Pas Kelas 6 Ganjil 2013
Pas Kelas 6 Ganjil 2013
Pas Kelas 6 Ganjil 2013
Soal No.10
Donna go to florish. She
want to buy. . .
A. Flowers
B. Meats
The letter X indicates the C. Fruits
direction . . . D. Book
A. East
B. West Soal No.11
C. North Look at this picture!
Where is the School? D. South
A. It is on Kamboja Street
B. It is on Melati Street Soal No.7
C. It is on Mawar Street It is in the south of Bali. In
D. It is on Anggrek Street bahasa means. . .
A. Ini di sebelah selatan
Soal No.2 Bali
Hotel is . . . Airport and
At Jalan Mawar, there is a . . B. Ini di sebelah utara Bali
. . on the right side C. Ini di sebelah barat Bali
A. Across from
A. Andi's house D. Ini di sebelah timur Bali
B. Behind
B. Bank
C. Between
C. Hospital Soal No.8
D. At the corner of
D. Post Office Look at this map!
Soal No.12
Soal No.3
Look at this picture!
The hospital is . . . the post
A. Across from
B. Between
C. Next to Java Island is in the. . .of
Bali . . . . . and turn left. The
D. Behind
A. East restaurant is on the left side
B. North A. Turn around
Soal No.4 B. Turn right
Andi go to a post office to C. West
D. South C. Go past
send letter. He go ahead on D. Take the second right
Kamboja Street. After meet
T-junction, he . . . to Melati Soal No.9
Look at this picture! Soal No.13
Timoti is sick. He have to
A. Turn right
go to. . .
B. Turn left
A. Post office
C. Turn around
B. School
D. Go straight
C. Restaurant
D. Hospital
Soal No.5
How many crossroad in the
Soal No.14
map above?
Look at this picture!