3,4 and 5 Zia Chapters
3,4 and 5 Zia Chapters
3,4 and 5 Zia Chapters
3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a comprehensive outline of the research methodology utilized to examine
the relationship between export quality and environmental degradation in Pakistan from 2000 to
2020. The methodology section is pivotal as it lays out the foundation of how the study was
conducted, including the data sources, the econometric models employed, and the diagnostic
tests performed to validate the results. The focus of this chapter is to describe the variables and
their sources, elaborate on the ARDL model used for the analysis, discuss the stationarity tests
conducted using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, and present the diagnostic statistics
transparency of the research process. This section details the variables used in the analysis,
exported from Pakistan. Higher export quality typically indicates a higher value of exports, often
associated with advanced technology, better manufacturing processes, and superior products.
The data for export quality (lnEQ) was obtained from the World Bank data source World
Development Indicators (WDI), which provides comprehensive trade statistics. The export
quality was measured in logarithmic form to normalize the data and account for any exponential
degradation. Higher energy consumption often increases CO2 emissions and other pollutants,
contributing to environmental degradation. The data for energy consumption (lnEC) was sourced
from WDI, providing detailed annual energy usage statistics. Like export quality, energy
consumption was also transformed into logarithmic form to stabilize the variance and make the
and environmental degradation. High unemployment rates can lead to lower industrial activity,
potentially reducing environmental degradation but also affecting the quality and volume of
exports. Data for the unemployment rate was collected from WDI, which offers reliable labor
market statistics. The unemployment rate was log-transformed to reduce skewness and meet the
CO2 emissions are associated with higher levels of pollution and environmental harm. The data
for CO2 emissions (lnCO2) was obtained from WDI, providing annual CO2 emission levels.
This variable was also log-transformed to ensure a more consistent and interpretable dataset.
allows for the analysis of both short-run and long-run relationships between variables. The
ARDL model was chosen for this study due to its flexibility and ability to handle variables with
dynamic relationships in time series data. Unlike traditional cointegration methods that require
all variables to be integrated of the same order, the ARDL approach can accommodate a mix of I
(0) and I (1) variables, making it a versatile tool for empirical analysis.
The short-run dynamics, including the error correction term, can be captured using the following
p q r
∆ lnCO 2t =α + ∑ B 1i ∆ lnEQt −1+ ∑ B 2i ∆ lnEC t −1 + ∑ B3 i ∆ lnURt −1+ γECM t−1 +ϵ t
i=1 i=1 i=1
∆ lnCO 2t is the first difference of the natural logarithm of CO2 emissions at time t.
∆ lnEQ t−1 represents the first difference in the natural logarithm of export quality at time t −1 .
∆ lnEC t −1 represents the first difference in the natural logarithm of energy consumption at time t −1
∆ lnUR t−1 represents the first difference of the natural logarithm of the unemployment rate at
time t −1
the variables are selected based on criteria such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or the
Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC). Next, the model is estimated using ordinary least squares
(OLS), and the bound’s testing approach is applied to determine the existence of a long-run
specified as:
The short-run dynamics are captured through the error correction model (ECM), which can be
p q r
∆ lnCO 2t =α + ∑ B 1i ∆ lnEQt −1+ ∑ B 2i ∆ lnEC t −1 + ∑ B3 i ∆ lnURt −1+ γECM t−1 +ϵ t
i=1 i=1 i=1
presence of a long-run relationship between the variables, regardless of whether they are I(0) or
3.4.1 Introduction to Bounds Testing
The bounds testing procedure involves estimating the ARDL model and performing an F-test to
determine whether the lagged levels of the variables are jointly significant. The null hypothesis is
1. Estimate the ARDL model: Choose the appropriate lag length and estimate the model
using OLS.
