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By Rail

As per the Order of Ministry of Railways, Government of India, the following concessions are
available for the disabled persons.

I. Blind Person

The blind person travelling alone or with an escort, on production of a certificate from Gov­
ernment doctor or a registered medical practitioner, is eligible to get the concession as below:

Element of Concession

Class: First Second Sleeper Season Ticket

Class Class ciass First Class Second Class
%age of Concessions: 75 75 75 50 50

The form of certificate is given at Appendix 'N. The concession certificate may be issued
by the Station Master on collection of the certificate form and the copy of original certificate
duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, M.P., M.L.A. etc. may be produced while collecting the
ticket. The blind person may not be present at the station for purchase of the ticket.

II. Orthopaedically Handicapped Person

The orthopaedically handicapped person travelling with an escort, on production ofa certificate
from a Government doctor to the effect that the person concerned is orthopaedically handi­
capped and cannot travel without the assistance of an escort, is eligible for getting concession.

Element of Concession

Class: First Second Sleeper Season Ticket

Class Class Class First Class Second Class
%age of Concessions: 75 75 75 50 50
412 Status of Disability in India - 2000

All categories of Orthopaedically Handicapped Persons/patients accompanied by escort,

when travelling for admission or on discharge from hospital where the 0.H. persons are treated
or for consultation with Medical Expert, on production of a certificate from a government
doctor/orthopaedic surgeon that the person is a bonafide O.H. person and he cannot travel
without an escort, for availing concession.

III. Deaf & Dumb Person

A Deaf & Dumb person travelling alone (both afflictions together in the same person) on
production of a certificate from a government doctor is eligible for the concession.

Element of Concession

Class: First Second Sleeper Season Ticket

Class Class Class First Class Second Class
%age of Concessions: 75 75 75 50 50

1. A deaf person is allowed 50% concession in railway fare both in first and second class,
but concession is not available for the escort.
2. A deaf and dumb person is permitted to travel by 2-tier A.C. Sleeper on payment of
concessional fare for first class and full surcharge for 2-tier A.C. Sleeper.
Copy of the Certificate is at Appendix 'C'.

IV. Mentally Retarded Person

A mentally retarded person, accompanied by an escort, on production of a certificate in the

prescribed form, from a government doctor, is eligible to get the concession.

Element of Concession

Class: First Second Sleeper Season Ticket

Class Class Class First Class Second Class
%age of Concessions: 75 75 75 50 50

The copy of the Certificate is at Appendix 'D'.

Note: Mentally Retarded person is permitted to travel by 2-tier. A.C. Sleeper on payment of
concessional fare for first class and full surcharge for 2-tier A.C. Sleeper.
Facility of issue of concessional return ticket will also be available in one month from the
date ofcommencement ofoutward journey. M.R. person should be given preference in allotment
of coupe on reservation in first class, if required. Free ticket for one escort is available for every
two persons in the same class of carriage whether they hold adult ticket or half ticket.
All the concessional fares shall be calculated on the basis of the basic railway fare for the
journey. No person/party will be allowed more than one concession at one time.
The holder of a concession ticket will not be permitted to change the ticket to a higher
class by paying the difference except in the case of T.B. and Cancer patient, leprosy patient
etc. The break-up journey shall not be allowed on a concession ticket for a specific journey
Appendix I 413

for example students travelling for an examination centre, patient travelling to/from a hospital,
professor travelling from/to a conference etc. The break journey will be allowed only if it is a
natural event. During break journey, the passenger has to endorse the ticket alongwith Station
Master's initial, date and station code. Refund ofthe untravelled person on such tickets will not
be allowed.

By Air

The Indian Airlines Corporation allows 50% concessional fare to blind persons on single
journey or single fare for round trip journey on all domestic flights. To avail this facility (for blind
persons) they have to produce a certificate from a medical practitioner. Air Hostess/Steward
will look after the blind persons not accompanied by escorts in flight. The Public Relation
Officer or the Traffic Officer Incharge at the airport will render necessary assistance to such
infirm passengers at the airport of the departure and arrival. Escorts are to pay full fare. This
concession cannot be combined with any other concessional fare allowed by the Indian Airlines.
The Orthopaedically Handicapped persons are not given this concession. However, they
are allowed to carry a pair of crutches/brases or any other prosthetic devices free of charge.



Payment of postage, both inland and foreign, for transmission by post of Blind Literature
packets is exempted if sent by surface route only. If packets are to be sent by air, prescribed
air mail charges should be paid.
The relevant rule from the Post Office Guide is reproduced below.

129. Exemption from Postal Fees

1. 'Blind Literature' packets are exempted from payment of the following fees besides being
exempted from the payment ofpostage (I) registration fee, (II) fee for acknowledgement
and (III) fee for the attested copy of the receipt.
2. Postage free 'Blind Literature' packets will be transmitted by surface route only, and if
they are to be sent by air, the airmail charge as prescribed for packets has to be paid.

130. Contents and Conditions of Posting

Papers of any kind, periodicals and books printed in Braille or other special type for the use
of the blind may be transmitted by post as 'Blind Literature' packets, provided that they are
posted in accordance with the below mentioned conditions.
Plates bearing the characters of writing, sound records for the use of the blind, and discs,
films, tapes and wires on which spoken message for the blind have been recorded, when sent
by, or addressed to, an officially recognised institution for the blind, shall also be treated as
'Blind Literature'.
414 Status of Disability in India - 2000

(a) The packets shall consist only of articles specially impressed as described above for
the use ofthe blind, and shall not contain any communication either in writing or printed
in ordinary type, except the title and table of contents of the book or periodical and
any key to, or instructions for, the use of special type, or any enclosure except a level
for the return of the packet.
(b) The packet shall bear on the outside the inscription 'Literature for the Blind' and the
written or printed name and address of the sender.
(c) The packet shall be posted without a cover, or in a cover open at both ends, which
can easily be removed for the purpose of examination.
(d) No 'Blind Literature' packet may weigh more than 7 kg.
(e) 'Blind Literature' packets are subject to the same limits of dimensions as printed

131. Penalty for Breach of Conditions

Should any of the conditions metioned above be infringed, the packet (unless it is admissible
as an ordinary packet) will be charged on delivery with letter or parcel postage, whichever may
be less.
Rules 304, 305, 306 in regard to definition of 'Blind Literature' Conditions and Exemption
from Postal Fees in respect of Foreign postage are the same as prescribed in rules 129 and
130 in regard to Inland Postage. However, the penalty for breach of conditions in respect of
foreign postage is specified under 307-Penalty for Breach of Conditions:
'Blind Literature' packets which contain any note or document having the character of
actual and personal correspondence, or which are not made up in such a manner as to admit
of easy examination of the contents, or which contain postage stamps, form of pre payment
whether obliterated or not or paper representing any value, or which infringe any ofthe foregoing
conditions will not be forwarded, but will be returned to the sender and will be charged on
delivery with letter or parcel postage at the internal postage rate whichever is applicable. If the
sender wishes to report the article after complying with the necessary conditions, he may do
so. It is permissible in such cases to use the original wrapper, but the use of a fresh wrapper
is preferable and is recommended.


