Ornek 31725
Ornek 31725
Ornek 31725
1. Gönderim
• Simple Tenses
• Perfect Tenses
• Pronouns
• Modal Verbs & Modal-Like Expressions
• Active - Passive & Causative
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Luckily, they were able to ---- the car 5. Mary told Jim all about the birthday party
immediately after the accident. so she ---- our surprise.
A) blame A) published
B) connect B) persisted
C) abandon C) achieved
D) destroy D) took
E) achieve E) spoilt
2. I ---- agree with her comments on the film. 6. It snows ---- in the eastern part of the
country in winter.
A) generously
B) typically A) mutually
C) frequently B) previously
D) absolutely C) heavily
E) sharply D) hospitably
E) patiently
3. She couldn’t make a(n)---- when she was 7. Nobody believes that she is only five years
late for the lesson. old as she talks like a(n)----.
A) development A) client
B) fault B) humour
C) excuse C) deficiency
D) patience D) adult
E) schedule E) adherent
Study Test
4. After he ---- the crime in court, John felt 8. I ---- to take a photo with my favourite singer
better. at the end of the concert.
A) blamed A) managed
B) confessed B) examined
C) proposed C) dismissed
D) involved D) depended
E) disappeared E) accumulated
9. The ---- man walked along the street with the 13. She was ---- of me when I got the highest
help of his dog. mark in class.
A) independent A) superior
B) blind B) reluctant
C) aware C) unnecessary
D) frequent D) jealous
E) certain E) wonderful
10. The destruction of forests has a huge effect 14. After he graduated from university, Osman
on the ----. joined the ----.
A) description A) aircraft
B) attachment B) army
C) suggestion C) development
D) confession D) population
E) environment E) circumstance
11. She ---- drinking too much coffee although 15. Our bus ---- on the road and we waited for
she knows it is harmful for her health. a while, but, fortunately, we weren’t late for
A) takes over
B) drops out A) broke down
C) keeps on B) carried on
D) picks up C) got over
E) gets on D) took up
E) gave off
12. He is still ---- on his family because he 16. One of the ---- problems of the city is the air
doesn’t have a job and earn his own living. pollution.
A) special A) wide
B) poor B) useless
C) dependent C) influential
D) useful D) patient
E) wealthy E) major
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The British writer Doris Lessing ---- her last 5. Dogs are among the most ---- animals in the
novel in 2008. world.
A) obtained A) legible
B) claimed B) confidential
C) polished C) visible
D) published D) familiar
E) accepted E) loyal
2. Last summer, we had a ---- holiday in 6. The famous fortune-teller ---- that there will
Antalya. be an earthquake soon.
A) wonderful A) claims
B) reliable B) interprets
C) mutual C) proposes
D) victorious D) contradicts
E) reasonable E) invests
3. As the salary was very high, she didn’t think 7. My aunt ---- donated money to help
much and ---- the job. homeless people.
A) approved A) sharply
B) accepted B) simply
C) praised C) primitively
D) provided D) jealously
E) attended E) generously
Study Test
4. I won’t buy this uniform for Alex because I 8. In music, there must be a(n)---- between
know he has no ---- in football. melody and the rhythm.
A) aim A) glossary
B) doubt B) description
C) interest C) variety
D) motion D) harmony
E) disability E) proposal
9. While we were riding our bicycles in the 13. The ---- man was begging on the pavement
park, I told my sister to ---- me. while I was going home.
A) arrest A) voluntary
B) contact B) moderate
C) follow C) wealthy
D) proceed D) poor
E) bring E) incredible
10. Katy and Russell get on with each other 14. Success is a ---- of effort and talent.
very well so they ---- argue about anything.
A) qualification
A) willingly B) combination
B) fluently C) damage
C) selfishly D) opposition
D) regularly E) compensation
E) rarely
11. Before you sunbathe, you should use 15. She couldn’t attend the meeting because
sunscreen to protect your skin from the she ---- influenza.
sun’s ---- rays.
A) went down with
A) useful B) got along with
B) harmful C) put up with
C) solar D) took over
D) vital E) kept up with
E) deceptive
12. I know most of Shakespeare’s plays, but I 16. Kevin ---- his new sports car for a while
haven’t heard any of his ---- until now. when he first bought it.
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Ebru didn’t sleep last night because she 5. He ---- stealing the confidential files from
wanted to ---- the puzzle. the office.
A) disorder A) denied
B) remain B) protected
C) admit C) deceived
D) complete D) provided
E) fracture E) assigned
2. The artist Michelangelo’s famous ---- are 6. She ---- for a job, but she wasn’t accepted
located in a museum in Florence. as she doesn’t have enough experience.
