational
GM M(1), M(2)
force of attraction
So, mRa= GMmR S/2 R R
mRx 412 GMm
(: M=M, =M) R
RSI2 Resultant of these two forces 90°
13. ) According to Kepler's third law of planctary motion. M(3) W2R M(4)
Combining all forces and equating with centripetal force
we get
= 64 x 10l2 (VaR (2RJ R R

’ R, =4 x 10+ km.
v= 1GM(4+2)
GM4+ 2)
Linear speed of satellite S R. R 45 R4V2
2rR 2nx10 - 2nx10* kin/h
Linear speed of satellite S,, 2 R
4. (c) Gravitational field of ring
2rR, (2r) (4x10*) = IX10* km/h -Gmx
8 E=
Hence the speed of satellite S, w..t. S; Force between sphere
=-1X 10 km/h
=V, -V,=IX 10*-2n x 10 and ring
(i) Angular speed of S, w.r.t. S; GMm/8R V8R
3.14x10 <5/18-=3x 10 rad/s [R² +8R²,2
Ry - R 3x10 x10 V8GMm
Topic-2: Newton's Universal Law 27R'
of Gravitation 5. (d) Given = (A +Bx),
1. Taking small element dm of length dx at a distance x from
(c) Radius of circle, r=a X=0
Centrifugal force, F = mor So, dm = dx dx
mo a (F-GMM) d
dm = (A + Bx)dx X=0

(2a) dF =
m dF
Here M, =m; M, =m and d=2a x
ra+L Gm
angular speed, 0 = V4a3 F-JA+ Bx²)dx

3. (d) Weight on the surface of carth, W
- Gm - A Bx Ja m =
W 200
-= 20kg

6. (a) As we know, Gravitational force of attraction, Acceleration due to gravity at adepth, g'=g1d
F= d ’ depth from surface; d =
R2 2
and F, GM,M, R/2 10
7= GM,m
Weight at depth R/2= mg'
2 =Sm/s

AR =-2 GM,m Ar and AF = -2GMM,-Ary - 20 x 5= 100N

4. (b) Variation in acceleration due to gravity with
AF mAr is given by
g=g- ro cos'
AF M,Ar At pole, 2=90°
Using Ar; =Ar, =2Rcarh; M= 8x 1022 kg; Atequator, À=90°
M,=2 x 1030 kg .. g'=g- rof cos-=g-ro
r =0.4 x 10° km and r, = 150x 106 km Effect of rotation is maximum at equator.
5. () Weight of a body, W=mg 400 N
AR 8× 1022 |150 %106 )
AF, 2x1030)l0.4x10 Atdepth d, acceleration due to gravity g' - g1 R
7. (a) Let M' be the mass of removed section
M M'
’ M'=
M For ='=gl1-
d 2R 2
4 3 8
4 mg
3 W=mg 2 = 200N
6. (a) For point outside the surface of earth
M M M 82
GM8 8
F= 2
(3R) The acceleration due to
gravity at height h above the R
earth is given by
41 GM2 GM GM
3600 R (R + h)

Topic-3: Acceleration due to Gravity

1. (c) Acceleration due to gravity, ’g'=
g= R?GpR -2
.B2 P2, R2 =x1.5=
1 3 Ifh <<< R, R
R 2 4
2. (c) Acceleration due to gravity is given by
R2 andplane
3 -(o)oR 7. (c) Let R, and R, be the
radius of earth

Density of earth = Density of planet

8A M 2M 1
4 3 4 ’23 Re
Rxp 3
4 mGM . Wc
SB 4Rx P
3 Weight, W=mg R? R²

We Me
Wp M |Re
We Me
W 2M. (: M,-2M, given] R

» W, =W 23 W Mg
surface Mg' =
14. (b) W,=
3 3
In question, W, =W .:. W,= P
) Weight on the surface of earth, w=mg= 100 N 2

