Chapter3 WSN
Chapter3 WSN
Chapter3 WSN
Sensing (Data Acquisition)
Signal conditioning prepare captured signals for further use (amplification, attenuation, filtering of unwanted
frequencies, etc.)
Digital signal is processed and output is often given (via digital-analog converter and signal conditioner) to an
actuator (device able to control the physical world)
Sensor Classification
Power supply:
active sensors require external power, i.e., they emit energy (microwaves, light, sound) to trigger response or
detect change in energy of transmitted signal (e.g., electromagnetic proximity sensor)
passive sensors detect energy in the environment and derive their power from this energy input (e.g., passive
infrared sensor)
Electrical phenomenon:
resistive sensors use changes in electrical resistivity based on physical properties such as temperature
capacitive sensors use changes in capacitor dimensions or permittivity based on physical properties
inductive sensors rely on the principle of inductance (electromagnetic force is induced by fluctuating
piezoelectric sensors rely on materials (crystals, ceramics) that generate a displacement of charges in
response to mechanical deformation
Example: Wheatstone Bridge Circuit
Rx R2
Vout VCC
R3 Rx R1 R2
capacitive sensors
inductive sensors
WSN Communication
IEEE 802.15.4 is an example for a protocol that has been designed specifically for short-range
communications in WSNs
low data rates
low power consumption
widely used in academic and commercial WSN solutions
Single-Hop versus Multi-Hop
Star topology:
every sensor communicates directly (single-hop) with the base station
may require large transmit powers and may be infeasible in large geographic areas
Mesh topology
sensors serve as relays (forwarders) for other sensor nodes (multi-hop)
may reduce power consumption and allows for larger coverage
introduces the problem of routing
Traditional Networks Wireless Sensor Networks
General-purpose design; serving many applications Single-purpose design; serving one specific application
Typical primary design concerns are network performance and latencies; Energy is the main constraint in the design of all node and network
energy is not a primary concern components
Networks are designed and engineered according to plans Deployment, network structure, and resource use are often ad-hoc
(without planning)
Devices and networks operate in controlled and mild environments Sensor networks often operate in environments with harsh conditions
Maintenance and repair are common and networks are typically easy to Physical access to sensor nodes is often difficult or even impossible
Component failure is addressed through maintenance and repair Component failure is expected and addressed in the design of the
Obtaining global network knowledge is typically feasible and centralized Most decisions are made localized without the support of a central
management is possible manager
Node Architecture
Analog-to-Digital Converter
ADC converts the output of a sensor - which is a continuous, analog signal into a
digital signal. It requires two steps:
1. the analog signal has to be quantized
allowable discrete values is influenced :
(a) by the frequency and magnitude of the signal
(b) by the available processing and storage resources
2. the sampling frequency
Nyquist rate does not suffice because of noise and transmission error
resolution of ADC - an expression of the number of bits that can be used to encode the digital output
where Q is the resolution in volts per step (volts per output code); Epp is the peak-to-peak analog voltage; M is the ADC’s
resolution in bits
The Processor Subsystem
The processor subsystem
its main purpose is to execute instructions related to sensing, communication, and self-organization
It consists of
processor chip
nonvolatile memory - stores program instructions
active memory - temporarily stores the sensed data
internal clock
The processor subsystem can be designed by employing one of the three basic
computer architectures
Von Neumann architecture
Harvard architecture
Super-Harvard (SHARC) architecture
Von Neumann Architecture
Fast and energy efficient data transfer between the subsystems of a wireless
sensor node is vital
however, the practical size of the node puts restriction on system buses
communication via a parallel bus is faster than a serial transmission
a parallel bus needs more space
Therefore, considering the size of the node, parallel buses are never supported
Serial Peripheral Interface
SPI (Motorola, in the mid-80s)
high-speed, full-duplex synchronous serial bus
does not have an official standard, but use of the SPI interface should conform to the
implementation specification of others - correct communication
The SPI bus defines four pins:
MOSI (MasterOut/SlaveIn): used to transmit data from the master to the slave when a device is configured
