Allianz Shield Plus Brochure
Allianz Shield Plus Brochure
Allianz Shield Plus Brochure
protection for
whatever life brings you
powered up Here are nine key aspects of how Allianz Shield Plus
looks after you and your family, and empowers you to start
living life to the fullest with complete peace of mind.
20% Cover
Accidents happen when we least expect them to. The loss of income of Bereavement 20%
and the ever-piling bills arising from serious accidental injuries could Allowance due to fast-tracked
become financially burdensome for our loved ones, more so in the event Dengue, Zika Virus, Renewal Bonus
Malaria, Japanese per year
of death. The stresses of daily life may have gradually led us to forget the
Encephalitis or
importance of enjoying and appreciating every moment of our lives. Chikungunya
With Allianz Shield Plus powered up coverage, you can live your life
with complete peace of mind. Alternative Admission
and Discharge for
Medicine Accidental Medical
Benefit treatment
Schedule of benefits
Benefits Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8 Plan 9 Plan 10
Principal Sum Insured for Accidental Death &
60,000 120,000 180,000 240,000 360,000 600,000 900,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 i 3,000,000 i
Permanent Disablement (up to)
Medical Expenses (up to) 3,500 4,500 5,500 6,500 7,500 8,500 9,500 10,000 12,000 15,000
Alternative Medicine (up to) 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Hospital Income (per day/max. 180 days) 85 85 85 110 110 185 185 235 250 300
4 5
Optional benefits
Weekly Benefits (RM)
Occupation Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8 Plan 9 Plan 10
Class 1 and 2 50 75 100 125 150 250 375 500 750 1,000
Class 3 50 50 50 75 75 Not Available
Lifestyle and Living Benefits (up to) Study Interruption Benefit (up to)
(RM) (RM)
Benefits Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan E Benefits Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan E
Smart Device Protection ii
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Injury to the Insured
Online Purchase Protection ii
300 500 800 1,000 1,500
Credit Card and Loan
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Loss of Sports Equipment ii 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Death of Sponsoriii
(due to Accident) 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
Missed Event 300 350 400 450 500
Nursing Care 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
Lifestyle Modification Transportation
5,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 30,000
Expenses Expensesii (sub-limitiv)
Rehabilitation Expenses 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Housekeeping Services 300 350 400 450 500
6 7
1. For children aged between one (1) month and twelve (12) years, the maximum Principal Sum
Premium rates
Insured allowable is RM120,000.
2. For children aged between twelve (12) and seventeen (17) years, the maximum Principal Sum
Insured allowable is RM180,000.
Age 50 years and below
3. Double Indemnity in the event of Motor Vehicle Accident is available for Occupation Class 1
and 2 and Plans 1 to 8 only. Occupation Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. To be referred for underwriting. In order for an individual to purchase Principal Sum Insured
RM2,000,000 and RM3,000,000, the Proposer will have to submit a completed Large Amount Annual Premium with Weekly Benefits (RM)
Questionnaire (LAQ) signed by the Proposer and Branch Manager.
Class 1 & 2 145 219 292 376 502 859 1,153 1,510 2,054 2,992
5. If the Double Indemnity (whilst travelling in a Public Transport or whilst travelling overseas)
of this Policy is also payable, the Insured Person is only entitled to claim either the Double Class 3 200 305 420 578 840 Not Available
Indemnity (whilst travelling in a Public Transport or whilst travelling overseas) or the Optional
Benefits, Double Indemnity in the event of Motor Vehicle Accident only.
Annual Premium without Weekly Benefits (RM)
6. Only Death and Permanent Disablement Benefits will be payable should the Insured Person
be away from Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore for more than ninety (90) consecutive days. Class 1 & 2 103 177 229 303 418 670 943 1,248 1,816 2,674
This condition is not applicable to Optional Benefits – Lifestyle and Living Benefits and Study
Interruption Benefit. Class 3 168 273 389 525 788 Not Available
7. Only the Insured Person aged between sixteen (16) and sixty-five (65) years are eligible to opt
for Optional Benefits – Lifestyle and Living Benefits and Study Interruption Benefit.
8. ii
This benefit is limited to two (2) claims during the Period of Insurance. Age 51 years to 80 years
9. The details of one (1) named sponsor aged between eighteen (18) and seventy (70) years,
Occupation Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
must be provided at time of application of insurance and/or renewal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10. Transportation Expenses is subject to a sub-limit of RM1,000, RM2,000, RM3,000, RM4,000
Annual Premium with Weekly Benefits (RM)
and RM5,000 for Plans A to E respectively.