Variation in acceleration due to gravity with height,

BR? gR 16g
g'= 5-1h=(v-)R
(r+h)? 25 R
’h=0.732 x 6400 =4685 km
16 16 15. (c) As density is same, 2M = Mp
.:. Weight on height= mg' =25 ng x100 =64N
4 25
9 (d) Acceleration due to gravity is different at different places
Bef8-w R, sin 0, 0 ’ latitude angle Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet,
Acceleration due to gravity below the carth's surface
Befr R &p =
Hence, d is depth.
10. (d) We have gp - 2
Weight on planet 21/3 Weight on earth

16. ) Weight of body at pole =mg= 49 N

R Weight of body at equator due to rotation,
d &¢ g- Ro
4g 4
16 16
=1 RR 16 so W, =mg, =m(g - Ro)
h= R2
3 .:: Wp > Wp =49 N
>d= R
16 4
x 6400 = 4800 km
So, W, = 48.83 N. W, < 49 N. d
11. ) mg mg mg 17. (b) According to question, &, 84 = 8
Wer = 100 100 (R-d)
9R GM GM(R-d)
and 8d
12. (a) Given, radius of carth = 6400 km (R)
We have, g' GM GM (R- d) 4_(R-d)
3R R 9 R
The percentage decrease in the weight,
-2d 2x32 x100
= 1% ’4R = 9R-9d SR=9d
R 6400
13, d 5
H) The expression for acceleration due to gravity is as
GMr 18. (a) Value of gat equator, g =g-Ra
-(), r<R
Value ofg height h above the pole,
GM gcr, r<R
r>R’ &B 8
As object is weighed equally at the equator and poles, it
r>R means g is same at these places.
84 8B
graph will be as shown below.

2gh Ro? Given,

R 2g
2/ a
9 9 ’ 2h =d ’ a=2
&e R R
19. (d) W, mg p 4 Or
(6) Enlongation ofwire due to its own weight is
given by
Al = mgl Or, Al < g
G(M /9)/ R,
20. (a) Seff = lee g8e
Al, &p
10x 6x 10-5
=6 m/s?
2 2 RR 26. (04.00) At the surface of earth, g =
|1+ R
R GM 4
h=(v2-1) x 6400 x10 m= 2.6x 10° m Atpoint C&e 2
21. () With rotation of earth or laitude, acceleration due to R+ 2
gravity vary as g' g- oR cos
Where is latitude, there will be no change in gravity at
poles as =90°
At all other points as o increases g' will decreases hence, At point A84=g1 R. R.
weight, W = mg decreases. From question,
22. (b) The mass of the wire 4 AB 5R
=10-3x 1.2 x 105= 120 kg 848c ,8=8 ’ AB =
Acceleration due to gravity at the L R 9
surface of the planet and earth 10 | 5 4R
4 OA= 0B- AB= R-R=
4 OA 9
and g,=pGR¸ x=04.00
3 AB 5R 5
10 -lmg-2: 9
8p 10
27. (1.24 x 10- rad/s)
RE 10
g g-Ra² cos
Let gnM be the acceleration due to gravity at point Mwhich At equator,
is the mid point of the wire and is at a depth of =0, .. g'=g- Ro
Here g'=0 .". () = =1.24 x 10- rad/s
=1[1-0.1]= 0.9 r ms R

Force =mass of wire x gn 120 x 0.9= 108 N Topic-4: Gravitational Field. Potentialand
Potential Energy
23. (c) From mg = 1 (a) Apply conservation of energy
U,+K=U,+ K,
and g'= GMm GMm
(0.99R)? 2R
+0= tmy'
Radius of the earth shrinks by 1%
R 2R R
0.99R, GMm
24. (2) At 'h' height above the
ground (h« R) 2R mv
At depth 'd below the surface of
earth VR =VgR
Gravitation A283

(a) Potentialdue to sphere V

2R3 R?-) A
GM 0=
At surface r =R’V= (r'+a'E
(d) Mas of smallelement ofplant of radius x and thickneSs
R 7.
At centre, r = 0
dm = px 4rr dr = po x 4rr'd
3GM 3V p2
.:. Vo =
2R 2 Mass of the planet
3 (a)
M=4np,| R

