RTAF 090 HSS XLN R1234ze - Product Report 30 09 2024
RTAF 090 HSS XLN R1234ze - Product Report 30 09 2024
RTAF 090 HSS XLN R1234ze - Product Report 30 09 2024
Unit Overview
Chiller model Sintesis Prime
Air cooled chiller - Comfort cooling
Unit application (above 4.5C) - High ambient (-10C to
Compressor type Screw
Refrigerant Type Full charge R1234ze
Seasonal space energy
175 % / 4.44 Compliant
efficiency (s,c) / SEER (1)
SEPRHT 5.47 Compliant
SEPRMT 3.24 Compliant
Free cooling No Free Cooling
Hydraulic module Pump signal On/Off
Electrical supply 400V/50Hz/3Ph
Project conditions
Outdoor air dry bulb temperature 35.5 C
Fluid entering temperature 12.0 C
Fluid leaving temperature 7.0 C
Evap fluid type Water
Fluid Freezing Point 0.0 C
Fouling Factor 0.017615 m2-deg C/kW
Elevation 143.0 m
Partload Information
Single Point - Custom PLV 0.00
Gross EER Net EER
Gross Cap Flow Evap Chiller Gross
Load % Net Cap kW EWT Evap C LWT Evap C Ambient C EER EER
kW L/s WPD kPa Power kW
(kW/kW) (kW/kW)
100 260.00 259.63 12.00 7.00 12.38 22.85 35.50 78.58 3.31 3.28
90 234.00 233.72 12.00 7.00 11.15 18.54 35.50 70.44 3.32 3.30
80 208.00 207.80 12.00 7.00 9.91 14.65 35.50 60.66 3.43 3.41
70 182.00 181.86 12.00 7.00 8.67 11.20 35.50 53.12 3.43 3.41
60 156.00 155.89 11.66 7.00 7.97 9.44 35.50 45.77 3.41 3.39
50 130.00 129.89 10.88 7.00 7.97 9.43 35.50 39.91 3.26 3.24
40 104.00 103.89 10.11 7.00 7.97 9.43 35.50 31.17 3.34 3.31
30 78.00 77.89 9.33 7.00 7.97 9.42 35.50 23.80 3.28 3.25
20 52.00 51.89 8.55 7.00 7.97 9.42 35.50 19.02 2.73 2.70
2024/09/30 16:19:11 Trane® Select Assist™ Version: 287 The certified standard performances and the certified software tool version can be verified in http://www.eurovent-certification.com Page 1 of 2
Job Name: DATACENTER MADEIRA copy Unit Tag: RTAF 090 HSS
Prepared For: Quantity: 1
Acoustic data
Outdoor sound power level 91 dBA (4)
Outdoor sound pressure level 58 dBA (3)
125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz
Outdoor sound
84 dB 86 dB 87 dB 88 dB 80 dB 79 dB 77 dB
spectrum (Lw)
Electrical data
Electrical supply 400V/50Hz/3Ph
Compressor soft starter Included
Start-up current 257.00 A
Maximum running current 257.00 A
Displacement power factor (cos-phi) 0.94
Note: Dimensions and weight include sound attenuation, hydraulic module, heat recovery and/or free cooling - if selected. Image is for illustration
purposes only, options may not be shown.
Applicable standards
(1) According to EN14825:2022, considering average climate
(2) According to EN14511:2022
(3) Average sound pressure at 10 meter distance, unit in a free field on a reflective surface; non-binding value calculated from the sound power level
(4) Sound power measurements in accordance with ISO 9614:2009 (part 1)
Eurovent certification does not apply to SEPR HT / MT values
More information
Ecodesign datasheet https://www.trane.com/litweb/Litweb.aspx?
2024/09/30 16:19:11 Trane® Select Assist™ Version: 287 The certified standard performances and the certified software tool version can be verified in http://www.eurovent-certification.com Page 2 of 2