Concessional Telephone Connection to Blinds

It has been decided to provide telephone facility to blind persons on concessional and priority
basis on the following terms:
Rental rebate - 50% of the normal rental.
Advance Rental - 50% of the annual advance rental and bi-monthly rental as applicable
to a private subscriber. This facility is available in Non-OYT (S) category only.

Preference in Allotment of STD/PCO to Handicapped Persons

Educated unemployed persons are eligible for allotment of STD/PCOs. The educational
qualification for the applicants is:
Appendix I 415

VIIIth or Middle School Pass for rural areas.

Atleast Matriculation or High School for urban areas.



Notification No. 105/86 dated 17.2.86 Annexure IV Issued

by the Deptt. of Revenue, M/Finance

The Central Government exempts goods specified in the table below, when imported into India
by a handicapped or disabled person for his personal use, from the whole of the duty of
customs and the additional duty subject to the condition that the importer produces to the
Assistant Collector of Customs, at the time of importation, a certificate from the Civil Surgeon
of the District, Medical Officer or the Administrative Medical Officer or the Director ofHealth
Services of the concerned State or a Specialist in the concerned speciality attached to a Govt.
Hospital or a recognised medical college to the effect that the importer suffers from the par­
ticular handicap or disability and that the imported goods in respect ofwhich the exemption is
claimed are essential to overcome the said handicap or disability.
The Table:
1. Braille writers and braille writing equipment.
2. Hand writing equipment, Braille Frames, Slates, writing guides styli, Braille Erasers, Script
writing guides.
3. Canes, Electronic aids like the Sonic Guide.
4. Optical, Environmental Sensors.
5. Arithmetic Aids like the Taylor Frame (Arithmetic and Algebra Types), Cubarythm, Speaking
or Braille Calculator.
6. Geometrical Aids like Combined Graph and Mathematical Demonstration Board, Braille
Protractors, Scales Compasses and Spar Wheels.
7. Electronic measuring equipment, such as calipers, Micrometers, comparators, guages,
blocks levels, Rules Rulers and Yard sticks.
8. Drafting drawing aids, Factile displays.
9. Specially adapted clocks and watches.
10. Orthopaedic appliances falling under Heading 90.21 ofthe First Schedule to the said Tariff
11. Wheel Chairs failling under Heading No. 87.13 of the said First Schedule.
12. Artificial Electronic Larynx and Spares thereof.


As per notification C.S.R. No. 550 (E) dated 10.11.1978 issued by the Department ofRevenue,
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, the Institutions (including Registered Co-operative
Societies) for the Blind and the Deaf are permitted to import equipment and apparatus as per
416 Status of Disability in India - 2000

table below, being bonafide gifts to, or purchased out of donations received in foreign exchange
by such institutions from:
1. The whole ofthe duty of customs leviable thereon under the First Schedule to the Customs
Tariff Act, 1975 (51) of 1975.
2. The whole of the auxilary duty of customs leviable under subsection (I) of section 35 of
the Finance Act; and
3. The whole of the additional duty leviable thereon under section 3 of the said Customs
Tariff Act at the time of importation of such goods into India.

(a) All tangible appliances for the blind.
(b) Hearing aids and other audio-visual aids for the education of the deaf.
(c) Vocational aids for the blind and the deaf.
(d) Articles including instruments, apparatus, appliances, machinery and spares or component
parts or accessories thereof required by such institution for the purpose of giving training
or imparting instructions to the blind and the deaf.


Where any such institution is scheduled to begin function only after the importation ofthe goods
specified in the table above of the opening paragraph the exemption under that paragraph shall
not apply in respect of the goods imported by that institution, unless an undertaking in writing
is given by the President or Secy. of that Institution that it will begin to function within a period
of six months from the date of importation of the goods.
Provided that in any particular case, the aforesaid period of six months may, on sufficient
cause being shown, be extended by the Collector of Customs concerned by such further period
as he may deem fit.
Where goods have been purchased out of donations received abroad in foreign exchange,
the institution has been permitted to maintain an account abroad by the Reserve Bank of India
for the purpose of receiving funds donated overseas.

Exemption for Braille Paper

Ministry ofFinance (Department ofRevenue) vide their Notification dated 1.3.81 (Annexure VI),
has exempted braille paper, falling under item No. 17 of the First Schedule to the Central
Excises and Salt Act. 1944 (1 of 1944) from the whole of the duty of excise leviable thereon
subject to the condition that such paper is supplied direct to a school for the blind or to a braille
press against an indent placed by the National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun.

Import of Audio Cassettes

Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) vide their Notification No. 379/86-Customs

(F/14-839/86 C) dated 3rd July 1986 (Annexure VTI), has exempted audio cassettes, falling
within Chapter 85 of the First Schedule to the Custoi'.ls Tariff Act, 1975 (51of1975) recorded
Appendix I 417

with material from books, newspapers or magazines for the blind when consigned by an
organisation listed in Table 'A: below and imported into India by an organisation listed in Table
'B' below from:
1. The whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon, which is specified in the said First
Schedule; and
2. The whole of the additional duty leviable thereon under Section 3 of the said Customs
Tariff Act, subject to the conditions that­
(a) The audio cassettes so imported shall be re-exported within one year from the date
on which these are imported into India or a such extended period as the Assistant
Collector of Customs may allow;
(b) The importer executes an undertaking binding himself to pay an amount equal to the
duty leviable on the audio cassettes at the time of import, to the Assistant Collector
of Customs in the event of failure to re-export the said audio cassettes within the
period specified or, as the case may be, such extended period as may be allowed; and
(c) The importer produces the audio cassettes before the proper office for identification
before re-export.


In accordance with the revised Orders No. F. 19029/2/86-EIV and F.19029/1/89-E. IV dated
16.5.87 and 12.9.89 respectively, issued by the Ministry ofFinance, Department ofExpenditure,
the Central Government exployees who are on regular establishment (including workcharged
staff) and who are blind or orthopaedically handicapped (with disability of upper or lower
extremities) are to the granted conveyance allowance at 5% ofbasic pay subject to a maximum
of Rs. 100/- p.m. subject to the following conditions:
1.An orthopaedically handicapped employee will be eligible for conveyance allowance only
if he/she has a minimum 40% permanent/partial disability of either upper or lower limbs
or 50% permanent/partial disability of both upper and lower limbs together.
2. Conveyance allowance will be admissible to the orthopaedically handicapped employees
on the recommendation of the head of Orthopaedic Department of a Government Civil
3. In the case of a blind employee the allowance will be admissible on the recommendation
of the head of Ophthalmological Department of a Government Civil Hospital.
4. Conveyance allowance is also applied to Central Government employees suffering from
spinal deformity (generally known as hunch back disability) at the same rate as available
to other Physically Handicapped persons.
5. The allowance will not be admissible during leave (except casual level), joining time or


As per Office Memorandum No. 21011121188-Estt (Allowances) dated 17.10.88, issued by

the Ministry ofPersonnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department ofPersonnel & Training),
418 Status of Disability in India - 2000

grant of children educational allowance, reimbursement oftuition fee etc. to Central Govt. emp­
loyees will be governed by the Central Civil Services (Educational Assistance) Orders, 1988.
Under this order, the reimbursement oftuition fee in respect ofphysically handicapped and
mentally retarded children of the Central Govt. employee has been enhanced to Rs. 50 p.m.
(from class I to XII) in comparison with general category where it restricts only Rs. 20 p.m.
The disabled children will, however, get other assistance under this scheme as per rates pre­
scribed for the normal children.