’ M = 4npo
3 SR*
Gmm GMm Gravitational field,
x4 x4/2 GM G
nct d d
E= x4npo 3 SR2
d (4+/2)m+4/2M]
4, (d) The gravitational potential at apoint A due to mass 3 SR*
of the centre is
GM Eismaximum when = 0

Gravitational potential at 4 due to shell is 4nGpo 0 ’r=

GM dr 3 SR'
G(2M) GM
GM, GM, ] 8. (c)
(3a) (3a)? 3a
R av2
100 -4G
9. (b) 4C =av2 2 2
25 50 Resultant force on the body
5 (d) l644
a (av2)-(cos 45°i +sin 45°)
-V2)+ 24'
Let A be the point where gravitation field of both planets Mv
cancel cach other i.e. zero, After this held due to small mass Resultant force towards centre
willdominate and 'm' will easily reach small mass surtace. Y
Mv GM'
GM G(16M)
’ 4x = 10a-XX= 2a ...(1)
Using conservation of energy, we have a 2/2) B ’X
GMm G(l6M )m + KE GMm G(16M)m GM GM
2a 2a Sa
16 16
KE =GMm 10. (a) F=
| 8a 2a 2a 8a
1+64 4-16 R
KE = k 4nrdr R
3 5GM
=mG[ 2 =-4nkGm 4rkGm
45 90GM R
(a) Given: Gravitational field,
Sa ’r=z a Using Newton's second law, we have
mvo 47rkGm
(rF=0 R
Vo =C (const.)

Time period, T =
2rR 2rR
= constant.
Mass of the left over part of the sphere
Vo C M'= M
GMm 8
11. (c) Initial gravitational potential energy, E; = 2R Therefore gravitational field due to the left
Final gravitational potential energy, sphere over part of t
GMm/2 GMm/2 GMm GMm
2R 6R E= +

4GMm 2GMm
6R 3R
Difference between initial and final energy,

Due to complete solid sphere, potential at point P

-GM x-8x2
3R sphere -7GM
Vsphere 2R3 = GM
8x4 8x2
-GM/1IR2 GM 16. (c) For r >R
2R3 4 8R
Due to cavity part potential at point P
= mm x [GM where M is the total mass of the

GM spherical system.
3 8 3GM 1
Vcavity 2 R 8R Po
2 For r<R
So potential at the centre of cavity
my2 GMr
11GM 3 GM
= m
=VphereVcaviy 8R 8 R R R
i.e., v- r graph is a straight line passing through origin.
13. (c) As, V= 2R3 (3R -²) 17. (a) Change in potential energy B

Graph (c) most closely depicts the corect variation of vr).

AU= U-U, 'R
14. () Gravitational field, I=(Si+12j) N/kg = -GMm
dy R
dr g* ’ GM=gR?

Av= AU=
gR'm mgR
2R 2

(M-m)m x4+ (M-m)

--[1,x +lyy]--[s(7-0)+12(-3-0)] 18. (2) U=-G

--[35 +(-36)]=1J/kg =4Mm - 4m² +

m² (M-m)²
i.e., change in gravitational potential 1 J/kg.
AU= mAy = | x |=1J
= 4M -8m+ 2m 2(M- m)
Hence change in gravitational potential energy 1 J dU
15. (c) Let mass of smaller sphere (which has to be removed) is m dm V2
R dU
Radius (from figure) For maximum 'r" = 0
2 dm
0=4M -8m +2V2m-/2M
M m
’ m =
0= M(4-/2)-2m(4 - /2) M=2m =
4 3
Gravitation A285

