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Is South Korea Open For Soft Power Diplo

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Vol.1 No. 13 February 2011


Is [South]Korea Open for Soft Power Diplomacy?

By Prof Chester B. Cabalza
The rags-to-riches tale of South Korea (SoKor) as one of Asia. Furthermore, by infusing the marketing concept of
Asia’s poorest countries in 1950s was attributed to the twin ‘branding’ to soft power strategy, South
after-effects of Japanese occupation and Korean War.
Presently known as the Republic of Korea (ROK), this country Korea’s government has suddenly responded to the
once had a bleak economy with shattered infrastructures, demand by establishing the Presidential Committee on Nation
drained resources, and exploited experience during its past Branding in January 2009.3 This Presidential Council, formed
horrific historical war periods. Despite of initial economic by government officials and civilian experts from various
handicaps and political woes, South Korea eventually fields, will coordinate government efforts to raise overall
achieved rapid economic growth, and began to emerge as one standards in Korean society and improve the nation’s image in
of formidable tiger economies in Asia joining the ranks of the international community.
Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
It can also be considered that the kyo yuk yeol
Regrettably, Ambassador Sung-oh Shin remains 1 phenomenon or ‘education fever’ has helped South Korea to
disconcerted that in reality Korea is a divided country. Now successfully achieve a knowledge-based economy from an
that Germany and Vietnam are unified, ROK continues to be agricultural to a leading industrial society in the world today
the sole nation divided as the victim of the Cold War. The because of its large pool of educated citizens and human
ambassador confesses that [South] Koreans were indoctrinated capital. This has indeed developed South Korean educational
through the bitter experience of the Korean War that the other system to produce a soaring of almost one hundred percent
Korea is the foremost enemy. At the same time, however, literacy rate in education.
there remains a strong sense of brotherhood between South
and North Koreans. Therefore, the dilemma of South Korea’s But by and large, the spark of South Korea’s emergence
[defense] diplomacy has always been how to contain the as a major and significant economic power in the current
dangerous North Korea without jeopardizing the prospect of deterritorialized community of the 21st century has given birth
eventual peaceful unification. to a new type of culture in Asia, called “hallyu”/ “harnyu” or
the “Korean Wave” that has morphed into a beautiful cultural
Dr. Sook-Jong Lee2 deems that the internationally phenomenon as chief springboard of popular culture today.
successful Korean exports have planted the seed of
commercial brands to be turned into Korea’s soft power Hallyu as a cultural concept itself has divisive bearing on
diplomacy. Chaebols like Samsung, Hundai Kia Automotive its origin. Some would claim that it was coined in China in
Group, and LG have been accepted as global brand names, 1999 by Beijing journalists, startled by the growing popularity
sometimes outpacing in sales and quality the perceived of South Koreans and South Korean goods in China. In
superior Japanese electronics and automotive products from contrast harnyu, argues by Professor Kang Chul-keun (2006),
mainly originated from popular music, passing through
phenomenal soap operas and films embracing Korean culture
1 as a whole. Above everything else, he has disputed however
The former Ambassador of Korea to the Philippines. Amb. Shin presented a
paper entitled “Defense Policies of Korea,” page 12 at the “Ambassador that TV soap operas are considered to have taken the front in
Speaks Series” sponsored by the National Defense College of the Philippines
on November 19, 1999.
2 3
Professor Lee is the current President of the East Asia Institute (EAI), an The Presidential Council on South Korea’s nation branding program was
Asia Security Initiative core institution and a think-tank based in Seoul, South officially launched last January 22, 2009 by council chairman Euh Yoon-dae
Korea. She received her PhD Sociology from Harvard University. She has and dignitaries including the Korean Culture Minister and the Seoul Tourism
also co-authored a book on “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in East Asia.” Organization president.
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creating this Korean Wave. Thus, exports of Korean soap diplomacy (Sook-Jong Lee, 2009:1). In view of this, scholarly