This is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and was launched in 1974 by the then Department of
Social Welfare. The Scheme has however been transferred to the Department of Education
since 1982. Under the scheme, handicapped children are sought to be integrated in the normal
school system. Hundred per cent assistance is provided to the States/UTs for education of the
children suffering from certain mild handicaps in common schools with the help ofnecessary
aids, incentives and specially trained teachers.
The following types of disabled children are covered under this scheme:
1. Children with locomotor handicaps (O.H.)
2. Mildly and moderately hearing impaired.
3. Partially sighted children.
4. Mentally handicapped-educable group (IQ 50-70)
5. Children with multiple handicaps (blind and orthopaedic, hearing impaired and orthopaedic,
educable mentally retarded and orthopaedic, visual impaired and mild hearing handicap)
6. Children with learning disabilities.
The handicapped children are provided the following allowances and facilities under this
scheme of the notes indicated below:
(a) Books and Stationery allowance of Rs. 400/- per annum.
(b) Uniform allowance of Rs. 50/- per annum.
(c) Transport allowance of Rs. '50/- per month (if a disabled child admitted under the
scheme resides in a hostel of the school within the school premises, no transportation
charges would be admissible).
(d) Reader allowance of Rs. 50/- per month in case of blind children after class V.
(e) Escort allowance for severely handicapped children with lower extremity disabilities @
Rs. 75/- per month.
(f) Actual cost of equipment subject to a maximum of Rs. 2000/- per student for a period
of five years.

Other Concessions

1. In the case of severely orthopaedically handicapped children, it may be necessary to allow

one attendant for 10 children in a school. The attendant may be given the standard scale
of pay prescribed for Group 'D' employees in the State/U.T. concerned.
Appendix I 419

2. Disabled children residing in school hostels within the same institution where they are
studying may also be paid boarding & lodging charges as admissible under the State Govt.
rules/schemes. Where there is no State Scheme of Scholarships to hostelers, the disabled
children, whose parents income does not exceed Rs. 3000/- per month, may be paid
actual boarding & lodging charges subject to a maximum of Rs. 200/- p.m.
3. Severely orthopaedically handicapped children residing in School hostels· may need the
help of a helper or an ayah. A special pay of Rs. 50/- p.m. is admissible to any employee
of the hostel willing to extend such help to children in addition to his/her duties.
4. In a school in rural areas where at least 10 handicapped children are enrolled, capital cost
for purchase of school rikshaw for free use of these children and expenses for Rikshaw
Puller@ Rs. 300/- p.m. will be provided under the scheme. In such cases, no transport
allowance will be payable to the students.


Relief for Handicapped

Section 80 DD: Section 80 DD provides for a deduction in respect of the expenditure incurred
by an individual or HUF resident in India on the medical treatment (including nursing) training
and rehabilitation etc. of handicapped dependants. For officiating the increased cost of such
maintenance, the limit of the deduction has been raised from Rs. 12000/- to Rs. 20000/-.
Section 80 V: A new Section 80 V has been introduced to ensure that the parent in whose
hands, income of a disabled minor has been clubbed under Section 64, is allowed to claim a
deduction upto Rs. 20000/- in terms of Section 80 U. which provides for a deduction of
Rs. 20000/- in case of an individual who is suffering from a permanent disability (including
blindness) or is subject to mental retardation.
Section 88 B: This Section provides for an additional rebate from net tax payable by a
resident individual who has attained the age of 65 years, has been amended to increase the
rebate from 10% to 20% and to allow this benefit in cases where the gross total income does
not exceed Rs. 75000/- (as against a limit of Rs. 50000/- specified earlier).

Other Concessions

The Government of India have recently announced the following additional concessions for
individual or Hindu Undivided Families which have a relative who is physically disabled, blind
or mentally retarded.
An assessee who is resident in India being an individual or Hindu Undivided Family has
during the previous year incurred any expenditure for the medical treatment (including nursing),
training and rehabilitation of a person who is a relative of the individual or is a member of the
Hindu Undivided Family and is suffering from permanent physical disability including blindness
or mental retardation shall be allowed a deduction of Rs. 6,000/-. His deduction will not he
allowed where his total income exceeds Rs. 1,00,000/-.
In his budget speech on 15th March, 1995, Sh. Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister,
Government of India, made the following announcement:
420 Status of Disability in India - 2000

i) Deductions from the total income of handicapped persons under section 80-U of the
Income Tax Act has been raised from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 40,000.
il) A deduction of Rs. 20,000 from the taxable income of the parents or guardians of
handicapped children has been allowed provided this amount is deposited in any approved
scheme of LIC, UTI, etc.


Award of Retail Outlet, 2/3 Wheeler Outlet, Kerosene-LDO
Dealerships and LPG Distributorships

Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has reserved 7°% of all type of dealership agencies of
the public sector oil companies for Physically Handicapped/Government Personnel (other than
defence personnel disabled on duty) widows of Government personnel (other than defence
personnel who die in the course of duty).
The oil industry appoints its dealers/distributors through an advertisement in one English
daily and 1 regional daily having maximum circulation in the district in which the dealership
distributorship is to be located.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Indian National
2. Age group (between 21-30 years)
3. Educational qualification (Matriculation or equivalent)
4. Physically Handicapped persons should produce a certificate from Civil Surgeon/CMO or
Superintendent of a Government hospital that he/she is O.H. to the extent of min. 40%
permanent partial of either upper or lower limb or both upper and lower limbs together.
Partially HH candidates are also eligible. Totally blind persons are eligible to apply for
retail outlet/kerosene/LDO dealership. They are however not eligible for LPG distributorship.
Income: The candidate's income should not be more than Rs. 50,000/- p.a. Income for
this purpose would include the income of the candidate, his/her spouse, dependent children put
together. In case of dependent, his/her parents income would also be taken into consideration.
Application Form: Standard formats can be obtained from divisional/regional area office
of the concerned oil companies.



(i) 3% reservations in Gr. 'C' and 'D' posts.

As per the order of Government oflndia reservation of 3% in jobs have been made in
Gr. 'C' and Gr. 'D' posts for the PH persons. The category of handicapped persons benefitted
are the blind, the deaf and the O.H. persons as given below:
Category of handicapped %age of reservation
(1) The Blind 1%
Appendix I 421

(2) The Deaf 1%

(3) The OH. 1%

For effective implementation of the reservation it has been advised to maintain a roaster
of vacancies arising in Gr. 'C' and Gr. 'D' posts from year to year. Thus 34th vacancy may be
earmarked for the blind. Similarly the 67th vacancy and 1OOth vacancy would be reserved for
the Deaf and the OH respectively in a cycle of 100 vacancies.

