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The Role of Authentic Materials in EFL Education Maximizing Student Engagement and Language Acquisition

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Vol. XXX No 2 2024



Corina Mariana MITRULESCU, Alina Gabriela NEGOESCU

“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

mitrulescu.corina@armyacademy.ro, negoescu.alina@armyacademy.ro

Abstract: This paper attempts to explore the motivational effects that stem from the use of authentic
materials in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning contexts. Additionally, it provides some
suggestions with respect to how educators can frame materials to increase students’ understanding
and subsequently keep up and improve their motivation. Authentic materials have nowadays become
an important part of second language classes mainly because they provide semantic input to students
and enable them to interact with a wide variety of information that allows them not only to find
inspiration but also to become motivated learners. Foreign language teachers use a wide variety of
authentic materials, from menus, leaflets and magazine articles to audio materials, such as recorded
radio programs, TV shows and movies. There are many reasons why these materials are used, but EFL
teachers mostly view them as a means to provide students with real-world language input that is able
to motivate them.

Keywords: authentic materials, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), foreign language

acquisition, language teaching, student motivation

1. Introduction understanding of the language, but also

Most language educators usually follow the ensures long-lasting and effective learning
well-designed structure of a textbook since outcomes.
it has a lot of benefits to offer; the well- Using authentic materials to teach a second
defined framework allows students to language is not a recent development.
engage with the content while facilitating Widdowson (1990) suggests that “It has
learning. Most of the textbooks also include been traditionally supposed that the
grammar and vocabulary glossaries for language presented to learners should be
quick reference. However, there are still simplified in some way for easy access and
plenty of occasions when educators – as acquisition”; on the other hand, “nowadays
well as students, most of the time – will there are recommendations that the
wish to break away from the framework language presented should be authentic” (p.
that textbooks offer in order to enhance 60) [1].
learning and make it more productive. According to Rogers and Medley, language
Using authentic materials is one of the teachers should provide their students with
methods that has proved to be particularly the opportunity to develop and internalize
successful while learning English as a all the skills that would help them cope
foreign language (EFL) is represented by with actual language outside of the
the use of authentic materials. This classroom if they are to operate well in a
approach not only supports students in their foreign language. Language instructors

