Adv Acc 1 Question1715755320
Adv Acc 1 Question1715755320
Adv Acc 1 Question1715755320
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3. Mohan started a business on 1st April 20X1 with ` 12,00,000 represented by 60,000
units of ` 20 each. During the financial year ending on 31st March, 20X2, he sold the
entire stock for ` 30 each. In order to maintain the capital intact, calculate the
maximum amount, which can be withdrawn by Mohan in the year 20X1-X2 if
Financial Capital is maintained at historical cost. (6 MARKS)
(1) Earned 10% dividend on 2,000 equity shares held of ` 100 each
(2) Paid ` 50,000 to creditors for settlement of ` 70,000
(3) Rent of the premises is outstanding ` 10,000
(4) Mr. A withdrew ` 9,000 for his personal use.
You are required to show the effect of above transactions on Balance Sheet inthe
form of Assets - Liabilities = Equity after each transaction. (6 MARKS)
5. XYZ Ltd., with a turnover of ` 50 crores during previous year and borrowings of 1
crore during any time in the previous year, wants to avail the exemptions available
in adoption of Accounting Standards applicable to companies for the year ended
31.3.20X1. Advise the management on the exemptions that are available as per the
Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2021. (5 MARKS) Page 2