Interview Notes
Interview Notes
Interview Notes
Transactional data:-
Enterprise structure
Master data
Transactional data
Purchasing Organization consists various buyers or group of buyers
dealing with materials that are being purchased in the company. For
implementing the activities of purchasing organization, you can define
purchase group in SAP.
The purchasing organization is an organizational unit which procures
articles and negotiates general purchase price conditions with vendors. It is
responsible for all purchasing transactions in the company.
1. Regular Pur.Org
2. Standard Pur.Org
3. Reference Pur.Org
Background Configuration is creating Material Type – OMS2
T codes
MM01, MM02, MM03 – Material master create, change, display
MM60 – Check the list of Material masters
MM06 – Activate/Deactivate deletion flag
MM04 – Check all the changes done, at what time and who has done.
Background Configuration is creating Account Group – OBD3
FI Consultant will create Vendor master by using FK01, MM Consultant
will extend it to Purchase organization level by using MK01.
XK01 to create Centrally.
Purchasing info record stores information on material and vendor,
supplying that material. For example, a vendor’s current price of a
particular material is stored in info record.
Purchase info record can be maintained at the plant level or at the
purchasing organization level.
Info record can be maintained for four procurement types, which are as
follows − – Standard − Standard info record has information on standard
orders (orders include details of vendor and material). This info record will
include vendor’s price for supplying the particular material.
– Subcontracting − Subcontracting info record has information on
subcontract orders. This info record will include price for assembling the
raw material that is supplied by the ordering party.
– Pipeline − Pipeline info record has information on material that is
provided by vendor through pipes. For Example: like water, electricity.
– Consignment − Consignment info record has information on material that
is kept at ordering party premises. This info record contains vendor’s price
that is to be paid for withdrawing material from consignment stock.
For a particular material, in a particular plant, during particular time frame
we will list the source of supply in a purchasing organization.
3 types of functions we will execute:
We can fix the vendor(Info Record mandatory)
We can block the vendor(XK05)
We will list the vendor
Procure-to-pay is the process coordinated and integrated action taken to
fulfill a requirement for goods or services in a timely manner at a reasonable
price. It involves a number of sequential stages, ranging from need
identification to invoice approval and vendor payment. Steps in a procure-to-
pay process need to be executed in a strict order.
1. Requirement Identification
The first step in the p2p cycle is requirement identification. This happens
whenever a shortage of raw materials, services, or other parts is needed to
continue the operation.
The person responsible for this will identify the need or benefit of the
The purchasing department then informs the material’s need by creating a
purchase request.
The person responsible will submit the purchase request to the purchasing
6. Vendor selection
The RFP response is evaluated, and the vendors negotiate terms and
The agreement will be signed for the vendor whose quotation and the
buyer accepts terms are shortlisted.
7. Shipment notice
Once the agreement is signed and the PO is confirmed, the vendor sends
the shipment notification to the buyer. Notice informing about the goods or
services that they are providing.
The delivery team compares the PO with the shipment notice to validate if
the two match. If they match, the company issues the receipt to the vendor.
But if there are discrepancies, the company can contact the vendor and ask
for a refund or replacement.
12. Reporting
Once the vendor makes the payment, the complete process is
documented, and reports are created.
An outline agreement is a long-term purchasing agreement with a vendor
containing terms and conditions regarding the material that is to be
supplied by the vendor.
The terms of an outline agreement are valid up to a certain period of time
and cover a certain predefined quantity or value.
An outline agreement can be of the following two types,
Scheduling Agreement
Inventory management deals with the management of stock, either on
value or quantity basis.
In Inventory Management, mainly we deal with Good Receipt, Good Issue
and Transfer Posting.
Goods movement creates a document that updates all the stock quantity
and value in the inventory that is known as the material document.
Here Movement type describes the type of stock posting in inventory and
we can find the relevant accounting entries in the document.
We order Vendor for the Material X, due to unavailability vendor
proposed you to take Y, What is the Process to change the material?
By using MB1B (309) Movement type in Transfer posting we can convert
the material type.
Sometimes, stocks are to be blocked in advance so that they can be made
available at a particular point of time. This is known as Reservation.
Reservation ensures that availability of stock at a particular time.
Physical inventory is Comparing the System stock and Physical stock,
means it is a process of determining that the inventory quantities are exact,
or if there are differences in quantity mentioned physically present and that
mentioned in the SAP system. Basically, after you are finished with
physical inventory, your system and physical stock levels must be the
It is a Cyclic order means, how many cycles we can execute in a year. CC
Physical inventory indicators we will maintain. MI01 to create Physical
inventory document. Once the document created the material will be
freezed, we can’t issue/Receive the stock. The authorized person will count
the physical stock in go down and enter in to the system by using MI04, the
material document will be created.
If it is stock gain means system stock is less and physical stock is high,
If is stock loss means system stock is high and physical stock is less
Create Consignment Info Record ME11 (We must select Tax code in Tax
Create GR MIGO/101K
Create Settlement By MRKO - the prices will be picked from Info Record
The NET PRICE we entered in PO is the making charges for the vendor to
finish the product.
To receive the finished product and by product, FRL for making charges
to vendor
BSV for cost of goods consumption, BSX and GBB Raw material
In Business will not involve in Order processing, and Business will involve
in Invoice processing.
Create Material master (In this we must maintain Item category group
(BANS third party) and general item category group)
While creating sales order VA01 (Item category TAS Third party), the
Purchase requisition will be created automatically,
There will be no GR, because the vendor is sending the goods to third
party directly.
The Receiving plant has to request the stock through PO ME21N with
document type NB and Item category I=U, and the Supplying plant has to
release the stock by using MB1B/351, Then Receiving plant will withdraw
the stock by using MIGO/101.
Inter company code STO process is the stock transfer between plants
belongs to different company codes.
Intra company code STO process is the stock transfer between in the
plants of same company code.
MM integration with WM, SD, FI, QM and PP
MM integration with WM:- The SAP WM module is related to MM module
because it maintains information about the material storage and material
transfer inside the organization. so I've configured the WM Enterprise
structure. Under plant and storage location we define Warehouse number,
under Warehouse number we define one or more Storage types, under
storage types we define Storage sections/Picking area, for each Storage
section we define Storage bins, under bins Quant will be created
Each PO has a unique number associated with it that helps both buyer and
seller track delivery and payment. A blanket PO is a commitment to buy
products or services on an ongoing basis, until a certain maximum is
A contract purchase order sets out the vendor’s details and potentially also
payment and delivery terms. The products to be purchased are not
specified. A contract purchase order is used to create an agreement and
terms of supply between a purchaser and vendor as the basis for an
ongoing commercial relationship. To order a product, the purchaser may
refer to the contract purchase order when raising a standard purchase
PR can contain different Materials and different Approval levels due to the
changes in source of apply.
Overall release (only for PR) can release both Item level and Header
What is the Significance of Pricing Procedure?
1. Condition Table
It’s a table where system saves the all fields with the combination for
individual condition record. Suppose if I use Plant as condition table, then
the condition record will be created for plant only.
2. Access Sequence
The main concept of Access sequence is, it searches condition record for
condition type from condition table.
3. Condition Type
In simple term, condition type is used for different type of charges. Like
gross price, discount, freight, rebate etc etc.
Suppose we purchase a material for price 10, we get a discount of price 2.
Then the price 10 will be going to a condition type and the price 2 will be
going to another condition type.
4. Condition Record
5. Schema Group
It’s assigned to our vendor and Purchase Organization, It helps the vendor
and purchase organization to choose pricing procedure.
One schema group will be assigned to vendor and one schema group will
be assigned to Purchase organization. With this combination, system will
fetch the pricing procedure.
6. Calculation Schema
Here we maintain sequence for the pricing calculation, like gross price,
discount, rebate, surcharges etc. Here we maintain the calculation for all
condition types and group together all required condition types for our
pricing procedure.
7. Schema Determination
In general, below image will give the concept how a condition type will
search for the condition records.
Initially Prices will pick from CONTRACTS
If there is no Contracts from Purchase Info Record
If there is no PIR will pick from very recent PO
Finally Manual
13. LSMW
Master data upload, it is legacy system. In 4 ways we can upload the data,
1. Field upload
2. Batch input record
3. Dappy
4. I docs
I docs number, if it is 1= Outbound I docs, 2= inbound I docs
If it is outbound 0 to 45 and success code is 03
If it is inbound 50 to 75 and 53 is success.
I doc contains 3 records Control record, data record and status record.
Control record will have the summary of I doc.
Data record will have segments, each segment will have data
Status records will have each step process
Blocked Stock: Blocked stock goods are always valuated, they are
entered in MIGO with general transaction movement type 101.
Blocked stock is not available from material planning point of view. You
cannot issue the material from blocked stock until to transfer it to
unrestricted stock type with movement type 343.Blocked stock can only be
withdrawn for sampling or scrapping purposes.
When the certificate is received and accepted you can valuate the stock
with movement type 105.
When you post gr blocked stock against a purchase order, with movement
type 103 purchase order history gets updated but the quantity to be
delivered still remains opens. Gr blocked stock can be seen at plant level in
transaction MMBE