3 GM2 R R
Binding energy of uniform sphere =
19. (3)
Energy given
5 R :R+hÍ-R
+hp- iven
3GM2 3 GM2 24 9
:.hÍ -R-R=R=R
E=Uf -U, =0 5 R R ..X=3 15
15 5
(16.00) Using law of conservation
energy of 2. (b) Escape velocity V= R
atal energy at height 10 R=total energy at earth
-+m =GMgm 1
GMgm, 1 +
R .V, = 2GMp and VE =
10R Rp RE
Gravitational potential energy = 2GMp
R 2 2

’V=Vo +gR16 kml s [:: Vo=12 km/s given] 3

1. (a,b) For r > R, the gravitational field, F= GMm

’Vp -x9x V¸ -VE
2 3
.. Vp =x11.2km/s =16.8 km/s
and F=
(2) Escape velocity, V,=. |2GM
Or, M
F= 3.
F n R R
For r < R, the gravitational field, F= Gm Xr As increases ’ V, increases
R3 R
GMm 1
-x and F= SMm Also V
Therefore statement (1) is correct and statement (2)
F is incorrect
22. (a,c,d) The gravitational field (E) intensity at the point O 4. (d) Let m= mass of satellite,
i.e., centre of a solid sphere is zero. Force acting on a test M= mass of earth
mass m, placed at O Potential energy of satellite
F=mE =m, x 0=0 P.E=
GM m
The gravitational field due to masses at A and B at 0° is R
equal and opposite. Here, G = gravitational constant
Now, y2 + z2 = 36 AY Kinetic energy ofsatellite
represents the equation of GM m
acircle with centre (0, 0, 0) K.E= +
and radius 6 units the
Total energy of satellite
plane of the circle is
GM m
perpendicular to x-axis. T.E = -
(2,0,0)) 2R
As the plane of these
circles is Y-Zl to X-axis GM
Speed of satellite v= R
SO potential at any point
on these two circles will It is clear that only speed of satellite does not depend
be constant due to mass on the mass of satellite. So, speed is same for both
M and masses at A and B.
5. (b) Escape speed of earth is
Topic-5: Motion of Satellites, Escape
Speed and Orbital Velocity 2GME
9) Acceleration due to gravity 'g' varies with height Here ME= Mass of earth
h= GM RE = radius of earth
G= gravitationalconstant
(R+h)? Escape speed of planet
(R +hp' 36 (R +hÍ)
V= 2G(16ME)
(4RE) R¸
GM 25 (R+ hp) 2

(R+ho Ve

GM GMm a22GMm GMm

6. (c) Orbital speed, v= Vr
R 2 R h

=3:l R R h h R 1-22
7. (c) The centripetal force required for revolution of 2Gm
satellite is provided by the gravitational force of 13. (a) Escape velocity, Ve 1
attraction between earth and satellite.
from conservation of energy
-GMm GMm
GME Rg ' g u ) GM GM V GM GM GM
V2R 2 R' R 18 R+h R 9R
2rr(2R) 4RN2 4nR V2 =32 R GM 8GM 1 8
.. Time period T= VRg VR2 9R R+h 9R
-GMm 9R= 8R+ 8h
8 (b) Energy of satellite in orbit, E= 2R The maximum height
attained by the body.
6400 ’
Potential energy of satellite in orbit, PE = R h= 800 km
’U=2E velocity is given as
E-PE 14. (a) We know that, escape
Kinetic energy of satellite in orbit, KE=
|2G x p 4x R
-(-E) 2GM
Ve R R
9. (c) Given, M;-9Mp, Rp =2Rp

2GMP 3
So, Ve Yae
= 12km/s.
V(escape)planet Rp RE

15. (b) Total energy at middle point

(c) We have 1 1 8A BA 3 =K.E+ P.E of M, & m + P.E of M, &
total energy should be zero.
V, =2Rg ’
eA 4 3 gB 4 To get escape velocity
GMm 1 GMym GM2m
(b) As, E=- r/2 r/2
11. 2r
M 4G(M, + M,)
2Gm ( M, +M2) : V=
4 4r 16