operas to different Asian countries have seen remarkable debates have turned to a more serious attempt of trying to
growth since 2000. infuse this notion of ‘soft power’ to South Korean diplomacy
of President Lee Myung-bak.
However in 2010, the two Koreas' temper and cold
relations has been upsetting the world once again. The military This western-oriented discourse of soft power diplomacy,
exercises manifested by South Korea near Yeonpyeong Island as proposed by Professor Joseph Nye, Jr.,4 has universal
irritated the senses of North Korea which carried over application in foreign policy as the ability to get “others to
conflicts back in 1999, 2002, and 2009. want what you want”. It is indeed a co-optive power,
magnetizing others rather than manipulating their actions
But with continuous massive development and through force or bribery. He is, however, quick to differentiate
unprecedented progress, South Korea has gradually used its “soft power” from influence. In his view, “soft power is not
turn around story as a window to simultaneously craft its merely the same as influence. After all, influence can also rest
intelligent foreign and strategic policies using soft power on the hard power of threats or payment. However, soft power
diplomacy in easing the tension between its giant and is the ability to attract, and attraction often leads to
powerful neighbors of China and Japan. This soft power that acquiescence. Simply put, in behavioral terms, soft power is
has been taken advantage of by SoKor is well received “attractive power.”
liberally by its responsive Southeast Asian neighbors to
incessantly pursue increasing multilateral engagements It has been expressed by Lee (2008) that Nye deems that
through its membership in the United Nations and other the soft power of a country rests primarily on three resources,
international regimes like the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) namely: its culture, its political values at home and abroad,
and the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) with Korea, Japan, and and its foreign policies seen as legitimate and having moral
China. authority (Nye, 2004). Soft power diplomacy when applied as
foreign and strategic policy is one of the most striking features
Issues in South Korea’s New Soft Power of contemporary international relations that has been recently
used by strategists in South Korea to further see the merits of
1) Whether or not North Korea would remain a looming this new diplomatic tool. One of the premises of this policy is
presence in South Korean politics while China and Japan are that Korea, perceived to be as a middle power, poses the threat
closely watched to tame their economic and military rivals co- and opportunity as a country that can never hope to compete
existing in a clear and present danger zone, especially in as of now with the surrounding major powers of China and
Korea-China-Japan tripartite relationship. Japan in terms of hard power, i.e., military and economic
2) Whether or not South Korea’s soft power can substitute
hard power deficit, having this tripartite relationship as the That according to Professor Sook-Jong Lee (2008), she
most challenging endeavor it is facing to define a respectable sees South Korea’s role today, redefined as a ‘hub nation’ or
role using soft power assistance. ‘regional balancer’ and perhaps a ‘bridge’ or ‘cooperation’
nation among Northeast Asia countries.5 Furthermore, ROK’s
3) Whether or not the success of the Korean cultural wave intermediary role is possible since both Japanese and Chinese
(hanllyu) transmitted through TV dramas and other forms of tend to view Korean soft power more positively than they do
popular culture would encourage the government to use soft each other.6
power as a diplomatic tool.
More so, Korea's popular culture has also presented an
Soft Power Diplomacy important cultural freedom, in which individuals are allowed
to talk about conflicts between generations, nationalism,
This policy paper addresses the argument that South globalism, and gender issues. A case in point is the "Winter
Korea’s new soft power diplomacy has paved a way to affect Sonata," which became wildly popular in Japan in 2003. This
the looming relations of ROK to its Northeast Asian soap opera has raised the level of favorable interest towards
neighbors, especially in the field of culture; albeit numerous Korea in Japan that has never been witnessed in any previous
obstacles may yet prevent distrust and enmity, the impetus of efforts, including governmental summits. Middle-aged
Korean wave, may also lead to improving relations in defense, Japanese women were behind the soap opera craze and the
politics, and economics. "Yonsama" phenomenon from the explosive popularity of