(ii) Definitions of Disabled for the Purpose of Reservation

The Blind

The blind are those who suffer from either ofthe following conditions:
(a) Total absence of sight;
(b) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting
(c) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.

The Deaf

The Deaf are those in whom the sense ofhearing is non-functional for ordinary pwposes oflife.
They do not hear and understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. The cases included
in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibles in the better ear
(profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.

The Orthopaedically Handicapped

The orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity which
causes an interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints.

(iii) Identification of jobs: In order to implement these reservations, without loss ofproduc­
tivity some posts are identified disability wise.
To insure sufficient recruitment ofblind persons separate list has been identified for the
blind and partially blind persons
(iv) Posting of handicapped candidates: As per the decision of Government of India Gr. 'C'
and Gr. 'D' posts recruited on regional basis and who are physically handicapped may be
given posting as far as possible near their native place within the region subject to
administrative constraints. PH employees may be given preference in transfer case near
their native place.
(v) Relaxation of ban order on recruitment to vacancies earmarked for PH persons:
As per the Government order regarding ban on filling up of non-operational vacant post,
it will not be applicable in case of reserve vacancies to be filled up by PH persons.
(vi) Carry forward of vacant posts under reserve category: As per the Government order
if a reserve category ofperson is not available or the nature ofvacancy in an office is such
that the given category of person cannot be employed then the post may be carried
forward for a period of three subsequent years.
422 Status of Disability in India - 2000

(vii) Appointment of VH persons as caner in Government Deptt: As per the decision of

Government of India it has been instructed that recaning of chairs in Government Offices
should be done by blind persons as far as possible. When the volume of work require a
full time chair canner then a suitable post may be created in consultation with the Finance.
For the purpose ofrecanning the chairs in Government offices Vocational Rehabilitation
Centres and Special Employment Exchange for the PH persons may be contacted.
(viii) Instruction to appointing authority for intimating vacancies reserved for handi­
capped: As per the existing instruction of the Government all the vacancies in Gr. 'C' and
'D' irrespective of their nature and duration are to be notified to the Employment Ex­
change and also to be filled through the agency unless filled through UPSC/SSC. It has
also been decided that all the appointee should send their request to Employment Ex­
change/Special Employment Exchange/nearest Vocational Rehabilitation Centres for P.H.
for nominating suitable handicapped persons.
(ix) Grant of age concession to PH persons: As per the Government order it has been
decided to extend the age concession of 10 years in favour of handicap persons to
recruitment to posts filled through the SSC and through Employment Exchange in Gr. 'C'
and Gr. 'D' posts.
(x) Relaxations in typing qualifications: As per the order PH persons who are otherwise
eligible for appointment to posts of LDC but cannot be so appointed for being unable to
satisfy the typing qualifications due to their disability may be exempted from the typing
qualification for appointment.
(xi) Consideration for confirmation in job for blind person: It has been instructed to all
the Ministries/Deptt. ofGovernment ofIndia that there should not be any delay in confirmation
of officers including Blind persons on account ofadministrative delay. Ministry/Department
should ensure, especially in which blind persons are employed, that confirmations is made
without delay and at appropriate time.
(xii) Reservation for PH persons in posts filled by promotion: As per the order handi­
capped persons may be promoted to Gr.'C' from Gr.'D' and within Gr.'C' against the
' identified post if they are capable of being filled/held by the appropriate category of PH.
(xiii) Exemptions from payment of examinations fee: As per the order PH persons re­
cruited to Gr. 'B' and Gr. 'C" posts advertised by the UPSC and SSC will be exempted
from the payment of applications and examination fee as prescribed by UPSC/SSC.


The Ministry ofLabour in consultation with the Ministry ofWelfare and Department ofPersonnel
& Training, has decided to grant co-sponsoring power to the National Level Rehabilitation
Institutes as given below:
1. National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun.
2. National Institute for the Mentally Retarded, Secunderabad.
3. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Bombay.
4. National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped, Calcutta.
Appendix I 423

5. National Institute for Rehabilitation Training & Research, Cuttack.

6. The Institute for the Physically Handicapped, Delhi.


(A note containing this scheme has been forwarded by the DEA vide
D.0.No. F.301/89-SCT (B) Dated 8.9.89 to the Ministry of Welfare)

(a) Public Sector Banks

Under the 'Scheme ofPublic Sector Banks for Orphanages, Women's Homes and Physically
Handicapped Persons', the benefits of the deferential rate of interest are available to physically
handicapped persons as well as institutions working for the welfare of the handicapped. The
details ofthe scheme are as under:

Eligibility (For Individual)

Physically handicapped persons are eligible to take loans under the scheme, if they satisfy the
following conditions:
- Should be pursuing a gainful occupation
- Family income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 7200/- p.a. in urban or semi-
urban areas or Rs. 6400/- p.a. in rural areas.
- Should not have land holding exceeding 1 acre if irrigated, and 25 acres ifun-irrigated
- Should not incur liability to two sources of finance at the same time.
- Should work largely on their own and with such help as other members oftheir family
or some joint partners may give them and should not employ paid employees on a
regular basis.

Eligibility (For Institutions)

Institutions for the physically handicapped persons pursuing a gainful occupation are also eligible
to take benefit under this scheme. The above institutions are exempted from income criteria.
However, these institutions could utilise the funds for productive purposes only and not for
meeting their normal administrative and establishment expenses.

NB: Public sector Banks refer to Nationalised Banks The State Bank of India and its

Assessment: The quantum of loan, both for working capital and for acquisition of fixed
assets, will be determined on the basis of the needs of institutions/individuals in a scientific
method to ensure that all their legitimate financial requirements are met in toto.

Amount of Loan: The amount ofloan will depend on the particular scheme proposed to be
financed. It should be adequate to enable the borrower to finance his requirements without
having to borrow funds from other sources. The normal limit will be Rs. 6,500/- for working
424 Status of Disability in India - 2000

capital loan and Rs. 5,500/- for a term loan. In exceptional cases, particularly for institutions
etc. higher amounts are allowed. Both the working capital and term loan are admissible in
accordance with the specific requirement of the borrower.
In the case of small scale industries, village artisans etc. in decentralised sector advances
under the scheme may be granted upto Rs. 6,000/- without making any distinction between
working capital and term loan by way of composite loan.

Repayment: Term for the acquisition of fixed assets are normally allowed for five years,
including a grace period not exceeding two years on the repayment ofprincipal. The repayment
schedule will be worked out in each case having regard to the nature of the activities of the
borrower and the economics ofthe scheme. In assessing the surplus for the payment of interest
and principal, due allowance is made for the sustenance requirements of the borrower himself.

Security: The borrower may or may not be able to offer tangible security to secure the loan.
The viability or the potential viability of a project will be the main criterion for the grant of an
advance. However, the assets purchased with the loan may be hypothecated to the Bank. In
addition, in appropriate cases ofloans to a homogeneous group of borrowers group guarantee
may be accepted.

