Grade 12-LO-Examination Guidelines
Grade 12-LO-Examination Guidelines
Grade 12-LO-Examination Guidelines
This document will provide clarity on assessment of Life Orientation in Grade 12.
PLEASE REMEMBER: SACAI provides the Common Assessment Task that will be written
in September by ALL Grade 12 learners.
Formal assessment
In the formal programme of assessment for Life Orientation, learners are expected to
complete five tasks per grade. These five assessment tasks are:
• Two examinations
• One project
• One written task; and
• Physical Education Task (PET).
The five internal formal tasks make up 100% of the total mark out of 400 for Grade 12.
The Grade 12 final examination marking should be done internally.
The mid-year examination for Grade 12 will comprehensively address the content,
knowledge and skills covered in terms 1 and 2; and for the final examination, terms 1 - 4.
More than one type of question should be incorporated and focus primarily on the
application of knowledge in an integrated manner. Examinations must include 10%
content relating to Physical Education.
• The external Common Assessment Task will consist of a 100-mark question paper
of at least 2½ hours.
• All topics and subtopics in the Grade 12 CAPS will be assessed, which may include
10% of the Grades 10 and 11 CAPS content. The Grades 10 and 11 content will
also be considered to be foundational underpinning knowledge.
• The examination will comprehensively address content, knowledge and skills
covered from Term 1 to 4 in Grade 12.
• Various types of questions will be incorporated and focus primarily on the
application of knowledge in an integrated manner.
• The question paper may also include content related to Physical Education.
• This question paper is divided into THREE sections:
o SECTION A consists of three or more different types of questions requiring
short responsesand explanations.
o SECTION B consists of two 20-mark questions to which learners must
provide direct responses.
o SECTION C consists of three 20-mark questions of which learners must
answer TWO questions.
NOTE: THE final LO exam (Task 7) will be set externally by SACAI, also moderated and
approved by UMALUSI. BUT these papers will be internally marked by the service
provider, school or centre. SACAI will do external moderation.
The Physical Education (PE) component aims to develop learners’ physical well-being
and knowledge of movement and safety. It encourages learners to perform in a wide
range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. PE
also aims to develop learners’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of
collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation.
All Physical Education periods will focus on practical physical and mass participation in
movement activities:
• For enjoyment and enrichment purposes with a view to encourage learners to
commit and engage in regular physical activity as part of their lifestyle.
• PET will be administered across all four terms.
• Physical Education component comprises three different movement sections:
fitness, games, sport; recreation and relaxation.
• Physical Education must be conducted once a week.
2) Movement performance: learners will be assessed at the level at which they are
capable of performing. Movement performance must not encourage a sense of
The teacher will observe whether the performance of a movement has a desired outcome,
focusing on the:
• Overall performance of the movement rather than the detailed mechanics of
each movement. However, once a teacher has gained confidence and knows how
to break down a motor skill and movement sequence down into different parts,
additional criteria can be added to assess the performance in greater depth.
Frequency of Participation
A record of learner participation will be kept in the teacher file. This will not be used for
Movement performance
Learners will be observed twice across a school term for formal assessment purposes to
determine their level of movement performance. Allocate a mark out of five (5) for each of
the two observations (movement). Add the two to obtain a final mark out of ten (10).
The second term assessment will be multiplied by 2 to give a total of 20.
A Physical Education class list, for Grade 12, could be used to generate a mark out of 10
for movement performance. The number of PE periods per term will depend on the
institution’s planning for the year.
Example of the class list for participation and movement performance:
2. Movement Total
1. Frequency of participation
TERM 1 performance marks for
(10 marks) term
Learners’ P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Observation Observation
Names 1 2 [10]
(5) (5)
1 T Maju √ √ √ a x √
[present] A [absent] [present
absent but did
with a not
valid partici-
reason pate]
An ‘a’ will indicate that the learner was absent for that particular period and an ‘x’ that the
learner was present in class but did not participate and an A that the learner was absent
with a valid reason.
The table below provides the six categories in Bloom's taxonomy, the cognitive
demands required, and examples of the action words/verbs associated with it.
Level 5
by making judgements about estimate, predict, rate, select, support,
information, validity of ideas or justify, argue, conclude, why do you
the quality of something think
Design, create, plan, recommend,
Create/ hypothesis, construct, forecast,
Reform individual parts to
Synthesis rearrange parts, imagine, generate,
make a new whole
Level 6 compose, improve, predict, formulate,
devise, examine, investigate, develop
*Some action words are interchangeable, depending on the nature of the question.
• The depth of content refers to the extent to which a topic is focused upon and
explored. It helps to enhance the depth of learning as learners develop their
content knowledge. It also assists in connecting the relevant content to a learner's
real-life experiences.
• The following EXAMPLES could be used as a guideline when dealing with the
depth of content:
A discussion on a topic and subtopic, such as 'Human factors causing ill health:
contributing factors: unhealthy sexual behaviour' would include, e.g.:
❖ The definition of each key concept e.g. ill health, unsafe sexual behaviour.
❖ Discuss reasons why this type of behaviour is still prevalent among the youth.
❖ Assess the negative effects of unsafe sexual behaviour on the life of the young
• Conceptual learning is considered to be the foundational underpinning knowledge
that learners need in order to foster a deeper understanding and knowledge of
subject content, so that they may be better able to transfer and apply what they have
learnt to new situations.
• Teachers should refer to past examination papers (CAT) and marking
guidelines for more examples and guidance AND use these papers and
marking guidelines as a teaching tool to mediate content more effectively.
1. Development of • Life skills required to adapt to change as part of ongoing healthy
the self in lifestyle choices
society • Stress management
• Conflict resolution
• Human factors that cause ill health
• Action plan for lifelong participation in physical activity
2. Social and • Environments and services which promote safe and healthy living
environmental • Responsibilities of various levels of government
responsibility • A personal mission statement for life
A 18
B 30
C 30
Total 78
• The final total for the question paper must be transferred to the front of the
cover page.
• The teachers responsible for marking or moderation of scripts must sign and
date each marked script, since the marker and moderator are accountable
for enquiries regarding the outcome of marks awarded.
Example of marks transferred to the cover page:
Name of learner: John Doe
• Marking of the Final NSC Life Orientation CAT Examination is done by the
service providers, but externally moderated by SACAI.
This Examination Guidelines document is meant as a tool for clarification and reference
when teaching Gr 12 LIFE ORIENTATION. It is therefore not a substitute for the SACAI
Subject Guidelines (or the DBE CAPS document) which teachers should teach to.