In fact, soft power has entered Korean policy circles in 4

recent years and has become an attractive foreign policy tool In his notable 1990 book entitled, “Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of
American Power,” he has spoken about the importance of Soft Power
by its government. Having achieved rapid economic Diplomacy. He has further nurtured his concept that has achieved universal
development, consolidated democracy, and slow reconciliation acceptance in his 2004 book called, “Soft Power: The Means to Success in
with North, South Korea now looks out at the world from a World Politics”.
small peninsula using its new strength on soft power East Asia Institute, Issue Briefing No. MASI 2009-01, June 1, 2009, page 2.
Data based from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs 2009.
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actor Bae Yong-joon. Through the soap opera, Japan and other countries model South Korea for its simultaneous
nations have identified their desire for intimacy in achievements of development and democratization.8
relationships, which has been the driving force in the
expanded interest in Korean culture and society.7 More so, there has been much talk about hanryu creating
a higher Asian cultural community. It is apparent that through
Professor Kang Chul-keun (2006) even pitches in that for Korean soap operas, films, and Korean pop (K-pop)
the first time, Asians have a genuine cultural exchange vehicle intermarried with music and fashion, Asians who have
through hallyu. He believes that regardless of ethnicity and experienced similar modernization processes have increased a
nationality, they share the same sentiments while watching sense of solidarity among fellow Asians. Their envious look
Korean soap operas and films. They indeed feel the quality of toward the West has changed. It is significant to understand
the effort that is put into such projects, and now have found that hanryu has forged stronger relations between Asian
answers to their thirst for sophisticated cultural products. This countries. In the long run, the higher objective of building an
is not a temporary phenomenon and it should not be Asian cultural bloc should be reached.
underestimated. A single TV soap opera that depicted a true
However, despite of South Korea’s rapid economic
love between a man and a woman helped dissipate deep-
growth and the hanryu phenomenon, Korean immigrants and
rooted prejudice of Japanese against Koreans.
massive influx of tourists in Southeast Asia has been
unprecedented. Although in South East Asia region, the
The Impetus of Korean Wave understanding of Korea needs to be further enhanced,
including in the Philippines which host thousands of Koreans
The Korean wave or hanryu as part and parcel of the that consist of mostly expatriates from SoKor.
wider soft power strategy by the Korean government is partly
or wholly embraced by the current presidency of Lee Myun- The Philippines has opened its doors for Koreans in 2004
bak. His administration’s thrust is to foster the Presidential for business, education, and/or leisure purposes, ministry and
Committee on Nation Branding. This government-initiative popular destination for retirees on fixed pensions. Hence, top
policy has spurred public debate in South Korea as it upheld tourists arrivals in the country today are Koreans, sometimes
the commercial successes of Korean dramas and popular outnumbering Americans, Japanese, and European travelers.
songs more enduring and attractive to Asian countries as Koreatowns are also apparent in Metro Manila but some
forms of cultural soft power. Hence, Professor Lee (2008) Koreans also reside in quieter provincial cities of the country
even expounds that the South Korean experience of rapid like Bacolod City, Baguio City, Iloilo City, and Tagaytay City.
development itself is now commonly perceived as soft power But often than not, they are criticized for keeping to
imbuing the “you can do it like us” spirit. themselves and forming a closed community. Changes are
made now because of increasing interaction between the host
Globalization has also played a bigger role in promoting country and the immigrants wherein Koreans sometimes shine
Korean wave so fast-paced; whether in Youtube or television in the dynamic local entertainment industry and lucrative
or in various social networks and new media. Professor Kang business sectors in the Philippines.9
Chul-keun (2006) asserts that hanryu carries the spirit of
popular culture that seeks and explores human universality.
The fact that Asians started cultural exchanges through hanryu
Policy Options
has another historical significance. Asians who have long been
1) The South Korean government should decide in itself
immersed in the Western popular culture have now found
whether it has to continuously integrate soft power, i.e., to
align its domestic norms and values by transporting its cultural
wave to neighboring Asian countries injected now in its
On the other hand, it also holds the spirit of traditional
foreign policy; or shift to hard power, i.e., strengthening its
culture or cultural heritage which also befits modern society
military capability and economic prowess; or to explore the
and its future promises. Traditional culture manifests its
diverse mixing of soft and hard powers.
intrinsic meaning as a source of power which enables
connection between the past, present, and future. Modeling
2) Despite the steep stride of soft power, Korean strategists
traditional culture as a spiritual body provides a ground in
should also weigh the gains they could get from implementing
enriching the future creation of culture. There is a future in
this new striking feature of soft power in the dynamics of
tradition - it is the motivating power in the creation of new