Class 1 & 2 174 263 350 451 602 1,031 1,383 1,812 2,465 3,590
11. The Study Interruption Benefit is only applicable to the Insured Person who is a registered full
time student at an educational institution and will not be applicable in the event the Insured Class 3 240 366 504 693 1,008 Not Available
Person has completed his/her studies at any time during the Period of Insurance.
12. In the event you opt for Automatic Renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of your Policy Annual Premium without Weekly Benefits (RM)
and payment of Premium due, your Policy shall be renewed on each anniversary upon expiry
unless the Policy is terminated. Class 1 & 2 123 212 275 363 501 804 1,131 1,497 2,179 3,209
Note: Premium is further subject to 6% Service Tax and RM10 Stamp Duty payable on the Contract
of Insurance.
8 9
Occupation Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scenario A : 30% discount
You are insured under Allianz Shield Plus.
Class 1 & 2 18 36 54 72 108 180 270 360 Each of your *children will enjoy 30% discount in
premium if you insure them under the same policy.
Class 3 Not Available
Annual Premium without Weekly Benefits
10 11
Double Indemnity
In the event the Insured Person suffers death,
total paralysis from neck down or permanent
total loss of use of two (2) or more limbs due to
an Accident whilst travelling as a fare-paying
passenger in a Public Transport or whilst
travelling in overseas, this benefit together with
Renewal Bonus (if any) shall be doubled.
Hospital Income
A daily benefit is payable for the period of
hospitalisation as a result
of an Accident, up to a maximum of one
hundred and eighty (180) days.
Renewal Bonus
Upon renewal of Policy, the Principal Sum
Insured shall be increased by:
12 13
Alternative Medicine
Personal Liability
Reimburses the costs for Alternative Medicine incurred as a result of an
Subject to the limit of liability, the Company will indemnify the Insured Accident, up to the limits specified in the Schedule.
Person in respect of all sums legally liable to third parties in respect of
accidental bodily injury or accidental damage to property. The territorial
limit of this benefit is within Malaysia only. Blood Transfusion
Pays 20% of the Principal Sum Insured if the Insured Person contracts
Mobility Expenses Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as a result of a blood transfusion
whilst undergoing medical treatment for injury in a government or
In the event the Insured Person suffers Permanent Disablement due to licensed private hospital within Malaysia. Compensation shall only be
an Accident, the Company shall reimburse the Insured Person, up to the payable if the Insured Person is positively diagnosed with HIV within two
limits stipulated in the Schedule, the actual costs of purchasing a medical (2) years from the date of the Blood Transfusion.
equipment provided always that such medical equipment are necessary
to assist the mobility of the Insured Person and are recommended by the
attending Medical Practitioner. Dental Correction and/or Corrective Cosmetic Surgery
Pays up to RM5,000 for any additional expenses incurred for Dental
Repatriation Expenses Correction and/or Corrective Cosmetic Surgery on the neck, head or
chest (navel up) following injuries sustained as a result of an Accident.
Pays up to maximum of RM20,000 in the event of Accidental Death
of the Insured Person whilst he/she is travelling outside his/her home
country. The Company shall reimburse the Insured Person’s legal Permanent Impotency or Infertility
representative for Repatriation Expenses of the Insured Person’s mortal Pays up to the limits specified in the Scale of Benefits for Permanent
remains back to his/her home country. Impotency or Infertility as a result of an Accident.
14 15
Compassionate Care
(i) Reimburses up to RM10,000 for reasonable expenses incurred for Extended benefits
travelling and accommodation by one (1) family member to take
care and/or accompany the Insured Person who is a minor, not more We understand that life may throw you a curveball. Allianz Shield Plus goes the
than eighteen (18) years old, during the period of hospitalisation, extra mile to provide you with extended benefits to ensure your protection is assured.
provided the hospitalisation is a result of an Accident. Subject to the terms, exclusions, provisos and conditions, the cover as provided shall be
extended to the circumstances provided hereinafter.
(ii) In the event that the Insured Person gives birth to a baby or babies
with birth defects caused by the Zika Virus as certified by a Medical
Practitioner, the Company will pay a lump sum of RM10,000 to the
Insured Person.
Ambulance Fee
Pays for Ambulance Fee up to RM500 per Accident.