Margin: In the case of borrowers belonging to the weakest strata of society who may not
be in a position to furnish margin money, requirements of margin money will not be insisted

Rate of interest: Keeping in view the social objective the interest will uniformly be charged
@ 4 per cent per annum. Physically handicapped persons including blind eligible under DRI
Scheme are also given loans for purchasing of artificial limbs, hearing aids, wheel chairs etc.
subject to maximum of Rs. 2500/- per borrower provided such assistance is given along with
the advances for productive activities and self employment ventures and all other requirements
under DRI scheme are fulfilled.
Under the scheme of 'Financing Small Scale Industries' a special provision has been made
to allow concession of 1/2% in the rate of interest to the physically handicapped availing
working capital limit above Rs. 2500/- and upto Rs. 2 lakhs.

Repayment Period and Interest on Working Capital

Repayment Period: Medium term loan: 5 to 7 years including moratorium period of 6 to 12 months
Old machinery other than generator set: 36 months
New generator set 42 months
Old generator set 30 months
Interest for Working Capital:
With aggregate advance upto Rs. 25,000/­ 12.5%
Above Rs. 25,000 upto Rs. 2 Lakh 13.5%
Appendix I 425

(B) Subsidy to Handicapped Under the Integrated Rural Development Programme


Under the IRDP, 3% quota is earmarked for the Physically Handicapped persons. The
Government has now decided that per family subsidy limit under the IRDP be raised from:
Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 4000/- in normal areas.
Rs. 4000/- to Rs. 5000/- in drought prone areas and desert development programme areas.
Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 6000/- for Physically Handicapped beneficiaries.


(a) Assistance to organisations for the disabled

(b) Assistance to voluntary organisations for development ofmanpower in the field ofCerebral
palsy and Mental retardation.
(c) Programme for mentally ill persons
(d) Assistance to voluntary organisations for leprosy cured persons
(e) Scheme of Assistance to disabled persons for purchase/fitting of aids and appliances
(f) Scheme of assistance to voluntary organisations for establishment of special schools
(g) Two other schemes which have been transferred to the State Government.
i) Scheme of scholorships to disabled persons
iI) Scheme of Petrol subsidy



Under this scheme the Union Ministry ofWelfare offers assistance up to 90% of the recurring
and non-recurring expenditure to voluntary organisations for developing services for the disabled.
Assistance for buildings does not exceed Rs. 5 lakhs.
The following types of activities are assisted:
(i) Detection, intervention ofprimary nature, prevention of disability.
(ii) Education and/or training.
(iii) Rehabilitation-physical, psycholgical, social and economic.
A copy of the scheme could be obtained by writing to the Union Ministry of Welfare.




(i) to encourage voluntary organisations to undertake training of teachers and other personnel
required in the education and rehabilitation of cerebral palsied and mentally retarded
426 Status of Disability in India - 2000

Under the programme, assistance would be given to voluntary organisations on a cent per
cent basis for imparting training to teachers in the field of CP & MR on the basis of courses
recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India. Items like i) Staff salaries, ii) Honorarium to
guest faculty, iii) Stipend to trainees, iv) Contingencies, v) Hostel facilities for trainees, vi)
Purchase of books and journals, vii) Construction of building, and viii) Purchase of furniture/
equipment would be admissible for sanction of grant-in-aid.



The following are the objectives of the programme:

(i) to assist voluntary organisations in providing psycho-social and economic rehabilitation to
those who have recovered partially/fully from mental illness.
Assistance would be given to voluntary organisations upto the extent of 90% for providing
rehabilitation to mentally ill persons. Mentally ill persons have been defined as those who have
recovered from functional psychosis or showing partial recovery from functional psychosis.
Assistance would be given for activities like (a) Psycho-social training, (b) Counselling to
parents/caregivers and mentally ill persons, (c) Awareness generation, (d) Vocational training,
(e) Halfway home facilities and (f) Placement services.


Programme will have the following objectives:

(i) to assist suitable voluntary organisations in developing programmes for rehabilitation of
leprosy cured persons with the objective of removing stigma and re-integrating them
in the mainstream of society.
Under the programme, assistance would be given upto 90% to voluntary organisations for
activities like awareness generation, vocational training, economic rehabilitation through
establishment of open employment/self-employment/sheltered workshops, placement services,
home for severely disabled leprosy cured persons, and administrative expenses for running the




The Union Minsitry ofWelfare operates a scheme under which assistance is given to disabled
persons for the purchase and fitting of aids and appliances. The object is to promote their
physical rehabilitation as well as their capacity to participate in economic activities.


The following persons will be eligible for assistance:

(i) Indian citizens of any age and sex.
Appendix I 427

(ii) Person who is certified to be disabled by a registered medical practitioner.

(iii) Persons who are employed/self-employed or getting pensions and whose average
monthly income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2500.
(iv) In case of dependents, the income ofparents/guardians should not exceed Rs. 2,500.
(v) Persons who have not received assistance from the Govt., Local Bodies and non­
official organisations during the last two years for the same purpose. However, for
children below 12 years of age this limit would be one year.

Quantum of Assistance

(i) Only those aids and appliances which do not cost less than Rs. 25 and more than Rs.
3600/- are covered under this scheme. These limits will apply to individual items of aid
and where more than one aid is required, giving of the same will be permissible and the
limits will be applied separately. The amount of assistance will be as follows:
Total Income Amount ofAssistance
(i) Up to Rs. 1200 Full cost of the aid
(ii) Rs. 1201 to Rs. 2500. 50% of the cost of the aid
Copy of the scheme could be obtained by writing to the Union Ministry of Welfare.



The scheme envisages assistance to the NGOs upto the extent of 90% for establishment and
upgradation of special schools in the four major disability areas-orthopaedic, hearing and
speech, visual and mentally retarded. Priority under the scheme is given for setting up of schools
in districts where there is no special school at present. Both recurring and non-recurring
expenditure is supported by the ministry.



Two central schemes namely 'Scheme of scholarship to disabled persons from class IX onwards'
and 'Scheme of subsidy on purchase ofpetrol/diesel to physically handicapped persons' have
been transferred to the State/U.T. Govt. for smoother functioning of the programme where the
facilities/grants are uniformly available in each State/U.T. The details of the schemes are:

(i) Scheme of scholarship to disabled persons (from class IX onwards)

Cl. IX, X, Pre-University Rs. 85/­ Rs. 140/­ Rs. 50/­

courses and I.A.II.Sc.
B.A./B. Tech/M.B.B.S/ Rs. 170/­ Rs. 240/­ Rs. 100/­
428 Status of Disability in India - 2000

Diploma in professional Rs. 170/­ Rs. 240/­ Rs. 100/­
and engineering studies
etc.Jin-plant training
M.A./M. Sc.JM.Com./ Rs. 170/­ Rs. 240/­ Rs. 100/­
LL.M/M.Ed. etc.

The scholarship under the scheme is limited to a maximum period of six years after
Class XII. Under this scheme, no scholarship would be admissible to post M.A./M.Sc. and
M.Phil. level as there are many schemes under the Universities to provide scholarships to
students at this level. Income limit ofparents/guardians ofthe candidate should not be more than
Rs.2,000 per month.
Other Allowances

(i) In the case of severely disabled person who requires special arrangements for transport
an additional monthly allowance of Rs. 50 or actual expenditure whichever is less may be
sanctioned. Each case will be examined on its own merits on the recommendation of the
head of the institution/establishment and on the basis of medical certificate.
(ii) In the case ofvisually handicapped reader's allowance shall be paid if it is certified by the
head of the institution/establishment that candidate has employed a reader during the
period the allowance is claimed.
(iii) No transport allowance will be paid 1to the student who resides in the hostel situa~ed in
the premises of the institution where studying or taking training.
Tenure of Scholarship
The scholarship will be tenable for a particular stage of study and is renewable from year to
year within the stage of education and it will depend on promotion to the next class. However,
the scholarships would be limited to a period of six years after class XII. The stage of study
is as given below:
(a) From Ninth standard leading to pre-degree courses or its equivalent examination.
(b) For the courses after pre-degree or its equivalent examination up to First Degree Examination
viz. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./Medical/Engineering, etc.
(c) For post graduate course, i.e. M.A./M.Sc./M.Com./L.L.B./B.Ed./Chartered Accountancy/
C & W Accountancy/Company Secretaryship, etc.
(d) For the following courses in Vocational/Technical Professional Apprenticeship:
(i) for the Certificate Course.
(ii) for the Diploma Course.
(iii) for the post Diploma Course.
(e) The period of training in commercial or any other establishment or other training shall in
each case be decided by the establishment in consultation with the State Deptt. of Social
Welfare provided that the period shall not exceed one year, say, with the specific approval
of the Department on the basis of exceptional circumstances set down in writing.
Note: Scholarship will also be available for the Courses in Music.
Appendix I 429

Mode of Applying

(a) Application should be made to the State Deptt. of Social Welfare in the prescribed form
through the head ofthe institution where the candidate is admitted as a student/apprentice/
(b) Documents to accompany application: Each application shall be accompanied by the
following documents:
(i) Medical Certificate:
A certificate in the prescribed form that the candidate is permanently disabled within
the meaning of the definition given in Rule 3 from a Registered Eye Specialist/E.N.T.
Specialist/Orthopaedic Surgeon/Registered Medical Practitioner/Clinical Psychologist
or Psychiatrist.
(ii) A recent photograph in case of orthopaedically handicapped candidate showing the
(iii) Audiogram: An audiogram chart in respect of a deaf candidate.
(iv) Statement ofmarks:
Statement ofmarks indicating the maximum marks and those obtained at the previous
annual examination passed indicating percentage ofmarks duly attested by a gazetted
officer of the Central or State Govt. or head of the institution concerned or a Member
of Parliament or State Legislature.
A copy ofthe Scheme could be obtained by writing to the Union Ministry ofWelfare.

(ii) Scheme ofsubsidy for purchase ofPetrol/Diesel to physically handicapped persons:

Physically handicapped owners ofmotorised vehicles granted exemption from the payment
ofroad tax by State Government/Union Territory Administration are eligible to claim refund up
to 50% of the expenditure incurred by them on purchase of petrol/diesel from recognised
dealers subject to a ceiling as indicated below:
Vehicle upto 2 H.P. 15 Its. per month
Vehicle more than 2 H.P. 25 Its. per month
The physically handicapped persons having an income upto Rs. 2,5001- from all sources
would only be eligible for the grant of subsidy on purchase of petrol/diesel.
The scheme is operative through District Social Welfare Officers or Tehseeldar/equivalent


(a) National Institutes

In consonance with the policy of providing a complete package of welfare services to the
physically and mentally handicapped individuals and groups and in order to effectively deal with
the multidimensional problems of the handicapped population, the following national institutes
have been set up in each major area of disability:
1. National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun.
2. National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped, Calcutta.
430 Status of Disability in India - 2000

3. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Bombay.
4. National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad.
These institutes are apex level organisations in the field of education, training, vocational
guidance, counselling, research, rehabilitation and development of suitable service modules for
the handicapped. The institutes also serve as premier documentation and information centres in
their respective areas of disability. Development and standardisation of aids and appliances and
preparation of community awareness materials, both for the electronic and the print media, for
the target audience, be the parents, the community and professionals working in the field etc.
are also their responsibilities.
In addition to the four national institutes, the following two organisations have been working
in the field to provide training facilities and services for rehabilitation ofpersons with locomotor
i) Institute for the Physically Handicapped (IPH), New Delhi.
:iJ.) National Institute of Rehabilitation, Training and Research (NIRTAR), Cuttack.

(b) National Awards

Each year on the occasion of the World Disabled Day, National Awards are given by the
President of India to the following:
i) Best employer of handicapped;
iI) Best handicapped employee and self-employed;
iii) Best individual working for handicapped welfare;
iv) Best institution working for handicapped welfare;
v) Placement Officers; and
vi) National Technology Awards for Welfare of the Handicapped.
In consonance with the resolution of General Assembly ofUNO, Govt. of India have also
decided to observe 3rd Dec as World Day for the Disabled.
(c) Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO)
Established in 1972 under the Companies Act with the sole objective ofpromoting, developing,
manufacturing and marketing of artificial limbs and aids and appliances, ALIMCO is the only
public sector company ofits type in the country. It manufactures crutches, wheelchairs, tricycles
(both mechanical and motorised), and other aids and appliances which are of international
standards. The company has set up 35 limb fitting centres which operate through State
Governments. Besides, there are 152 implementing agencies which provide the aids and appliances
manufactured by ALIMCO.

(d) District Rehabilitation Centre Scheme

The Government of India launched the District Rehabilitation Centre Scheme in early 1985, for
providing a package of model comprehensive rehabilitation services to the rural disabled. The
scheme, at present, is operated in 11 different places in different parts of the country.
Objective: The objective of this scheme is to provide services to the following categories
of disabled population:
Appendix I 431

i) Locomotor disabled
it) Speech and Hearing impaired
iit) Mentally Handicapped
iv) Visually Impaired
v) Multiple Handicapped
The services provided in this scheme include:
Prevention and Early Detection;
Medical Intervention and Surgical Correction;
Fitment ofArtificial Aids and Appliances;
Therapeutical Services such as Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Thereapy;
Provision of Educational Services in Special and Integrated Schools;
Provision ofTraining for Acquisition of Skills through Vocational Training, Job Placement
in local Industries and Trades with proper linkages with On-going Training and Employment
Provision of Self Employment opportunities and Bank loans;
Establishing a meaningful linkage with existing Govt. Schemes such as Disability/Old age
pension, Scholarship, etc.; and
An important aspect of this scheme is the creation of awareness, involvement of the
Community and Family Counselling,

Level of Services

Village level: At the village level the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) functionaries
like teachers, local Health Workers, etc. undertake the work of disability prevention, detection
and referral to the appropriate level namely Primary Health Centre (PHC)/Community Health
Centre (CHC)/District Centre or Voluntary Organisation wherever such facilities exist.
PHC/CHC: At'the PHC/CHC level there are no specialised staff of rehabilitation, but all
the PHCs/CHCs, Medical and Para-Medical personnel are being given training and orientation
in the matters of disability intervention.
DRC level: The functions of the district level unit are
to provide direct services to the handicapped persons at the Headquarters in conjunction
with the local hospital authorities;
to provide rehabilitation services through camp approach throughout the district;
to arrange for services like education, vocational training and placement in conjunction with
voluntary agencies and concerned departments/institutions ofthe Government.

Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre

The Regional Rehabilitation Training Centres (RRTCs) were set up to provide technical support
to the DRCs in the area of trained professional manpower, paramedical and field workers. The
four RRTCs are in Lucknow, Madras, Cuttack and Bombay.
Each RRTCs had 3 to 4 DRCs in its jurisdiction, which are as follows:
432 Status of Disability in India - 2000

Lucknow Madras Cuttack Bombay

Sitapur Chengalpattu Bhubaneswar Vrrar
Jagdishpur Mysore Kharagpur Kota
Hajipur Vijayawada Bilaspur



National Information Centre on Disability & Rehabilitation (NICDR)

The NICDR was born out of a need for a comprehensive and active communication system
ofrehabilitation services in the country, in 1987.

Aims & Objectives

1. To provide a database for comprehensive information on all facilities and welfare services
for the disabled within the country.
2. To act as a nodal agency for awareness creation and preparation/collection and dissemination
ofmaterials/information on disability relief and rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation Technology Centre

The Rehabilitation Technology Centre was set up in 1987.

Aims & Objectives

1. To act as high level convener of rehabilitation, scientists and trainers.

2. To act as executive arm of S&T Project in Mission Mode.
3. To train corps of Master Rehab. Engineers and Technicians
4. To help setting up standards of rehab. and assistance devices.
5. To facilitate a system of testing laboratories.

Rehabilitation Council of India

The Government of India have set up the Rehabilitation Council of India to enforce uniform
standards in training ofprofessionals in the field ofrehabilitation for the handicapped, maintenance
of Central Rehabilitation Register and other connected matters. The Rehabilitation Council of
India Act has been enacted and has come in force w.e.f. 31st July, 1993.
The aims and objectives of the Council are as follows:

(i) to prescribe minimum standards of education and training of individuals;

(ii) to regulate these standards in Government institutions uniformly throughout the country;
(iii) to recognise foreign qualifications;
(iv) to collect information regarding education and training from institutions in India and abroad;
(v) to recognise qualifications;
(vi) to withdraw recognition of qualifications;
Appendix I 433

(vii) to inspect examinations conducted by training institutions in India and abroad;

(viii) to withdraw recognition from defaulting institutions;
(ix) to maintain Indian Rehabilitation Register.


Family Pension

Family Pension to Disabled Children: Handicapped children shall be eligible for the benefit of
family pension even if they have been born after retirement of the Government servant from a
marriage solomonised after retirement.
Ad-hoc Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the Physically
handicapped employees:
Government employees suffering from T.B., Cancer & Physically Handicapped persons
may get adhoc allotment of general pool residential accommodation on request after
recommendation of the Special Recommendaton Committee and on the approval of the Urban
Development Ministry.


For further details on Concession please contact the Director, Social Welfare of State or the
following persons in respective State/U. T. Govt's.

A. For education/scholarship

1) District Inspector of Schools.

2) District Education Officer.
3) District Social Welfare Officer.
4) Directorate of Education.
5) Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped.

B. For training

1) Principal, Industrial Training Institute.

2) Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped.
3) Directorate of Employment & Training.
4) Director, Directorate of Technical Education & Training.
5) Vocational Training Institute specifically meant for the disabled persons.
6) Industries Promotion Officer, Block Development Officer of your area.
7) Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency of your district.
8) Manager (Cottage Industries), District Industries Centre of your district.
9) Head of Government Training Institute of your area.
434 Status of Disability in India - 2000

C. For employment

1) Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre.

2) Employment Officer of Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped ofyour
3) Employment Officer In-charge, Placement Cell of Handicapped, District Employment
Exchange of your district.
4) Placement Officers ofleading voluntaty organisations working for employment of disabled
5) Refer advertisements of Staff Selection Commission, Union Public Service Commission,
Banking Service Recruitment Board, Post & Telegraph Department, State Public Service
Commission and collectorate advertisements in which number of vacancies are being
advertised as reserved for the disabled persons.
6) Director, Directorate of Employment.

D. For self employment

1) Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre.
2) Director, Directorate of Social Welfare.
3) District Social Welfare Officers.
4) Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency ofyour district.
5) Manager (Cottage Industries), District Industries.
6) All the nationalised banks.
7) Sub-Divisional Officer, Telephone Division of your area for telephone booth.
8) Chairman of Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, N.A.C's for allotment of kiosks,
selling outlets, license for cart puller etc.
9) President, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Y's Men Club and other social clubs/societies.

Vocational Rehabilitation Centres 4. The Superintendent

V.R.C. for Handicapped
1. The Superintendent 38, Badan Roay Lane
V.R.C. for Handicapped Beliaghata,
'l.T.I. Campus, Kuber Nagar Calcutta- I 0
Ahmedabad-382 240 5. The Superintendent
2. The Sr. Superintendent V.R.C. for Handicapped
V.R.C. for Handicapped I.T.I. Campus, Pusa
A.T.I. Campus, New Delhi-12
Chunabhatti Road, Sion 6. The Superintendent
Bombay-22 V.R.C. for Handicapped
3. The Sr. Superintendent 4-SA Jawahar Nagar
V.R.C. for Handicapped Jaipur-302 004
22/1, Hosur Road, 7. The Superintendent
Bangalore-29 V.R.C. for Handicapped
Appendix I 435

