Success Mindshet Worksheet
Success Mindshet Worksheet
Success Mindshet Worksheet
Name: Date:
Use this worksheet with the HP LIFE Success mindset course to create your vision, goals and success
plan. List your strengths and business habits you want to improve.
Create a vision for your future. Describe your hopes, dreams and what you want to accomplish. Think
I want to become a Dr. And complete my degree at Korea Want my own world with peace of mind .
Create 2 goals that are needed to achieve your vision. Goals should be Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound. Write a sentence or two about how your goal fits each one.
Goal 1:
Achievable: zoology
Time bound:
With in 1 year
Goal 2:
Time bound:
Now list the steps of your success plan (look at Wassel, Elena and Gianna’s success plan examples
Steps List specific actions and when the Success (or results)
What are the steps you need to actions should be done Describe the successful
take to achieve your vision and outcome
1. Get a good GPA Get my dream scholarship
Research the requirements
For gks
2.determine the resources to Get extra curciular activity Get certificate
achieve my scholarship
List your strengths and steps to improve
Strength Steps to improve
Slow learner
2.hard working Time management
Disturb quickly
List the bad habits to stop and the new habits to you want to create to achieve your success plan
Bad habits Steps to stop the bad habit
1. 1-Introspection
anger 2-Deep breathing
3-Count backward
5-Don’t accept negative situation
2. 1- Be quite
talkative 2- Unplug from technology
3- Write your thoughts
4- Meditate
5- Be an observer
3. 1-Notice resistance
incredulous 2-Investigate
3-Let it go
4-Create positive belief
Good habits Steps you will take to create the good habit
1.time management 1-Time blocking
2-Two minute rule for small task
3-Focus on one thing at a time
4-The pomodoro technique
5-Asynchronous collaboration
6-Closing tabs
9-Batch task
Wassel created a business that provides cutting edge web, IT and mobile solutions to companies in
Europe, Middle East and Africa. The business has over 170 employees working on international projects in
banking, smart government and digital transformation. Wassel’s core values are to have a challenging
career, embrace change by being innovative, open to new ideas and provide social value for his country.
Start and grow a company to provide innovative IT solutions. Start small to prove that innovation and
quality can be delivered internationally from Tunisia. Be a role model for employees and entrepreneurs,
create good jobs and economic opportunities in Tunisia.
Create a company that provides innovative IT solutions internationally by using his experience in IT and
business within 10 years after completing his Masters in IT.
Steps Actions
Step 1: Build technical expertise Worked 7 years at Cap Gemini and Sun Microsystems.
as an employee at large Lived in Silicon Valley to get more exposure to IT innovation
international IT companies and visionary leaders
Step 2: Gain business and sales Completed an Executive MBA
knowledge/skills to complement Worked as an employee in pre-sales to gain business and sales
the technical expertise experience
Step 3: Create a startup that Co-founded Proxym-IT in Tunisia (now Proxym Group)
provides innovative IT solutions in
Step 4: Build and grow the Built development teams and solutions for web and mobile
business into more IT service Grew the company in the French-speaking European market
areas and more countries Created off-the-shelf IT solutions and acted as a systems
integrator to transform customers’ businesses in the areas of
healthcare, retail, fleet and digital education
Elena is a thirty-something sales professional. After two years of work experience, Elena entered an online
MBA program with a goal of becoming a business consultant. She researched consulting positions and
was drawn to the travel, working on teams, and client relations. These aspects of consulting aligned with
her interests. The career coaches in her MBA program told her this would not be possible given her
background and encouraged her to pursue a management position within her current field of retail sales.
However, Elena was determine to reach her vision and she created a plan.
To be a consultant working for one of the top consulting firms. Work with businesses to develop strategy,
business planning and problem solving to be successful in their marketplace. Travel, work in teams and
work with many businesses to understand their business challenges and develop expertise to become a
leading consultant.
Be hired as a consultant at one of the top consulting firms by the time she graduated from her MBA
Success plan:
Steps Actions
Step 1: Research the Performed online research to understand the
consulting companies and the companies and positions to make sure it was good fit
consulting positions
Step 2: Determine the Conducted multiple informational interviews with
resources needed to break into consultants at top consulting firms to understand skills,
the field of consulting strengths, personal networks, professional activities of
the interviewees
Created a list of the resources and skills needed as a
Performed a gap analysis to understand what is needed
and how long it may take her to get there
Step 3: Develop consulting Enrolled in Toastmasters to develop presentation skills
skills Went on multiple international study trips through her
MBA program and helped local businesses develop and
grow to improve her creativity, innovation and problem-
solving skills
Joined an online professional network for consulting
and took on leadership roles
Attended networking events where the organizations
she desired to work for would be present
Updated her resume to highlight her consulting skills
and experience
Step 4: Interview with top The first interview did not produce a job offer so she
consulting companies asked the interviewer for constructive feedback. She
prepared for her next interview, putting an emphasis on
the feedback she received.
The third company she interviewed with, offered her a
job with the largest starting salary offer ever provided in
her online MBA program. She has been employed by
this company for the past three years. She travels,
mastered the art of working virtually and now mentors
other MBA students.
Gianna developed an early interest in art and made interior decorative items for her home and her
neighbors. She worked in her father’s workshop learning how to use woodworking tools and improved her
skills. She entered her best pieces in local contests and won many prizes.
To have her own workshop and showroom to create and sell woodworking art and furniture made from
local materials.
Have her own shop and showroom after operating her woodworking business in her father’s workshop for 4
Success plan:
Steps Actions
Step 1. Increase her art Became an apprentice with a local artisan for 2 years
knowledge and skills
Step 2: Start a business Created custom interior decorative items and furniture
using her father’s workshop
Entered the best work in local contests
Developed a customer base
Created a portfolio of products she used to get more
business including her many prizes she won
Step 3. Increase her business Met with small business counselors and enrolled in
knowledge small business programs
Took business classes to learn about sales, finance
and marketing
Step 4: Expand her business Created a business plan to buy additional equipment for
her father’s workshop to increase her capability and her
Used her business plan and 2 years of profit and loos
and cash flow statements to get a loan
Created a marketing plan to get the word out. She used