Motorcycling Strike, riot and Hijacking Unprovoked Suffocation
risk civil commotion murder and through smoke,
assault fumes and
poisonous gas
16 17
The following optional benefits can be added to your Allianz Shield Plus plan with
Smart Device Protection
additional Premium paid for optimum financial preparedness against any life hiccups that Compensation in the event of loss or damage to the Insured Person’s
may temporarily disrupt your current lifestyle. Smart Device due to a break-in or Snatch Theft or Attempted Snatch Theft.
Weekly Benefits
Online Purchase Protection
Compensates the purchase price for loss of any goods purchased from
Pay up to fifty-two (52) weeks if you are totally unable to attend work as fake websites/applications or non-delivery of purchased goods.
certified by a Medical Practitioner.
1. Medical evacuation;
Loss of Sports Equipment
2. Medically supervised repatriation;
Compensates the Insured Person for the loss of sports equipment due to a
3. vi Repatriation of mortal remains (up to RM25,000 per event) break-in or Snatch Theft or Attempted Snatch Theft.
4. vi Visit to bedside by a relative (up to RM5,000 per event)
5. viReturn of children travelling with the Insured Person
(up to RM2,500 per event) Rehabilitation Expenses
6. vii
Despatch of medication not available locally Reimburses the cost of consultation and medical treatment incurred
7. Medical Monitoring and Emergency Message Transmission with prior following hospital discharge if the Insured Person requires rehabilitation
agreement of the Insured Person; due to an Accident.
8. Medical referral and arrangement of medical appointments upon request;
9. Tele-medical consultation and evaluation of the Insured’s condition;
Missed Event
10. Emergency Message Relay;
Reimburses the Insured Person’s tickets/registration fee for concerts,
11. Legal referral; movies, theme parks, amusement parks or sporting events if the Hospital
12. Referral to interpreter/translator; Income benefit is payable under the Policy.
13. Visa, passport and inoculation requirements;
14. Location of lost items.
18 19
Nursing Care
Reimburses the cost of nursing care incurred following hospital discharge
Occupation Classification
due to an Accident.
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
War, civil war, AIDS, insanity, childbirth, provoked murder or assault, travelling as an
aircraft crew, aerial activities, martial arts, racing, radiation, nuclear weapons material.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy for the full list of exclusions.
Notes for the International & Domestic Medical Assistance and Evacuation Programme:
1. All medical evacuation and/or repatriation will be carried out under constant medical
supervision up to RM2,000,000 per person per event.
2. vi These services are only available to the Insured Person whilst he/she is travelling outside
3. vii Up to USD1,000 if the Insured Person is outside Malaysia and up to RM1,000 if he/she is in
4. Each overseas trip does not exceed ninety (90) consecutive days.
20 21
Frequently Asked Questions 6. If there are changes to my life profile, must I inform the Insurer?
Yes, you are required to inform the Insurer should there be any changes regarding
your address, occupation and personal pursuits, which would affect your risk profile.
1. Who is eligible?
All Malaysians, Malaysian permanent residents, work permit holders, pass holders 7. Am I covered if I suffer miscarriage as a result of a fall?
or otherwise legally employed in Malaysia and their spouses/children who are Yes, if the miscarriage is a result from an accidental cause.
legally residing in Malaysia. Insured Person must be aged from thirty (30) days up
to sixty-five (65) years at the date of inclusion and the Insured Person’s coverage is 8. What should I do if I am the victim of a snatch theft?
renewable up to eighty (80) years old. Make a police report within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence and then inform
the Insurer.
For Lifestyle and Living Benefits and Study Interruption Benefit, the Insured Person
must be from sixteen (16) up to sixty-five (65) years to be eligible for the coverage
under the Optional Benefits. Ages referred to in this Policy shall be in reference to
the age as at the last birthday. This brochure is valid from 8 March 2022.
This brochure is not a Contract of Insurance. The description of the available cover is only a brief
Where the Policy is purchased by a corporate body, the insurance coverage shall summary for quick and easy reference. The precise terms, benefits, conditions and exclusions that
only be extended to the employees of such corporate body and the minimum age of apply are stated in the Policy.
the employees to be covered shall be sixteen (16) years old.
2. Does this plan pay in addition to any other insurance policy that I may have?
Yes, it pays in addition to any other insurance policy you may have except for the
benefits which are on reimbursement basis.
Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad 200601015674 (735426-V)
(Licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia)