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Class 10 Science Combined Notes Ajinkya Solunke

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Chapter 8 Heredity and Evolution  Most important statement  Selection of

variants by environmental factors forms the
basis for evolutionary processes.
 No bio-chemical reaction is absolutely reliable.
DNA copying is never perfect.  Gene definition  Gene is a structural unit of
 Variation in different cases: DNA which is present in chromosome which
o Asexual Reproduction  less variation. governs the synthesis of a one protein that
E.g. In sugarcane  little variation controls a specific trait (characteristic) of an
among the individual plants organism.
o Sexual Reproduction  more variation.  Dominant Gene definition  Gene which
E.g, In humans  quite distinct appears or gives traits to the organism even if
variations are present in among other genes are present is known as dominant
different individuals gene. It is represented by capital letter.
 This chapter focus  how variations are  Recessive gene definition  Gene which
created and inherited. appears or gives traits to the organism only
when similar (identical) gene is present is
Accumulation of Variation during Reproduction
called recessive gene. It is represented by
 Trait definition  Traits or characters are small letter.
the identifiable features in a human being or  E.g. in Pea plants , the dominant gene for
any organism. E.g. like shape of hair, colour yellow seed is Y and the recessive gene for
of eyes, etc. green seed is y. Then when we are writing
 Heredity Definition  Heredity is the cross, we will write Capital ‘Y’ that represents
biological process in which characters i.e. yellow seed and small ‘y’ that represents
traits are transmitted from parent to their green seed.
offspring.  Phenotype definition  Phenotype are the
 Other names for offspring  Child, progeny observable characteristics or traits of an
 Variation Definition  Variation is the organism. The term covers the organism's
deviation in the characters or traits between morphology or physical form and structure.
the different individuals of a species.  Genotype definition  A genotype is an
 Example of variation in human  free organism’s set of heritable genes that can be
earlobe and attached earlobe in various passed down from parents to offspring.
humans  F1 generation definition (First filial generation)
 Advantages of variation  1) Ensures  F1 generation is the progeny formed after
survival of the species 2) Ensures evolution two parents cross.
of the species  F2 generation definition (second filial
 Inheritance gives common body design with generation)  F2 generation is the progeny
subtle changes in it. Common body design is formed when first generation progeny cross
stored in chromosome i.e. deoxyribonucleic among themselves to produce second
acid (DNA). generation progeny.

1All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
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Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke

 Hybrid definition  a new form of organism  Hence father (man or husband) is responsible
arising due to cross of different varieties of for the gender of the baby (boy or girl) which
the organism is known as hybrid. is born.
 Monohybrid Crossing  Monohybrid crossing  All children will inherit an X chromosome from
is a type of breeding in which we cross two their mother regardless of whether they are
individuals that differ in respect of a single boys or girls. Thus, the sex of the children will
gene i.e. differ by a single trait. be determined by what they inherit from their
 Dihybrid Crossing  Dihybrid crossing is a father. A child who inherits an X chromosome
type of breeding in which we cross two from her father will be a girl, and one who
individuals that differ in respect of a two gene inherits a Y chromosome from him will be a
i.e. differ by two traits. boy.
 Mendel choose Pea Plant because:
o Generation time of it is less.
o Easy to get pure breed plant through
o Have good excellent disease
o Flowers of it have bisexual
o It is very easy to grow it
 .

Sex Determination in Humans

 Sex determination definition  It’s a process

through which gender i.e. male or female of a
person is determined.
 Sex Chromosome definition  They are those
chromosomes which determine the gender of
a person.
 Male (man or father)  has sex chromosome
pair as XY  he has one X chromosome and
one Y chromosome  it means sperm has X
and Y chromosome  Imperfect pair of
 Female (women or mother)  has sex
chromosome pair as XX  she has two X
chromosome (no Y chromosome)  It means
eggs (ova) has two X chromosome  perfect
pair of chromosome

2All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
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Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke

F1 Generation

a) Phenotype ratio:

No ratio

b) Genotype ratio

No ratio

F2 Generation

a) Phenotype ratio:


b) Genotype ratio:


1All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
Legal action will be taken in case of violation of the copyright.
Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke

F1 Generation

a) Phenotype ratio:

No ratio

b) Genotype ratio

No ratio

F2 Generation

a) Phenotype ratio:


b) Genotype ratio:

1All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
Legal action will be taken in case of violation of the copyright.

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