Major Front Pagedocx
Major Front Pagedocx
Major Front Pagedocx
Submitted by
Ankit Sinha Ray [RA2011029010053]
Amit Raj [RA2011029010060]
Under the Guidance of
Dr. Dayana D S
Assistant Professor,
Department of Networking and Communications
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Own Work Declaration Form
Degree/Course : B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Student Name : Ankit Sinha Ray, Amit Raj
Registration Number: RA2011029010053, RA2011029010060.
Title of Work : Real Time Sign Language Recognition
We hereby certify that this assessment compiles with the University’s Rules and Regulations
relating to Academic misconduct and plagiarism, as listed in the University Website,
Regulations, and the Education Committee guidelines.
We confirm that all the work contained in this assessment is our own except where indicated,
and that we have met the following conditions:
▪ Clearly references / listed all sources as appropriate
▪ Referenced and put in inverted commas all quoted text (from books, web,etc.)
▪ Given the sources of all pictures, data etc that are not my own.
▪ Not made any use of the report(s) or essay(s) of any other student(s)either past or present
▪ Acknowledged in appropriate places any help that I have received from others (e.g fellow
students, technicians, statisticians, external sources)
▪ Compiled with any other plagiarism criteria specified in the Course hand book / University
I understand that any false claim for this work will be penalized in accordance with the
University policies and regulations.
I am aware of and understand the University’s policy on Academic misconduct and plagiarism
and I certify that this assessment is my / our own work, except where indicated by referring, and
that I have followed the good academic practices noted above.
Student 1 Signature:
Student 2 Signature:
If you are working in a group, please write your registration numbers and sign with the date
for every student in your group.
Certified that 18CSP109L / I8CSP111L project report titled “Real Time Sign Language
Amit Raj [RegNo:RA2011029010060] who carried out the project work under my
supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported here does
not form part of any other thesis or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was
We sincerely thank the Networking and Communications, Department staff and students,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, for their help during our project. Finally, we
would like to thank parents, family members, and friends for their unconditional love,
constant support, and encouragement.
2 Literature Review 6
3 System Analysis 8
3.1 Approach and Methodology
3.1.1 Classifier Development
3.1.2 Dataset and features
3.1.3 Experiments Results and Analysis
4 Result 17
4.1 System architecture
4.2 Use case Diagram
4.3 Loss and Accuracy
4.4 Confusion Matrix
4.5 Real time user testing
4.6 Translation module
1. DB – Data Base
2. SMC - Secure Multiparty Computation
3. ISL - Indian sign language
4. ASL - American sign language
5. OpenCV - Open Computer Vision