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FIT1043 A2 Specification - S2 2024 - Gks6arg

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FIT1043 Assignment 2: Specification

Due date: Wednesday 2nd October 2024- 11:55 pm

The main aim of this assignment is to conduct predictive analytics, by building predictive models on a
dataset using Python in the Jupyter Notebook environment.

This assignment will test your ability to:

1. Read and describe the data using basic statistics,
2. Split the dataset into training and testing,
3. Conduct multi-class classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM)**,
4. Evaluate and compare predictive models,
5. Explore different datasets and select a particular dataset that meets certain criteria
6. Deal with missing data,
7. Conduct clustering using k-means and
8. Communicate your findings in your report/video recording.

** Not taught in this unit, you are to explore and elaborate these in your report submission. This will serve
as a gentle introduction to lifelong learning, encouraging you to learn independently.

We will explore the following datasets in Task A (plus a dataset of your choice in Task B):

1. Student_List_A2.csv
2. Student_List_A2_Submission.csv

Format: each file is a comma separated (CSV) file

Description: These two datasets contain information on high school students, detailing their
study habits, parental involvement, and academic performance. They are a modified version of a
dataset shared by Rabie El Kharoua1. These two files are available on the unit Moodle site under

Hand-in Requirements
Please hand in a PDF file containing your code, answers and explanations to questions, a Jupyter
notebook file (.ipynb) containing your Python code to all the questions, a CSV file for your
predictions in Task A5 and a video file:
● The PDF file should contain answers and explanations to the questions.
o You can use Microsoft Word or other word processing software to format your
submission. Alternatively, generate your PDF from your jupyter notebook formatted
using markdown. Either way save the final copy to a PDF before submitting.
o Make sure to include screenshots/images of the graphs you generate. Also, do NOT
include screenshots of your code if using Microsoft Word or other word processing

● The .ipynb file should contain:

o A copy of your work using python code to answer all the questions.

DOI: 10.34740/kaggle/ds/5195702
● The .csv file should contain:
o your predictions in Task A5.
● The video file should contain:
o An up to 3-minute recording of yourself explaining your answers to Task B1. You
can use Zoom to prepare your recording. Please see Task B for more details.

You will need to submit four separate files (i.e., .pdf file, .ipynb file, .csv file and your video file). Zip,
rar or any other similar file compression format is not acceptable and will have a penalty of 10%.

Assignment Tasks:
Note: You need to use Python to complete all tasks.

Task A: Data Wrangling and Analysis

A1. Data Wrangling (4 marks)
1. Read the ‘Student_List_A2.csv’ file and list the column names.
2. In this dataset, ‘GradeClass’ column contains the classification of students'
grades based on GPA, where:

Numerical grade Letter grade Meaning

classification in

0 ‘A’ GPA >=3.5

1 ‘B’ 3.0 <= GPA < 3.5

2 ‘C’ 2.5 <= GPA < 3.0

3 ‘D’ 2.0 <= GPA < 2.5

4 ‘F’ GPA < 2.0

Replace the numerical grade classifications (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) in the ‘GradeClass’

column with their corresponding letter grades ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F').

3. Can you identify any missing values in the columns of this dataset? If so, replace
the missing values with the median value of the relevant column where you find
missing values.
4. Identify a data quality problem related to the ‘Absences’ column and delete the
rows that exhibit this problem. Refer to Week 4 for information on data quality
5. Examine the 'GPA' and 'GradeClass' columns together for additional data quality
issues. Propose an appropriate solution for these issues and resolve them.
A2. Supervised Learning (1.5 marks)
1. Explain supervised machine learning, the notion of labelled data, and train and
test datasets.
2. Use the wrangled data from A1 and separate the features and the label. Note
o the label, in this case, is the ‘GradeClass’
o studentID is not logically a useful predictor of a student's grade so should
not be used as a feature
o GPA is translated to GradeClass. They both represent the same thing so
GPA should not be used as a feature.
o Use the rest of the features as predictors.
3. Use the sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split function to split your data for
training and testing (Keep 80% of the data for training).

A3. Classification (training) (3 marks)

1. In preparation for classification, your data should be normalised/scaled.
a. Describe what you understand from this need to normalise data (this is in
your Week 7 applied session).
b. Choose and use the appropriate normalisation functions available in
sklearn.preprocessing and scale the data appropriately.
2. Use the Support Vector Machine algorithm to build the model.
a. Describe SVM. Again, this is not in your lecture content, you need to do
some self-learning.
b. In SVM, there is something called the kernel. Explain what you
understand from it.
c. Write the code to build a predictive SVM model using your training
dataset. (Note: You are allowed to engineer or remove features as you
deem appropriate)
3. Repeat Task A3.2.c by using another classification algorithm such as Decision
Tree or Random Forest algorithms instead of SVM.

A4. Classification (prediction) (3 marks)

1. Using the testing dataset you created in Task A2.3 above, conduct the
prediction for the ‘GradeClass’ (label) using the two models built by SVM and
your other classification algorithm in Task A3.3.
2. Display the confusion matrices for both models (it should look like a 5x5 matrix).
Unlike the lectures, where it is just a 2x2, you are now introduced to a multi-class
classification problem setting.
3. Compare the performance of SVM and your other classifier and provide your
justification on which one performed better.
A5. Independent evaluation (Competition ) (2.5 marks)
1. Read the Student_List_A2_Submission.csv file and use the best model you
built earlier to predict the ‘GradeClass for the students in this file.
2. Unlike the previous section in which you have a testing dataset where you know
the ‘GradeClass’ and will be able to test for the accuracy, in this part, you don’t
have a ‘GradeClass’ and you have to predict it and submit the predictions along
with other required submission files.
○ Output of your predictions should be submitted in a CSV file format. It
should contain 2 columns: ‘StudentID and ‘GradeClass’. It should have a
total of 162 lines (1 header, and 161 entries).
○ Hint: you may need to apply some of the data wrangling steps in A1 to
this new data file (i.e., Student_List_A2_Submission.csv), to prepare it for

Task B: Selection of Dataset, Clustering and Video Preparation

B1. Selection of a Dataset with missing data and Clustering (4 marks)

We have demonstrated a k-means clustering algorithm in week 7. Your task in this part
is to find an interesting dataset and apply k-means clustering on it using Python. For
instance, Kaggle is a private company which runs data science competitions and
provides a list of their publicly available datasets: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets

1. Select a suitable dataset that contains some missing data and at least two
numerical features. Please note you cannot use the same data set used in the
applied sessions/lectures in this unit. Please include a link to your dataset in
your report. You may wish to:
● provide the direct link to the public dataset from the internet, or
● place the data file in your Monash student - google drive and provide its
link in the submission.
2. Perform wrangling on the dataset to handle/treat the missing data and explain
your procedure
3. Perform k-means clustering, choosing two numerical features in your dataset
and create k clusters using Python (k>=2)
4. Visualise the data as well as the results of the k-means clustering, and describe
your findings about the identified clusters.
B2. Video Preparation (2 marks)

Presentation is one of the important steps in a data science process. In this task you
will need to prepare an up to 3 minutes video of yourself (you can share your code on
screen) and describe your approach on the above task (Task B1).

● Please make sure to keep your camera on (show yourself) during recording. You
may want to share your screen with your code while you talk.)

Good Luck! ☺

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