Tsagkari and Sloan, 2018 Biofilm Formation
Tsagkari and Sloan, 2018 Biofilm Formation
Tsagkari and Sloan, 2018 Biofilm Formation
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Safe drinking water is essential for human health and its provision in a changing climate is a global
pressing problem. Research communities, governments and drinking water supplying companies are
working on improving the quality of drinking water and reducing its cost. Microorganisms colonise
the inner surfaces of pipes and form biofilms. In drinking water systems biofilms are problematic as
they cause loss of disinfectants, harbour pathogens and affect the aesthetics of drinking water. From
the engineering perspective, that leads to corrosion of the pipe’s material and reduced life of the
existing infrastructure. Thus, it is imperative that we gain a deeper understanding of the growth of
biofilms if we are to develop effective strategies for their removal or control.
In this study we focused on the growth of biofilms in drinking water under stagnant conditions,
which often occur in parts of drinking water pipes. A bioreactor was used to simulate the service
lines of drinking water systems. After 4 weeks, the thickness and density of the biofilms were
characterised using gravimetric measurements, and their surface area was determined using
fluorescence microscopy. Also, the concentration of cells and microcolonies both in the bulk water
and on the reactor surfaces was determined using fluorescence microscopy. Finally, spatial statistics
were used to describe the biofilm structures that were formed on the exposed surfaces of the reactor.
It was revealed that even under stagnant and oligotrophic conditions, drinking water bacteria moved
from the bulk water of the reactor and attached to the available surfaces forming a high number of
microcolonies. Biofilms were able to grow on the exposed surfaces of the reactor forming
characteristic structures consisting of dense cell clusters. Our results revealed that even under
unfavourable conditions biofilms can grow within our drinking water systems.
biofilms; drinking water; microscopy; reactor; stagnant
Biofilms are found on virtually every wetted surface on earth. Even though the term “biofilm” may
not form part of the popular lexicon, most people are familiar with biofilms in one way or another,
in particular with those that can be seen by naked eye. The plaque on our teeth is a biofilm, the
slime on our contact lenses, the bathroom walls or rotting food is also a biofilm. Similarly, the
green of brown coating on rocks, pebbles or sand in a river is a biofilm [Hall-Stoodley et al., 2004].
A biofilm consists of a group of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa,
which adhere to a surface and are usually housed in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances
(EPS). The EPS are biopolymers including polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. In
most biofilms, the microorganisms may account for less than 10% of the total biofilm dry mass,
whereas the EPS matrix may account for over 90% of that. The biofilm matrix has been
characterised as a three-dimensional polymer network that interconnects and immobilises the cells
that it consists of [Flemming and Wingender, 2010].
It is estimated that 99% of the total population of bacteria in the world are found in the form of a
biofilm [Florjanic and Kristl, 2011]. One of the main reasons why bacteria opt for the biofilm,
rather than the planktonic mode of life, is the protection that the biofilm offers to them. This might
include protection against harsh conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, shear stresses, ultraviolet
or acid exposure, metal toxicity, dehydration, salinity, antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents
[Hall-Stoodley et al., 2004].
Biofilms can be very useful, especially in the field of bioremediation. Organisms may be used for
contaminant removal and for the purification of industrial wastewater. In biofilm filtration systems,
the filter medium presents a surface for the microbes to attach to and to feed on the organic material
in the water being treated. Such water cleaning systems are biologically more stable and their
disinfectant demand is lower than that of conventionally treated systems. Less microorganism
induced contamination is likely to occur in water that passes through a biofilm based filter than
there is in water that passes through another alternative treatment system [Campos et al., 2002].
On the other hand, biofilms can result in heavy costs for the cleaning and maintenance of the
industrial and domestic pipes that they colonise. The environment in which people are mostly
exposed to biofilms is the domestic environment [Garrett et al., 2008]. Although drinking water is
closely monitored in the developed countries, waterborne disease outbreaks are still being reported.
These outbreaks may be associated with pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and biofilms in the water
pipe networks are known to create favourable conditions for their survival and growth. In addition,
the detachment of biofilms from pipe walls is associated with changes in the water taste, odour and
colour. The main challenge of drinking water industries is to deliver water that is microbiologically
and chemically safe, aesthetically pleasing and adequate in quantity [Simões, 2012]. Thus, it is
crucial to find ways of managing the biofilms that will inevitably form.
