Fin Irjmets1655531403
Fin Irjmets1655531403
Fin Irjmets1655531403
Pre-data processing is the process of filtering data from duplicates and retaining its purest form. Object
identification [4,13] is the second module in this work where objects are obtained to make the researcher's job
easier. This is done using the LSTM Model. Fig. 1 shows the performance flow. Initially the image is uploaded. In
the first step the functions in the picture are found .Then the extruded elements are given to the LSTM where
the word related to the object element is found and a sentence is produced. Later, go to the Intermediate
section where several sentences are formed the paragraph is given as output.
Sentence generation is the third module in this activity. Words are generated by recognizing the obects in the
object element and taking tokens from the file names as captions. Each word is added to the pre-formed word
that forms the sentence.
The paragraph is the last module for this activity. The sentences produced are arranged in a logical order that
gives a good meaning.