Recycling of Waste Plastics Into
Recycling of Waste Plastics Into
Recycling of Waste Plastics Into
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The energy crisis and environmental destruction are the principal problems
in the present day due to the rapid industrialization and growing population.
Degradation of solid waste such as plastic bottles, grocery bags, etc. in nature takes
many years. Besides, plastic disposing methods like landfill, reusing, and burning
can create severe risks to the human health and environment. Therefore, plastic
must be kept under control from damaging the environment. One of the most
favorable and effective disposing methods is pyrolysis, which is an environmentally
friendly and efficient way. Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of solid wastes at
high temperatures to produce pyrolytic oil. The pyrolytic oil produced is converted
into pyrolytic fuel very similar to diesel or gasoline by upgrading. The calorific value
of the pyrolytic fuel is similar to that of diesel and gasoline. Pyrolytic fuel can be
used in internal combustion engines without significant loss in engine performance.
Besides, some engine emissions, especially smoke opacity and CO and HC emis-
sions, improve when used with additives or when the engine’s operating conditions
such as compression ratio and ignition timing are changed. However, NOx emission
is very similar to diesel fuel, too.
Keywords: recycling of waste, waste plastic oil, pyrolytic fuel, alternative fuel,
1. Introduction
Sustainable Mobility
Outlook Report 2019 of the United Nations (UN) states that greenhouse gas emis-
sions should be reduced by 45% over the next decade compared to 2010 and should
be net-zero by 2050 [4]. In the transportation sector, it is desirable that the vehicles
in transportation consist of electric vehicles and that the electricity consumed is
produced from renewable sources in order to reach these targets. However, replac-
ing present internal combustion engine vehicles with zero-emission electric vehicles
and generating electricity from renewable sources is so difficult and costly that it
will not be possible in a short- and medium-term. As the short- and medium-term
activity, it is aimed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below a certain limit
by increasing the use of alternative fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, and pyrolytic
fuels in transportation. These fuels are very important in terms of producing from
waste as well as vegetable sources. In addition, the short- and medium-term targets
include the development of internal combustion engines with lower fuel consump-
tion and more environmentally friendly.
This chapter will focus on the production of pyrolytic fuel from waste plastics
and their use in vehicles. The degradation of plastic materials takes several hun-
dred years and thus, they affect the environment. In landfill areas, waste plastics
can release carcinogens and other toxic chemicals that pollute groundwater. In
addition, these poisonous chemicals can disrupt soil fertility. Plastic particles float-
ing on the ocean surface are a threat to the marine ecosystem [5]. If waste plastics
are used directly as a source of energy and are burned, it creates very harmful
emissions to the environment and increases the amount of GHG. In this context,
recycling of waste plastic as a fuel through pyrolysis in an inert atmosphere is
an environmentally friendly solution. In the last 30years, there has been a rapid
growth in the plastics industry. Worldwide production of synthetic polymers such
as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polysty-
rene (PS) has increased more than 100 times in the last 3 years. These plastics are
widely used in daily important applications such as household appliances, cloth-
ing, food packaging, electronics, and automotive products. While plastics bring
great convenience to our lives, the processing of waste plastics is inevitable and
must be solved soon [6].
The recycling of plastic wastes is a considerable matter nowadays. Many
researchers have investigated the applicability of using waste plastic oil in a diesel
engine due to the decrease in fossil resources in the world and the increasing
amount of plastic waste. It has been concluded that waste plastic oil has similar
properties to diesel fuel and can be used instead of diesel [7, 8]. In this chapter,
pyrolysis, one of the alternative fuel production methods, is examined. Types of
pyrolysis, types of waste plastics as raw materials, parameters affecting pyrolysis,
and products obtained from pyrolysis are presented. In some experimental studies
in the literature, the physical and chemical properties of pyrolytic fuels are com-
pared with commercial diesel and gasoline fuels. In the last part, experimental stud-
ies on the use of waste plastic pyrolysis oil as fuel in internal combustion engines are
given. Waste plastic pyrolysis oil as fuel was evaluated in terms of engine perfor-
mance, emission, and combustion characteristics.
2. What is pyrolysis?
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
products can be used for power generation in engines and turbines. Therefore,
the pyrolysis of biomass is a promising method for alternative energy sources.
This method takes place at high temperatures. The critical temperature ranges for
obtaining pyrolysis products is between 350 and 500°C. The process can use self-
produced pyrolytic oil or gas to reach such high temperatures [10]. In this respect,
the process can be performed by consuming less energy from the outside. During
the pyrolysis process, the chemical bonds of the biomass are thermally degraded in
an oxygen-free environment and at high temperatures.
Advantages of pyrolysis over other methods are as follows: the amount of
harmful wastes released to the environment is low, the end product formation is
economical, and it reduces air pollution and supports itself in terms of energy use.
Primary products obtained in the pyrolysis process can be used directly or can be
converted to high-quality fuel or other chemical products by applying chemical
processes. This method is often preferred for the conversion of solid biomass waste,
which is difficult to use and cost-effective, into liquid products. The production,
transportation, and storage costs of these liquid products are low and their energy
density is high. Besides, in the elemental composition of liquid products, there are
complex structures of biomass-like and oxidized hydrocarbons.
Pyrolysis is divided into three basic groups: slow, flash (intermediate), and fast
according to the time and temperature during the process. According to the pyroly-
sis types given in Table 1, the liquid products obtained, especially from the fast
pyrolysis processes can be used as internal combustion engine fuel [11].
Slow pyrolysis is slowly heating of organic biomass in the absence of oxygen at
nearly 500°C. Instead of combusting, the volatiles from the organic material vapor-
ize partially, and a product called charcoal remains, consisting of a large proportion
(approximately 80%) of carbon. Slow pyrolysis is also named carbonization. In the
slow pyrolysis, the main product is solid charcoal [12].
Fast pyrolysis is rapidly heating of organic biomass often in the range between
425 and 500°C in the absence of air. Organic vapors, char, and gas are produced
under these conditions. In later stages of the process, the vapors are condensed to
pyrolytic oil. Commonly, 60–75 wt.% of the feedstock is converted into oil [12].
Flash pyrolysis is a thermal-cracking process at a very high heating rate with a
very short vapor residence time with high pyrolysis temperatures around 450 and
1000°C. The main objective of this process is to minimize secondary cracking. Thus,
the liquid yields are maximized and can go up to 75% [13].
Pyrolysis types Retention time Rate of heating Temperature (°C) Liquid yield (%)
Table 1.
The operating parameters and product yields for pyrolysis types [13–16].
Sustainable Mobility
Table 2.
The different types of plastics and their uses.
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
Table 3.
Proximate analysis of plastics [18, 20–27].
Sustainable Mobility
milk bottles, toys, oil containers, and more because of its high strength property.
In an experimental study, HDPE has been used as a raw material in the pyrolysis
process at 350°C using a semibatch reactor. The liquid product yield is 80.88 wt%.
In other study at 550°C, the liquid product yield is 79.08 wt% using a semibatch
reactor [30, 31].
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is available as transparent and semicrystalline mate-
rial, depending on heat treatment. The most important usage advantage is that it is
fully recyclable. It is hard and impact resistant. Thanks to the chlorine (Cl) in the
PVC content, it becomes an excellent fire-resistant material and is therefore very
suitable for electrical insulation. However, PVC produces hydrochloric acid (HCl)
harmful during the pyrolysis [17]. In an experimental study in which pyrolysis of
PVC was performed, it is stated that the liquid yield was 12.79 wt%, and hydrogen
chloride gas (HCl) yield was found to be 58.2 wt% among all gases (the yield of all
gases was 87.7%) [32].
Plastic types of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) have perfect water resistance,
so they are widely applied for plastic bags, garbage bags, wrapping foils for packag-
ing, and much more. In some experimental studies in which maximum liquid yield
is obtained, LDPE has been used as a raw material in the pyrolysis processes, which
are in a fixed-bed reactor at 500°C with a heating rate of 10°C/min, and in a batch
reactor at 550°C with a heating rate of 5°C/min. According to these studies, the
liquid yields are found at 95 and 93.1%, respectively [33, 34]. In another study, the
liquid yield of LDPE was found to be 74.7 wt% using batch reactor at 430°C with a
heating rate of 3°C/min [35].
Polypropylene (PP) is a material resistant to chemicals, heat, and extreme
fatigue. It is one of the plastics with medium hardness and gloss. PP has a lower
density than HDPE but has higher hardness and rigidity that makes it preferable in
the plastic industry. In some experimental studies carried out from 300 to 500°C,
the liquid yields increased from 69.82 to 82.12% [29, 31, 36, 37].
Polystyrene (PS) is a versatile and multipurpose plastic, very hard, brittle,
glossy, and foam-shaped plastic. It is an inexpensive resin with a relatively low
melting point. PS offers reasonable durability, strength, and lightness. For this
reason, it is used in a variety of sectors such as construction, electronics, medi-
cal appliances, food packaging, and toy. In some experimental studies carried
out from 425 to 600°C, the liquid yields obtained were between 89.5 and 98.7%
The primary products obtained from pyrolysis can be used without treatment.
In addition, they can be converted to secondary products after product improve-
ment techniques to improve fuel properties and can be used as a more efficient fuel.
In particular, the liquid product obtained from pyrolysis can be converted into a
fuel of very similar properties to diesel or gasoline fuel after secondary processes.
Thus, the internal combustion engine becomes available as fuel.
The gaseous product of plastic pyrolysis contains mostly carbon dioxide, car-
bon monoxide, hydrogen, ethane, methane, ethylene, etc. The pyrolysis product
gases may provide heat for the pyrolysis reactor, which is part of the system, or
may be used for the generation of heat and electricity in a gas turbine combined
cycle system.
The solid product that has a high surface area and large pores and that is
released as a result of the pyrolysis process applied to biomass can be used as
activated carbon. In other words, the content of char is composed of
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
condensed organic residues and the inorganic phases, with an average high
heating value of 28.5–29 MJ/kg [41].
The yields of the products obtained in the pyrolysis process vary depending on
the heating rate. It is very important to adjust the heating rate to the optimum level
as it affects heat transfer. Increasing the heating rate raises the liquid yields and
decreases the char yields. The higher the heating rate, the faster the volatiles form,
and the lower the heating rate, the longer the residence time for the volatiles.
