Redox II (Multiple Choice) QP
Redox II (Multiple Choice) QP
Redox II (Multiple Choice) QP
MnO42− MnO3–
A +7 +6
B +6 +5
C +7 +5
D +6 +6
2 Which of the following gives the electrodes and electrolyte that are used in an
alkaline hydrogen fuel cell?
des Electrolyte
3 During a titration between acidified manganate(VII) ions and sulfate(IV) ions, the
manganate(VII) ions are reduced to manganese(II) ions and the sulfate(IV) ions are
oxidized to sulfate(VI) ions.
A 5:2
B 7:4
C 2:5
D 4:7
(Total for Question = 1 mark)
5 The table below gives the standard electrode potentials of three half cells.
System E9/ V
H+(aq) + e— U ½H2(g) 0.00
Ag+(aq) + e— U Ag(s) +0.80
Ag2+(aq) + e— U Ag+(aq) +1.98
7 Which of the following statements about fuel cells is not true?
8 The diagram below shows a cell set up between a copper metal / copper(II) ion
electrode and a reference electrode, known as a calomel electrode.
copper metal
calomel electrode
copper(II) sulfate
Under standard conditions, the emf of this cell was −0.07 V. The standard electrode
potential of the copper metal / copper(II) ion electrode is +0.34 V. Hence the
standard electrode potential of the calomel electrode is
A −0.41 V
B −0.27 V
C +0.27 V
D +0.41 V
(Total for Question = 1 mark)
9 The standard electrode potentials of two half reactions are shown below.
10 The diagram below shows a cell set up between a standard copper metal / copper(II)
ion electrode and a silver metal / silver(I) ion electrode in which the silver ion
concentration is 0.1 mol dm–3.
copper metal silver metal
salt bridge
At 298 K, the emf of this cell was +0.40 V. The electrode potential of the copper
metal / copper(II) ion electrode is +0.34 V. What is the electrode potential of this
silver metal / silver(I) ion electrode?
A –0.74 V
B –0.06 V
C +0.06 V
D +0.74 V
12 In a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, hydrogen is
.L 0G L.& P3O& 8* 9&33 06 Q.0 . L.& *8338Q06- $0G;F8;8FL086L086 F& L086 8 OFGB
@ ( U?,U
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14 .0 . 8* L.& *8338Q06- 0G 3QSG ;F8;8FL0863 L8 9&33 *8F .&40 3 F& L086B
ǻF& L086
15 .& &3& LF8$& GSGL&4 G&$ 86 L.& .3*/&AOL086 &38Q .G L.& GL6$F$ &3& LF8$&
;8L&6L03 @9?+9 ?
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.0 . 8* L.& *8338Q06- GLL&4&6LG 8OL L.0G &3& LF8$& GSGL&4 0G 8FF& LB
.6-06- L.& 86 &6LFL086 8* 6N@<A= Q8O3$ OG& .6-& 06 L.& &3& LF8$&
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Q8O3$ & @U?+9 ?
30>, $08 A 9>*0. # 1 -8+4
17 .0 . 8* L.& *8338Q06- Q033 .0> F&$O & 6 0$0*0&$ G83OL086 8* ;8LGG0O4 $0 .F84L&< =B
30>, $08 A 9>*0. # 1 -8+4
18 .I C% I.% 73:75%5ID 7) I.% .2)/%22 C%?L0C%# I7 3%DLC% I.% DI5#C# C%#LI075
:7I%5I02 7) I.% )7227N05, DPDI%3@
%K> 0C75
%J> 0C75
19 .% )7227N05, %22 0D D%I L:
35,5%D% 3%I2 DIC0: .C730L3 3%I2 DIC0:
D2I C0#,%
.% DI5#C# %2%IC7#% :7I%5I02 7) I.% .C730L3; <G.C730L3 .2) %22 0D 4R=E+
5# I.I 7) I.% 35,5%D%; <G35,5%D% .2) %22 0D 48=86 = .LD I.% %3) 7) I.% %22!
D D.7N5 05 I.% #0,C3! L5#%C DI5#C# 75#0I075D 0D
20 .27C05% 0D :C%:C%# 05 I.% 27CI7CP P I.% C%I075 7) :7IDD0L3 35,5I%; <
N0I. 75%5ICI%# .P#C7.27C0 0#= .% 0750 .2)/%?LI075D 5# I.%0C DI5#C#
%2%IC7#% :7I%5I02D C%
21 The acid used in a standard hydrogen electrode to provide a 1 mol dm 3 solution of
hydrogen ions is
A ethanoic acid.
