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v7 0 Oled Led LCD TV Repair Tips Manual

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V7.0-Smart OLED/LED/LCD TV Repair Tips

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1 Another Power Supply Self-Test Method for
2 Collection of Service Menu/Factory Mode Login Methods
3 LG OLED/LED/LCD TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams
4 Documents / Resources
5 Related Posts

Another Power Supply Self-Test Method for OLED/LED/LCD

TV ……………………………………………. 55

Check LCD/LED TV PSU Board has 3.5V Output Pin …….. 58

Check LCD/LED TV PSU Board without 3.5V Output Pin ……… 58
Check OLED TV PSU Board (have 2 types of PSU Board, with & without 3.5V Output Pin) ……… 59
Modify the LED Driver Output Current (Ampere) to Protect the Backlight LED Strips …… 60
Three Common Types of LED Driver Control Circuits and Their Modify Methods ………. 61
Another Easy Method to Modify LED TV Backlight Output Current to Protect LED Strips ………… 65
Universal 4-Adjustable T-CON Voltages Module …………….. 68

SMD 6-Pins IC in LED/LCD TV-Marking Code & Equivalent List (2021 Updated) ………….. 76
How to Bypass LED/LCD TV Backlight Inverter IC Protection List (2021 Updated) (133-part numbers Inverter IC)
…….. 95
Collection of OLED/LED/LCD COF BoardView List (2021 Updated) (148 COF Part Numbers & 191 COF
Boardview Photos) …… 106
Page Page Page
No. COF P/N: No. COF P/N: No. COF P/N:
s s s

