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Science Sample Paper

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Whclt would be electron dot structure of carbon dloxlde,C0 2 7

)S.1:.. :,laln what happens when :
(a)Tcstosterone Is released In males.
(b)Pollen grai n falls on the stigma of flower
(c)Egg fuses with sperm cell.
(d)Planarl a Is cut Into many species.
(e)Buds a re formed on the notches of Bryophyllum leaf.
(a)Although Amoeba and Le/shman/a,both show same mode of reproduct/on,but the process of reproduction is carried out;
Identify .ind mention the way It is carried out In the two spec/es.
(b)What Is re generatlon?Exp/aln with the help of a diagram how this process Is carried out In Planar/a .
(c)Name the part of Rhlzopus In which spores are forme . d.Sl ate t~.e condition under which spa res grow into
. new indlvld /
36 ·(a )What Is the function of an earth wire In electric 1nstruments?1s ,t necessary to earth the met aIll c eIeetrlc appl/a ua7s.
(b)Explaln what Is short circu iting and overl oading In electric supply. nces
(c)What Is the usual capacity o f the fu se w ire In the line to feed :
(!)lights and fan
(ll)appllances of 2kW or more power?
Sect/on E
37 .Sehaj Anant took sulphur powder on a spatula and heated It.He collec ted the gas evolved by Inverting a test t u b e over l t, as s
n fi gu re below :

n,/};/____ Test tubo

, ' . - Spatula containing
sulphur powder

~ B urner

(a)What :,I happen or the action of gas

( .dr1,·.mus paper 7
( ,mo !I litmus paper?
(o Nhat 11 pe of oxides are formed when non-metals combine with oxygen?
(c) /Ir re a balanced chem/cal equation for the reaction taking place.
(c)/✓nat are acidic o,ddes?Gfve examples.
38 r.t:ende'lan pr/nclples apply only when parents are pure breeding.They are having similar alleles of the gene for the character In
concern The r pum I can be cnecked as on selfing they produce morphologically and structurally similar offsprlngs
(a)Ur;dt" t,hat conditions /.Aendel's law apply?
(o)V/hat arc ale es?
(c)Vlhat Is rneant by pt1eno11pe? E..:plaln In brief.
(c) ✓✓hat Is meant by gr>not / PC7 Ei<pla/n In brief
Tne abllitt of medium to refract light Is also expressed In terms of Its opt/en I density.Optical density has a detlnice connotation It 1
not ,amc '" ,naH density. We have b1'"1 using thr: trrms "raror 11edlllm" nnd "prnse(rnedlum In this chapter.It 11cwally means
"r mr:dlum ond optically dPnSPr medlum,rospoctlvoly. I hr sperd of llghl Is hlRhPr In il rarer medium than a denser
"opt ca I v ra r..
medium Thu&,a roy of Uglit 1mvelllnB 1,orn i1 rd r,., medium too d~nser rnC'dlum slows down and bends towards normal. When ,t
tr11cl, from den , r 111c:dlurn to a rari r rn1 dlum,11 sp1•rds up r1nd bond~ ,1Wi1V from the normal.
(a) //hat , 0/JI 1,111 dl' 11ilty?
(b)v/ l 111 , opt c.ally rat1•r 11u dlu1117
(,J Ill at u optic.oil/ dN1 ' r m1 dJurn?
1,,v111t I pµ r • to llffht n /1c11 light tr1111r 1, lr om an opllcolly cJunse1 to ,111oµ tlcn lly rJr1•r medium?
.ill, t10n:.11
211' o ut on tlf a ubs111ncc x Is used for wh1tcw1shlnl1
(I Name th substance x nnd wrlto lh tormullJ
}Wr te th ~ ctlon of th~ ,utmanct' x nam~d In (I) 11uovc with water
Wh\ docs c.ilour of ~opper sulphall! iolullon change when 1111 Iron nell dipped In It? 1 function of pant
22 \\; tc t\" ffercnccs beh-.l!t!n tho rciponso of planti ond response of animals 10 st1mult and at,o,mcnt on
~3 \\:h~ d I u~ on s nsufnclcnt 10 meet the oxyncn rl!qulremt?nl 5 of mul1lccllul11r organisms lll<e humans?
24 \\1'\ do vc n~ hhc thin walls a, compared 10 arteries? f a pr sm has separated
:s ,.,
hat s mcant b\ sncctrum of white IIRht?How can we recombine the compononu of white llght a ter
thcm?Draw a tftagram to lllustri1te It.
reboru 115
The extent of deviation of a ray of light on passing through a & s prism depends upon colour·
4ht of rnd colour arc used for danger signals.
25..state two metnods to get rid of non-blodegraadable wastes
27 Write one equation each for decomposition reaction where energy ls supplied In the form of heat,llght or electric ty.
2~(a)'.Vhat Is universal Indicator?
{b)Wrlte the chemical equation Involved In the preparation of sodium hydroxide.Name the process.
29.Glve reasons for the following:
(a)Rlngs of cartilage are present In trachea.
(b)~ucus Is secreted along with HCI ln the stomach.
Represent the equation of photosynthesls.Explaln the steps 1nvof11ed In photosynthesis.In which way are the steps of photc51ntl;,:s:s
d fferenc In desert plants.
30 Sudha finds out that the sharp image of window pane of her science laboratory Is formed at a distance of 15'!!' from tr.e ens s~'i!
no\•, tries to focus the building visible to her outside the window In stead of the window pane without disturbing lens.In when d ·e':t!
v.-, she move the screen to obtain a sharp Image of bulldlng?What Is the approximate focal length of this lens?
31 Size of an object by a mirror having a focal length of 20 cm is'observed tobe reduced tto 1/3 of Its size.
(a)At w hat distance t he object has been placed from the mirror?
'b)What Is t he natu re of the Image and the mirror?
32 In the figure given below.how do we think the displacement of rod AB will be affected If:

(a)currer,t In the rod AB Is Increased.

(o)a stronger horse-shoe magnet is used; and
(c)lengtn of the rod AB Is Increased.
(a)How do a solenoid behave like a magnet?
rth and sou th poles of a current camlng solenold With a help of bar magne:?Expla n
(b)Can you d etermln e the no h f I ff
letion of ozone layer.Mention any two arm u e ects of depletion of this layer
33.Ust t 110 causes of dep ~ctlon 0
34 What I~ m eant by homologuous seri es of carbon compounds?Classlfy the following carbon compounds Into two homo ogo s ~
and name t h~rr.
C H, c, M,.c. H,,C Ha,Cs H,,~
4 H10 b
I h
(;)V;rltc the name and geMral formula of a chain of hydro,ar ons '1. w lch an addition reaction with hydrogen s poss be State th
em:ntlal c.ondltl ons for an addit ion reaction.St ating this condltlon,mlte a chemical equation giving the name of the reattant and t
product of the rPactlon.
I bud~
s111e ('l\ltflllf\ ( hoo<.e the rnrrNt lall~lllnR th orsnnl~m In wlllch thl\ structure Is present an
d the type of
p, s ntN1 b\ thts tructur1

~ sto ~ rn ,ne, tl'd I, a c r. 1Ilt lt b ln~ulatcd ond plac('d In 1 trougt1 of eyes ilftcr so met Ime the electrical result of the wire :

r ,omet me and thl'in decreases

11'1' e, out a, e,perlment and plots the VI graph bf 3 samp Ies o f n Ichrome wires with resistance are one hour to an h
a, sh.-i\\ 1 belo\\ "hlch of the foll owing Is true:

t R3>R2>!-l
d R2>R3>Rl
15 p ast c i:'lsulatlon surrounds a wire having diameter d and length I as shown below an Increase In the resistance of the
wire wou/a
be prod c d by an Increase In the:

h of the wire

1ture of the wire


ncorrect statements from the followlng regarding magnetic llnes of field:

agnetlc field at a point Is taken to be direction In which the North Pole of a magnetic compass neeale pc:n:s
are closed curves
s are parallel and equidistant they represent zero field strength
of a magnetic field are shown by the degree of closeness of the field lines.

