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MOEE Mode 2015

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1. Which one is not an architectural style?

a. Client server
b. UML
c. MVC
d. OSI layer
2. Which of the following indicates the assurance that a product, service, or result meets the needs
of the customer other identified stakeholders?
a. Verification
b. Validation
c. SWOT Analysis
d. Variance
3. Security estimate is an essential component of …………. Process.
a. Risk management
b. Software development
c. Software design
d. SRS design
4. The ultimate purpose of inheritance in OOP is:
a. Data protection
b. Resource saving
c. Providing multiple forms for methods
d. Code reusability
5. The CSS property used to specify the transparency of an element is?
a. Transparency
b. Opacity
c. Background
d. Alpha
6. Which of the following specifies divergence between Dijkstra’s Algorithm (DA) and Uniform
Cost Search (UCS) algorithms?
a. DA discovers nodes as they come while UCS first collects them in a Queue
b. UCS finds the optimal solution while DA
c. DA first collects hem into a Queue but UCS discovers them as they come
d. DA is optimal, but not UCS
7. A software tool, such as a design editor or a program debugger, that developers and other
software stakeholders use to support an activity in the software development process is
a. CASE tools
b. CMM
8. Database approach supports different user groups who might have different interest in different
parts of the database. This characteristics of database describes:
a. Multiple users
b. Multiple views
c. Parallel transaction
d. Concurrent transaction
9. As a software tester, which testing principle can save time and cost of testing?
a. Testing the entire development process affect time and cost
b. Exhaustive testing is not possible
c. Prioritize testing based on risk and critically
d. Testing early development process saves time and cost
10. A process schedule approach on which available process will be executed by the Processor
refers to:
a. Medium-term scheduling
b. Long-term scheduling
c. Short-term scheduling
d. I/O scheduling
11. What will be the output of the following program
class increment {
public static void main(String args[])
Int a=4;
System.out.print(++a * 5);
a. 24
b. 25
c. 20
d. 5
12. For the software architecture to be easily understood by other design experts for later
maintenance and scalability there should be
a. Architectural optimization techniques
b. Architectural notation and semantic description
c. Architectural refactoring
d. Architectural reverse engineering
13. Which of the following is not correct?
a. HTML form elements are used for taking user input
b. HTML form elements are defined inside <form> tag
c. HTML form elements are used for displaying outputs
d. HTML form element can be of different types
14. Which one is not among the layouts available in android?
a. Frame Layout
b. Card Layout
c. Linear Layout
d. Relative Layout
15. Which one is not the criteria for selecting best programming language for your problems:
a. Modularity
b. Platform dependency
c. Portability
d. Code efficiency
16. A program that initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers
and the contents of main memory, and then starts the operating system known as:
a. Cache memory
b. Bootsrap
c. BiOS
d. Bootloader
17. Which of the following virtual machines is used by the Android operating system?
a. JVM
b. Docker
c. CLR
d. Dalvik virtual machine
18. Which development model helps to cope up with software requirement change to reduce the
cost of rework?
a. Prototyping
b. Spiral model
c. Staged delivery
d. Software Version control
19. Which of the following is against the professional ethics of software engineering?
a. Use your technical skill responsibly
b. Accepting any works regardless of your employers or clients
c. Respect the confidentiality of your employers or clients
d. Responsibly remain up-to-date in your profession
20. Refer to the following schemas Attributes underlined are primary keys

HOTEL (Hotel_id: integer, Hotel_Name: string, Sub_city: string)

ROOM (Room_id: integer, Hotel_id: integer, Price: integer)
BOOKING (Hotel_id: integer, Room_id: integer, Date_from: date, Date_to: date)
GUEST (Guest_id: integer, Name: string, Country: string)
Considering the above schema, which of the following SQL statement retrieves Hotel names with
their respective Room id

a. SELECT Hotel_Name, Room_id FROM HOTEL, ROOM WHERE ROOM.Room_id =

HOTEL.Hotel_id and ROOM. Hotel_id = HOTEL. Hotel_id
b. SELECT Hotel_Name, Room_id FROM HOTEL, ROOM
c. SELECT Hotel_Name Room_id FROM HOTEL, ROOM WHERE ROOM.Hotel_id =
d. SELECT Hotel_Name, Room_Id FROM HOTEL, ROOM WHERE ROOM.Room_id =
21. What is the time complexity of below function?

