TMN3703 Assignment 1
TMN3703 Assignment 1
TMN3703 Assignment 1
Student Number:
Assignment 01
Unique number: 392647
Declare that:
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this
2. I declare that this assessment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s
work, whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper
acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
submitting it as his or her own work.
- Interactive emotions chart: Have students create their own emotions chart to
document their emotions over a period of time. Every week and again once a
month the students should discuss their findings as a class which helps them to
deal with and regulate their emotions on a weekly basis and then doing a review of
their highs and lows once a month.
- Role playing: Role play scenarios where students have had a challenge or a
success. The other students can help with problem solving and to provide
solutions to challenges. Discuss as a class what strategies worked well and what
could be improved.
- Time capsules: Ask students to create time capsules where they write letters
to their future selves. At the end of the year, have the students revisit the time
capsules and discuss their goals for the new year.
- Food Journal: The students should keep a food journal for one month. They
must record everything they eat and drink. The class must discuss their findings
the importance of a balanced diet and identify areas for improvement.
-Food pyramid: Students should use supermarket catalogue to cut out pictures of
foods representative of each food group and stick them into a food pyramid to
make a collage. Have them identify different food groups, read nutrition labels, and
choose healthy options for a balanced meal.
-Meal preparation: Have the students prepare a simple but nutritious snack -
Perhaps overnight oats or granola bars which all the students of all capability
levels can take part in.
4. Topic: Social responsibility
Teaching and Learning Activities: Children’s rights and responsibilities
- Responsibilities worksheet: Students can do a worksheet that gives the
definition of responsibilities, they should then write down 5 responsibilities they
have in their own home/family They can discuss as a class why they think they get
these responsibilities and what they like or don’t like and why.
-Rights matching activity: Present students with real-life scenarios, where
students are not respecting their rights and have them match it to the right they are
abusing. There can also be a component that matches rights to their
- Guest Speaker: Approach a lawyer to come and speak to the students about
the rights and responsibilities we have in our constitution now versus how it was
back in Apartheid and how far we have come as a country.