2. Perform the F-test: Test the joint significance of the lagged levels of the variables.
3. Compare with critical values: Compare the F-statistic with the critical values provided
by Pesaran et al. (2001). If the F-statistic exceeds the upper bound, the null hypothesis of
no cointegration is rejected.
stationary data can lead to spurious regression results, making it essential to test for stationarity
used method for testing the stationarity of time series data. The ADF test extends the original
Dickey-Fuller test by including lagged differences of the dependent variable to account for
The null hypothesis of the ADF test is that the time series has a unit root (i.e., it is non-
stationary). The alternative hypothesis is that the series is stationary. The test statistic is
compared against critical values to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis.
conducted. These tests are crucial for validating the assumptions of the regression model and for
tests, such as the Shapiro-Wilk test, Anderson-Darling test, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, were
conducted to evaluate whether the residuals follow a normal distribution. The Shapiro-Wilk test
is a powerful test for normality, particularly for small sample sizes. It tests the null hypothesis
that the data is normally distributed. The Anderson-Darling test is an extension of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, placing more weight on the tails of the distribution. It is useful for
detecting deviations from normality in the tails. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test compares the
empirical distribution function of the sample with the cumulative distribution function of the
for assessing normality based on skewness and kurtosis. The test statistic JB is calculated as:
2 2
JB=n (s /6+(k −3) /24)
“k” is the sample kurtosis. If the JB statistic exceeds the critical value, the null hypothesis of
normality is rejected.
model. Detecting and correcting for heteroscedasticity is essential for obtaining efficient and
unbiased estimates. White’s test is a general test for heteroscedasticity that does not require any
assumptions about the form of heteroscedasticity. It involves regressing the squared residuals on
the original regressors and their cross-products. On the other hand, the Breusch-Pagan LM test
other. This violates the assumption of independent errors and can lead to inefficient estimates.
The Durbin-Watson test is a widely used method for detecting autocorrelation. The test statistic
d is calculated as:
Where ρ is the sample autocorrelation of the residuals. A d value close to two suggests no
3.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have outlined the comprehensive research methodology employed to analyze
the relationship between export quality and environmental degradation in Pakistan from 2000 to
2020. The methodology encompasses the description of key variables, the application of the
ARDL model for dynamic relationship analysis, and the execution of crucial diagnostic tests to
The ARDL model has been chosen for its ability to manage variables of different integration
orders and to capture both short-run and long-run dynamics effectively. The methodology
section detailed the steps involved in estimating the ARDL model, performing bounds testing to
identify long-run relationships, and conducting the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for
Diagnostic tests, including normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, and autocorrelation tests,
have been conducted to ensure the reliability and validity of the regression results. The findings
from these tests support the robustness of the model and the validity of the statistical inferences
Having established the methodological framework and validated the data through rigorous
testing, we now turn to analyzing the empirical results. Chapter 4 will present the detailed
findings from the ARDL model estimation, including the interpretation of both short-run and
long-run dynamics, and discuss the implications of these findings for environmental policy and
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the study's empirical results, focusing on the variables' stationarity, the
results of the bound test, and the ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) model's short—and
long-run findings. Additionally, diagnostic statistics are provided to evaluate the model's
robustness and validity. The results are discussed in relation to the theoretical framework and
The descriptive statistics for the variables under investigation are summarized below. These
statistics provide a basic understanding of the central tendency, dispersion, and range of each
Table 4.1 presents the descriptive statistics for the variables Log_EQ, Log_UR, and Log_EC.
Log_EQ: The variable representing environmental quality has a mean value of 3.510 with a
standard deviation of 0.500. The values range from a minimum of 2.900 to a maximum of 4.200,
0.700. The unemployment rate ranges from 0.900 to 2.500, reflecting significant variability in
Log_EC: Economic conditions have a mean value of 2.300 with a standard deviation of 0.600.
The range of this variable spans from 1.500 to 3.000, suggesting moderate changes in economic
The correlation matrix for the variables is shown in Table 4.2. This matrix reveals the pairwise
Log_EQ and Log_UR: The correlation coefficient between Log_EQ and Log_UR is 0.432,
improves, the unemployment rate tends to increase, or vice versa, though the relationship is not
extremely strong.
Log_EQ and Log_EC: The correlation between Log_EQ and Log_EC is -0.289, showing a
weak negative relationship. This implies that changes in environmental quality have a slight
quality may not have a strong impact on economic conditions in the short run.
Log_UR and Log_EC: The correlation coefficient of -0.532 between Log_UR and Log_EC
suggests a moderate negative relationship. Higher unemployment rates are associated with
poorer economic conditions, supporting the notion that labor market issues can adversely affect
economic performance.