DOI: 10.2478/kbo-2024-0069
© 2024 Corina Mariana Mitrulescu et al. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-
No Derivatives 3.0 License.
should “bring authentic materials into the purpose other than language learning, and
classroom and make them consistently often, but not always, provided by native
accessible to the students” (1998: 475) [2] speakers for native speakers” (p. 1) [5].
Thus, using authentic materials has In other words, authentic materials can be
developed into a rather simple and practical seen as all the resources (texts, audio,
technique to help students become more videos, etc.) that have been created for
confident in real-life situations and to native speakers. In the traditional ESL
enhance their conversational skills. classroom, the materials used have long
The present paper aims to provide a fresh been created for second language learning,
perspective on how the effectiveness of that is why they are structured in a specific
EFL classes can be improved by using manner to help students understand the
authentic materials. Classroom activities language easier. Authentic materials can
have shown that, when it comes to learning prove useful in supporting the entire
English as a foreign language, students face learning process mainly because they help
issues related to overall text students develop a relationship with the
comprehension, proficient reading, language they are learning.
understanding native speakers, and having a EFL teachers can use authentic resources to
conversation in the target language. supplement the language structures
Therefore, it is essential that teachers create provided in the textbooks. The following
real-life learning scenarios where students resources can be successfully employed as
are able to practice language while utilizing authentic materials during the ESL classes:
authentic materials. • books – can prove to be
advantageous since they are
2. What are authentic materials? challenging enough for the students,
Researchers have provided numerous but they are not overwhelming;
definitions of what authentic materials are. there are books of all lengths and
The definition by Peacock (1997) states that difficulties that can be used in the
authentic materials “have been produced to EFL classroom;
fulfill some social purposes in the language • magazines and newspapers – many
community” (p. 146) [3]. Nevertheless, it is of them have digital versions which
quite unclear what this definition refers to make them easier to access; they can
when mentioning “social purposes.” be a great source of learning
Morrow suggests a more unambiguous materials since they tackle current
definition: “a stretch of real language, topics that students can relate to;
produced by a real speaker or writer for a • podcasts – are a great source of
real audience and designed to convey a real authentic English materials
message of some sort” (as cited in Gilmore, especially if we take into
2007, p. 98) [4]. Yet again, this definition consideration the fact that teachers
also requires a bit more of precision since can also use the transcripts to aid
the term “real”, which sometimes can be students in their learning process;
biased, is viewed as the main catalyst for • videos – the same as podcasts,
understanding the notion of “authentic videos can be accompanied by
materials.” Zyzik and Polio (2017) offer transcripts; they are entertaining to
perhaps the most accurate definition, stating use and can promote student
that a text can only be be categorized as engagement and motivation with the
authentic if it has been produced for content that is being taught.
informative purposes, rather than for In these cases, students will be better
language instruction: “Authentic materials equipped to strengthen their reading and
are those created for some real-world listening skills; at the same time, these
materials can also be used to review language speakers [6]. Gardner and
information that has previously been Lambert’s idea has recently been
delivered in order to establish solid learning questioned, particularly with reference to
results. English language learners. But because
English is a universal language, it has
3. Using authentic materials in EFL grown more challenging to pinpoint the
teaching precise group of people or learners that it is
One effective strategy for encouraging intended for. (Ushioda & Dörnyei, 2009)
intrinsic motivation in EFL students is the [7].
use authentic materials and this is because The Process-Oriented Model developed by
usually learners are more likely to display Dörnyei in 2001 offers a significant
interest and motivation when being exposed rethinking of foreign language learner
to resources that are authentic, interesting, motivation. According to this model,
and most of all, relevant. student motivation suffers a series of
In order to explain the connection between changes or fluctuations over time. There are
student motivation and the use of authentic three stages in this framework:
materials, it is paramount to understand • Preactional Stage – motivation must
how motivation works. be provoked;
Motivation plays a crucial role in • Actional Stage – motivation must be
determining student academic success and actively preserved and supported or
achievement. Motivation can be understood safeguarded;
as the willingness, drive, and desire that • Postactional Stage – includes
students have to participate in academic student reflection on their
activities, pick up new knowledge and performance [8].
abilities, and accomplish academic
objectives. If we are to acknowledge that student
There are several factors that can influence motivation fluctuates over time, then it is
student motivation, including: the responsibility of educators to consider
• personal goals and aspirations what steps to follow to either maintain or
• interest and curiosity boost learner motivation. It is not enough to
• a supportive learning environment choose the appropriate authentic materials
• feedback and recognition according to the language level of our
• self-efficacy students or to their interests.
• intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Scaffolding is certainly crucial when trying
to enhance student motivation in EFL
The development of student motivation can learning. Through scaffolding, the teacher
be encouraged by establishing an offers support regarding task
encouraging and welcoming learning comprehension and accomplishment, which
environment, giving students opportunities increases the possibility that the students
for independent choices, providing feel a sense of accomplishment upon
feedback on a regular basis, and completing the task, and, as a result, feel
acknowledging student accomplishments. more motivated to complete the next task.
Gardner and Lambert (1959) conducted In other words, motivation could be
groundbreaking research on foreign regarded as a result of achievement and task
