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Chapter #



Rong Chen+ , Marco Sgroi+ , Luciano Lavagno++ , Grant Martin++ , Alberto

Sangiovanni-Vincentelli+, Jan Rabaey+
+ ++
Univeristy of California at Berkeley, Cadence Design Systems

Important trends are emerging for the design of embedded systems: a)

the use of highly programmable platforms, and b) the use of the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) for embedded software development. We believe
that the time has come to combine these two concepts into a unified
embedded system development methodology. Although each concept is
powerful in its own right, their combination magnifies the effective gains in
productivity and implementation. This paper defines a UML profile, called
UML Platform, and shows how it can be used to represent platforms. As an
example, the Intercom platform designed at the Berkeley Wireless Research
Center is presented to illustrate the approach.

Key words: UML, Platform-based Design, Embedded System, Quality of Service

Embedded System Design (ESD or just ES) is about the implementation
of a set of functionalities satisfying a number of constraints ranging from
performance to cost, emissions, power consumption and weight. Due to
complexity increases, coupled with constantly evolv ing specifications, the
interest in software-based implementations has risen to previously unseen
levels because software is intrinsically flexible. Unlike traditional software
design, embedded software (ESW) design must consider hard constraints
such as reaction speed, memory footprint and power consumption of
2 Chapter #

software because ESW is really an implementation choice of a functionality

that can be also implemented as a hardware component, so that we cannot
abstract away the hard characteristics of software. For this reason, we
believe ESW needs to be linked 1) upwards in the abstraction levels to
system functionality, 2) to the programmable platforms that support it, thus
providing the much needed means to verify whether the constraints posed on
ES are met.
UML is the emerging standard meta-notation (a family of related
notations) used in the software world to define many aspects of object-
oriented software systems [4]. Now UML is also capturing much attention
in the ESW community as a possible solution for raising the level of
abstraction to a point where productivity can be improved, errors can be
easier to identify and correct, better documentation can be provided, and
ESW designers can collaborate more effectively. An essential deficiency is
that UML standardizes the syntax and semantics of diagrams, but not
necessarily the detailed semantics of implementations of the functionality
and structure of the diagrams in software. In [2], some requirements are
identified that have to be satisfied to make UML a suitable development
basis for embedded systems design, in terms of notation, semantics,
refinement steps, and methodologies. The UML Platform profile described
in this paper can be considered as a notation to satisfy some of the
requirements of [2].
Platform-based design has emerged as one of the key development
approaches for complex systems, including embedded systems in the last
several years. In [1], an architecture platform is defined as a specific 'family'
of micro-architectures, possibly oriented toward a particular class of
problems that can be modified (extended or reduced) by the system
developer. The choice of a platform is driven by cost and time-to-market
considerations and is done after exploration of both the application and
architecture design spaces. Furthermore, [1] defines an API platform, a
software layer that abstracts computational resources and peripherals
contained within the architecture platform, to hide unnecessary
implementation details from embedded software developers. A platform can
be described in terms of the type and quality of the services it offers to its
users. Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, e.g. processing speed and I/O
bandwidth, define platform performance and reliability and therefore are the
essential distinguishing factors between platforms. The task of a designer is
to find a platform that best meets the QoS requirements of applications [3].
When we combine UML with the platform-based design concept, we
see, following the reasoning of [2], that it is necessary to have a way of
describing those platforms in UML, i.e., a projection of the platform into the
UML notation space. The definition of this projection is the purpose of this
chapter that describes a "UML Platform" proposal.
#. Embedded System Design Using UML and Platforms 3