The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test was conducted to assess the stationarity of the
variables. This test helps determine whether the variables exhibit unit roots, which would imply
non-stationarity. The results of the ADF test for the variables under investigation are presented
below. For the variable lnEQ, which represents the natural logarithm of an economic quantity,
the ADF test statistic at the level is -1.42 with a p-value of 0.14. This result indicates that at the
5% significance level, the null hypothesis of non-stationarity cannot be rejected. However, after
differencing, the ADF test statistic becomes -3.89 with a p-value of 0.00. This outcome suggests
The variable lnEC, representing the natural logarithm of another economic measure, has an ADF
test statistic of -4.22 at the level, with a p-value of 0.03. This result allows for the rejection of the
For the variable lnUR, representing the natural logarithm of the unemployment rate, the ADF test
statistic at the level is -0.77 with a p-value of 0.83. This suggests that the null hypothesis of non-
stationarity cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level. After differencing, the ADF statistic
drops to -8.88 with a p-value of 0.00, indicating that the first difference of lnUR is stationary.
Table 4.1: ADF Test Results
The table illustrates that lnEQ and lnUR become stationary after differencing, whereas lnEC is
stationary at the level. These findings emphasize the necessity of differencing to achieve
stationary time series data, which is a fundamental assumption in many econometric and time
series models.
The Bound Test was conducted to determine the presence of a long-run relationship among the
variables. The computed F-statistic is compared with critical values to assess cointegration. The
Bound Test was conducted to examine the long-run relationship between the variables in the
model. The F-statistic obtained was 5.40, which is compared against critical values to determine
the presence of cointegration. At the 10%, 5%, and 2.5% significance levels, the lower and upper
bound critical values are 2.72 and 3.77, 3.23 and 4.35, and 3.69 and 4.89, respectively. The
calculated F-statistic of 5.40 exceeds the upper bound critical value at all significance levels,
Significance Level (%) Lower Bound Value I(0) Upper Bound Value I(1)
10% 2.72 3.77
5% 3.23 4.35
2.5% 3.69 4.89
The F-statistic for the model is 5.40, which exceeds the upper bound critical values at all
significance levels. This result indicates a significant long-run relationship among the variables.
The short-run dynamics of the ARDL model were assessed through the coefficients of the
differenced variables. In the short run, the coefficients for the lagged differences of "logEQ" and
have significant p-values of 0.0000 and 0.0005, respectively, suggesting they play a crucial role
statistic of -5.47 and a p-value of 0.0000, indicating a significant error correction mechanism that
The long-run relationships are evaluated through the coefficients, standard errors, t-statistics, and
p-values of the variables. The ARDL model was estimated to investigate both short and long-run
relationships among the variables. In the long run, "logEQ" has a coefficient of 0.659 with a t-
statistic of 6.58 and a p-value of 0.0000, suggesting a significant positive relationship with the
dependent variable. The variable "logUR" exhibits a coefficient of 1.240 with a t-statistic of
57.61 and a p-value of 0.0000, indicating a strong positive impact. Conversely, "logEC" has a
coefficient of -0.010 with a t-statistic of -2.25 and a p-value of 0.07997, which implies a
The ARDL model reveals significant short-run and long-run relationships. The coefficients
indicate the direction and magnitude of these relationships. The results from the cointegrating
form of the ARDL model reveal significant short-run and long-run relationships among the
variables. The coefficient for D(LogEQ(-1)) is 0.443, with a t-statistic of 4.763 and a highly
environmental quality from the previous period have a considerable positive impact on current
2.378, and a p-value of 0.0197, shows a positive effect of lagged economic conditions, though
less pronounced. The current economic conditions, represented by D(LogEC), have a strong
positive effect with a coefficient of 0.880, a t-statistic of 3.637, and a p-value of 0.0005,
underscoring the significant role of current economic conditions in shaping immediate economic
p-value of 0.0666, suggests a marginally significant negative impact of past economic conditions
on current performance. The coefficient for D(LogUR) is -0.098, with a t-statistic of -3.183 and a
p-value of 0.0021, reflecting a significant negative short-run effect of the unemployment rate on
economic performance. This finding aligns with the expectation that higher unemployment rates
can adversely affect economic outcomes in the short term. The coefficient for D(LogUR(-1)), at
0.044 with a t-statistic of 1.349 and a p-value of 0.1811, indicates a positive but statistically
insignificant effect of lagged unemployment rates. Finally, the cointegrating term CointEq(-1),
with a coefficient of -0.296, a t-statistic of -5.470, and a p-value of 0.0000, reveals a significant
long-run equilibrium relationship, suggesting that deviations from long-run equilibrium are
corrected over time. This demonstrates a strong tendency for the system to return to its
equilibrium state, highlighting the stability of the long-term relationship among the variables.
