Ema3572 Ema2572 2020 Sum
Ema3572 Ema2572 2020 Sum
Ema3572 Ema2572 2020 Sum
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e There are four questions, answer All.
q Students can bring calculators'
e Marks for each part of every question are indicated.
e Draw clearly labeled diagrams where necessary.
1) Which of the following expenditures associated with the production of a new high-
performance SUV will be directly included in GDp?
A) the sale of bonds to finance the construction of the assembly plant
B) the purchase of used welding robots to assemble to vehicles
c) the purchase of new tires to be installed on the new vehicles
D) the purchase of new machine tools to manufacture the engines
2) Double counting (counting the same thing twice) in GDP accounting is avoided by not
A) net exports.
B) intermediate goods.
C) illegal activities.
D) depreciation.
4) The aggregate production function shows that an economy increases its real GDp in the short
run by
A) developing new technologies.
B) increasing its physical capital stock.
C) using more labor.
D) exploring for new deposits of natural resources.
5) Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the demand for labor?
I. The quantity of labor demanded depends on the real wage rate.
II. If the money wage rate increases and the price level rernains the same, the quantity of labor
demanded decreases.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) neither I nor II
6) If the population increases, then potential GDp
and employment
A) increases; increases
B) increases; decreases
C) decreases; increases
D) decreases; decreases
9) Suppose the CPI last year is 121 and the CPI this year is
137. The correct method to calculate
the inllation rate is
A) (137 - 12t)t100: 0.16.
B) 137 x l2l = 258.
C) [(137 - 121)/121) x 100 :13.2.
D) (1371121) tOO 113.2.
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l0) In January 2013, Tim's Gyms, Inc. owned machines valued
at $l million. During the year,
the market value of the equipment fell by 30 percent. During
2ol3,Tim spent $200,000 on new
machines. During 2013, Tim's net investment totalled
A) St million.
B) -$300,000.
c) $200,000.
D) -$100,000.
13) The following data show Uruguay's GDP using purchasing power parity in billions of
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
GDP($) 26.1 2s.8 23.3 24.3 27.9 30.1 33.9 37.2 40.2
14) Which of the following will NOT work to increase the rate of economic growth?
A) increase saving
B) limit competition from international trade
C) improve the quality of education
D) All of the above will work to increase the rate of economic growth.
l7) Which function of money refers to the use of money to solve the problem of a need for a
double coincidence of wants?
A) medium of exchange
B) unit of account
C) store of value
D) none of the above
19) According to the quantity theory of money, in the long run, an increase in the quantity of
money results in an equal percentage increase in
A) the price level
B) the growth rate of real GDP
C) the inflation level
D) the growth rate of potential GDP
21) If the U.S. current account balance is -$500 billion and the capital and financial account
balance is +$510 billion,
A) the U.S. official settlements account balance is $10 billion.
B) the U.S. government's holdings of foreign currency increases by $10 billion.
C) foreign investment in the United States is smaller than the U.S. investment abroad.
D) U.S. exports are greater than U.S. imports.
22) Suppose that the U.S. govemment gives foreign
aid to Turkey. This transaction would
A) increase the U.S. current account.
B) decrease the U.S. current account.
C) increase the U.S. capital and financial account.
D) decrease the U.S. capital and financial account.
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The figure above illustrates an economy's consumption function. What is the marginal propensity
to consume in this economy?
A) 0.67
B) r.00
c) 0.7s
D) 0.33
30) Suppose the price level rises and the money wage remains constant. This set of changes leads
A) an upward movement along the LAS curve.
B) an upward movement along the SIS curve.
C) a leftward shift of the SIS curve.
D) a leftward shift of the SIS curve and the LAS curve.
31 ) This question is based on the figure below
O 4 I 12 t6 ZO 2i
Reol GDp (hillions of 2005 dollors)
1 r,: l_rriri3.rt.rr.itr:.rriii9:.,it t?rriftu!r,rt.1.,iut,rrli\. .rr1n.:.
39) If the Bank of Namibia wants to increase the quantity of money, it can
A) lower income tax rates.
B) purchase govemment securities.
C) increase the govemment budget deficit.
D) raise the exchange rate.
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GDP {trillions of 2oos.fo1forsf
, .
In the above figure, if the economy is initially at point d, the short-run effect of a cut in the repo
rate is given by movement from point
A) dto point c, increasing output and decreasing the unemployment rate.
B) dto point a, increasing output and decreasing the unemployment rate.
c) d to point b, increasing output and decreasing the .rr"rnployment rate.
D) dto point D, keeping output and the unemployment rate constant.
2.9)If actual reserves are 100 when deposits are 400, then definitely the desired
reserve ratio is 0.25.
2.10) If nominal GDP equals $10 trillion and the velocity of circulation is 5, then
the quantitv of monev is $2 trillion.
2.1 l) The SIS curve shifts if there is a change in the price level.
2.12)The level of output at which the short-runaggregate supply curye and the
aggregate demand curve intersect is the full employment level of GDP.
2.I3) A change in the real interest rate creates a movement along the consumption
2.14)If the change in autonomous investment equals $1 trillion and the change rn
real GDP equals $4 trillion, the multiplier equals l/4.
2.15) When disposable income equals consumption expenditure, then saving is
2.16) The Phillips curve describes the relationship between real GDP and inflation.
2.17) The short-run Phillips curve intersects the long-run Phillips curve at the
expected inflation rate.
2.18). An increase in taxes on labor income decreases potential GDP.
QUESTION 4 (20 marks)
This question is based on the Figure below.
Disposoble income (trillions of 2005 dollors!
a) In the above diagram, what does the 45-degree line indicate? (3 marks)
Uj Uow much is the autonomous consumption? (3 marks)
.jWnut is the marginal propensity to consume? (3 marks)
i; Uo* much is tte inauc"d when real GDP is $12 trillion? (3 marks)
Ho* much is the saving when disposable income is $12 trillion?
(3 marks)
g Oerive the savings funciion and illustrate it graphically.
(5 marks)