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Self Assessment Paper - 1

Informatics Practices

Section – A 9. Option (ii) is correct.

1. Option (iv) is correct. Explanation: INSTR() is a string function in standard query
Explanation: A computer network is a set of computers language (SQL) which returns the starting position or
sharing resources located on or provided by network location of a substring or pattern in the given input string.
nodes. The computers use common communication  1
protocols over digital interconnections to communicate
with each other.  1
Option (i) is correct.
Explanation: A sequence is a group of items with a
2. Option (iv) is correct deterministic ordering.
Explanation: Netiquette is a combination of the words
Pandas head() method is used to return top n (5 by
network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules default) rows of a data frame or series 1
for acceptable online behaviour. Similarly, online ethics
focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an 11. Option (iii) is correct.
online social environment. 1 Explanation: SQL does not include total as a built in
aggregate function. The avg is used to find average, max is
3. Option (iv) is correct. used to find the maximum and the count is used to count
Explanation: The computer may have been used in the the number of values. 1
commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrime
may harm someone’s security and financial health. 1 12. Option iv is correct
Explanation: The inner print function will display
4. Option (ii) is correct. “Python” and in the next line “None” this value will be
Explanation: ROUND( ): Function is used to round up concatenated with “Programming”. So the overall output
the number to the upwards or downwards whichever the will be “Python None Programming”.  1
nearest whole number. 1
13. Option (iv) is correct.
5. Option (iv) is correct. Explanation: The user’s should restrain from over sharing
Explanation: SQL aggregation is the task of collecting a set digital footprint and be more vigilant in its usage as
of values to return a single value. It is done with the help there are possibility of risk of cyber bullying, identity
of aggregate functions, such as SUM, COUNT, and AVG. theft, humiliation and embarrassment beside violation of
For example, in a database of products, you might want to privacy. 1
calculate the average price of the whole inventory. 1
14. Option (iii) is correct.
6. Option (i) is correct. Explanation: In certain tables, a single key cannot be used
Explanation: Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone to identify rows uniquely and a combination of two or
else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. 1 more attributes is used as a primary key. Such keys are
7. Option (iv) is correct. called Composite keys. 1
Explanation: Pandas read_csv() method is used to read 15. Option (i) is correct.
CSV file into DataFrame object. The CSV file is like a two- Explanation: Bluetooth is a personal area network (PAN)
dimensional table where the values are separated using a standard that is lower power than 802.11.
delimiter. 1 It was originally specified to serve applications
8. Option (ii) is correct such as data transfer from personal computers to
Explanation: ‘Average Price’ gives alias name to the peripheral devices such as cell phones or personal
column that displays average price, the results of the query digital assistants. 1
are summarized according to the type using Group BY
Commonly Made Error
Type. Average Price is calculated for only those books

Sometimes students get confused in types of
that have Price greater than 100 using WHERE Price >100
computer networks.
and HAVING AVG(Price)>150 clause filters out all those
records that have average price less than ₹150. 1
Answering Tip

Students should properly learn the different types
of computer network.

16. Option (i) is correct. 25. Similarity: HAVING and WHERE both can be said
Explanation: The ‘polluter pays’ principle is The commonly to be as decision structures which are used in SQL
accepted practice that those who produce pollution should to take an action to the database or more specifically
bear the costs of managing it to prevent damage to human on any table of database by matching a some sort of
health or the environment. 1 string or valued based on the values already present
in the database.
17.Option (iii) is correct.
Difference: A WHERE clause is used to filter
Explanation: The Internet is a vast network that connects
records from a result. The filter occurs before any
computers all over the world. Through the Internet, people
groupings are made. A HAVING clause is used to
can share information and communicate from anywhere
filter values from a group. [1+1=2]
with an Internet connection.
All computer on the Internet, communicate with
one another using TCP/IP, which is a basic protocol
Section – C
of the Internet. 1 26.
18. Option (iii) is correct. (i) S
 ELECT Type, AVG (Price) FROM
Explanation: List of dictionary can be passed to form a Vehicles GROUP BY Type HAVING
DataFrame. Keys of dictionary are taken as column names Qty>20;
by default. 1 (ii) S
Type) FROM Vehicles GROUP BY
Section – B company;
(iii) S
 ELECT Type, SUM (Price * Qty) FROM
Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP, allows us to
Vehicles GROUP BY Type;
have voice call (telephone service) over the Internet,
i.e., the voice transmission over a computer network (1 mark each correct SQL Commands)
rather than through the regular telephone network. (CBSE SQP Marking Scheme, 2020-21)
Switch (i) MIN PRICE
20. (ii) 1
import pandas as pd
df ={“DATA SC”:[“Programming”, (iii) 2500000
”Robotics”,”3D Printing”],”MEDICAL”: 27. import pandas as pd
[“Biology”,”Bio-Tech”,”NA”]} df=[[“ANSHUMAN”,”CALM”,8.5],[“SITIJ”,
df= pd.DataFrame(df) ”JOLLY”,9.8
print(df) ],[“Payal”,”ADAMENT”,5.3],
21. (i) SELECT DAYNAME(‘06/23/2023’);[1+1=2] [“Deepak”,”BOLD”,4.7]]
22. Output: print(df) 3
0 1 28.
1 2
4 [1, 2, 3] PRIMARY KEY, BNAME VARCHAR(20));3
dtype: obeject
>>> 2 29.