Thus, repolymerization reactions that form char occurs. Higher heating
rates minimize char formation. At lower heating rates, the main product is
char, which works for a long time (several days). This process is called
As the heating rate increases, the conversion degree of the final products and the
yield of gases increase, while the yields of oil and char decrease [41]. Figure 1 shows
the typical change in the yields of the final products when there is variation of the
heating rate during the pyrolysis process.
Most of the studies in the literature have similar trends like in Figure 1; how-
ever, the product yields vary according to the raw material used. For example, in
a study, the pyrolysis of waste plastic bags in a fixed bed reactor is examined at a
pyrolysis temperature of 450°C and the heating rate from 5 to 15°C/min. At heating
rates of 5, 10, and 15°C/min., liquid yields are 53.1, 51.3, and 47%, while the yields
Figure 1.
Yield of the pyrolysis product at various heating rates.
Sustainable Mobility
of gases are 32.4, 37.3, and 41%, respectively. Besides, the yields of char are
14.5, 11.4, and 12%, respectively [42].
2.4.2 Temperature
The temperature at which pyrolysis occurs is the most important factor in prod-
uct distribution. Liquid yield depends on the reaction temperature, biomass type,
hot vapor residence time, and catalyst use. It is important to note that the maximum
efficiency is not the same as the maximum quality. If the quality of the liquid needs
to be optimized, the operating parameters of the process must be carefully defined
[16]. According to Figure 2, as the temperature increases, the char yield decreases
while the yield of the gases increases.
In addition, as the temperature increases up to 500°C, the liquid yield increases.
The higher the temperature, the more liquid products turn into gases. After the
maximum liquid yield is obtained in the temperature range of 550–550°C, the liquid
yield decreases with increasing temperature.
Mostly liquid contains water, oil, and wax. Oil in liquid can be converted into
fuel via chemical processes by considering the physical and chemical properties of
the fuel. In this case, the oil yield may be slightly lower than the initial liquid yield.
In the literature, the changes in temperature of pyrolysis products show similar ten-
dencies. In a study by Pütün [43], bio-oil yields of 41, 46, and 43% were obtained at
temperatures 400, 550, and 700°C, respectively.
The yield of the product obtained from the pyrolysis of the plastic mixture in
another study, according to the variation of temperature, is shown in Table 4 [44].
It is clear that the gas percentage increases as the temperature increases. The
yield of the char decreases with increasing temperature. It is stated that it sup-
ports more gas formation as molecules break down under high temperature and
heating rate conditions. In addition, they form much smaller organic molecules
under these conditions. When a higher amount of energy is available at a higher
temperature, there is a tendency for an increasing number of secondary reactions.
The amount of oil and wax decreases with an increase in temperature. At low
temperatures, the conversion reactions of solid products to pyrolytic oil decrease
and waxy structures increase due to incomplete pyrolysis. Cahyono and Fenti [42]
conducted an experimental study using plastic wastes in a reactor at the heating
rate of 15°C/min with pyrolysis temperature between 250 and 450°C. Table 5
shows the yield of the pyrolysis products obtained in the study. Accordingly, the
amount of wax decreases with increasing temperature, while the amount of oil and
gases increases.
Figure 2.
Yield of the pyrolysis product at various reaction temperatures.
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
Table 4.
The product yields from the pyrolysis of the plastic mixture with change in temperature.
Table 5.
The product yields from the pyrolysis of the plastic with change in low temperature [42].
When the temperature reaches a higher degree, the initially formed liquid prod-
ucts are transformed into gas via secondary reactions. The main part of the product
is solid at low temperatures, while the main product is gas at high temperatures [44].
Figure 3.
Yield of the pyrolysis product at various particle sizes.
Sustainable Mobility
In the literature, the experimental studies show that particle size does not
cause a significant change in char, oil, and gas yield. Ertas and Alma [45] com-
pared the yields of pyrolysis products according to different particle sizes such as
1.60 > Ps > 0.850, 0.850 > Ps > 0.420, and 0.420 > Ps > 0.250 mm in their experi-
mental study (Ps: particle size). It was carried out in a fixed-bed reactor at the opti-
mum temperature (500°C). Nonetheless, the optimum particle size for maximum
bio-oil yield is shown as the medium particle size. The gas yield for the large particle
size was measured slightly higher than the other dimensions, and the char yield for
the small particle size was measured slightly lower than the other dimensions.
Volatile residence time is a significant factor to affect yields of liquid and gaseous
products in a biomass. A longer residence time allows the formation of secondary
reactions such as thermal cracking, repolymerization, and recondensation, thereby
reducing liquid yield [46]. Higher temperatures and longer volatile residence times
enhance biomass conversion to gas. Mild temperatures and short volatile residence
time are optimum for liquids [12].
The catalyst is used to accelerate the chemical reaction. In the process using the
catalyst, the activation energy of the process is reduced and thus the reaction rate
is increased. This case reduces the optimum temperature required for the process.
The most important parameter that prevents the application of the pyrolysis process
is high energy consumption. So, the use of a catalyst can help save energy [17]. The
reaction time is shortened by using a catalyst in the pyrolysis of plastic biomass.