Public void function (int n) {

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
for (int j=i; j<i*i; j++)
if (j%i ==0) {
for (int k = 0; k<j; k++)

a. O(nlogn)
b. O(n2)
c. O(n7)
d. O(n5)
22. Which function is used to serialize an object into a JSON string in Javascript?
a. toJson()
b. parseJson()
c. parse()
d. stringify()
23. Which of the following is not the contribution of the big data analysist
a. To satisfy customer need
b. To introduce new culture of data usage
c. To cope up with volatile market
d. To gain competitive advantage
24. A data link sub layer which is responsibility for identifying Network layer protocols and then
encapsulating them is known as:
a. Media Access Control
b. Point to point Encapsulation
c. Logical Link control
d. Frame relay
25. Which of the following UML diagram is not used to represent dynamic behavior of an object
during analysis?
a. Activity diagram
b. Collaboration diagram
c. Sequence diagram
d. Instance diagram
26. The incredible change in business and society as emerging economies develop and new
technologies become available mainly:
a. Leads to Privacy and security breaches
b. Requires new testing on the existing software system
c. Makes obsolete the already existing software system
d. Leads to demand for new software architecture
27. Select the one different from others
a. Requirement analysis
b. System design
c. Requirement elicitation
d. Requirement validation
28. Given the following fragment of code, how many tests are required for 100% decision

if width > length

then biggest_dimension = width
if height> width
then biggest_dimension = height
else biggest_dimension = length
if height > length
then biggest_dimension = height
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 3
29. Select the correct statement that describes local search algorithms (LSA):
a. The time complexity of LSA is independent of the size of the problem.
b. LSA are typically used for solving convex optimization problems.
c. LSA always guarantee to find the globally optimal solution.
d. The quality of the solution found by LSA depends heavily on the starting point and the
choice of the neighborhood function.
30. Assume you have an interface called Payable as follows

public interface Payable

double getPayment Ammount();
If you have another class Invoice that implements this interface and getQuantity() and
getPricePertem) metho returns quantity and price per item, which of the following is the correct