Visualising biofilm structures is complicated due to the presence of debris, corrosion products and
mineral deposits, which provide new niches for bacteria to colonise [Batté et al., 2003]. Organic and
inorganic particles can accumulate in low-flow areas or dead-ends of drinking water systems and
enhance microbial activities by providing protection for bacteria against harsh conditions [Simões,
2012, Douterelo et al., 2013]. Biofilms are generally found to form very complex and
heterogeneous structures [van Loodsdrecht et al., 1995]. Thicknesses that have been recorded for
biofilms in drinking water systems range from a few tens of micrometres [Srinivasan et al., 2008] to
a few hundreds of micrometres [Momba et al., 2000]. Biofilms may be formed on the surfaces of
drinking water pipes within a few days or months and may reach a cell concentration of 10 7-109
cells/cm2 [Manuel, 2007]. The vast majority of bacteria, estimated at 95% of the total cell
population, are attached to the surfaces of the pipes, whereas only 5% are found in the water phase
[Flemming et al., 2002].
In drinking water systems under high flow conditions, which are those that are mostly experienced,
microorganisms are transported by eddies in the flow [Kumarasamy and Maharaj, 2015]. Under low
flow conditions, the transport of bacteria from the bulk water to the exposed surfaces occurs due to
Brownian diffusion, sedimentation and cell motility. Stagnant conditions occur regularly in drinking
water systems (i.e. during overnight periods or near closed valves and flanges in the system) when
the water consumption is low [Manuel et al., 2007]. It is suspected that the biofilm growth
characteristics under stagnant conditions would be similar to those in laminar flow, where shear
stresses are low and the transport of nutrients and oxygen is driven by diffusion. However, very
little is known about biofilm growth under such conditions [Manuel et al., 2007, Liu et al., 2016].
Thus, in this study, the development of biofilms in drinking water was investigated under stagnant
conditions after a 4-week period using a bioreactor. A 4-week period is considered a realistic time
period of water stagnation in service lines [Zlatanović et al., 2017]. Also, the reactor, which was
used, simulated the part of drinking water distribution systems, which is closer to the tap. The exact
structure and composition of drinking water biofilms are still unclear and have not been described
in detail yet due to difficulties in investigating such a small amount of biomass without disturbing
it. Biofilms in drinking water systems are generally thin but these low thicknesses that can be
reached are variable [Wimpenny et al., 2000]. Thus, the goal of this study was to investigate how
biofilms were developed under oligotrophic conditions in stagnant water and to characterize them.
where Σx/n is the mean number, s is the standard deviation, Amemb is the surface area of the
membrane filter, d is the dilution factor, Afield is the surface area of the microscope field and Vfilt is
the volume of the liquid sample filtered. The same procedure was used to calculate the
concentration of microcolonies in the bulk water of reactor but without using the Triton solution
and by using the objective lens with 10X magnification/0.30 numerical aperture instead of the one
with 100X magnification/1.30 numerical aperture. The microcolonies visualised had a diameter of
approximately 10 μm and consisted of approximately 10 cells.
To calculate the concentration of cells on the reactor slides after the 4 weeks, 3 slides were removed
from the reactor. The biomaterial attached to the reactor slides was gently scraped from the slides
and diluted in 5 ml distilled water. Then, the 5 ml samples were fixed with 0.5 ml of 2%
formaldehyde [Kepner and Pratt, 1994] and filtered on Whatman® 0.2 μm membrane filters. The
same procedure described above was followed. The concentration of cells was calculated from
[Brunk et al., 1979]:
cells ( n ± 𝑠) Amemb dVsusp (2)
cm2 Afield Vfilt Abiof
where Vsusp is the total suspension volume and Abiof is the area from which the biomaterial was
scraped. The same procedure was used to calculate the concentration of microcolonies on the
reactor slides. The microcolonies were similar to those described above.
𝑚𝐷𝐹 (4)
𝜌𝐹 = 𝑚
( ρ 𝑊𝐹 )
where mWF and mDF are the wet and dry mass of the biofilm respectively. Also, ρWF is the density of
biofilm, for which there is the assumption that it is equal to that of water at 16 oC at 998.946 kg/m3.
Finally, AF is the surface area of the slide. The areal biofilm density was finally calculated as the
product of the biofilm thickness and the volumetric biofilm density.
To visualise the biofilm structures on the reactor slides after the 4 weeks, 3 slides were removed
from the reactor. The biofilms on the reactor slides were firstly fixed with 0.5 ml of 4%
paraformaldehyde [Chao and Zhang, 2011]. The samples were covered with 1 ml of 10 μg/ml DAPI
for 20 minutes in the dark. Biofilm structures were visualised using the objective lens with 100X
magnification/1.30 numerical aperture. The surface area of biofilms on the reactor surfaces was
then calculated in Matlab by processing more than 30 images obtained from fluorescence
microscopy. The original images were firstly converted to gray-scale images using the Matlab
command called “rgb2gray” and then to binary images using the Matlab command called “im2bw”
in order to separate the biomaterial from the background of the image. After the surface area of the
biofilm was calculated, it was divided to the total surface area of the image in order to finally
calculate the percentage of this surface area (%).
a. b.
Figure 1
a) Cells of about 1 μm size attached to the reactor slides, b) microcolonies of about 10 μm size
attached to the reactor slides as revealed by fluorescense microsocpy.