A.T.I. Campus, Vidya Nagar National Institutes and Their

Hyderabad-7 Regional Centres
8. The Superintendent
National Institutes
V.R.C. for Handicapped
Municipal Market, Nappier Town 1. National Institute for Mentally
Jabalpur-I Handicapped, P.O. Bowanlly,
9. The Superintendent Manovikas Nagar,
V.R.C. for Handicapped Secunderabad-500 0 I I
C.T.I. Campus, Udyog Nagar And.bra Pradesh
Near Gobind Nagar Tel. No. 0842-84I 741/84I 742
Kanpur-22 2. Regional Centre,
10. The Superintendent National Institute for Mentally
V.R.C. for Handicapped Handicapped, Clo N.l.H.H.
A. T.I. Campus, Gill Road Kishan Chand Marg
Ludhiana-4 I 4 003 Bandra (West), Mumbai
I 1. The Superintendent Maharashtra
V.R.C. for Handicapped Tel. No. 022-6409I 7616422638
C.T.I. Campus, Guindy 3. Regional Training Centre
Madras-600 032 National Institute for Mentally
I2. The Superintendent Handicapped, Kasturba Niketan
V.R.C. for Handicapped Lajpat Nagar,
Rehabri, New Delhi-I I 0024
Guwahati-78I 008 Tel.: 68310I2
13. The Superintendent 4. National Institute for the
V.R.C. for Handicapped Orthopaedically Handicapped
Nalanchira B.T. Road,
Trivandrum-695 OI5 Bon-Hooghly,
I4. The Superintendent Calcutta-700 090
V.R.C. for Handicapped West Bengal
S.l.R.D. Campus, Unit VIII
Bhubaneshwar-75I OI2 Regional Rehabilitation Training
I5. The Superintendent Centres (RRTCs)
V.R.C. for Handicapped
Mahavir Industrial Estate, 1. Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre
Bahucharaji Road, Karelibaug Clo All India Institute of Physical
Baroda-390 OI8 Medicine and Rehabilitation
I6. The Superintendent Haji Ali Park, Mahalaxmi Bldg,
V.R.C. for Handicapped Bombay-400 034
A-84, Gandhi Vihar Tel. No.: 02214435035
Police Colony, Anisabad 2. Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre
Patna-800 002 Govt. Institute ofRehabilitation
I 7. The Superintendent Medicine, K.K. Nagar,
V.R.C. for Handicapped Madras-600 083
Abhaynagar, Agartala Tel. No.: 0441482I 793
Tripura West-790 005
436 Status of Disability in India - 2000

3. Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre Poonamllee

Clo National Institute of Rehabilitation Chennai
Training & Research, Bairoi Tamil Nadu-600056
Cuttack-754010 Tel. No.: 572505
Tel. No.: 0674122 11. National Institute for the
4. Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre Orthopaedically Handicapped,
Limb Centre, B.T. Road,
Opp. Hathi Park BonHooghly
Lucknow-226 018 West Bengal
Tel. No. : 05221242047 12. National Institute of Rehabilitation
5. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute Training and Research
for the Hearing Handicapped Boiroi, Cuttack-754010
Kishan Chand Marg, Orissa
Bandra (West) Tel. No. 67245
Bombay-400 050 13. The Institute for the
Maharashtra Physically Handicapped
Tel. No.: 022-640917616422638 4, Vishnu Digamber Marg,
6. Regional Centre New Delhi-110 002
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Tel. No.: 3314672, 3312403
the Hearing Handicapped,
Clo, N.1.M.H. P.O. Bowanpally, District Rehabilitation Centres
Manovikas Nagar, 1. District Rehabilitation Centre
Secunderabad-500 Oll DRC Bhubaneswar
Andhra Pradesh Capital Hospital Campus, Unit VI
Tel. No. 0842-8417411841742 Bhubaneswar 7 51 001
7. Regional Centre Tel. No.: 0674-407803
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for 2. District Rehabilitation Centre
the Hearing Handicapped, DRC Kharagpur
Clo N.1.0.H, B.T. Road, Kharagpur General Hospital
Bon Hooghly, P.O. Kharagpur, Distt. Midnapore
West Bengal West Bengal 721 301
8. Regional Centre Tel. No.: 03222-610
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute 3. District Rehabilitation Centre
for Hearing Handicapped, DRC Chengalpattu
Kasturba Niketan, Lajpat Nagar, Medical College Campus
New Delhi-24 Chengalpattu (Madras)
9. National Institute for Visually Tel. No.: 04114-06853
Handicapped, 4. District Rehabilitation Centre
116, Rajpur Road, DRC Mysore, Pulikeshi Road
Dehradun-248 001 Govt. School for Blind
Uttar Pradesh Children Premises
Tel. No. 0135-24491/24578 Thilak Nagar
10. Regional Centre Mysore-570021
National Institute for Visually Tel. No.: 0821-27670
Appendix I 437

5. District Rehabilitation Centre Bilaspur 495 001

DRC Sitapur, Lal Bagh Tel. No.: 07752-4893
(Near Raja College Field) 9. District Rehabilitation Centre
Shahjahanpur Road DRC Vijayawada
Sitapur (UP) H.No. 29-28-39
Tel. No.: 05862-3283 Surya Bhawan, Desarivari Street
6. District Rehabilitation Centre Suryaraopet
DRC Virar, Devalipada Vijayawada 520 002
Kharodi Nak:a, Bolinj Tel. No.: 0866-63209
Agashi Road, Tai: Vasai 10. District Rehabilitation Centre
Distt. Thane DRCBhiwani
Tel. No.: 022-5520455 (R) 1st Floor, Laundry Section
7. District Rehabilitation Centre Civil Hospital
DRC Kota Bhiwani 125 021
MBS Hospital Complex Tel. No.: 01664-3075
Kota-324 001 11. District Rehabilitation Centre
Tel. No.: 0744-20891 DRC Jagdishpur
8. District Rehabilitation Centre Community Health Centre Campus
DRC Bilaspur Jagdishpur (Sultanpur)
Opposite Nurses Hostel Uttar Pradesh 227 809
Sardar Patel Hospital Campus Tel. No. : 05362-7533


1. Andhra Pradesh Vtjayawada

2. Andhra Pradesh Visak:hapatnam
3. Bihar Maraphari
4. Gujarat Mehsana
5. Haryana Mahendergarh
6. Haryana Sonepat
7. Himachal Pradesh Dharmsala
8. Jammu & Kashmir Jammu
9. Kamatak:a Mysore
10. Kamatak:a Tumkur
11. Kerala A1uva
12. Kerala Irinjalak:uda
13. Kerala Kayamkulam
14. Kerala Nedumanged
15. Kerala Neyyattinkara
16. Kerala Palghat
17. Madhya Pradesh Bilaspur
18. Madhya Pradesh Dewas
19. Madhya Pradesh Durg
438 Status of Disability in India - 2000

20. Madhya Pradesh Rewa

21. Maharashtra Kolhapur
22. Maharashtra Nasik
23. Maharashtra Sholapur
24. Maharashtra Thane
25. Manipur hnphal
26. Meghalaya Shillong
27. Nagaland Kohitna
28. Orissa Cuttack
29. Punjab Amritsar
30. Rajasthan Ajmer
31. Rajasthan Alwar
32. Rajasthan Jhunjhunu
33. Rajasthan Kota
34. Rajasthan Sikar
35. Rajasthan Sriganganagar
36. TamilNadu Chengalpattu
37. TamilNadu Chidnabaranar
38. TamilNadu Coimbatore
39. TamilNadu Cuddalore
40. TamilNadu Pariyar
41. TamilNadu Salem
42. TamilNadu Tmmelveli
43. TamilNadu Uthaganelam
44. TamilNadu Vellore
45. Uttar Pradesh Aligarli
46. Uttar Pradesh Bareilly
47. Uttar Pradesh Barrackpore
48. Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad
49. Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur
50. Uttar Pradesh Mathura
51. Uttar Pradesh Sitapur
52. West Bengal Barrackpore
53. West Bengal Howrah
54. West Bengal Kharagpur
55. West Bengal Purulia

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