Panda carried out pyrolysis of three different types of plastics (PP, LDPE, and
HDPE) by changing catalyst to biomass ratios of 1:0, 1:20, 1:10, and 1:3 at 500°C
reaction temperature. The reaction time has been shorter when the ratio of catalyst
to biomass has increased in his study. When HDPE has been used as biomass, the
reaction time without catalyst has been 83 minutes, while the reaction time has been
reduced to 64 minutes with 33.3% (1:3) catalyst. The specific gravity of the pyroly-
sis oil measured 0.853 g/cm3 when using %5 (1:20) catalyst in the pyrolysis process
while it measured 0.789 g/cm3 when using %5 (1:20) catalyst [47]. By using differ-
ent catalysts and determining the optimum catalyst/biomass ratio, more chemically
homogeneous and different ratios of pyrolysis products can be obtained. In recent
years, various biomass-derived waste materials have been investigated using vari-
ous catalysts to understand the effects of the catalyst in the pyrolysis process.
2.5 Catalysts
The catalysts are widely used in industries and research to optimize product
distribution. In the reactor, the use of catalysts for pyrolysis of polyolefins increases
the selectivity of volatile products by changing the product distribution [17].
Especially catalysts are of great interest in the production of automotive fuels such
as gasoline and diesel [48]. The catalyst has been used by many researchers for
product upgrades to improve the hydrocarbon distribution to obtain the pyrolysis
liquid, which has similar properties to conventional fuel such as gasoline and diesel.
There are two structures of catalysts, which include only one phase (homo-
geneous) and more than one phase (heterogeneous). The most common type of
catalyst used is heterogeneous because the solid catalyst is easily separated from the
liquid product mixture. Heterogeneous catalysts are preferred because the catalysts
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
can be reused [17]. Thus, the use of highly costly catalysts becomes more economi-
cal. Zeolite, silica (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO), and alumina (Al2O3) are the most
commonly used catalysts in the pyrolysis process because of reducing the tempera-
ture required to complete the reaction and enhance the reaction rate [49].
Plastic waste is now one of the significant elements of municipal solid waste
(MSW). It is a mixture of different plastic products, largely made from high-density
polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), poly-
propylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PS
and PE are the most common types of plastics in municipal waste [50]. Plastics are
nonbiodegradable polymers mostly containing carbon, hydrogen and few other ele-
ments [6]. The elemental analysis of pyrolytic oil and other fuels is given in Table 6.
After the oils produced in pyrolysis were removed from visible precipitates, the
appearance of the liquid fuel obtained from HDPE is light yellowish. The liquid fuel
obtained from PS is seen as dark yellow, while the liquid fuel obtained from PP is
seen as deep brown [53].
Density, kinematic viscosity, thermal value, flash point, cetane number, octane
number, and cold filter plugging point are among the most important physical and
chemical properties of fuels used in internal combustion engines. These character-
istics affect the usage decision of fuel in internal combustion engines. Some of the
physical and chemical properties of pyrolytic fuels produced from different types of
plastics are presented in Table 7.
Density is an important fuel feature that affects fuel consumption and sprays
characteristics. The densities of liquid fuels produced from HDPE, PS, and PP have
been given 0.796, 0.894, and 0.786 g/cm3, respectively [53].
Kinematic viscosity adjusts the spray pattern and atomization of injected fuel in a
combustion chamber [54]. Generally, the fuels with high viscosity are not preferred
for internal combustion engines because they lead to poor engine performance. The
high viscosity makes it difficult to transport the fuel to the fuel supply system This
condition limits the use of high viscosity fuels in winter. In addition, the use of low
viscosity fuels can cause serious pump and injector leakage. This may lead to a drop
in fuel distribution and a reduction in the engine power output. Low kinematic
viscosity demonstrates that pyrolytic oil contains high amounts of gasoline and low
amounts of heavy oil. The kinematic viscosities of pyrolytic liquid fuels produced
from HDPE, PS, and PP were given as 2373, 1461, and 2115 mm2/s, respectively [53].
Table 6.
Characteristics of pyrolytic fuels from different plastic types [51, 52].
Sustainable Mobility
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 28.2 40.5 21.1 39.5 40.8 43.0 42.5 43
Viscosity (mm2/s) n.a 5.08a 6.36b 5.56c 4.09a 1.4d 1.17 1.9–4.1
Density @ 15°C (g/cm ) 0.90 0.89 0.84 0.78 0.86 0.85 0.78 0.81
Octane number MON (min) n.a 85.3 n.a n.a 87.6 n.a 81–85 —
Octane number RON (min) n.a 95.3 n.a n.a 97.8 90–98 91.95 —
Table 7.
Fuel characteristics of plastic pyrolytic fuel [19].
Pour point is known as the temperature at which the fluid stops to flow.
Generally, the increase in viscosity may cause the fluid to lose its flow feature. If
liquid fuel has a lower pour point, it has lesser paraffin content but greater aromatic
content [17].
In order to prevent fire hazard during storage, one of the important features
of the fuel is the flashpoint. The flashpoint of the liquid is defined as the lowest
temperature at which the liquid-vapor mixed with the air ignites when an external
flame is applied [55]. The flashpoint of HDPE, PVC, and LDPE pyrolysis oil was
very close to commercial gasoline.