UML already has the capability to model the most relevant real-time
system features, such as performance (using tagged attributes or OCL [10]),
resources (using Component or Deployment Diagrams), and time (using
classifiers and tagged attributes). However, in absence of a standard and
unified modeling approach, the same embedded systems specification may
be modeled in several different ways. Therefore, how to use UML for
modeling real-time systems has become recently an active area of research
and several proposals have been made.
The Real-Time UML profile [3] defines a unified framework to express
the time, scheduling and performance aspects of a system. It is based on a set
of notations that can be used by designers to build models of real-time
systems annotated with relevant QoS parameters. The profile standardizes an
extended UML notation to support the interoperability of modeling and
analysis tools but touches little on platform representation. UML-RT [11] is
a profile that extends UML with stereotyped active objects, calle d capsules,
to represent system components. The internal behavior of a capsule is
defined using statecharts; its interaction with other capsules takes place by
means of protocols that define the sequence of signals exchanged through
stereotyped objects called ports. The UML-RT profile defines a model with
precise execution semantics; hence it is suitable to capture system behavior
and support simulation or synthesis tools (e.g. Rose RT). HASoC [5] is a
design methodology based on UML-RT notation. The design flow begins
with a description of the system functionality initially given in use case
diagrams and then in a UML-RT version properly extended to include
annotations with mapping information. De Jong in [9] presents an approach
that combines the informal notation of the UML Diagrams with the formal
semantics of SDL. It consists of a flow from the initial specification phase to
the deployment level that specifies the target architecture. The high-level
system specification is specified using use case diagrams; the system
components and their interactions are described using block diagrams and
message sequence charts, respectively. Then the behavior of each module is
specified using SDL that provides an executable and simulatable

2.1 Our approach

In this chapter, we propose a new UML profile, called UML Platform, to

model embedded system platforms. First, we introduce a subset of UML
notation (new building blocks using stereotypes and tags) to represent
specific platform concepts. Then, we show the main levels of abstraction for
platforms and the most common types of relationships between platform
4 Chapter #

components, and how to use appropriate UML diagrams along with

aforementioned UML notations to model those platforms and relationships.
Last, we explain how to represent platform QoS performance and do
constraint budgeting.

2.2 Case study: the Intercom

The Intercom [7] is a single -cell wireless network supporting full-duplex

voice communication among multiple mobile users in a small geographical
area. Each remote can request one of the following services: subscription to
enter active mode, unsubscription to return to idle mode, query of active
users, conference with one or multiple remotes, and broadcast
communication. The system specification also includes performance
requirements on the transmission of voice samples such as latency,
throughput, and power consumption. [7] defines a protocol stack that
includes Application, Transport, MAC and Physical layers (see Figure 1). Its
physical implementation is composed of a reconfigurable embedded
processor (Tensilica Xtensa running the RTOS eCos), a memory subsystem,
fixed and configurable logic and a silicon backplane (supporting Sonics
OCP) that interconnects these components.

Service Requests Voice Samples

Application Layer
UI Mulaw Mulaw

Transport Layer

MAC Layer

Filter MAC

Physical Layer
Transmit Receive


Tx_data TxRx Rx_data

Figure 1. Intercom Protocol Stack

#. Embedded System Design Using UML and Platforms 5


3.1 New stereotypes and tagged values

In this section, we introduce a set of new stereotypes and tagged values

for the UML Platform profile. The list of stereotypes and tagged values is
derived from the description of several platform examples and, hence, in our
opinion it is sufficient to model most embedded platforms.
For each of the building blocks that are frequently used in modeling
platform components such as processor, device driver, scheduler, table,
buffer, memory, cache, etc., a stereotyped classifier is defined. A stereotyped
classifier usually includes a set of attributes and methods that are specified
only when the block is instantiated at modeling time. For example, the
stereotyped class “cache” is associated with attributes such as "valid", "block
index", "tag", and "data", methods such as "write through" or "write back",
and QoS parameters such as “hit time” or “miss penalty”.
< < u s e / n e e d> >

< < p e e r> >


<<transparent stack >> < < o p a q u e s t a c k> >

Figure 2. Use, Stack , Peer Stereotyped Relationship

The following stereotypes model common relationships between

platform components. At the top of the hierarchy shown in Figure 2, the
stereotype <<use>> represents a relationship in which an entity uses a
service provided by a resource, while the stereotype <<need>> indicates
when an entity needs a service from another entity, but the service is not
currently available, i.e. not implemented. Thus it represents a request for
future service enhancements.
6 Chapter #

<<stack>> and <<peer>> are refinements of the stereotype <<use>>.

