SDLC Model Explainable Automated Program Repair
SDLC Model Explainable Automated Program Repair
SDLC Model Explainable Automated Program Repair
Abstract—The integration of Explainable Artificial Intelligence systems or spend considerable time manually verifying each
(XAI) into program repair holds immense potential to rev- fix, negating the efficiency gains promised by automation.
olutionize software maintenance and development. Traditional
XAI techniques, when applied to program repair, can bridge
automated program repair systems, while effective in identifying
and fixing bugs, often operate as black boxes, making it difficult this gap by providing insights into:
for developers to understand and trust the repairs generated. • The reasoning behind the identification of a particular
XAI addresses this issue by providing insights into the decision-
code segment as buggy
making processes of AI systems. This paper explores the software
development lifecycle (SDLC) for a system that combines XAI • The process of generating and selecting a specific repair
with program repair, aiming to solve the problem of opaque bug • The potential impact of the repair on the overall system
fixes. We provide an in-depth analysis of each SDLC phase, from behavior
requirement analysis to maintenance, and propose a comprehen- • The confidence level of the system in the proposed fix
sive framework for developing such a system. Additionally, we
present case studies to illustrate the practical applications and This paper outlines the SDLC for a system that integrates
benefits of this integration, demonstrating how XAI can enhance XAI into program repair, focusing on addressing the problem
the trustworthiness and efficiency of automated program repair. of opaque bug fixes. We present a detailed analysis of each
SDLC phase and propose a comprehensive framework for
I. I NTRODUCTION developing such a system. The goal is to offer a roadmap
In the realm of software engineering, automated program for creating transparent and effective program repair systems
repair has emerged as a critical tool for maintaining software that leverage the strengths of XAI, ultimately leading to more
reliability and reducing the manual effort required to fix bugs. reliable software and increased developer productivity.
Despite the advancements in this field, traditional automated
program repair tools often lack transparency, rendering the II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT
generated fixes as inscrutable to developers. This lack of
Automated program repair systems have made significant
explainability can lead to mistrust, hesitancy in adopting auto-
strides in identifying and fixing bugs without human interven-
mated repairs, and, in some cases, the inadvertent acceptance
tion. However, the opacity of these systems presents a major
of flawed fixes.
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) offers a solution to challenge. Developers often find it difficult to understand the
this challenge by providing mechanisms to make the decision- rationale behind the generated fixes, leading to mistrust and
making processes of AI systems understandable to humans. potential rejection of correct repairs or acceptance of flawed
By integrating XAI into automated program repair, we can ones. This lack of transparency ultimately affects software
create systems that not only fix bugs but also offer clear, reliability and maintainability.
comprehensible explanations for the generated fixes. This The specific problems we aim to address include:
integration aims to enhance the reliability of software and 1) Lack of Trust: Developers are hesitant to accept au-
increase developer confidence in automated solutions. tomated repairs without understanding the reasoning
The importance of this integration cannot be overstated. As behind them.
software systems grow in complexity, the need for efficient and 2) Inefficient Verification: Significant time is spent manu-
reliable bug detection and repair becomes increasingly critical. ally verifying automated fixes, reducing the efficiency
However, the adoption of automated repair tools has been gains of automation.
hindered by the lack of transparency in their decision-making 3) Potential for Introducing New Bugs: Without clear ex-
processes. Developers often find themselves in a position planations, there’s a risk of accepting fixes that may
where they must blindly trust the repairs suggested by these introduce new issues or have unintended consequences.
4) Limited Learning Opportunities: Opaque fixes don’t • Generate comprehensive reports on bug detection,
contribute to developers’ understanding of the system repair, and system performance.
or improvement of coding practices. • Provide analytics on common bug patterns and
5) Difficulty in Debugging: When automated fixes fail repair strategies.
or cause issues, the lack of explainability makes it
challenging to debug the repair process itself. B. Non-Functional Requirements
The problem we aim to solve is the development of an 1) Scalability:
integrated system that combines XAI with automated program • The system should handle large codebases effi-
repair to provide understandable and trustworthy bug fixes. ciently.
Such a system should offer clear explanations for the proposed • It should support concurrent analysis of multiple
fixes, enhancing developer trust and facilitating the adoption projects or repositories.
of automated program repair solutions. By addressing these 2) Performance:
challenges, we can create a more efficient, reliable, and edu- • Bug detection and repair should be performed
cational approach to software maintenance and development. within acceptable time limits.
• The system should provide real-time feedback for
III. R EQUIREMENTS A NALYSIS small to medium-sized code changes.
A. Functional Requirements 3) Usability:
1) Bug Detection: • Explanations should be easy to understand for de-
• The system should automatically identify bugs in velopers with varying levels of expertise.
the software code. • The user interface should be intuitive and require
• Utilizes genetic programming and neural network- for why a bug was identified and how the repair was
based approaches to generate diverse repair candi- generated.