3 3r 9 GM
M 16. (b) Speed of satellite, v =
12. (b) Initial kinetic
Time, T=
=211 GM
Initial potential energy,
GMm M, 2
Final potential energy,
Jol8xo",32 - (7xi0°,2]
U, = h
energy 2T x10°[82 -72]
Using law of conservation of
V6.67 x10-!!x6x 1024
K +U,-K,+U, 1300 s
1 (: Final kinetic energy =0)
Gravitation A287

17. (b)
4zkR, GMm
or, M = 2zkR F; -=moR (= F¢)
2m R
Cor noint O to be the centre of mass of 4rkR'
the system, moment G
2rKG 2T
about Oshould be zero.
. 2mx = m(d-x) R R

»3mx = md’x=
2 2nR 2rR 2rR
For equilibrium,
gravitational F centripetal 2 , K and G are constants ..T- R.
G(2m)m 21. () From law of conservation of momentum. P;= Pr
mj4, mlu, =M
Gm 2d 3Gm 3Gm 1V+

3m 6

.. Period of revolution, T = 2
V3Gm Clearly. v,;<v, :Path will be elliptical
18. (a) Orbital speed of the body when it revolves very close 22. (c)
to the surface of planet Usrfae+E=U
[" E, is minimum, at height 'h', K.E. =0]
V,= VR .() GM_m GM m
+E, =
Here, G = gravitational constant R, (Re+h)
Escape speed from the surface of planet GM,m
E=GM,m Re. R, +h
2GM (R+h) Re
..(i) Gravitational attraction
Dividing (i) by (i), we have my GMm
FG ma GMm
GM (Re+h) (R, +h) (Re+h)
R my
V |2GM E,= GM_m
2 2(R +h)
19. (c) Orbital velocity, V, =
Clearly. Re =3200km
R. 2 2
From energy conversation,
R 23. (b) Let v be the speed of satellite just before ejection of
GMm rocket then,
2" R 2R
+ mmin ..(1) GM
Rmax ...(i)
From angular momentum R


min max ..2) 9m

Solving equation (1) and (2) we get. 10
Ruax 3R
(a) According to question, mass density of a spherical
20. 10

galaxy varies as V,
Along x :
Mass, M=[pd' m

M m
(P), =(P), mV=n2
M= 4r dr R
R y=10v=-100 M [From (i))

Along y :
(P), =Pp, »0=
10 101
So force on star Gm my
2r 2Tr
GM as T=
"=9ro =81 2R VGA
30. (a) As we know,
200 R
Gravitational potential energy = -GMm
Z4. (d) Kp =-mxGMeGmM,
R Re and orbital velocity, Vo =
as, 64 V =V,»64xR=R ’ 4R = Re
4 4 VGM/R+h
3 3 GMm 1 GM GMm
and, M c V.
So, M,=64Mm
Ermvo 3R 3R 3R

2GM m GMm -GMm -GMm -+K
R 3R 6R
GmMm GmM,/64 GmM, K¹ E, - Ef
Ry R 16Rm 16
4 Therefore minimum required energy, K= 5GMm
25. (b) Orbital, velocity, v= GM 6R
31. (b) Applying energy
Kinetic energy of satellite A, conservation
1Smy?-Mm_GMm x3x10°
Kinetic energy of satellite B, Re 2.5 x10° R,
GM GM, 3x105
R 2 |1+
GM 1 R 2.5x10
26. (d) For a satellite orbiting close to the
velocity is given by earth, orbital 2GM, 2Gm =11.2 km/s
Yo =Vg(R +h) gR Re
Escape velocity (v) is
32. (2.3) V,-13 x11.2 &42 m/s
V=2g(R+h) =2gR [:: h<<R] Initially, let M, =m. Then, M=2m
m, R 2m, R
Av=ve-Vo =(V2-1)/gR
(b) At height r from center of earth, orbital velocity A B