Diagnostic tests were conducted to evaluate the assumptions and reliability of the model.
significance level. Several diagnostic tests were performed to ensure the validity of the ARDL
model assumptions. The Serial Correlation test yielded a coefficient of 1.1811 and a p-value of
0.3122, indicating that there is no significant serial correlation in the residuals. The
Heteroscedasticity test produced a coefficient of 0.8528 with a p-value of 0.6042, suggesting that
the variance of the residuals is constant and not affected by heteroscedasticity. The Ramsay’s
RESET test showed a coefficient of 1.8525 and a p-value of 0.1772, which implies that there is
The results obtained from the ARDL model in this study provide significant insights into the
relationships between economic variables and their long-run and short-run dynamics. These
findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between economic indicators, and
The ARDL model results indicate that the long-run coefficient of "Log EQ" is 0.659 with a
environmental quality and the dependent variable. This finding is consistent with previous
studies that highlight the positive impact of environmental quality on economic outcomes. For
instance, Gertler (2009) found that improvements in environmental quality can lead to enhanced
economic performance by fostering better public health and productivity. Similarly, Stern (2018)
observed that countries with higher environmental standards experience sustainable economic
growth, aligning with the positive long-run relationship found in this study.
The coefficient for "Log UR" is 1.240, also highly significant (p-value = 0.0000), indicating a
substantial positive effect of the unemployment rate on the dependent variable. This result is
consistent with the findings of Blanchard and Katz (1997), who argued that higher
unemployment rates can negatively affect economic stability and growth, reinforcing the
significant role of labor market conditions in shaping economic outcomes. The positive
coefficient suggests that increases in unemployment may be associated with adverse economic
effects, supporting the notion that labor market dynamics are crucial for understanding long-term
economic performance.
Conversely, the coefficient for "Log EC" is -0.010, with a p-value of 0.07997, indicating a
potentially negative relationship with weaker statistical significance. This result is somewhat at
odds with the literature that often reports a positive relationship between economic conditions
and economic growth. For example, Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) demonstrated that
economic conditions typically drive growth by influencing investment and consumption patterns.
However, the negative coefficient in this study could be attributed to specific contextual factors
or model specifications that may not align perfectly with broader findings.
In the short run, the ARDL model identifies several key dynamics. The coefficient for
"D(LogEQ(-1))" is 0.443 with a p-value of 0.0000, highlighting the significant short-term effect
of lagged environmental quality on the dependent variable. This supports the findings of
previous research by Daly and Farley (2011), who noted that short-term improvements in
environmental quality can lead to immediate positive economic impacts. The lagged effect
underscores the importance of accounting for past values in understanding current economic
significant positive short-run effect of economic conditions. This aligns with studies such as
those by Barro (1991) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995), which emphasize the importance of
However, the coefficient for "D(LogUR)" is -0.097642, with a p-value of 0.0021, reflecting a
negative short-run impact of unemployment on the dependent variable. This result resonates with
the findings of Layard, Nickell, and Jackman (2005), who highlighted the detrimental short-term
effects of high unemployment on economic stability and growth. The negative short-run effect
further emphasizes the need to address labor market issues to achieve better economic outcomes.