B phosphoric(V) acid.
C sulfuric acid.
D hydrochloric acid.
22 To measure the standard electrode potential for the Ag+(aq)|Ag(s) electrode, the
suitable chemical for the solution in a salt bridge to connect the two half cells is
A potassium chloride.
B potassium iodide.
C potassium nitrate.
D potassium sulfate.
24 Some fuel cells are used to produce energy from the combination of hydrogen and
oxygen. The half-equations for a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell in alkaline solution are
2H2O(l) + 2e– U H2(g) + 2OH–(aq) E9 0.83 V
½O2(g) + H2O(l) + 2e– U 2OH (aq) E9 +0.40 V
(b) From the data above, Ecell for the reaction in the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is
A 0.43 V
B +0.43 V
C 1.23 V
D +1.23 V
(c) An advantage of operating a hydrogen fuel cell over a conventional jet engine for
powering an aeroplane is
A it is 100% efficient.
B it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.
C it does not produce emissions which damage the ozone layer.
D hydrogen is easier to transport.
25 Which of these statements about a standard hydrogen electrode, for which E 9 0 V, is
not correct?
A The hydrogen gas is at a pressure of 1 atm.
B A solution containing 1 mol dmí3 of H+(aq) ions is used.
C A platinum electrode is used.
D The temperature is kept at 20 °C.
26 In the titration of iodine with standard sodium thiosulfate solution, starch is often used
as an indicator. The starch should not be added until nearly all the iodine has reacted
A it is decomposed by high concentrations of iodine.
B the blue complex formed is bleached by high concentrations of iodine.
C the blue complex formed with high concentrations of iodine is insoluble and
does not re-dissolve as more thiosulfate is added.
D the starch reacts with the thiosulfate ions being added.
28 The electrode potential for a cell can be used to calculate the equilibrium constant for
the cell reaction. This is because
A E cell is proportional to lnK.
B E cell is proportional to K.
C lnE cell is proportional to lnK.
D lnE cell is proportional to K.
29 The reaction between iron and nickel(II) sulfate may be represented by the ionic
Ni2+(aq) + Fe(s) o Ni(s) + Fe2+(aq)
30 The diagram below shows an electrochemical cell.
V salt bridge
(a) The salt bridge in this cell is best prepared by soaking filter paper in a
A 1 mol dm solution of potassium bromide.
B 1 mol dm−3 solution of potassium chloride.
C saturated solution of potassium nitrate.
D saturated solution of potassium iodide.
(b) The relevant standard electrode potentials for this cell are shown below.
[CO] × 2[H 2 ]
B Kc =
[CH 3OH]
[CO] × [H 2 ]2
C Kc =
[CH 3OH]
[CH 3OH]
D Kc =
[CO] × 2[H 2 ]
(Total for Question 2 marks)
32 Hydrogen and iodine, both with an initial concentration of 0.010 mol dmí,
were allowed to react. At equilibrium, the concentration of hydrogen iodide was
0.0030 mol dmí.
H2(g) + I2(g) U 2HI(g)
Kc is calculated using the values
33 The reaction below reached a dynamic equilibrium from an initial mixture of all four
substances P, Q, R and S in aqueous solution.
The following data were obtained.
Concentration at equilibrium
/ mol dm 3
P 0.050
Q 0.040
R 0.020
S 0.010
34 The Haber process is used to make ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen at 450 qC.
N2(g) + 3H2(g) U 2NH3 J ¨H N- PROí
(a) If the partial pressures of these gases were measured in atm, the units of the
equilibrium constant Kp will be
A atm
B atm2
C atmí
D atmí
36 Which answer corresponds to the correct value of E cell
for the oxidation of
hydrogen peroxide by manganate(VII) ions? The half-reactions are
37 Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, can be analysed by titration. The hydrogen peroxide solution
is treated with acidified potassium iodide solution, and the liberated iodine is titrated
with a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate, Na2S2O3. The products are iodide ions
and tetrathionate ions, S4O62 .
Which of the following applies to this reaction?
38 The apparatus below can be used to measure the value of Ecell for the reaction
electrode 1 electrode 2
electrode 1 electrode 2
A zinc iron
B iron zinc
C zinc
inc plat
D platinum platinum
E ce
ll for this reaction is
A +0.46 V
B +1.14 V
C +1.26 V
D +1.94 V
E ce
ll / V
Reaction 1 +1.10
Reaction 2 +0.65
Reaction 3 +0.10
Reaction 4 1.30
Which reaction