It is desirable to have a high cetane index as an indicator of the excellent combus-
tion properties of the liquid product. The high cetane index is associated with the
presence of α-olefins and linear paraffin [31]. Distillation is the process by which
a liquid mixture is separated into its components by heating and condensing to a
certain temperature. In this process, the initial boiling point (IBP, °C) is determined
by the temperature at which the first distillation drops. The final boiling point
(FBP, °C) is the temperature at which all the oil sample in the distillation chamber
evaporates. The distillation temperatures of 10, 50, 90, and 95% volumes in the
recovered volume are recorded as well as the determination of IBP and FBP. Using
these temperature data, estimating the calculated cetane index (CCI) of the fuel can
be calculated by a four-variable equation according to ASTM D4737 [5]. The boiling
temperatures of the different fuels and the mass distribution of the distilled fuels are
shown in Figure 4.
Pyrolytic oil is compared with diesel, kerosene, and gasoline. It is clear from this
figure that pyrolytic oil consists of compounds in the gasoline range, as well as com-
pounds in the range of kerosene and diesel. The starting and ending temperatures
of boiling and the thermal values of the conventional fuels are given in Table 8.
Considering that the liquid at boiling point higher than 150°C is kerosene or diesel,
the pyrolytic oil contains approximately 35% gasoline according to Figure 4. The
rest consists of kerosene and diesel fuel.
The calorific values of some plastics, such as HDPE, PP, and LDPE, have more
than 40 MJ/kg [17]. These values may be considered sufficient to be used as fuel. In
some studies, the calorific values of HDPE and PP have been reported to be more
than 45 MJ/kg, which indicates that these fuels are produced very close to gasoline
and diesel fuel [31]. In general, PET and PVC have the lowest calorific value below
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
Figure 4.
Distributions of boiling point range of fuel samples [56].
Table 8.
Boiling point and calorific value of conventional fuels [57].
30 MJ/kg due to the presence of benzoic acid in PVC and chlorine compound in
PVC, which reduced fuel quality [17].
The release of hydrochloric acid and chlorine compound during the PVC
pyrolysis indicated that the liquid oil was not suitable to be used as a fuel since it
depreciated between the fuel quality [17].
The liquid oil that is produced through plastic wastes via pyrolysis may contain
certain substances such as sulfur, chlorine, solid residue, moisture, and acids. The
presence of these substances not only reduces the quality of the liquid oil but also
limits its commercial use. Therefore, liquid oil requires posttreatment, including
upgrading to removal of char particles and acids, and neutralization to improve liquid
oil with stable pH, and low corrosivity. There are two ways to make the pyrolysis liq-
uid commercially available. One of them is to blend pyrolysis liquid with diesel fuel to
provide certain fuel properties. The other is refining. Liquid pyrolysis oil can be used
in modified diesel engines after upgrading to fuel and removing from impurities.
Mani et al. [7] have obtained fuel by feeding waste plastics into a reactor along with
1 wt.% catalyst and 10 wt.% coal at a temperature of 300–400°C for about 3–4 hours
at atmospheric pressure. In this process, they produced 75% liquid and tested using
it in the engine. The engine tests were conducted on a single-cylinder, four-stroke,
Sustainable Mobility
air-cooled diesel engine at a constant speed of 1500 rpm under 4.4 kW load. The
physical and chemical properties of test fuels are as follows: the density, viscosity, high
heat value (HHV), and cetane number of the diesel fuel are 0.840 g/cm3, 2.0 mm2/s,
46.5 MJ/kg, and 55, respectively, while those of waste plastic oil are 0.836 g/cm3,
2.52 mm2/s, 44.34 MJ/kg, and 51, respectively. It is stated that the ignition delay in the
test using waste plastic oil was considerably longer than that of the test using diesel.
The longer ignition delay in the waste plastic oil caused the cylinder peak pressure for
diesel is 67 bar at rated power and 71 bar in the case of waste plastic oil. During the
premixed combustion phase, the longer ignition delay resulted in a higher heat release
rate usage of waste plastic oil. NOx emission for waste plastic oil increased by approxi-
mately 25% compared to diesel. The amount of NOx increased when the temperature
inside the cylinder rose. Furthermore, the residence time of the fuel in the reactions
affected NOx formation [31]. It is expressed that the high heat release rate increased
the exhaust gas temperature and triggered NOx formation. In the case of waste plastic
oil usage, HC emissions increased by approximately 15% compared to diesel. Besides,
it is stated that the CO emission of waste plastic oil was higher than that of diesel. The
CO2 emission in the waste plastic oil was generally lower than the CO2 emission in the
diesel, except under full load conditions. The smoke of waste plastic oil decreased
by approximately %40 according to that of diesel at rated power. In terms of engine
performance, the thermal efficiency was calculated as 28.2% at rated power for diesel
and 27.4% for the waste plastic oil.
In another study, Mani et al. [58] collected plastic HDPE grocery bags from
local retailers and produced a fuel using a pyrolysis batch reactor. After that, they
mixed waste plastic oil and diesel fuel in certain proportions and tested in a diesel
engine. The mixture of 10% waste plastic oil and 90% diesel fuel was named
WPO10. Similarly, WPO30, WPO50, and WPO70 mixtures were prepared. The
WPO30 fuel blend produced results very close to the engine test results obtained
from diesel fuel. In this study, it is stated that it can be used by mixing diesel and
waste plastic oil.