1 56CG23A-52 107 51 1CN9506-01 153 101 NT61303H-052A2B 206

2 5090-A CS19B 108 52 1L15271M2AA1 153 102 NT61312H-C6518AA 207

5090-A CS19C (8
3 02PPTK54- A01, 108 53 ILI5381M2AB1 154 103 NV1042FMB 208

4 5223-F CBQU 111 54 IT7C60A LE4CBN 155 104 NV1047FHA (L) 109

5 5253-A CBPQ 112 55 LH169K01 156 105 RDJG200PAC1 210

LS306M1-C2LX (M
6 5253-B CBR3 114 56 157 106 RM76A30FA-906 211

7 5276-A CBR6 115 57 LTZ400HAO3 157 107 RM76C30FA-F02 212

8 8632CS02A 115 58 MN998473 158 108 RM76H3OFA-L04 213

9 8647-CS10A 116 59 MT3804VG 159 109 RM7611WFD0-006 214

10 8651-A CBD7 117 60 MT3807VC 160 110 RM7611WFD0-006C 214

11 8651-C CCB7 119 61 NT39329-0O264A 162 111 RM76112FD-032 215

12 8651-C CV18 119 62 NT39329H-0O259 163 112 RM76150FA-034 217

NT39329H- CO264 164 113

13 8651-G COB 120 63 RM76151FH-061 218

NT39504H- CO2E8
14 8656-B CBJV 122 64 165 114 RM76151F1-092 220

15 8656-F CY50 123 65 NT39512H- C5105A 166 115 RM76152F1-0A8 221

16 8656-F 0154 124 66 NT39530H- 167 116 RM76153FJ-OA1 222


17 8656-F COB 124 67 167 117 RM76153FL-0C1 224

18 NT39530H-
8656-G CYOU 126 68 168 118 RM76153FM-OCN 224
19 8656H-0502 127 69 C5204A 169 119 RM76180FB-082 225

20 NT39530H-
8656-1 C506 129 70 171 120 RM76180FC-086 226

21 130 71 NT39530H-
8656-M C607 172 121 RM76180FC B019CCA1 227

22 8656-M cy40 132 72 NT39538H-1260A 173 122 RM76190FA-0A0 228

NT39538H- C12B9
23 8656-M CY45B 133 73 174 123 RM76311FC-805 229

24 8656-M CY61 134 74 175 124 RM76312FB-80E 231

25 8656-N C540 135 75 NT39538H-C1272 176 125 RM76320FB-61A 232

26 8657D-CCBR 136 76 176 126 RM76350FA-902 235

27 8658-ACBFV 136 77 178 127 RM76360FA-808 236

28 8658-B CBHI 137 78 178 128 RM76370FA-80A 237

29 8658-8 CBA 137 79 179 129 RM76370FA-80K 238

30 8658-B CB1V 138 80 180 130 RM76731FD-60Y 239

31 NT39540H- 181 131

8658-B 138 81 S6CG23A-52 240

32 8658-H C528 139 82 NT39562H- Cl2G9A 182 132 S6CG21 5-5 1 241

33 139 83 NT39563H- C650Z 183 133

8658-M CY61 S6CG239-52 242

34 NT39563H-
8697-A C516 140 84 184 134 S6CG242-51U 243

35 NT39565H-
8697-A CY79 140 85 185 135 S6CG331-58 244

36 8697B-0562 141 86 187 136 50327B2-2L 245

37 NT39567H-
8697-B CYA7 142 87 189 137 50327B6-2L 246

38 NT39567H-
8697-BCE10 144 88 190 138 SSD3268UR1 246

39 NT39567H-
8698-C C560 146 89 191 139 SSD3272/3U2R4 247

NT39567H- 193 140

40 943ST65 147 90 SSD3273 U2R4 249
41 A61414 147 91 194 141 SW8003 K 249

42 D10C30G0023- 148 92 NT39573H- 195 142 T6LC9(CCN.2KS) 251


DB7931-FT01M ( NT61203H- C5604

43 149 93 196 143 T7C75A1 LE4CCDN 251
LN262747) A

DB7931-FT01M ( NT61207H- C6802

44 149 94 197 144 1APE9522-01-4A 252
LN262975) A

NT61212H- C6517
45 150 95 199 145 VH1LS0327B6-2L 253
(LN362038) A-A

NT61227H- C1217
46 EK73510Z004A 150 96 200 146 VM10105A 254

G0054-C1TS (LL NT61228H- C5607

47 151 97 A 202 147 VM10106 255

HM10C005K-C1 NT61228H- C6809

48 151 98 203 148 VM10154A 256
(CD30K219) A

I27GCBAA-X01, I NT61237H- C6523

49 152 99 204 149
25XRAC-X01 A-A

NT61302H- C5290
so 1CN9502-01 152 100 205 150

Collection of Service Menu/Factory Mode Login Methods

(Updated FEB 2021) ………………………………………………………………………. 257

• Steps to login to Branded TV Mainboard Service Menu/Factory
Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………. 258
o Acer …………………………………………………………………………………. 259
o Akai …………………………………………………………………………………. 260
o AOC ………………………………………………………………………………… 260
o BEKO………………………………………………………………………………. 260
o Changhong ………………………………………………………………………. 260
o Changhong Ruba ……………………………………………………………… 262
o Dell ………………………………………………………………………………….. 262
o Dynex ………………………………………………………………………………. 263
o Ecostar …………………………………………………………………………….. 263
o Element ……………………………………………………………………………. 263
o Funai ……………………………………………………………………………….. 263
o Haier ……………………………………………………………………………….. 263

o Hisense …………………………………………………………………………….. 264

o Insignia ……………………………………………………………………………. 264
o Intex ………………………………………………………………………………… 264
o LG …………………………………………………………………………………… 266
o Olevia ………………………………………………………………………………. 272
o Panasonic …………………………………………………………………………. 273
o Philips ……………………………………………………………………………… 279
o Other Collection of Philips LCD/LED TV …………………………. 282
o Pioneer …………………………………………………………………………….. 288
o Polaroid …………………………………………………………………………… 288
o Prima ………………………………………………………………………………. 289
o Proscan ……………………………………………………………………………. 289
o RCA ………………………………………………………………………………… 289
o Samsung ………………………………………………………………………….. 289
o Sanyo ……………………………………………………………………………….. 291
o Sharp ……………………………………………………………………………….. 292
o Sony …………………………………………………………………………………. 301
o Symphony ………………………………………………………………………… 303
o TCL …………………………………………………………………………………. 303
o Toshiba ……………………………………………………………………………. 304
o Vizio ………………………………………………………………………………… 307
o Viore………………………………………………………………………………… 307
o Westinghouse …………………………………………………………………… 308
• Steps to login to Universal LCD/LED Mainboard Factory Setting. 308