dates. • Explanations are tailored based on the complexity
– Implementation of surrogate models to approximate – Implementation of interactive code diff views for
complex repair models locally comparing original and repaired code
– Generation of feature importance scores for code – Integration of force plots and summary plots from
elements contributing to the bug and fix SHAP for visual explanation of feature importance
– Visualization of feature contributions using high- – Development of interactive heat maps for visualizing
lighted code snippets attention weights in neural network-based repairs
• SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations): • Explanation Customization:
– Calculation of Shapley values to determine the im- – Implementation of adjustable detail levels for expla-
pact of each code feature on the repair decision nations (e.g., basic, intermediate, advanced)
– Implementation of efficient approximation algo- – Development of filters to focus explanations on spe-
rithms for large codebases cific aspects (e.g., security, performance, style)
– Generation of force plots and summary plots to – Integration of a query system allowing developers to
visualize feature impacts ask specific questions about repairs
• Attention Mechanisms: • Repair Management:
– Correctness of generated repairs for common bug – Utilization of containerization technologies (e.g.,
types Docker) for easy scaling
– Diversity of repair candidates for complex bugs – Implementation of auto-scaling policies to handle
– Efficiency of repair generation process varying loads
– Setup of secure API gateways for client access
• Explanation Engine:
• On-Premises Deployment:
– Accuracy of LIME and SHAP explanations
– Coherence and readability of generated natural lan- – Development of installation scripts and documenta-
guage explanations tion
– Correctness of visualization generation – Configuration options for integration with existing
development infrastructure
• User Interface:
– Implementation of update mechanisms for model and
– Responsiveness of the UI under various loads system improvements
– Correct rendering of code highlighting and visual-
• Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD):
– Proper handling of user interactions and input vali- – Setup of automated build and test pipelines
dation – Implementation of blue-green deployment strategies
for zero-downtime updates
B. Integration Testing – Integration with monitoring and alerting systems
Integration testing should ensure that the components work • Data Privacy and Security:
together seamlessly and that data flows correctly between – Implementation of data encryption in transit and at
them. Key aspects to test include: rest
• End-to-end bug detection, repair, and explanation gener- – Setup of access control and authentication mecha-
ation process nisms
• Correct propagation of context and metadata between – Compliance with relevant data protection regulations
components (e.g., GDPR)
A. Monitoring The Explanation Engine generates an explanation stating
The system should be continuously monitored to ensure it that the proposed fix corrects the formula by aligning it with
performs as expected. Monitoring tools should track metrics the standard financial calculation practices. It highlights the
such as: affected code lines and explains the impact of the fix.
• Bug detection accuracy and false positive rates
The explanation includes:
• Repair success rate and average time to generate repairs • A side-by-side comparison of the original and corrected
• User satisfaction scores and system usage statistics formulas
• System performance metrics (e.g., response time, re- • A mathematical breakdown of how the misplaced paren-
source utilization) thesis affects the calculation
• Error rates and system health indicators • A graph showing the divergence of results between the
incorrect and corrected formulas over time
B. Updates • References to financial calculation standards that support
Regular updates to the machine learning models, explana- the correction
tion techniques, and user interface should be performed to • A natural language summary explaining the importance
improve the system’s performance and keep up with advance- of the fix in layman’s terms
ments in XAI and program repair. This includes:
• Periodic retraining of machine learning models with new D. User Feedback
bug data The developers review the proposed fix and the explanation.
• Integration of new XAI techniques as they become avail- Satisfied with the clarity and rationale, they accept the fix and
able deploy it to production, resolving the critical issue. The team
• UI/UX improvements based on user feedback and usabil- provides positive feedback on the system’s ability to catch
ity studies and explain a subtle but significant bug that might have been
• Performance optimizations and bug fixes overlooked in a manual code review.
• Updates to supported programming languages and frame-
C. Feedback Loop Integrating XAI into program repair offers significant ben-
A feedback loop should be established to collect user efits in terms of transparency, trust, and effectiveness. By
feedback and use it to improve the system continuously. This following a structured SDLC approach, developers can build
can involve: systems that not only fix bugs automatically but also provide
• Regular surveys and user interviews understandable explanations, enhancing software reliability
• Analysis of system usage data and user behavior patterns and developer confidence.
• Tracking of accepted vs. rejected repairs and explanations The proposed system addresses the critical challenge of
• Monitoring of community forums and support channels opaque bug fixes in automated program repair, offering a
• Collaboration with academic researchers and industry solution that combines advanced AI techniques with human-
partners for continuous innovation centric explainability. This integration has the potential to
revolutionize software maintenance practices, leading to:
• Increased developer trust in automated repairs
A. Scenario • Faster bug resolution times
Consider a software development team using the system • Improved code quality and reliability
to maintain a large codebase for a financial application. A • Enhanced learning opportunities for developers
critical bug is detected that could lead to incorrect financial • More efficient allocation of development resources
calculations. Future work in this area could explore more advanced XAI
techniques, deeper integration with development workflows,
B. Bug Detection and Repair and the application of this approach to other domains of
The Bug Detector identifies the bug related to an incorrect software engineering. As AI continues to play an increasingly
formula in the code. Specifically, it detects a misplaced paren- important role in software development, the principles of
thesis in a compound interest calculation, which could result explainability and transparency will be crucial in ensuring that
in significant errors in long-term financial projections. these tools augment and empower human developers rather
The Repair Generator proposes a fix based on similar bugs than replace them.
in historical data and its understanding of financial formulas. It The journey towards truly intelligent and explainable pro-
suggests moving the closing parenthesis to the correct position gram repair systems is ongoing, and this paper lays the
in the formula. groundwork for future innovations in this exciting field.
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