Gungor et al. [59] produced the waste polyethylene fuels via the pyrolysis pro-
cess in their study. Thermal cracking experiments were realized for 1 hour over
400°C. Waste polyethylene fuel obtained from experiment is named WPE. The
physical and chemical properties of test fuels are as follows: the density, viscosity,
calorific value, and cetane number of the diesel fuel are 0.833 g/cm3, 2.52 mm2/s,
45.1 MJ/kg, and 54.6, respectively, while those of WPE are 0.788 g/cm3, 2.33
mm2/s, 45.5 MJ/kg, and 43.7, respectively. This fuel was mixed with conventional
diesel fuel with volumetric ratios of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 100%. In the experiments,
a diesel engine with four-stroke, four cylinders at 1800 rpm was used. The engine
performance and exhaust emissions of the pyrolytic fuels were determined and
they were compared with those of diesel. Power output of the engine in WPE5
blend increased maximum by 1.63% compared with diesel. Torque output of
the engine in WPE5 usage decreased by 2.73% compared to diesel, especially
at higher engine speeds. While CO emission decreased by 20.63% when WPE5
blend was used and CO2 emission increased by 3.34% when WPE5 blend was
used. Besides that, NOx emission increased by 9.17% with WPE5 usage compared
to diesel.
Guntur et al. [60] investigated the performance and emission characteristics of a
diesel engine with single-cylinder, constant speed, and direct injection using waste
plastic pyrolysis oil blends as an alternative fuel. The waste plastic pyrolysis oil
(WPPO) was blended with diesel fuel with volumetric ratios of 50 and 70%. Results
indicated that the brake thermal efficiency was higher compared to diesel at part
load condition. HC (except for 100% load), CO, and CO2 emissions of WPPO50
and WPPO70 fuels were found higher than diesel fuel at all loads.
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
Kaimal and Vijayabalan [61] collected waste plastics from the municipal disposal
site and separated them into small chips (0.5–1 cm2). They were mixed with 10 wt%
coal and 1 wt% silica catalyst to perform pyrolysis. At the end of the pyrolysis
process, the yield of plastic oil is 80% by input weight. The yield of solid coke residue
is 15% by weight and the yield of gaseous fractions (a mixture of propylene, isobu-
tane, ethane, and methane) are 5% by weight. The experiment was conducted on
direct injection, single-cylinder, water-cooled diesel engine at 1500 rpm generating
3.7 kW. Tests were conducted for diesel fuel, plastic oil mixtures (PO25, PO50, and
PO75), and neat plastic oil (PO100). Due to the higher oxygen content and the higher
calorific value of the plastic oil, the maximum heat release is significantly increased
for plastic oil and its blends. It was reported that the highest thermal efficiency was
31.46% for diesel at full load. In addition, it is stated that the brake thermal effi-
ciency of PO25, PO50, and PO75 mixtures are 30.07, 29.17, and 28.26%, respectively.
Kalargaris et al. [62] conducted an experimental study by producing via a
fast pyrolysis process using a feedstock consisting of different types of plastic.
Feedstock composition consists of styrene-butadiene (47%), polyester (26%), clay
(12%), ethylene-vinyl acetate (7%), rosin (6%), polyethylene (1%), and polypro-
pylene (1%). Density, kinematic viscosity, flashpoint, and LHV of produced plastic
pyrolysis oil (PPO) are 0.9813 g/cm3, 1.918 mm2/s, 13°C, and 38.3 MJ/kg, respec-
tively. The properties of diesel control fuel are 0.8398 g/cm3, 2.62 mm2/s, 59.5°C,
and 42.9 MJ/kg, respectively. PPO was tested in a four-cylinder, turbocharged,
direct injection, water-cooled diesel engine. The experiments were carried out at
the rated engine speed of 1500 rpm and at different engine loads from 25–100%.
Five blending ratios of PPO and diesel, namely 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100% (v/v%),
were tested at each load. They reported that cylinder peak pressures enhanced
with increasing PPO content in the blend at full load. The lower viscosity of the
PPO improves the atomization, thus resulting in increased HRR values of PPO
blends. In addition, the oxygen content (3.3 wt.%) in the PPO may contribute to
the high HRR of PPO blends. In the study, it was stated that BSFC increased and
BTE decreased with an increasing amount of PPO in the blend. In addition, BSFC
decreased with increasing engine load and BTE increased. A similar trend was
observed in all mixtures. Increased percentage of PPO in the blend also increased
EGT. NOx emission increased both with increasing engine load and increasing PPO
ratio in the blend. The CO emission of the PPO blends was measured very close
to that of the diesel at high engine loads, while the CO emission was very high in
blends with a high PPO ratio at low loads. UHC and CO2 emissions are higher in
PPO blends than in diesel.