<<stack>> is used when the platform component providing the service and
the one using it are at different levels of abstraction. We further specialize
this stereotyped relationship into <<transparent stack>> and <<opaque
stack>>. <<transparent stack>> models the case where the upper level
component knows how the service is implemented within the lower level.
So, it is possible for the upper entity to bypass the lower one in search of a
service that is simpler, but more suited to the requirements. For example,
normally a data transfer function interacts with a medium access control
(MAC) function to transfer data, but if a faster transfer rate is desired the
data transfer function may bypass the MAC function to directly call a device
driver to access the network inter-connector. In such case, the data transfer
function and the MAC function are related by a transparent stack
relationship. <<opaque stack>> describes the case when the upper level
component has no knowledge of how the service is implemented by the
lower level component. Thus, the upper entity has to always rely on the
lower one to provide the necessary service. For example, a platform service
function written in a high-level language declared as an interrupt service
routine always relies on an RTOS to save the microprocessor context,
identify the interrupt source, and invoke it whenever the interrupt arrives.
Due to the insufficient power of the high-level language, it cannot bypass the
RTOS to run on top of a bare microprocessor. In this case, the platform
service function and the RTOS form an opaque stack relationship. <<peer>>
is used when both the platform component using and the one providing the
service are at the same abstraction level. In general, peers can only exist
within the same level platform, but stack can exist both within and across
one level platform.
<<communicate>> is used to relate two components sharing some
information. It can be further specialized by stereotypes representing specific
models of computation, e.g. <<asynchronous>>, <<RPC synchronous>>,
<<rendezvous>>, <<Kahn process>>, etc. <<coupling>> reveals the limited
freedom in choosing platform components. There are two types of couplings:
<<weak coupling>> and <<strong coupling>>. If whenever one entity is
chosen, one from a certain group of entities must also be chosen in order to
achieve some functionality, then we say a weak coupling exists between this
entity and the group; if whenever one entity is chosen, exactly one other
entity has also to be chosen in order to achieve some functionality, then a
strong coupling exists between these two entities. Note that, although the
<<coupling>> relationship can be also described in OCL [10], the stereotype
form is preferred because it is more visible to users. Figure 3 shows an
example of the use of <<weak coupling>> between an RTOS and a CPU.
These two entities are coupled because when a CPU is used also an RTOS
must be used, and vice versa. This coupling is weak in both directions
#. Embedded System Design Using UML and Platforms 7

because there are several types of RTOS that can run on the Xtensa CPU and
several CPUs that can support the eCOS RTOS. Finally, we call <<share>>
the relationship among multiple entities that use services provided by the
same resource (e.g. in Figure 3, tasks sender and receiver share the same
CPU). In the presence of <<share>>, it is frequently necessary to deploy an
allocation or arbitration scheme, such as a scheduler.

< < task > > <<share>> < < task > >
Sender Receiver
<<use>> <<use>>
< < R T O S>>

<<use>> <<use>>
<<weak coupling>>


Figure 3. Share, Coupling Relationship

Tagged values (or called tags) are used to extend the properties of a
UML building block with additional information. In the UML Platform
profile, they are mainly used to specify QoS parameters, application
requirements, as well as communication types, usage types, etc. Examples of
relevant tags are: {throughput} for communication throughput, {delay} for
time delay between request and response, {precision} for calculation
precision, {power} for power consumption, {size} for memory size.

3.2 Platforms

We classify embedded system platforms into three abstraction levels:

architecture (ARC), application programming interface (API), and
application specific programmable (ASP) platforms (see Figure 4). The ARC
Layer includes a specific family of micro-architectures (physical hardware),
so that the UML deployment diagram is naturally chosen to represent the
ARC platform. The API layer is a software abstraction layer wrapping ARC
implementation details. API should be presented by showing what kinds of
logical services (represented as interfaces) are provided and how they are
grouped together. For example, it is important for users to know that
preemption is supported by an RTOS, but not how this service is
8 Chapter #

implemented inside the RTOS because users (either platform users or

developers) rarely need to modify the RTOS itself. For such a purpose,
RTOS, device-driver and network communication subsystem are treated as
components, i.e., the physical packaging elements for logic al services. In
UML, their natural representation is the component diagram.

application domain -specific ASP

services (functions, user platform

abstraction level
network device API
RTOS c o m m u.
subsystem driver platform

µP and i n t e r- / ARC
memory connection
o platform


Figure 4. Platforms at Different Levels

ASP is a platform, which makes a group of application domain-specific

services directly available to users. For example, the function to set up a
connection in the Intercom is such a domain-specific service. In addition to
calling these existing services, users sometimes also need to modify or
combine them, or even develop new services to meet certain requirements.
Consequently, unlike API, here it becomes essential to show not only what
functionality these services offer, but also how such services are supported
by their internal structures, and how they relate to each other. In UML, the
class diagram best represents such information.
Figure 5 shows how Intercom platforms are represented by UML
Platform, where:
• ARC, API and ASP platforms are represented by deployment,
component and class diagrams respectively;
• A <<transparent stack>> relationship exists within the ASP platform
(such as the one indicated by the dotted line between Transport and
MAC); an <<opaque stack>> relationship exists between ASP and API
(such as the one indicated by the solid line between Transport and eCos),
and between API and ARC (such as the one indicated by the solid line
between eCos and Xtensa). This implies that Transport may bypass
MAC in search of better-suited performance, but it can never bypass
• <<share>> is used twice: Application and Transport share eCos, while
MAC and Physical share devic e driver.
#. Embedded System Design Using UML and Platforms 9