A) postures A) postponed
B) sculptures B) cancelled
C) colleagues C) applied
D) selections D) accompanied
E) manufactures E) achieved
3. She really enjoys cooking so I am going to 7. If you don’t know the ---- of a word you
buy Sally a ---- book for her birthday. should look it up in a dictionary.
A) legend A) admission
B) beverage B) description
C) manuscript C) deformation
D) resource D) definition
E) recipe E) intention
Assignment Test
4. They were arguing ---- so we could hear 8. She is so ---- that she works day and night
them next door. to get a promotion.
A) affectionately A) superficial
B) severely B) extravagant
C) loudly C) successive
D) bravely D) humorous
E) barely E) ambitious
9. During the ---- meeting of the company we 13. Tom plans to visit the ---- temples during his
talked about the issues of the whole year. trip to Japan.
A) casual A) modest
B) annual B) memorable
C) figurative C) sacred
D) optimal D) fragile
E) insignificant E) obligatory
10. “What have you been doing in my office?” 14. I have ---- finished writing the report. I just
Hannah asked me ----. need a few minutes.
A) heavily A) coincidentally
B) mutually B) frequently
C) curiously C) scarcely
D) illegibly D) particularly
E) widely E) nearly
11. I lost my ---- and fell down the stairs. 15. I ---- an old friend of mine while I was
shopping in the supermarket.
A) balance
B) motion A) saw to
C) route B) ran over
D) measure C) looked for
E) dimension D) came across
E) broke up
12. When she argued with her boss, she ---- to 16. I can’t ---- the reason for her aggressive
leave the job and look for a new one. behaviour.
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. I have a/an ---- to pay because I exceeded 5. If you want to ---- your targets, you should
the speed limit last weekend. try harder.
A) account A) order
B) charge B) pull
C) edge C) arrive
D) attention D) tie
E) fine E) achieve
2. I ---- believe that scientists will find the 6. Air pollution must ---- concern all of us
evidence of life on other planets one day. because we don’t have another world to live
A) definitely
B) similarly A) mutually
C) illegibly B) previously
D) primitively C) amicably
E) productively D) really
E) hardly
3. She loses her ---- quite easily, and starts 7. ---- as much money as you can because you
yelling at people, so this job isn’t suitable will need it for your university education.
for her.
A) Support
A) curiosity B) Save
B) temper C) Waste
C) clue D) Wind
D) path E) Abandon
E) density
Study Test
4. Many ---- people are killed in wars all over 8. The six crew members ---- the ship and
the world. rowed safely to shore.
A) inevitable A) abandoned
B) initial B) expired
C) innocent C) leaked
D) devoted D) learned
E) thorough E) diverted
9. More and more people are becoming ---- of 13. I hate people laughing at me, don’t make ----
global warming because its effects are clear of me again or I will never speak with you.
A) fun
A) weird B) fuss
B) primary C) calm
C) reluctant D) jealous
D) aware E) patient
E) invisible
10. If you want a(n)---- description you can 14. ---- basic education is twelve years in
search it on the web or look it up in a better Turkey while it lasts 11 years in Britain.
A) Deceptive
A) disloyal B) Compulsory
B) indefinite C) Reluctant
C) detailed D) Merciful
D) compulsory E) Hazardous
E) awkward
11. Melis is my best friend and she has never 15. Calcium is ---- for the growth and repair of
---- me ---- since I met her five years ago. bones.
12. The rooms in Hotel Hospitable are very 16. Airport noise is ---- to health so it may cause
---- and comfortable so we stay there every lifelong problems.
A) comparable
A) narrow B) stressful
B) minor C) harmful
C) exterior D) adequate
D) punctual E) permanent
E) spacious
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The teacher looks very ---- because her 5. Please don’t ---- me when I am talking on the
students still don’t know the tenses very phone.
A) arrange
A) fluent B) insist
B) permanent C) disturb
C) jealous D) revenge
D) separate E) speak
E) tense
2. I ---- prefer dairy food for breakfast but 6. Unlike me, my sister has always wanted
today I will go for corn flakes. a luxurious life, so she has tried so ---- to
become wealthy.
A) randomly
B) previously A) kindly
C) hardly B) properly
D) normally C) randomly
E) carelessly D) hard
E) recklessly
3. Macy stayed in Britain for a long time so 7. Every single youngster thinks that the world
she speaks English ---- now. has been created for him and he is the ---- of
the universe.