Kumar et al. [63] in their study evaluated performance and emission analysis
of blends of waste plastic oil obtained by catalytic pyrolysis of waste high-density
polyethylene with diesel in a CI engine with varying loads. The physical and chemical
properties of test fuels are as follows: the density, viscosity, and gross calorific value
of the diesel as control fuel are 0.83 g/cm3, 2.58 mm2/s, and 43.8 MJ/kg, respectively,
while those of waste plastic oil are 0.79 g/cm3, 2.1 mm2/s, and 40.17 MJ/kg, respec-
tively. The experimental results show that the brake thermal efficiencies at all load
conditions are lower as compared to those of diesel fuel and exhaust gas temperature
increases with increase in engine load. The BSFC increases with increase in WPO
blend ratio and decreases with increase in engine load. Mechanical efficiency increases
with increasing brake power for all fuel blends. The NOx emission and CO emission
increase with increase in the percentage of waste plastic oil in blends, and NOx emis-
sion decreases while CO emission increases with increase in engine load. The unburned
hydrocarbon emission decreases with increase in the engine load and increases with
an increase in the percentage of waste plastic oil in blends. The CO2 emission for the
blends is lower than diesel for almost all loads and all blends.
Sustainable Mobility
In a study, Mani and Nagarajan [64] showed that the emissions can be reduced
by making some modifications in the engine. In the tests carried out with waste
plastic oil, the conditions where the standard injection timing of the engine is 23°
bTDC and the delayed injection timing is 14° bTDC were compared. After this
modification, if the waste plastic oil is used in the engine, it can be possible to
obtain results that are equivalent to the results of diesel usage at standard injec-
tion timing [7, 64]. When waste plastic oil was used in engine tests with standard
injection timing, the ignition delay was longer than that of engine tests with delayed
injection timing. A longer ignition delay caused the cylinder peak pressure to rise. It
is stated that the cylinder peak pressure is low for the delayed injection timing. The
cylinder peak pressure in the engine test with delayed injection time decreased by
6% compared to the engine test with standard injection time at full load. The heat
release rate in the delayed injection time decreased by 6% compared to standard
injection time at full load. At full load, the brake specific fuel consumption in
standard injection timing diminished due to the long ignition delay. The reduction
of the brake specific fuel consumption in delayed injection timing led to its high
thermal efficiency. The thermal efficiency is 28.2% for standard injection timing,
while it is 32.25% for the retarded injection timing. The high thermal efficiency
indicates less heat loss. The exhaust gas temperature for the delayed injection time
is lower than that of the other. This is explained by the fact that there is less heat
loss in the study. The emission of NOx for retarded injection timing decreased at
all loads by approximately 11% to standard injection timing. Because lower peak
pressures result in lower peak temperatures, it is seen that retarded injection timing
of the engine diminishes the unburned HC emissions. The unburned HC emissions
in the engine test with delayed injection time dramatically reduced compared to the
engine test with standard injection time. It is explained that the CO emissions were
lower for delayed injection timing by 25% compared to standard injection timing in
an engine fueled with waste plastic oil. However, the smoke for the delayed injec-
tion timing increased compared to the standard injection timing.
Damodharan et al. [5] produced fuel from waste plastics via pyrolysis and tested
it at 5.2 kW rated power and 1500 rpm constant speed in a diesel engine with single-
cylinder, water-cooled, and direct injection. The effects of injection timing and EGR
ratio of the engine were investigated in tests using waste plastic oil (WPO). Properties
of test fuels include the following: for diesel, the lower heat value (LHV) is 41.82 MJ/
kg, the viscosity is 3.8 mm2/s, the density is 0.838 g/cm3, the cetane number is 54, and
the flashpoint is 70°C, while for the WPO, they are 40.35 MJ/kg, 2.16 mm2/s, 0.813 g/
cm3, 51, and 38°C, respectively. It is stated that the standard injection timing of the
engine is 23° bTDC and tests are performed at 25°, 23°, and 21° bTDC injection tim-
ing. In addition, 10, 20, and 30% EGR rate was used in the tests using neat WPO and
compared with the results of diesel at standard injection timing. The peak in-cylinder
pressures and heat release rates (HRRs) were reported to be dropping gradually as the
injection timing was delayed from 25° bTDC to 21° bTDC. In early injection, waste
plastic oil had sufficient time to mix with air and produce a better mixture for combus-
tion. Thus, it resulted in higher pressure and better combustion leading to HRR peaks.
In addition, early injection prolongs ignition delay and improves combustion. In this
way, fuel consumption drops. It is seen that the minimum fuel consumption is at 25°
bTDC. Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) steadily enhanced with rising EGR
rates at all injection timings. The trend was similar at all injection timings. Brake ther-
mal efficiency (BTE) diminished with increasing EGR rates at all injection timings. For
instance, BTE deteriorated from 34.7 to 28.6%, when the EGR rate was increased from
10–30% at 23° bTDC. The trend was similar to both early and late injection timings.
BTE of the engine with WPO used at the early injection timing of 25° bTDC under 10%
EGR rate was seen to be better than diesel at standard injection timing without EGR
Recycling of Waste Plastics into Pyrolytic Fuels and Their Use in IC Engines
by 5.1%. NOx emissions were lower than diesel usage at standard condition (standard
injection timing of 23° bTDC without EGR) when the injection timing delayed at all
EGR rates. HC, CO, and smoke decreased with the delay of injection timing. However,
these emissions increased with the increase of EGR. HC emission with WPO used at
the early injection timing (25° bTDC) under 10% EGR rate was lower than diesel usage
at standard condition. However, in other conditions, it was higher than diesel. CO and
smoke emissions with WPO used at the early injection timing (25° bTDC) under 10
and 20% EGR rates were lower than diesel usage at standard conditions. As a result, it
is expressed that WPO fuel usage at 10% EGR rate in early injection timing increases
performance and reduces emissions, instead of diesel usage under standard conditions.
