Find Out Lagna From The Sun
Find Out Lagna From The Sun
Find Out Lagna From The Sun
I bow down to my Guru Deepanshu sir and all the known and
unknown forces that helped me to understand this great knowledge.
As we all know the Sun is source of energy/Center of all planets. The Sun and The
Moon both luminaries are our natural Light sources. They both signify significant
events in our life, as we observe both, their movements they tell us lot of things
about individuals life.
So, as we know the natives Vedic born month we know that the Sun will be in
Aries/Taurus or in Pisces. Also we know that the Sun is crossing approximately 1
degree per day, from this we can also calculate native’s date of birth according to
our Vedic month.
We all know the Sun rises from East direction which is the 1 st house of chart and
time is 5am-7am morning like this Sun will go to all houses.
12th house-7am-9am
11th house-9am-11am
10th house-11am-01 pm
9th house-01pm-03 pm
4th house-11pm-01 am
In Gregorian calendar this sequence is bit different, let me show you by this
Sun transits one Zodiac signs ahead in Western astrology. If someone born
under July 23-August 22 the Sun is in Leo sign so the Sun sign would be Leo
but in Vedic astrology in that time The Sun is in Cancer sign and we call it Sun
is in Cancer sign.
Now, the Techniques are:
1) From Month we can get the Sign where the Sun is situated. (Vedic/Bikram
2) From the time we can get in which House the Sun is.
Time-12:40pm would be 10th house so,The Sun in Sagittarius goes in 10th house
which means Pisces lagan is rising.
*Jupiter is in Scorpio
*Saturn is in Aquarius
Which means:
And The Sun is in 10th house which is Digbali, Mercury and Venus would be near
the 10th house area.
If we remember the time/date/month we can produce chart in our mind
without software’s but need some practice. Now when someone is telling us
that I am born on this and this date/month/time we have to remember this and
tell the person this is your Lagna.
Example 1st:
1) October-12 falls in the Ashwin month which is 6th month and Virgo rashi.(see
table-1.0-Actual month)