o Hisense …………………………………………………………………………….. 264

o Insignia ……………………………………………………………………………. 264
o Intex ………………………………………………………………………………… 264
o LG …………………………………………………………………………………… 266
o Olevia ………………………………………………………………………………. 272
o Panasonic …………………………………………………………………………. 273
o Philips ……………………………………………………………………………… 279
o Other Collection of Philips LCD/LED TV …………………………. 282
o Pioneer …………………………………………………………………………….. 288
o Polaroid …………………………………………………………………………… 288
o Prima ………………………………………………………………………………. 289
o Proscan ……………………………………………………………………………. 289
o RCA ………………………………………………………………………………… 289
o Samsung ………………………………………………………………………….. 289
o Sanyo ……………………………………………………………………………….. 291
o Sharp ……………………………………………………………………………….. 292
o Sony …………………………………………………………………………………. 301
o Symphony ………………………………………………………………………… 303
o TCL …………………………………………………………………………………. 303
o Toshiba ……………………………………………………………………………. 304
o Vizio ………………………………………………………………………………… 307
o Viore………………………………………………………………………………… 307
o Westinghouse …………………………………………………………………… 308

Steps to login to Universal LCD/LED Mainboard Factory Setting. 308

Collection for Unknown China-made Universal TV Mainboard
Login Service Menu Methods …………………………………………………….. 317
Another List of 122 Universal Smart LED/LCD TV Mainboard
Login Service Menu Methods …………………………………………………….. 319

No. Page No. Page No. Page

TV Mainboard TV Mainboard TV Mainboard
s s s

1 CV56BL.Q24 319 42 T.MS608.61 321 83 TP.V56.PA671 322

2 CV56BH.Q42 319 43 TP.HV310.PB801 321 84 TP.V56.PB726 323

3 CV56BH.Q28 319 44 TP.HV320.PB801 321 85 TP.V56.PB801 323

4 CV59SH-A 319 45 TP.HV320.PB818 321 86 TP.VST59.P67 323

5 CV59TH-A32 319 46 TP.HV510.PC821 321 87 TP.VST59.PA671 323

6 CV59SH-G39 319 47 TP.HV510.PC822 321 88 TP.VST59S.P89 323

7 CV59SH-G32 319 48 TP.HV530.PC821 321 89 TP.VST59S.PB712 323

8 CV59SH-Q32 319 49 TP.MS338.PB801 321 90 TP.VST59S.PB802 323

9 CV59SH-A39 319 50 TP.MS338.PB802 321 91 TP.VST56C.PB818 323

10 CV59SH-D 319 51 TP.MS338.PB803 321 92 TP.VST59S.PC1 323

11 CV59SH-E32 319 52 TP.MS338.PB818 321 93 TP.VST59S.PB801 323

12 CV59SH-U39 320 53 TP.MS338.PB819 321 94 TP.VST59S.PB816 323
13 CV59SH-U32 320 54 TP.MS338.PC821 321 95 TP.VST59.PB819 323

14 CV59SH-ASM 320 55 TP.MS338.PC822 321 96 TP.VST59.P63 323

15 CV59SH.A3 320 56 TP.MS358.PB801 321 97 TP.VST59S.PB813 323
16 CV338H-A 320 57 TP.MS358.PB818 321 98 T.R83.03 323
17 CV338H-A32 320 58 TP.MS358.PC821 321 99 T.R85.031 v.09 323
18 CV338H-A42 320 59 TP.MS608.P82 321 100 T.R83.031 323

