2023 Assignment
2023 Assignment
2023 Assignment
Use the data in htv_.wf1 and Eviews to answer this question. The data set includes
information on wages, education, parents education and several other variables for 1230
working men. The variables in this data set include:
(a) Compute the means of educ, motheduc, and fatheduc. What do you conclude?
Mean 13.0374 12.17805 12.44715
[1 mark]
(b) Draw scatter plots of (1) educ and motheduc and (2) educ and fatheduc. What do you
Question 2
[2 marks]
(c) Write a linear regression model (i.e., population regression function) in which the
dependent variable is educ and the explanatory variables are motheduc and fatheduc.
educ = β0 + β1 * motheduc + β2 * fatheduc + ε
(d) Estimate the regression model in (c) and report your results in equation form
along with the standard errors, number of observations and R2.
[3 marks]
(e) Interpret the estimated slope parameters in (d), while paying attention to the units of
measurement. Do these estimates comply with your expectations? Explain.
[4 marks]
(f) How well does the model fit the data? Use the R2 to explain. [2 marks]
(g) Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the coefficient of motheduc and fatheduc are
the same. Use the 5% level of significance. What do you conclude?
[4 marks]
(h) Add the variable abil to the regression model in (c). Conduct a hypothesis test to
determine if ‘ability’ helps to explain variations in education. What do you conclude?
[3 marks]
(i) A data scientist claims that this regression analysis is sufficient to uncover the effect
of parents’ education on their children’s education. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Explain.
[3 marks]
To estimate the relationship between hours of training per employee at the firm level and
other characteristics of firms, a student considers the following regression model:
Regression results
Dependent Variable: HRSEMP
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 320
Included observations: 320
(a) Interpret the estimated coefficients of grant and ln(sales), while paying attention to
the units of measurement.
[4 marks]
(b) What happen if you add the dummy variable nogrant to the model? Will this
improve the regression results? Explain your reasoning.
[2 marks]
(c) Test the null hypothesis that, after controlling for ln(sales) and ln(employ), grant has
no effect on hrsemp against that the alternative that there is an effect. Carry out the
test at the 5% significance level. What do you conclude?
[3 marks]
(d) Test the null hypothesis that, after controlling for grant and ln(sales), ln(employ) has
no effect on hrsemp against the alternative that ln(employ) has a positive effect.
Carry out the test at the 1% significance level. What do you conclude?
[3 marks]
(e) The sample means of hrsemp and sales are 15.78 and 6,330,290,
respectively. Calculate the elasticity of hrsemp with respect to sales. Interpret
the result.
[2 marks]
(f) Use the regression results below to test the overall significance of the regression at
the 5% level.
[4 marks]
Regression results
Dependent Variable: HRSEMP
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 320
Included observations: 320
(g) What kind of factors are contained in the error term, ei? Are these factors likely to be
correlated with any of the explanatory variables included in the model? If so, how
does it influence the estimation results reported on the previous page?
[3 marks]