A) fluently
B) anxiously A) client
C) manually B) centre
D) awfully C) model
E) lazily D) adult
E) trash
4. The judge ---- the robber to ten years in 8. I asked for a permission to take the pictures
Study Test
10. The ---- of water will definitely affect the 14. The ---- in the computer technology in the
irrigation in the area. 1970s helped scientists in many fields.
A) definition A) aviation
B) attraction B) development
C) description C) depression
D) confusion D) invasion
E) contamination E) pressure
11. She has ---- her mind about the wedding 15. London was the world’s most important city
date and she is getting married two months during the 18th and 19th centuries, both ----
later. and politically.
A) made up A) absolutely
B) found out B) finally
C) seen over C) primarily
D) pulled out D) unusually
E) taken up E) economically
12. Many people ---- from lung diseases 16. Honesty and communication forms the
because of passive smoking. basis for a good ----.
A) separate A) addiction
B) benefit B) courage
C) suffer C) satisfaction
D) examine D) relationship
E) treat E) discomfort
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. If you have chronic sleeping disorders you 5. There wasn’t enough light in the room, but
should see a doctor because it may be ----. the photos actually ---- great.
3. My ancestors used to live on the hills of this 7. There was a terrible fire in the hotel last
area before the German ----. night, but the firemen managed to ----
A) mission
B) invasion A) escape
C) vision B) transport
D) pollution C) change
E) illusion D) evaluate
E) rescue
Assignment Test
4. When I first went to the seaside for my 8. I am no god at managing my time so I have
holiday, I had some spots on my face but to find someone to ---- me.
they soon ----.
A) depend
A) crushed B) avoid
B) collided C) dismiss
C) disappeared D) assist
D) impressed E) access
E) divided
9. Silver was very ---- in ancient China because 13. Studies have shown that washing hands
there weren’t many mines in the country. with soap and water is the best ---- against
A) rare
B) capable A) similarity
C) available B) reason
D) regular C) protection
E) eternal D) damage
E) reflection
10. I have been waiting in the queue since 14. You can have the ---- to find a good job if
morning so I am ----. you speak at least two foreign languages.
A) indifferent A) option
B) critical B) popularity
C) bored C) efficiency
D) potential D) opportunity
E) former E) cash
11. The boss ---- delaying the meeting with the 15. When are you planning to ---- the books
union leaders. to the library? They have been on your
bookshelf for almost a month!
A) gets through
B) carries out A) break up
C) takes away B) come down
D) pulls out C) go up
E) keeps on D) move on
E) take back
12. Ronald’s ---- grammar causes many problems 16. The Internet has a great ---- on today’s
in his language lessons at university. people.
A) special A) income
B) poor B) trust
C) ultimate C) influence
D) useful D) access
E) elegant E) service
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş
bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Some people choose to ---- others for their 5. The ---- beauty of the Austrian Alps have
own failures. made Austria a major European tourist
A) honour
B) pollute A) scenic
C) blame B) movable
D) accuse C) invisible
E) collide D) unclear
E) rude
2. We shouldn’t forget to ---- the camp fire 6. According to some scientists, the world oil
before we go to sleep. supply will ---- in a few decades.
3. Children can experience stress when parents 7. The candle ---- a lovely smell as it burns.
and schools have high ---- from them.
A) keeps off
A) concerns B) gives off
B) allowances C) puts away
C) rules D) lives on
D) expectations E) runs out
E) reactions
Assignment Test
4. Some pet shops fail to provide ---- 8. The company ---- most of the staff in our
veterinary care to animals. department, so we have to work overtime.
A) ecological A) dismissed
B) unhealthy B) exported
C) invisible C) voted
D) proper D) decayed
E) enormous E) donated
9. Environmental pollution is ---- at an 13. Thousands of people in Africa are ----
alarming rate and the major contribution is from hunger and the modern world is just
by the vehicles on the road. watching them.
A) disappearing A) suffering
B) proposing B) revising
C) acquiring C) imitating
D) increasing D) hiring
E) solving E) tossing
10. Changing your pillow can be a(n)---- to your 14. Milk and cheese are very high in calcium
sleeping problem. so they are ---- important, especially for
A) description
B) reason A) fluently
C) solution B) extremely
D) congestion C) kindly
E) illness D) harmfully
E) selfishly
11. I ---- visit online bookstores so I can learn 15. When you ---- your illness you can join our
about the new releases and read the team.
A) take off
A) severely B) call for
B) accurately C) run over
C) frequently D) get over
D) generously E) back up
E) sharply
12. The construction of the new bridge will ---- 16. The nurse in the night shift controlled each
for another two weeks. patient ----, and then went to her room for a
A) begin
B) plan A) previously
C) delete B) simply
D) call C) incredibly
E) last D) hardly
E) carefully