Ql 7-20 n•Reason type questions:

17.An 0, ➔ :i'S +2H,O It 1s an oxidation reaction
eu ~s which lnvolvcs rcmovill of hydrogen
of hiving• Kiri or a boy child I\ equ 8 1thnt I~ SO%, 85 50% ml\ gametes RY WPC and SO are X t-,;pe
type ,perm WIii produce II girl child
111, nllroKell fl•1 rs
V rt lrnUlum In lhf Ir IOOl no-•
P 1ac d n ar a cutr r 111 car "lllus.
nth v,lr I inc, r ,nee! • Y111 11 wlrn the dQJlectlon of the compa~~ nt:'edle oecreas ) ,~h n tn

eld 11 a point noar the cond

lJtto, lncrnoscs on lncraoslng the current.
oll0wln1 1ubst nee 1111 lo" r.s1 pH value

,- ent on structural formula of ethane.
S Thr graoh rrptt\Cnt5 the blood laCllc ndd conrnntr Dtlon of ,111 olh hitc du 1
b o d of an ath ete" s tc~tuct belorc durlna end ,,fter 111100 mclr(! r,ico r " 11 H!r race 01400 metre ond shows a peok point 11 d th
'ln n the 400 metre raco ilttlc llc ld producllon hns occurred In tho athlete while


J l ;,

0 30 60
time In seconds

\\ h ch of the folio\\ Ing process exp la Ins this event

a)aerob c respiration
b)anaercb c r espiration
c 'ermentat1on
c breatn ng
9 ::lent~ the phase of circulation which Is represented In the diagram of heart arrow Indicate contraction of the shown :

a B ood transfer to the right ventricle and left ventricle simultaneously

b B cod ls transferred to lungs for oxygenation and Is pumped Into various organs simultaneously .
c 8 cod transferred to the right auricle and left auricle simultaneously
(c)B ood Is received from lungs after oxygenation and It received from various organs of the body
10 Mencel crossed a pure recessive white flood P plant with a pure dominant red flower plant.The first generation of hybrids from t
cross should show
(a) 50% white flowers In 50% red flowers
(b}all red flower plants
(c)75" rent flat In 25% white flower plants
(d)all white flowered plants
11.0bserve the figure carefully. What does the parts k &I represents; choose the correct option

(a)K cell body, I cytoplasm

{b)K dendrite, I nucleus
(c)IC dendrite, I cell body
Pre-bo Public School, Mathura
ard Examination (2022-23)
Time: 3:0Q Hrs Subject - Science
§.eneral Instruct! ons· Class-X
1.Thls questl ----!
on paper co I
2,All questions ns st of 39 questlo
expected t are compulsory howev ns,dlvldcd In S sections.
3 Sect I O attempt only one ~f tho er Internal choice are been provided in some section.A student is
• on A consists of 20 bj se questions.
4.Sectlo n 8 consists of 6 very ectlve
h type questions carrying one mark each
range of 30-SQ words s Ort queS t lons carrylna 2 marks each answer to this question should be in the
s S • consists of• 7 short b
. ect1on C
be In range of so to answer type questions carrying 3 marks each answer to these questions shoulJ
80 wo~s
6 .Section D consists of 3 I
In the range of _ wo~~! answer type questions carrying 5 marks each answer to this question should be
80 120
7 .Section E consists of 3 source- ba sed I case based unit of assessment of 4 marks each with sub parts.

Section A

1 Ca1c,um phosphate Is present In tooth enamel.Its nature Is·

(a Sas c (b)Acldlc .
(c)Neutra (d)Amphoterlc
2.i"he number of electron pairs sh are dbY 2 carbon atoms which are bound by a triple bond are :
( a) One pair (b) Two pairs
(c) ,hree pairs (d) Six pairs
3,Tne given d agram displays ache mica I reactions howing Iron nails dipped In copper sulphate solutlon Observe carefully indicate the
co·rect opt,on which the diagram represents --- ·
Test tube

n ~e---Copper eu!phate
Iron nail

(a) ron naf becomes brown In colour and the blue colour of copper sulphate remains as such
(o)lron na becomes brown In colour and blue colour of copper sulphate fades and become green
(c ro:1 na oecomes green and blue colour to copper sulphate fades.
(o}no cnange occurs.
4.Tne tac e provides the pH value of 4 solutions P,Q,R&S.Which of the following correctly represents the solution in increasing orae· o
the r nydronlum Ion concentration '

.Sofufi.on pHvalne
p 2

Q 9
R 5
s 11

la\ ?>Q>R>S
(c) S,::Q<R<P
(d) S<P<Q<R
A p ece of granulated zinc was dropped Into copper sulphate solution. After sometime the colour of solution changed from

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