as a master
MISO (MasterIn/SlaveOut)
SCLK (Serial Clock)
used by the master to send the clock signal that is needed to synchronize transmission
used by the slave to read this signal synchronize transmission
CS (Chip Select) - communicate via the CS port
Inter-Integrated Circuit
Every device type that uses I2C must have a unique address that will be used to
communicate with a device
In earlier versions, a 7 bit address was used, allowing 112 devices to be uniquely
Contention-free protocols allocate resources to individual nodes to ensure exclusive resource access by only one
node at any given time
Ei t
Pi t min k ,1
Etotal t
Ei(t) is node i’s actual current energy and Etotal(t) is the sum of the energy levels of all nodes
a disadvantage of this approach is that every node must know (or estimate) Etotal(t)
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
Once a sensor node has determined that it will serve as cluster head for the next round, it informs other sensor
nodes of its new role by broadcasting an advertisement message (ADV) using a non-persistent CSMA protocol
Every sensor node joins a cluster by selecting the cluster head that can be reached with the smallest amount of
transmit energy, based on received signal strength of the ADV messages from the cluster heads
Joining is achieved by transmitting a join-request (Join-REQ) message to the chosen cluster head using CSMA
The cluster head establishes a transmission schedule for its cluster and transmits this schedule to each node in its
Steady-state phase
a sensor node communicates only with the cluster head, it is allowed to transmit data only during its allocated
slots (indicated by the schedule received from the cluster head)
the responsibility of the cluster head is to forward sensor data originating at one of its sensor nodes to the base
in order to preserve energy each cluster member turns off the wireless radio between its designated slots
the cluster head remains awake at all times to receive sensor data from its cluster members and to
communicate with the base station
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
variation of LEACH protocol that relies on the base station to determine the cluster heads
during setup phase, each sensor node transmits its location and energy levels to the base station
based on this information, the base station determines the cluster heads and informs the cluster heads of
their new role
other sensor nodes can then join clusters using join messages as described in the original LEACH protocol
Classification of Routing Protocols
Classification of Routing Protocols
Network organization
flat: all nodes are “equal”
hierarchical: different “roles” for different nodes (e.g., cluster heads versus cluster members)
location-based: nodes rely on location information
Route discovery
reactive (on-demand): find route only when needed
proactive (table-driven): establish routes before they are needed
hybrid: protocols with reactive and proactive characteristics
Protocol operation
negotiation-based: negotiate data transfers before they occur
multi-path: use multiple routes simultaneously
query-based: receiver-initiated
QoS-based: satisfy certain QoS (Quality-of-Service) constraints
coherent-based: perform only minimum amount of in-network processing
Routing Metrics (Example)
adds energy conservation as long as energy sufficient, node participates in 3-way handshake
nodes does not participate if it believes that this will reduce its energy below a certain low-energy threshold
node replies to ADV only if sufficient energy for transmitting REQ and receiving DATA
node initiates handshake only if it has sufficient energy to send DATA to all neighbors
uses one-to-many communications (broadcast)
receiver node waits for a random time interval before issuing REQ; if other node’s REQ overheard, the receiver
node cancels timer and does not send its own REQ
advertiser broadcasts DATA only once (ignore duplicate REQs)
Location-Based Routing
One single destination
Each forwarding node makes localized decision based on the location of the destination and the node’s neighbors
(greedy forwarding)
Challenge: packet may arrive at a node without neighbors that could bring packet closer to the destination (voids
or holes)
Forwarding Strategies
Greedy: minimize distance to destination in each hop (node E)
Nearest with Forwarding Progress (NFP): nearest of all neighbors that make positive progress (in terms of
geographic distance) toward destination (A)
Most Forwarding Progress within Radius (MFR): neighbor that makes greatest positive progress (progress is
distance between source and its neighbor node projected onto a line drawn from source to destination) (B)
Compass Routing: neighbor with smallest angle between a line drawn from source to the neighbor and the line
connecting source and destination (C)