GM Finally,
By principle of energy conservation m R 7m
KE of 'm'+
GMm 8'2
=0+0 (.:At infinity, PE= KE=0) B'
or KE of'm'= m= my²
Now, 2GM
28. (d) Let M is mass of star m is
By energy convervation betweenmass of meteroite
0 and o. 7m R
GMm -GMm 1 |2m +

8_x- 2
r mV=0+0 m R'B
4x6.67x10 x3x10! 8
10'! Now, px
29. (a) Due to =2.8x10° m/s
infinite wire of mass 'm' at 'r' distance
»(Ry-R'=R (R'BR 8
’R'B= -R
Gravitation A289

|23m R 23m 37. (10) From energy conservation,

VB m 1sl/R
R 11R
VA 8 8
V; =
20 GM. 2GM,
23 10×2.3 Vi1 R R

Therefore, n =2.3
the height to which the bullet rises
..v; 11
33. (2) Let h ..x=10.
with the height acceleration due to gravity varies as
-2 -2 38. (R) From conservation of mechanical energy
’ h= R ;mv'+-GMm
1 GMm
R (R+h)
We know escape specd, v,=
R vWN (given) ..(i) KE provided x KE of escape
Now applying conservation of energy principle
Loss of kinetic energy = gain in gravitaional potential energy 1 GMm GM x 2
GMm GMm or
2 R VR
,my²= 2R R GMm
GM : 2R R R+h
V ...(1)
VR ’R+ h= 2R or, h = R
Comparing eq. (i) & (ii) we get N= 2 2R R+h
34. (3) We know that escape speed y= 4G
(M + M,) Total mechanical cnergy mass m at a
..(1) midway point between the centres of earth and moon
GMm GMym
Given ..(1) d12 d/2
di2(M1+M;) +my21
Gm Gm
-(MË + M2)
2 d/2
Also g=rGpR R [:: final mechanical energy is zero)
Pp where V, is the velocity with which mass m is projected.
11 R
’ 4G
V,=(M +M2)
R, 3/6 ...(iii)
40. (8.48 h) According to Kepler's law T² «R
R 22
From (i), (ii) & (ii)
p N6 3v6 3x6 3 T R
22 Vilx22 11 Here R = R+6R=7R and R, 2.5R + R= 3.5 R
3 3 T = 24 hours
**, =xv, =xll km/s = 3km/s 24x 24 7x7x7x R
11 11
s (2) We know that orbital velocity is given as ’ T,= 8.48 h
3.5 x3.5 x3.5 x R'
GM 41. False New Delhi is not on the equatorial plane.
V3200 2 Geostationary satellite is launched on the equatorial plane.
36. (64) Escape velocity, 42. (b, d)Here Planets P and Q have the same uniform density
'p' and surface areas A and 4A respectively. Let the mass
2GM fP Mp be m.
R increased 4 4 A q3/2
Let R be
10 times. the radius so that escape velocity is Then m=pxr=
3 4T
2GM 2GM |2GM 4

'=10R' R'=

= 64 km
VR R The mass of fMg- px
The mass of Planet R= 8 m + m=9 m
If the radius of P=r

Then the radius of Q= 2r

3/2 )3/2
47. Let the force of attraction IS Zero at a distance
bigger star. Mg-16M M-M
= 2 4n 0

[: M = Mp +MÍ Bigger

and radius of R= 91/3,

r=+(2r =9,| Then force on mass mdue to bigger star =force On
As we know, escape velocity fromn the planet due to smallmasSstarm
2GM 2GMp 2Gm GMgm GM sm 16M M

R Vp Rp (10a -x) (10a -)