a. public class Invoice implements Payable {

public getPaymentAmmount(){
return getQuantity() getPricePerltem();
b. public class Invoice implements Payable{
public double getPaymentAmmount(){
return getQuantity() * getPricePeritem();
c. public class Invoice extends Payable{
public double getPaymentAmmount(){
return getQuantity() * getPricePerltem();
d. public abtract class Invoice implements Payable {
public double getPaymentAmmount(){
return getQuantity() * getPricePerltem();
31. A TCP/IP port number used by SSH is?
a. 22
b. 20
c. 21
d. 23
32. The keyword used in the SELECT clause to eliminate duplicate tuples from the result of an
SQL query is
a. Group By
33. Which of the following is not true about binary tree?
a. A tree is called binary tree if each node has zero child, one child or two children
b. A tree is called binary tree if and only if each node has zero child.
c. We can visualize a binary tree as consisting of a root and two disjoint binary trees
d. Empty tree is also a valid binary tree
34. What of the following describes informed search algorithms?
a. They are admissible
b. They are complete
c. They are optimal
d. They are consistent
35. 35
36. A tool that is used to check the quality of software to ensure that it meets some minimum
coding standards
a. Code Auditor
b. Interactive Debuggers
c. Documenters
d. Test Data Generator
37. Action attribute in HTML forms specifies
a. Which HTTP method is used
b. Which action is going on
c. The auto completion of form
d. Where to submit form
38. An Artificial Intelligence system is composed of:
a. Technology and Evolution
b. Agent and Environment
c. Data and Information
d. Device and Network
39. Which one is different from others?
a. Requirements analysis
b. Requirement elicitation
c. Requirements status tracking
d. Requirements validation
40. Fundamental program structure consists of the following core components except
a. Variable definition
b. back end component
c. main() method
d. Input/output features
41. From the following, which one is not among the challenges that are faced by requirement
engines during requirement elicitation?
a. Negative stakeholders.
b. Obsolete requirement
c. Conflicting requirements
d. Requirement change
42. Which access modifier is suitable if you want your instance variables to be accessible from
both the methods of the class and the descendant classes?
a. Public
b. Private
c. Inherited
d. Protected
43. Which of the following is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during an
activity life cycle?
a. onStart() method
b. onCreate() method
c. onRestart() method
d. onClick() method
44. You have received an e-mail which is unsolicited and commercially known as?
a. Wana Cry
b. Spam
c. Adware
d. Trash
45. If performance is the critical requirement of your architecture, which architectural approach
you apply while architecting your system?
a. Distribute operations across network
b. Localize critical operations
c. Increase number of component communication
d. Increase number of components
46. In a quad-tree each non-leaf node has exactly children.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 1
d. 4
47. For which of the following Android is mainly developed?
a. Laptops
b. Desktops
c. Mobile devices
d. Servers
48. What will happen if there is no break statement next to case labels in switch statement?
a. The program generates exception
b. All non-matching case labels will be executed
c. The program will halt
d. The default block will be executed
49. A system software that resides in main memory is………..
a. Loader
b. Compiler
c. Executor
d. Linker
50. The purpose of <iostream> header file in c++ program is
a. to make the code readable
b. Makes the code secure
c. to provide input/output functionality
d. to create file streams
51. Which of the following keywords is used to define a variable in Javascript?
a. int
b. let
c. val
d. const
52. Assume that you are assigned to design a dormitory management database. A dormitory is
located on some building and has attributes specified as DORM (DormID, floornumber) and
DormID is a primary key. Based on university's rule six students can be assigned to one dorm.