19 CV338H-A50 320 60 TP.MS608.P83 322 101 T.R85.031 323

20 CV338H-D42 320 61 TP.MS608.PB831 322 102 T.R85.801 323

21 CV338H-D50 320 62 TP.MS628.PC821 322 103 T.R85.816 323

22 CV338H-U42 320 63 TP.MS628.PB803 322 104 T.R85.A81 323

23 CV338H-U50 320 64 TP.MS628.PD66 322 105 T.R85.819 323

24 CV828H-A 320 65 TP.MS638.PC821 322 106 T.R85.671 323

25 CV950H-A42 320 66 TP.MS638.PC822 322 107 T.RD8501.03 323

26 CV628H-A 320 67 TP.MT5505.PB801 322 108 T.RD8503.03 324

27 CV628H-A50 320 68 TP.MT5505.PD811 322 109 T.V56C.01 324

28 CV628H-B42 320 69 TP.MT5505.PB811 322 110 T.V56.03 324

29 CV628H-T42 320 70 TP.MT5507.PC821 322 111 T.V56.81 324

30 ITV.V59.801 320 71 TP.MT5507.PB801 322 112 T.V56.A8 324

31 ITV.V59.031.13 320 72 TP.RD8501.568 322 113 T.V56.03 324

32 ITV.V59.PA671 320 73 TP.RD8503.PB819 322 114 T.VST29.A3B 324

33 ITV.V59.031 320 74 TP.RT2982.PB801 322 115 T.VST59.62 324

34 msD338STV5.0 320 75 TP.RT2982.PC821 322 116 VS.TP56U61.2 324

35 QT5A3LP V1.1 320 76 TP.RT2982.PD811 322 117 VS.TP53U71.2 324

36 QT5A3LP V1.5 321 77 TP.RT2984T.PC821 322 118 VS.TP53U61.2 324
37 QT5A3LP V2.0 321 78 TP.R69 PD64 322 119 VS.SP35851 324