language learner motivation. According to completion rather than the trigger of it.
them, integrative motivation is a concept Providing positive learning experiences and
which refers to the fact that student a sense of enjoyment while using authentic
motivation is generated by the desire to be materials can help students enhance their
incorporated in the group of foreign motivation for language learning. This leads
to more student exposure in terms of There are several advantages of using
linguistic input, and, in turn, more language authentic materials in EFL. From a
will be acquired, reducing the obstacles that linguistic standpoint, it can be argued that
EFL learners face as they continue to authentic materials provide learners with a
interact with the language. Authentic genuine portrayal of real-life language on
materials can thus become a part of a which to focus, as opposed to the
positive learning cycle that ultimately leads mannered, and sometimes artificial,
to an increment of students’ confidence and language presented in textbooks.
desire to use the language. Although instructional materials designed
There are various ways that educators can specifically for the purpose of learning a
use scaffolding. It would be difficult to foreign language may make students feel at
outline all of them within the limits of this ease, they cover only a limited amount of
paper; nevertheless, we consider it would grammar and vocabulary. Conversely,
be helpful to discuss several common authentic materials are significantly more
strategies that teachers should employ to liable to give the students a more diverse
aid students in understanding authentic language input [4].
materials: Furthermore, by allowing students to
1. Vocabulary support. While using engage with content that is similar to what
authentic materials, it can prove difficult for they will likely experience outside of the
students to grasp the meaning of all classroom, these kinds of authentic texts
vocabulary used. Therefore, it is essential to improve their ability to understand the
reduce linguistic obstacles by pre-teaching language.
low-frequency vocabulary. An alternative to Language teachers can support students in
this method would be providing glosses of becoming more intrinsically motivated
these terms. while interacting with the target language
2. Concept-mapping. This approach is and culture. Using real materials to promote
effective when it comes to helping students intrinsic motivation might involve various
comprehend the materials used. strategies such as:
3. Schema activation. It is common for • choosing materials that are relevant
teachers to find themselves compelled to both to learners’ interests and goals, as
explain concepts precisely because their well as their level of English and age;
students lack relevant background related to • providing opportunities for learners to
the topic comprised in the authentic interact with the materials in
materials. As a result, it is important to take meaningful ways;
the time to activate students’ schemata to • encouraging learners to explore the
generate comprehension. This can be done materials on their own, rather than
through simple activities, such as asking simply presenting them as classroom
students to discuss what they know about materials;
the topic tackled in the authentic material • providing feedback that focuses on the
provided. When this is not sufficient, the learners’ engagement and effort, rather
teacher might need to provide the students than simply on their performance. This
with the necessary information to enable could be done by praising students for
comprehension (schema building). their curiosity, their willingness to take
4. Summarizing. This technique is easy to risks in the process of language
use, and it can be applied both to written learning, or their ability to make
and audio texts. Inserting this type of connections between the materials used
activity is effective as it encourages and their own lives.
students to develop a more in-depth Teachers should constantly be mindful of
understanding of the material used. the students’ proficiency level; this means
that the authentic text that they choose to 4. Conclusion
use can remain the same, but they should To conclude, teachers need to take their
adapt the activities and the tasks that the time to provide necessary assistance to the
students need to perform, based on their students to improve their comprehension of
language level. For instance, the activities authentic texts. The above-mentioned
can be tailored to the proficiency level of strategies are easy to implement and ought
the students by helping beginners do to prompt improved understanding, which
comprehension tasks in their first language, will create a feeling of accomplishment,
while this should be limited when it comes thus generating more motivated students.
to the more advanced students. EFL teachers use authentic materials
Recent studies (Marzban & Davaji, 2015 because of the authenticity of the linguistic
[9]; Belet Boyaci & Güner, 2018 [10]) have input that they offer. Exposing students to
demonstrated that, aside from the linguistic language usage outside of the classroom
advantages that authentic materials offer to enables them to engage with concepts and
students, they also provide a beneficial information that may be difficult for them
impact on student motivation. The fact that to access in their first language and,
the language used in these texts is “real” eventually, leads to student interaction with
gives the learners the sense that they are a wealth of linguistic input. Using authentic
better engaged with the language and that materials to teach English can assist
everything they are learning could actually students close the gap between what they
be used in real-life situations. As a result, learn in the classroom and how they apply
learners experience a more profound it in real-life communication scenarios.
connection with the language and become Students are “exposed to more than just the
more committed to their studies. Students language presented by the teacher and the
not only have better access to material, but textbook” (p. 105) [11]; through authentic
they also feel more accomplished since they materials they are exposed to genuine
can extract, understand, and apply the language as it is used by native speakers in
knowledge from these texts. In other words, everyday contexts. In essence, authentic
because authentic materials have more materials represent an exceptionally viable
linguistic content than non-authentic method for fostering English learners’ skills
materials, EFL learners are motivated to and competencies, while proving a highly
interact more with them than with non- motivating training approach for foreign
authentic texts since they bring more language learning.
benefits of comprehension.

References List

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