Index to the Judgment
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 25
2. Brief facts of the case are that the present FIR was registered
on 13.10.2022, on the basis of complaint lodged by respondent no.
2/complainant who had stated that the petitioner had met her for the
13. This Court also notes that in the present case, a unique set of
circumstances has come to the light, necessitating an examination of
the boundaries between personal lives of the individuals and the
intricacies of legal framework. Though the complainant herein had
lodged a complaint alleging commission of acts of rape, contending
that the accused had engaged in sexual relations with her under the
false pretext of marriage, it is noteworthy that both the complainant
Dimensions of Live-in-Relationship
15. The Hon‟ble Apex Court in case of Lata Singh v. State of U.P.
(2006) 5 SCC 475 had held that a girl who is a major is free to marry
anyone she likes or „live with anyone she likes‟. Moreover, in S.
Khushboo v. Kanniammal (2010) 5 SCC 600, the Hon‟ble Apex
Court had observed that no offence is committed if two adults
willingly engage in sexual relations without there being a martial
setting, though with obvious exception of „adultery‟ as defined under
Section 494 of IPC. In reference to observation of Hon‟ble Apex
Court in case of S. Khushboo (supra), it is crucial to note that
“Rape and other offences are an offence against the public and
hence state is the complainant, however, the conduct of the
Complainant herself is against the public policy and against
the norms of the society, and thus by any stretch of
imagination, a crime cannot be said to have taken place”
36. Courts can provide protection only for acts for which lawful
protection is available through the legal system. Rule of law which is
the beacon light and the guiding star driving its light from
constitution of India and the statute does not extend its benevolence
and protection to people who voluntarily enter into unions or acts for
which protection of law is not available. In this regard, a sexual
41. As discussed earlier, in the present case, the complainant
legally married to another person, voluntarily entered into a live-in