Ramesha et al. [65] carried out pyrolysis using plastic waste as a raw material with-
out oxygen and at a high temperature of about 250–300° C. In addition, they obtained
biodiesel from microalgae. They mixed B20 (20% algae oil methyl ester +80% diesel)
fuel and waste plastic oil and used it in experiments. The new fuel mixture was named
B20AOME10WPO (10% waste plastic oil +90% B20 algae biodiesel). A direct-injec-
tion, single-cylinder, four-stroke, and water-cooled diesel engine was used to perform
the engine experiments. The motor was run at 1500 rpm and the load was gradually
changed between 0 and 100%. Performance, emission, and combustion character-
istics were observed and reported. At full load, the BTE was observed to be higher
according to diesel control fuel for plastic oil-biodiesel-diesel blend and biodiesel-
diesel blend by 15.7 and 12.9%, respectively. At full load, the BTE was observed to
be higher according to diesel control fuel for plastic oil-biodiesel-diesel blend and
biodiesel-diesel blend by 15.7 and 12.9%, respectively. For plastic-biodiesel-diesel
blend, the emission of UBHC and CO decreased when plastic-biodiesel-diesel blend
used. And NOx emission of plastic-biodiesel-diesel blend increased to pure diesel.
Ananthakumar et al. [66] carried out pyrolysis of waste plastics in the absence
of atmosphere. The test fuels were prepared with 2.5, 5, and 7.5% by volume of
waste plastic oil, 2.5% diethyl ether (DDE), and the remaining by volume of
diesel fuel. All blends with DDE additives are named as P2.5, P5, P7.5, and other
test fuels are diesel and P100 (100% waste plastic oil). The density, caloric value,
flash point, viscosity, and cetane number of the diesel fuel are 0.840 g/cm3,
44.8 MJ/kg, 50°C, 2 mm2/s, and 42, respectively. These properties of P100 are
0.790 g/cm3, 43.34 MJ/kg, 42°C, 2.52 mm2/s, and 51, respectively. These proper-
ties of DEE are also 0.714 g/cm3, 33.86 MJ/kg, −40°C, 0.23 mm2/s, and 126,
respectively. Experimental study for waste plastic oils and mixtures was made
with a variable compression ratio engine. The results of the test for waste plastic
oil and its blends were compared with diesel fuel. It has been shown in the study
that waste plastic oil can be used as an alternative to diesel at higher compression
ratios without any modification to the engine. Mixing waste plastic oil and diesel
with additive diethyl ether gave similar results to the diesel. CO2 emission reduced
for WPO and its blends on comparing with diesel. Nevertheless, the CO emission
increased. Unburned hydrocarbon and smoke emission were close to diesel in the
case of P2.5, P7.5, and P12.5 use. The maximum pressure and rate of heat release
for P2.5 and P7.5 were almost similar to those of diesel. Due to the higher rate of
heat release and combustion temperature, NOx emission of WPO and its blends
were high. Therefore, waste plastic oil can be blended with diesel and additives
like DEE to get comparable results with diesel at higher compression ratios.
5. Conclusion
The rapid increase in plastic production in recent years means that new plastic
wastes, which may harm the environment in the coming years, will increase rapidly.
Sustainable Mobility
Although plastic products make our lives easier, being insoluble in nature for many
years will cause serious environmental problems. The elimination of environ-
mental pollutants with more environmentally friendly solutions is the main issue
of sustainable development. In this context, recycling of plastic wastes should be
considered in a way that both pollute the environment less and help to consume
fewer petroleum resources. At high temperatures and without oxygen, plastics in
the municipal solid waste can be recycled using the pyrolysis process and more
than 75% of the initial weight can be obtained as pyrolytic oil. The pyrolytic oil
can be produced in a very similar composition to diesel or gasoline by some distil-
lation processes. In addition, fuel properties can be improved by some upgrade
methods. As a result, a pyrolytic fuel can be produced that can be conveniently used
in internal combustion engines. However, when this pyrolytic fuel produced from
plastic wastes is used directly in the engine, there is a slight decrease in performance
and combustion characteristics. Exhaust emissions are slightly increased compared
to standard diesel fuel. In order to overcome these drawbacks, diesel perfor-
mance additives such as diethyl ether (DDE) may be added to the pyrolytic fuel.
Furthermore, engine performance and combustion characteristics can be improved
by altering engine operating conditions such as ignition timing and compression
ratio. In addition, the exhaust emissions of pyrolytic fuel can be reduced relative to
diesel fuel. Consequently, pyrolytic fuels produced from plastic wastes can be used
as an engine fuel to pollute the environment less.
Author details
Sinan Erdogan
Adapazari Vocational School, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. Distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits use, distribution and reproduction for
non-commercial purposes, provided the original is properly cited.
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