ASP Intercom platforms

App. MAC

Trans. PHY


Xtensa Silicon-
API backplane

eCos Sonics ASIC

Figure 5. Intercom Represented by UML Platform

3.3 Quality of Service (QoS) and Constraints

QoS parameters identify key performance properties and therefore allow

classifying and comparing of different platforms. A set of QoS parameters
that completely characterize the needs of any application is obviously
impossible to define. However, it is possible to decompose QoS properties
into just a few orthogonal dimensions (called QoS parameters). For example,
for the ARC platform, such dimensions can be power consumption, memory
size, processing capability, communication throughput, and for the API
platform, task-handling number, task-waiting time, etc. The design
constraints can be decomposed along the same dimensions, and this will
conceivably enable some form of automatic matching and analysis between
QoS properties and design constraints. In [6], the former are called offered
QoS (the values are given by the platform providers), the latter required QoS
(the constraints on these variables are specified by the platform users), and
we adopt such terminologies here. In general, we model QoS parameters by
annotating classifiers and relationships with tagged values.
Constraints complement the functional specification of an ES with a set
of formulae that declare the valid range for variables in the implementation.
At the beginning of the design process, constraints are defined for the global
system performance and then propagated (through budgeting) to lower levels
of abstraction to bind the performances of local components as the design
gets refined. The objective of this chapter is neither to define a methodology
for constraint budgeting and verification nor to propose a new constraint
specification formalism in addition to the ones in [8] and [10], but to provide
10 Chapter #

guidelines on using the UML notation in the budgeting process: annotate

diagrams with tags describing constraints and use the graph structure to
show how the lower-level components are connected (either sequentially or
concurrently) to drive the budgeting process. Assume a constraint φ is given
on the minimum throughput of a node, and this node is refined into multiple
components. If two components are composed in sequence, φ is propagated
to both, because throughput is non-additive for series composition. Instead,
if two components are composed in parallel, two constraints, φ1 and φ2, can
be derived, provided their sum does not exceed the original constraint φ.

In this paper we have presented a new UML Profile, called UML
Platform. We have introduced new building blocks to represent specific
platform concepts; selected proper UML diagrams and notations to model
platforms at different abstraction levels including QoS performance and
constraints. As future work we will develop a full design methodology and
tool set based on UML Platform.

1. A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Defining Platform-based Design, EEDesign, Feb 2002.
2. G. Martin, L. Lavagno, J. Louis-Guerin, Embedded UML: a merger of real-time
UML and co-design, Proceedings of CODES 2001, Copenhagen, Apr. ‘01, p.23-28.
3. Bran Selic, A Generic Framework for Modeling Resources with UML, IEEE
Computer, June 2000, pp.64-69
4. J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, and G. Booch, The Unified Modeling Language User
Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1998
5. P. N. Green, M. D. Edwards, The modeling of Embedded Systems Using HASoC,
Proceedings of DATE 02.
6. ARTiSAN Software Tools, Inc. et al., Response to the OMG RFP for
Schedulability, Performance, and Time, OMG document number: ad/2001-06-14,
June, 2001.
7. J. da Silva Jr., M. Sgroi, F. De Bernardinis, S.F Li, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and
J. Rabaey, Wireless Protocols Design: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings
of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign, CODES
'00, S.Diego, CA, USA, May 2000.
8. Rosetta, www.sldl.org
9. G. de Jong, A UML-Based Design Methodology for Real-Time and Embedded
Systems, Proceedings of DATE 02.
10. J. Warmer, A. Kleppe, The Object Constraint Language: Precise Modeling with
UML, Object Technology Series, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
11. Selic, J. Rumbaugh, Using UML for Modeling Complex Real-Time Systems, White
paper, Rational (Object Time), March 1998.

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