3.2 Biofilms
Under stagnant conditions, given that bacteria are not transported onto surfaces by flowing water,
then one might expect gravity to have an effect; thus, the vertical slides of reactor to be less prone to
cell colonisation. Also, the oligotrophic conditions implicate that there is not enough energy given
to bacteria to come together to each other and form biofilms. Shear stress conditions have a number
of effects on bacteria; they keep them in suspension and increase the probability of bacteria
colliding by chance. They also enhance mass transfer processes, oxygen distribution within the bulk
water of pipelines and any metabolic reactions between bacteria [Lee et al., 2002, Son et al., 2015].
Thus, it was surprising to find that biofilms did grow in drinking water under stagnant conditions
and their percentage of surface area after 4 weeks was found at 19.2%. Also, after 4 weeks the
thickness of biofilms was found at 119.54 μm and their density at 9 mg/cm2. This validated that
biofilms did form in drinking water under stagnant conditions. However, the thickness of the
biofilm was not high compared to the thicknesses that have been found using the same method
under shear stress conditions [Horn et al., 2003, Staudt et al., 2004, Elenter et al., 2007].
Figure 2
Biofilm structures stained with DAPI as revealed by fluorescence microscopy.
The entropy of biofilms was determined at 1.87. If all of the pixels of the image have the same
value, or the image has no structures, or the image is composed of only white pixels or voids, the
entropy of the image is 0 showing there is no gray scale variation in the pixels or heterogeneity.
Increased numbers of structures in the image increase entropy due to increased gray level variability
and heterogeneity in the image [Yang et al., 2000]. Thus, our measurements revealed that since
entropy was not 0 or close to 0 this shows that characteristic biofilm structures were actually formed
on the reactor surfaces.
The semi-variogram is here demonstrated (Figure 3a). An important part of a semi-variogram is the
“origin”, which represents the closest points of the diagram. Another important part of a semi-
variogram is the “sill”, which is the variogram upper bound that is equal to the variance of the data
set and it also reflects the amount of variability. The sill is usually found at large distances where
there is no gradient in the diagram [Cohen et al., 1990, Cressie, 1993]. The lag distance at which the
semi-variogram reaches the sill value is the “range”. In total, 12000 points were used for the
calculation of the semi-variogram shown in Figure 3a. The gradient in the variance close to the
origin was found to be shallow and linear. This indicated that values were co-located as the variance
at short distance was found to be low. These measurements showed that the topography of the
biofilm was now very heterogeneous, as it was expected for stagnant conditions [Stoodley et al.,
1999b]. Finally, the range was found at about 70 μm and the sill was equal to almost 9.
The ACF diagram is here demonstrated as a contour plot (Figure 3b). The almost radially
symmetric contours in autocorrelation do not suggest that there was only one spatially-correlated
“lump” at the centre of the image. It is the average autocorrelation for all pixels on the image. In the
ACF diagram, the central element provides a measure of the size and shape of the basic element that
dominates the original image. The rest contour lines reflect the size and shape of the neighbourhood
elements of the original image. Finally, the bar on the right side of the ACF diagrams provides a
measure of the autocorrelation. The darker is the colour on the bar, the less is the autocorrelation
value with its lowest value to be 0 and the highest one to be 1 [Russ, 2011]. In this diagram, the
central element was found to be a circular feature, which size and shape corresponded to a cell. The
rest contour lines, which were found to surround this main feature, were also circular and
corresponded to a microcolony. These measurements suggest that radially symmetrical lumps were
the prevalent topographical features, which could be associated with microcolonies. The contour
plot in Figure 3b showed that cells align with themselves creating characteristic microcolonies, as it
was also indicated in Figure 2.
a. b.
Figure 3
a) Semi-variogram; the vertical axis represents the semi-variance and the horizontal one represents
the distance in μm, b) ACF diagram; the axes represent the size of the original image in pixels.
Overall, an annular reactor allowed us to grow biofilms in drinking water under stagnant conditions.
Understanding the functionality and mechanisms of biofilms during the moderate (weeks) stages of
their life will help in the consideration of future design of management strategies to control their
growth in real drinking water systems. Our experiments suggest that biofilms were able to form in
the reactor even under stagnant and oligotrophic conditions. However, these biofilms were not very
thick and dense as it was revealed by gravimetric measurements. Fluorescence microscopy also
revealed that biofilms were actually formed on the reactor surfaces creating characteristic patchy
structures consisting of cell clusters. Finally, spatial statistics showed that the microcolonies were
the most evident feature of the biofilm structures, which were not found to be complex,
heterogeneous and irregular. Engineers should not overlook the biofilm-associated problems since a
cursory understanding of the biology of the microorganisms that sit at the boundaries of our existing
infrastructure will lead to an enhanced functionality of them.
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