38 SKR.03 321 79 TP.VST59.PB753 322 120 VS.T53U21.2 324

39 SKR.801 321 80 TP.V56.PA673 322 121 VS.T5964.81 324

40 SKR.816 321 81 TP.V56.PB816 322 122 VS.T56U11.2 324

41 SKR.819 321 82 TP.V56.PB826 322


LG OLED/LED/LCD TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams

LG 32LK610BPUA Interconnect Diagram ………………………………………….. 329
LG 49UK6300PUE Interconnect Diagram …………………………………………… 330
LG 55LW5600 Interconnect Diagram …………………………………………………. 331
LG 55UK6300PUE Interconnect Diagram …………………………………………… 335
LG 60UJ7700 Interconnect Diagram …………………………………………………… 336
LG 65SJ9500 Interconnect Diagram ……………………………………………………. 337
LG 65SK9000PUA Interconnect Diagram …………………………………………… 338
LG OLED55C6P Interconnect Diagram ……………………………………………… 339
LG OLED55C6P PWB Layout ……………………………………………………………. 340
LG OLED65B6P Interconnect Diagram ……………………………………………… 342
LG OLED65B6P Start-Up Sequence …………………………………………………… 343
LG OLED65B6P T-con Layout Troubleshooting …………………………………. 348
LG Plasma TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams (page-355)
42PJ350 Interconnect_42T1 Panel ………………………………………………………. 355
42PN4500 Interconnect_42T4 Panel ……………………………………………………. 358
42PQ20 Interconnet_42G2 Panel ………………………………………………………… 367
50PG20 Interconnect_50G1 Panel ………………………………………………………. 371
50PK750 Interconnect_50R1 Panel ……………………………………………………… 373
50PK950 Interconnect_50R1 Panel ……………………………………………………… 376
50PN6500 Interconnect_50R5 Panel ……………………………………………………. 380
50PV450 Interconnect_50R3 Panel ……………………………………………………… 389
60PS60 Interconnect_60H3 Panel ……………………………………………………….. 392
TV T-CON Board Schematic Diagrams (page 395)
AUO T400HW01V0 CtrB (55.46T02.00x)_T-CON Schematic ……………… 395
AUO T400HW01V0 X-BACK(RIGHT) T-CON Schematic …………………. 404
AUO T400HW01V0 X-Front(LEFT) PCB T-CON Schematic ……………… 412
Hisense RSAG7.820.5259 T-CON Schematic ……………………………………….. 420
Sharp LCD-60_70LX565A G476_QPWBXG476WJZZ_TCON Schematic …………. 427
Universal Smart TV Mainboard Schematic Diagrams (page-433)
CV59SH-DPW-10 TV Mainboard Schematic ………………………………………. 433
CV338H-T42-13B TV Mainboard Schematic ………………………………………. 443
CV512H-X42 TV Mainboard Service Manual with Schematic …………….. 456
CV6586H-A TV Mainboard Schematic ……………………………………………….. 498
CV9202H-A39 TV Mainboard Service Manual with Schematic Diagram …. 510
MSD3463-T8C1 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………………………. 559
P75-628VX-V6-0_MSD6A628 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………….. 563
P75-3463GUV6_P82-69ZR V6.0 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………. 576
T.EME380.61 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………………………….. 586
TCL 01-0MT507-MAB2HG TV Mainboard Schematic ……………………….. 594
TCL 01-MT3600-MAA4XG_01-MT3601-MAB4XG TV Mainboard
Schematic ……………………………………………………. 603
TD.MS338.793 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………………………… 614
TP.HV310.PB801_TP.HV320.PB801_TP.MS338.PB801_3 in 1 TV
Mainboard PSU Schematic …………………………………………………………………. 625
TP.HV530.PC821 TV Mainboard & PSU Schematics Diagram ……………. 626
TP.MS628.PC821C_MSD6A628 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………. 640
TP.MS880.PB801_MSD880_LED40E330N TV Mainboard Schematic …. 651
TP.MS3463S.PB801 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………………… 660
TP.MT5507.PC821 TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………………….. 683
TP.RT2982.PB801 TV Mainboard Schematic ……………………………………… 695
TP.S512.PC821 TV Mainboard Schematics Diagram …………………………… 696
TP.V56.PB816 TV Mainboard Schematic ……………………………………………. 706
TP.VST69D.PB718_(0090728304) Haier TV Mainboard Schematic …….. 713
TPD.MS338.PB791_40X TV Mainboard Schematic …………………………….. 721
TPD.MT5507.PB776_MT07P TV Mainboard Schematic …………………….. 737
Videocon MT5301B TV Mainboard Schematic ……………………………………. 749

(This bonus is NOT listed in this Ebook, it’s on the Download Page)
* 123 Smart TV Mainboard eMMC BoardView/Programming Points

* LG 38 Plasma Modules/Panels Models Alignment Guide (over 200+ different brands & models Plasma TV use)
* Over 25 OLED/LED/LCD TV Power Supply Schematic Diagrams
* Universal Smart TV Mainboard Firmware (over 6GB of file sizes!):

CV358H.B42 4G SAMSUNG 1366+768 HG OK

TP HV553 PC821 -8G_1G_90-SAMSUNG
TP.ATM30.PB818_1366x768_ 512MB_4G
VS.SP35851_1366x768_1G_8G_Samsung IR

Highly recommended another great related repair information for you:

With all this great repair information, it will help you in troubleshooting and repairing electronic and other display
devices: (Please click on the ebook cover to get more details)
1) Flat Screen TV Troubleshooting & Repairing Ebooks:

https://www.lcdrepai http://www.lcd http://www.lcdre http://www.lcdr

rguide.com/tcon-panel/ repairguide.com/V6/ pairguide.com/V5 irguide.com/V4

3) Other Great Electronic Repairing Ebooks



Documents / Resources
SMART V7.0 OLED LED LCD TV Repair Tips [pdf] User Guide
V7.0, OLED LED LCD TV Repair Tips, V7.0 OLED LED LCD TV Repair Tips

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