Let v denote velocity with which the body of mass m
|2GMo 2G (8m) = 2vp fired so that it crosses P along OP. The cnergy i
The energy of the system (of these masses) initially
final energy when mis at P
l2G (9 m) GMgm I
43. VRgl/r
(a) Force on satellite is always towards earth which 10a 2a Sa

attracts the satellite with the gravitational force F. therefore. GMgMs GMgm GM_m
acceleration of satellite S is always directed towards ccntre 10a Sa 2a
of the earth.
The net torque of this gravitational force F about centre of [:: Ma =l6M: M=M)
earth is zero. Therefore, angular momentum (both in 3SGI
magnitude and direction) of S about centre of carth is
constant throughout. 2V a
As the force F is conservative in nature, thercfore 48. () Here centripetal force is provided by the gravitational
mechanical energy of satellite remnains constant. Spccd of pull
S is maximum when it is nearest to carth and minimum GMm
when it is farthest.
44. (b) ".: Orbital velocity, (R +h) (R+ h)
V= 1
1 R VR R+h

2x 2x1 2GM
lxlx4 Given v=e VR
GMm 1/2GM GM h=R-6400 krm.
Kinetic energy, K= 2R+ 2h =4R
2R 4 R R+h
satellite hits te
k 2x4 (u) Let V be the speed with which the 1b
1 surface of the earth. If the satellite is stopped.
the Earth,
m, R kinetic energy is zero. When it falls freely on
From Kepler's law of planetary motion. its potential energy decreases and
kinetic energy.
(P.E.),-(P.E.), = K.E.
T R 8
-GMm -GMm
(a) An astronant in an orbiting space station above fall. the
45. of free 2R R
earth eXperiences weight less as he is in a state
The force acting on astronant is utilised in providing
necessary centripetal force. v= /gR = V9.8 x6.4 x10º
46. Applying mechanical energy conservation, VR particle
Total energy at A = Total energy at B = 7920 m/s =7.92 km/s each
49. Letthe initial velocity that should be given to
(K.E.), +(P.E.), =(P.E.), be V'. The centripetal force is provided bythe
2GM -GMm GMm gravitational attraction of the two masses.
R 2R 100 R+h
F,= VF2+ F²+2F cos 60°
Solving above equation, we
get h =99.5 R.
= 3F= 3MX m
(Maximum height attained by R
the body from the surface of
(my -=centripetal force|
the earth)
Gravitation A291

Workdone in moving a unit mass from P to o = V-Vp

Badius of the circular path r= 2 a' -=
43 or Wp=0-| GM (4/2-5)
7R 7R
V3Gmr3Gma V=
Gm 3. (9) The centre of mass lies at adistance 6R from lighter mass
a'x3 a In circular orbit.
Time period of circular motion
2r 2a/ N3 R
Time period, T= 2r,
a 3M, 6M,
Topic-6: Miscellaneous (Mixed Concepts) Cm

1 b) Gravitational pullof the mass 'M'present in the sphere Binary stars system
of radius 'r'. Provide the required centripetal force of particle
of mass m' to revolve in a circular path. nT= 2r,
my GMm GMm GMm G(3Ms +6Ms)
-my' = 2r ’K
Differentiating the above
or, nx2,
=9x21| GMs
equation w.r.t 'r' we get
dM 2K
T=21 GMS .. n=9

4 (7) For point mass at distance r = 4/

dr Gm
GMm Gm?
2K ma
or dM =
dr (4/) 2
2K K
4r*dr p= dr m m
Gm 2rr'mG
K p(r)
2r'm'G 2rurm'G -r= 30
2. (a) Mass per unit area of the shaded part. For point mass at distance r = 3/
mass M M GMm Gm?
= ma
area n((4R)² -(3R)') 7zR?
and thickness dx as
Let us consider a ring of radius GMm Gmm GMm Gmm
shown in the figure.
PA (4)? (30)
1R 7M
2m = M m= .. K=7
9 16

3R 5 (b, d) From conservation of mechanical energy,
-GMm GMm 1
2rMrdr 1 2GMm
Mass of the ring, dM =c2xdr = 7rR or, -m²= 4GM jGM
2 L
Potential at point P due to shaded part
4R 4R
GdM GM2r xdx
Me -M
3A V(4R) +()* 7aR 3R V16R +x
Total energy of mass 'm' is conserved as there is no external
Solving. we get force involved.
NI6R+x = 2GM
7aR J3R

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