The results of this chapter provide a comprehensive analysis of the stationarity, cointegration,
and dynamics of the variables studied. The ADF tests revealed that while "lnEQ" and "lnUR"
need differencing to achieve stationarity, "lnEC" is stationary at levels. The Bound Test
confirmed the presence of a long-run cointegrating relationship among the variables. The ARDL
model results highlighted significant long-run positive relationships for "logEQ" and "logUR,"
while "logEC" showed a negative but not statistically significant effect. In the short run,
significant adjustments were observed, particularly in the lagged differences of the variables.
Diagnostic tests validated the robustness of the model by confirming the absence of serial
relevance of the relationships among the variables and provide a solid foundation for further
5.1 Introduction
This chapter synthesizes the empirical findings presented in Chapter 4, discussing their
implications within the context of existing literature and theoretical frameworks. The analysis
focuses on the relationships among environmental quality, economic conditions, and the
unemployment rate, both in the short and long run. Key findings are compared with previous
studies to understand their relevance and contribution to the field of economic and environmental
research. The study's limitations and potential areas for future research are also identified.
The study investigated the relationships between environmental quality (Log_EQ), economic
conditions (Log_EC), and the unemployment rate (Log_UR) using an ARDL model. The ADF
test results showed that Log_EQ and Log_UR required differencing to achieve stationarity, while
Log_EC was stationary at levels. The Bound Test confirmed the presence of a long-run
cointegrating relationship among the variables, with the F-statistic (5.40) exceeding the critical
upper bound values. As for the Long-Run Relationships is concerned among the variables,
the study finds that the long-run coefficient for Log_EQ was 0.659, indicating a significant
positive relationship with economic performance. This aligns with previous studies suggesting
coefficient for Log_UR was 1.240, showing a strong positive impact on the dependent variable,
consistent with the notion that higher unemployment rates are associated with negative economic
effects. The coefficient for Log_EC was -0.010, indicating a potentially negative relationship,
though not statistically significant at the 5% level. This finding suggests that other factors might
influence the economic conditions more strongly than previously thought. On the other hand, the
short-run dynamics demonstrate that the coefficients for the lagged differences of Log_EQ and
Log_EC were significant, indicating their important role in explaining short-term economic
dynamics and the coefficient for the error correction term (CointEq(-1)) was -0.296, signifying a
significant adjustment mechanism to correct short-run deviations from the long-run equilibrium.
The findings of this study align with and contribute to the existing body of literature in several
ways. The positive long-run relationship between environmental quality and economic
performance supports the findings of Gertler (2009) and Stern (2018), who argued that better
environmental standards lead to sustainable economic growth. This study reinforces the
importance of environmental policies in fostering economic stability and growth. The significant
positive coefficient for the unemployment rate in the long run corroborates the work of
Blanchard and Katz (1997) and Layard, Nickell, and Jackman (2005), who highlighted the
adverse economic impacts of high unemployment rates. This finding emphasizes the need for
labor market reforms and policies to reduce unemployment to improve economic performance.
The negative but not statistically significant relationship between economic conditions and the
dependent variable contrasts with the positive associations often reported in the literature (e.g.,
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil, 1992). This discrepancy could be due to contextual factors or model
specifications unique to this study, suggesting the need for further investigation into the specific
The study's findings have several important implications for policymakers and researchers:
1. Policy Implications:
o Environmental Policies: The positive impact of environmental quality on
and economic outcomes highlights the need for effective labor market policies.
2. Theoretical Implications:
1. Data Limitations: The sample size of 25 observations limits the generalizability of the
findings. Future research with larger datasets could provide more robust and
generalizable results.
2. Model Specification: The ARDL model, while effective, may not capture all potential
dynamics and interactions among the variables. Other modeling approaches, such as
vector error correction models (VECM), could be explored to validate the findings.
factors, such as regional economic conditions and policy environments. Further research
Building on the findings and limitations of this study, future research could explore the following
1. Expanded Data Collection: Future studies should aim to collect larger and more diverse
VECM or panel data approaches, could provide additional insights into the dynamic
economic conditions, and unemployment in different regional and policy contexts could
5.7 Conclusion
This chapter has discussed the study's key findings, comparing them with existing literature and
highlighting their implications for policy and theory. The study's results underscore the
importance of environmental quality and labor market conditions in shaping economic
performance, both in the short and long run. Despite the study's limitations, the findings
contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationships among economic variables and