Students can be tracked with attributes STUDENT (IdNo, Name, Department) and IdNo is
primary key. Referring to this scenario, if there is a rule that says every DORM must have a
least one student, which of the following is true?
a. STUDENT has existence dependency
b. DORM has existence dependency
c. DORM has partial participation
d. STUDENT has a total participation
53. One of the following statements is inappropriate about Artificial Intelligence?
a. It is a preprogrammed system.
b. Al is a multidisciplinary field of study.
c. An agent perceives its environment through effectors.
d. Ability to learn from the environment
54. Which of the following analysis mechanism defines the input for which the algorithm takes
the least time (fastest time to complete)?
a. Worst case
b. Standard Case
c. Best case.
d. Average case
55. An input stream class in java that is used to read data from file is
a. RandomAccessFile
b. FileOutputStream
c. PipedInputStream
d. FileInputStream
56. The correct structure of the for loop statement is
a. for(initialization, condition, increment/decrement
b. for(increment/decrement; initialization; condition)
c. for(initialization; condition)
d. for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement)
57. Which of the following concept describes bootstrapping?
a. A language interpret other language program
b. A language compile itself
c. A language compiling other language program
d. All of the above
58. APK stands for:
a. Android Package Kit
b. Android Page Kit
c. Android Phone Kit
d. Android Platform Kit
59. Which principles states that 80% of the problems can be fixed with 20% of the entire effort?
a. Partition principle
b. Pairwise principle
c. Parametric principle
d. Pareto principle
60. Being a software tester you want to verify the integration of the message between different
processes communication using
a. Message Digest
b. Decryption algorithm
c. Network authorization
d. Digital Signature
61. A technique that allows large numbers of ideas to be classified into groups for review and
a. Activity List
b. Activity-on-Node
c. Affinity Diagrams
d. Adaptive Life Cycle
62. What does velocity in big data refer to?
a. Speed of data ingestion
b. Speed of data processing and storing
c. Speed of input data generation
d. Speed of storage consumption
63. Which of the following mostly used by software project quality evaluators to using the
approach of plan, check and act?
a. Six sigma
b. ISO model
d. Capability maturity model
64. Which of the following statements designates part of the process of how a switch resolves to
forward a frame destined for a recognized unicast MAC address?
a. It matches the unicast source address to the bridging, or MAC address, table.
b. It matches the frame's incoming interface to the source MAC entry in the MAC address
c. It matches the unicast destination address to the bridging, or MAC address, table.
d. It matches the destination IP address to the destination MAC address
65. Which of the following is true regarding integration testing?
a. It uses test data that simulates ideal scenarios.
b. It proves the functioning of different software components when integrated together
c. It is only performed after system testing is completed.
d. It emphases on testing individual software components in isolation.
66. You fit a model too closely to the particularities of the training set and obtain a model that
works well on the training set but works poorly on a new data. This scenario is known as:
a. sweet spot
b. over fitting
c. under fitting
d. under performing
67. Select the one that is not correct related to generalization in system modeling
a. common information will be maintained in one place
b. In generalization, the attributes and operations associated with higher-level classes are also
associated with the lower-level classes
c. The higher-level classes are more specific than the lower-level classes by adding specific
attributes and operations
d. facilitate easy modification of data
68. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result is known as:
a. Project
b. Portfolio
c. Process
d. Program
69. The result of the following program after running will be:

class PrintResult
public static void main(String args[])
int arr[] (3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 2; ++i)
System.out.println(arr[i] + " ");

a. 3 4 5
b. 3 4 5 6 7
c. 3 4 5 6
d. 3 4
70. A technique for generating plans with conditionals and loops are almost identical to those for
generating programs from logical specifications is called
a. Automatic monitoring
b. Automatic programming
c. Automatic learning
d. Automatic recursive
71. A software work product which is associated with the test execution process group is known
a. Test Reports
b. Code
c. Test Cases
d. Requirements
72. Which of the following android component displays the part of an activity on screen?
a. Fragment
b. View
c. Manifest
d. Intent
73. Which of the following refers to unauthorized disclosure of information?
a. Confidentiality
b. Authentication
c. Integrity
d. Authorization
74. If your software system can continue in spite of unexpected problems from internal and
external environment, we say your system has good:
a. Maintainability
b. Robustness
c. Reliability.
d. Integrity
75. Which activity is not related to data preprocessing?
a. Data cleaning
b. Data reduction
c. Data optimization
d. Data transformation
76. Which of the following is not a data link layer technology?
b. Frame-relay
d. PPP
77. Which file system can be used to change certain kernel parameters at runtime using sysctl
a. Sysfs
b. Ext4
c. Procfs
d. Ext3
78. Adding additional header information as data moved from the application layer to down refers
a. Routing
b. De-capsulation
c. Switching
d. Encapsulation
79. Introducing new requirement at the later phase of the project is not recommended due to?
a. analysis complexity
b. requirement complexity
c. Cost of change
d. coding complexity
80. The base class from which all classes in Java are inherited?
a. java.class.inherited
b. java.lang.class
c. java.class.object
d. java.lang.Object
81. In a relation design, primary key is a critical constraint that should be considered. It should be
a. Non editable
b. Within limited value
82. Which of the following describes the leading agile development method?
a. Scrum
b. Six sigma
c. Extreme programming
d. Sprint
83. One of the following statements addresses the characteristics of functional organization
a. Little or no project manager authority, little or no resource availability, and the functional
manager control the project budget
b. Low to moderate project manager authority, low to moderate resource availability, and a
full-time project manager's role
c. High to almost total project manager authority, high to almost total resource availability,
and full-time project management administrative staff
d. Limited project manager authority, limited resource availability, and a part-time project
manager's role
84. Which of the following is one of the indirect applications of queues?
a. Auxiliary data structure for algorithms
b. Multiprogramming
c. Simulation of real world queues such as lines at a ticket counter or any other first-come
first-served scenario requires a queue.
d. Operating systems schedule jobs (with equal priority) in the order of aval (eg, a print
85. Assume you have the following hash table, implemented using linear probing. The hash
function you are using in the identity function, f(x) x in which order could the elements have
been added to the hash table? There are several correct answers, and you should give all of
them. Assume that the hash table has never been rested, and no elements have been deleted
a. 12, 9, 18, 3, 14, 21, 4
b. 12, 14, 3, 9, 4, 18, 21
c. 9, 14, 4, 16, 12, 3, 21
d. 12, 3, 14, 18, 4, 9, 21
86. Which CSS element is used to make rounded borders around elements?
a. border-corner
b. border-rounded
c. border-radius
d. border-circle
87. When running your program, you did not see any error. However, the final output you got is
not correct. What type of error is this?
a. Logical error
b. Compiling error
c. Run time error
d. Syntax error
88. Which of the following describes the functionalities of application layer?
a. It deals encapsulation of packets
b. It deals encapsulation of frames
c. It deals mechanical, electrical and physical connectivity
d. It is process to process interaction
89. Which one of the following is not type of Ensemble learning?
a. Lasso
b. Random forest
c. Bagging
d. Boosting
90. One of the following is not purpose of software testing?
a. Requesting more design and implementation time
b. Enhancing reliability
c. Improving product acceptance
d. Identifying shortcomings
91. In software testing, a term which relates the genuine imperfect segments to the absolute number
of segments anticipated as faulty known as:
a. Precision
b. Accuracy
c. Recall
d. F-measure
92. To reduce the dispute that might arise between the customer and contractor, each requirement
should be documented and later checked during product delivery whether each documented
requirements are fully implemented or not. What type of requirement validation is this?
a. Validity check
b. Verifiability
c. Completeness check
d. Realism check
93. Assume there is Class A which is extended by Class B and Class C Class A is declared as
abstract, and also contains an abstract method called welcome; this method takes no
parameters, and returns a String. Which of the following definitions of Class B will NOT cause
a compiler error based on above scenario?
a. public class Class_B extends Class_A
public String whatObjectAml()
return "I am a class, B object";
C. public class Class_B extends Class_A
public void welcome (String str)
b. public class Class_B extends Class_A
public String whatObjectAml()
return "I am a class D object";
public String welcome()
return "I am a class C object";
public int welcome (int y)
int x = 2*y;
return x;
c. public class Class B extends Class A
public String whatObjectAml()
return "I am a class B object";
C. public class Class_B extends Class_A
public void welcome(String str)
94. Method overriding is a characteristic of which OOP principle?
a. Polymorphism
b. Abstraction
c. Encapsulation
d. Inheritance
95. Which of the following is true regarding the referential triggered action ON UPDATE
a. sets the referencing primary key to NULL
b. sets the referencing primary key of the base table to default value
c. change the value of the referencing foreign key attribute to the updated primary key
value for all the referencing tuples
d. deletes all tuples of the referencing table
96. Which of the following statements is false when a packet is being compared to an access list?
a. Until all lines have been analyzed, the comparison is not over.
b. It's always compared with each line of the access list in sequential order.
c. Once the packet matches the condition on a line of the access list, the packet is
d. There is an implicit "deny" at the end of each access list
97. Identify the one that does not affect architectural decision
a. Type of the application to be developed
b. The way the data is stored
c. Architectural style to be used
d. Expected performance of the system
98. One of the following is model optimization technique:
a. Gradient boosting
b. Gradient descent
c. Lasso
d. Bagging
99. A modification of the free-list approach is to store the addresses of n free blocks in the first
free block
a. Linked-list
b. Counting
c. Grouping
d. Deadlock
100. Which object-oriented principle allows the creation of several methods with the same name
that differ from each other by the type of input and output?
a. Polymorphism
b. Inheritance
c. Overriding
d. Encapsulation

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