Following email etiquettes are missing in the given
23. As the amount of data created and stored continues
grow at unprecedented rates importance of data
protection is also increasing. data protection (i) Subject of the mail: This is basically the title
is important for restoring it quickly after any of the email. A good email subject convinces
corruption or loss. it also involves ensuring data readers to open your email.
privacy.2 (ii) Formal Greeting: Formal Greetings is missing
in above screenshot as there is no words like:
24. import pandas as pd Hi Hello Dear Respected etc
t= {“slno”: [101,102,103],
(iii) Self explanatory terms are missing in email
“Name”: [“Anshi”, “Kollol”, “Subir”],
“Age”: [36, 42, 29], screenshot as by reading mail we do not come
“Salary”: [77.5, 70.4, 60.9], to know the content of email. 3
“Dept”: [“Acct”, “Author”, “Mgr”]} OR
df = pd.DataFrame
Types of Software License:
(t,index=[‘A’,’B’,’C’]) (i) Proprietary license is a license where the
print (df) 2 copyright stays with the producers and the
user is granted the right to use the software.
Answers 3

(ii) GNU General Public License (GPL) which (iii) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Emp WHERE NAME
are agreements under which open source are LIKE “K%”;
usually licensed. (iv) SELECT NAME,ADDRESS FROM Emp WHERE
(iii) End User License Agreement (EULA) indicates ADDRESS LIKE”%Delhi%”;
the terms under which the end user may use (v) SELECT NAME,ADDRESS FROM Emp WHERE
the software. SALARY BETWEEN 50000 AND 70000;
(iv) Creative commons (CC) license is a public
copyright license that enables free distribution
of a copyrighted work. 3 (i) Most suitable layout according to distance is:
(a) df.iloc[1:4, 1:2]
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) Name   Prem
Weight    70
Height    165 [1 x 3 =3]

Section – D
(i) SELECT name, PID from basic where
pincode like '14%';
(ii) Bus topology 1
(ii) SELECT Pid, pincode,DISTINCT city
(iii) Broadband 1
FROM basic;
(iii) UPDATE basic SET basic_salary = (iv) (a) R
 epeater should be installed where the
basic_ salary+(basic_salary*0.1 0 ) distance between the wings is 100 meter or
WHERE city ='Delhi'; more.
(iv) SELECT name, basic_salary FROM basic (b) Hub/Switch is required in all blocks 1
WHERE name LIKE "% a "; [1 x 4 = 4] (v) Radio waves 1
32. 35.
(a) (6,5)
Delhi 1500
Mumbai 1200
Kolkata 1005
Chennai 1785
Agra 1657

(ii) del Pop[“Avg.Income”]

(iii) print(Pop.loc[‘Chennai’:’Agra’,
‘Population’: ’Density’] [2+1+1=4]
Pop = pd.read_csv(“d:\population.
Section – E from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Plt.bar([0.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25,
33. (i) 8.97 4.25], [50, 40, 70, 80, 20], label =
(ii) NEST “Science”, width =.5)
(iii) ATICS plt.bar([.75, 1.75, 2.75, 3.75,
4.75], [80, 20, 20, 50, 60], label =
(iv) 16 “Maths”, color = ‘r’, width = .5)
(v) 0.125 [1 x 5 =5] plt.legend( )
OR plt.xlabel(‘Months‘)
(i) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Emp WHERE AGE plt.ylabel(‘Subject‘)
<25; plt.title(‘Information‘)
plt.show( )
SALARY desc;

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