As another Korean scholar, Chaesung Chun (2008) 8

Originally cited by Sook-Jong Lee (2008), in East Asia Institute, Issue
believes in that South Korea’s national image and values for Briefing No. MASI 2009-01, June 1, 2009, page 4.
Global Korea should be prosperous, democratic, modest, non- More information about Koreans in the Philippines can be researched at
threatening, and culturally syncretic since many Third World Meinardus, Ronaldo (2005-12-15), ""Korean Wave" in Philippines", The
Korea Times, archived from the original on 2006-01-11,
Accessible at http://www.Korea.net. /opinion/200512/kt2005121517211054280.htm.
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contemporary international relations, especially on its The advantage of South Korea to advance its soft power
engagement with China, Japan, and the ASEAN. diplomacy since hanryu is at the peak of its success in
introducing Korean popular culture to the rest of Asia is
3) To calculate its diplomatic role whether it may or may not tolerable and acceptable. On the other hand, SoKor still sees
consider the role of South Korea to mediate among great many hindrances on how to exercise its hard power, away
power rivalries in the wide theatrical stage of the Asian from the strength of competing neighbors of China and Japan.
security supercomplex. Albeit, with the new soft power In the process, ROK would be vulnerable if it were left to deal
diplomacy embraced by the current government with both China and Japan on its own.
administration, there are expectations that soft power can aid
South Korea’s own quest for its identity or role in the regional It is therefore recommended that the [South] Korean
and world order. government puts more effort into understanding these
hindrances to achieve a leverage and favorable outcome and
Conclusion increase positive image away from remnants of security
disorders within the Korean peninsula, and emerge as a new
South Korea’s rapid economic dynamism since then has economic force or catalyst supported by two of its gigantic
been transparent on its engagement and participation to economic neighbors – China and Japan. Only by
several multilateral dialogues in East Asia Summit. The understanding the hindrances and sustaining the success of the
Republic of Korea has been a dialogue partner of the Korean Wave should South Korea attain the effectiveness it
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) since July has set forth in Soft Power Diplomacy. As such, the two
1991 and through the ASEAN Plus Three multilateral Koreas may together harmonize their strengths and
framework of East Asian co-operation. It has been an active willingness to sacrifice each other’s defense and foreign
member of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Asia-Pacific policy differences in order to achieve the aims of the Soft
Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting Power Diplomacy. In the process, this will gradually build
(ASEM), and among others. mutual confidence in each other which is essential basis for
peaceful unification of the two Koreas and for the stability of
In the midst of these regional dynamics (Ho Kai Leong, the rest of Asia and the world.
2007), ASEAN-Korea relations seem relatively neglected, and
have been related to receiving marginal policy attention from References
Southeast Asian governments. As the ROK is a latecomer in Chicago Council on Global Affairs (2009). “Soft Power in Asia: Results of a
2008 Multinational Survey of Public Opinion,” Chicago: Chicago Council on
establishing ties with Southeast Asian neighbors, it needs to Global Affairs.
catch up with other two Northeast Asian (China and Japan) Faiola, Anthony (2006). "Japanese Women Catch the 'Korean Wave,'" The
neighbors in building up and improving on ASEAN relations. Washington Post.
Hernandez, Carolina (2007). “Strengthening ASEAN-Korea Co-operation in
Non-Traditional Security Issues,” in Ho Khai Leong’s “ASEAN-Korea
In its relation with North Korea, Ambassador Sung-oh Relations: Security, Trade and Community Building,” Institute of Southeast
Shin (1999, 47) still believes in that security-related Asian Studies, Singapore.
agreements or understanding between two Koreas are quite Lee, Sook-Jong (2009). “South Korea’s Soft Power Diplomacy,” East Asia
rare. Yet, there exist a few of such understandings, which also Institute (EAI), Issue briefing No. MASI 2009-01.
Meinardus, Ronaldo (2005). "Korean Wave in the Philippines," The Korea
contribute to the mitigation of tension on the Korean Times.
peninsula. The Declaration of Nuclear-free Korean peninsula Nye, Joseph Jr. (2005). “Soft Power: the Means to Success in World
is a case in point. Politics,” Political Science/Public Affairs and Administration. Amazon.com
Prasetyono, Edy (2007). “Next Steps in ASEAN-Korea Relations for East
Asian Security,” in Ho Khai Leong’s “ASEAN-Korea Relations: Security,
The use of South Korea’s new soft power diplomacy on Trade and Community Building,” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
how to confront strains and tensions between former enemies Singapore.
in Northeast Asia should be applied also to its political Shin, Sung-oh (1999). “Defense Policies of Korea,” The Ambassador
reconciliation with North Korea since the inception of the Speaks, National Defense College of the Philippines, Quezon City.
Electronic Sources
Sunshine Policy to contain North Korea’s Cold War-style http://www.allacademic.com
confrontation. http://www.korea.net
However right now, ASEAN and South Korea http://www.nytimes.com
(Hernandez, 2007) are the weakest of the four players within launched/
the ASEAN Plus Three process. Given South Korea’s status
(Prasetyono, 2007) as an economic power, its lack of political
ambitions, and its situation sandwiched between China and The views expressed in the policy brief do not necessarily reflect the views of
Japan, mediation from it would be more acceptable to other the National Defense College of the Philippines. The readers are free to
reproduce or quote any part provided proper citations are made. For
Asian countries. Hence, cooperation with ASEAN would comments and suggestions, please contact the Research and Special Studies
therefore increase Korea’s strategic weight. Division, National Defense College of the Philippines @ telephone no 912-
0767 or email otum@ndcp.edu.ph.

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