9169 Digital Grades - Acting - ONLINE
9169 Digital Grades - Acting - ONLINE
9169 Digital Grades - Acting - ONLINE
now included
Syllabus specifications for
solo, pair and group exams
from November 2020
Please check trinitycollege.com/digital-drama-grades to make sure you are using the current version
of the syllabus specifications and for the latest information about our digital graded exams.
Trinity accepts entries for its exams on the condition that candidates conform to the requirements of the
appropriate syllabus. Any amendments to the requirements will be published and advertised via our website.
Syllabus specifications for
solo, pair and group exams
from November 2020
Welcome to Trinity College London’s syllabus specifications for Acting digital graded exams containing details of
Initial to Grade 8 exams.
The digital graded exams enable candidates to record their performance at a place and time of their choice and
then submit the video recording via our online platform to be assessed by our expert examiners. The exams have
the same academic rigour as our face-to-face exams, and candidates gain full recognition for their achievements,
with the same certificate and UCAS points awarded as for the face-to-face exams.
Designed for digital
Responsive to a changing world, these exams have been designed to support teaching, learning and assessment
through a digital medium.
Your performance, your choice
Sitting alongside our face-to-face graded exams, digital exams provide even more choice and flexibility in how a
regulated graded qualification can be achieved.
Digital support content
Comprehensive online resources provide support to candidates and teachers throughout their digital exam journey.
1. To take this assessment you must have access to:
w A high-quality audio-visual recording device with enough storage for your performance (eg a good-quality
mobile phone, tablet, laptop or video camera)
w The internet — to access any stimulus material required, eg improvisation, and to upload your complete exam
including the supporting documentation
2. S
timulus material: For certain key skills tasks it is necessary to access stimulus material, eg improvisation from
the website. See the guidance on pages 87–88 for further details. Stimulus materials change every two weeks.
During the two-week validity period of the stimulus the candidate must do the following: access the stimulus, use
that stimulus for the task, film their performance, upload the video of their whole exam for assessment.
3. R
eflective response: For all solo and pair grades, candidates give an impromptu response to set questions in the
reflection task. The set questions and guidance for the reflection task are on pages 89–95. Before you begin filming
your exam you should make a note of these questions to refer to as you undertake the task.
4. A
ll performances must be submitted as one continual performance (this includes all pieces and any key skills
tasks such as improvisation, and the reflective response). Start the recording before your first piece, and do not
stop or pause the video until you have completed all parts of the assessment. Any evidence of editing will result
in a syllabus infringement and your exam will not be assessed.
5. Y
ou can be given assistance to film your performance and another person can be present to operate your
backing tracks (if applicable)
6. A
udio and video must be recorded simultaneously and no pre- or post-production techniques should be applied
to the video
7. F
ilming options are available for pair exams and also for solo exams where an additional performer is involved.
Further information about this is on page 86.
8. Y
ou may not enter the same performance video for the same exam more than once, unless Trinity requires you
to resubmit your video (eg for technical reasons). You may not share your performance video on social media, or
use it for any other exam entries, either with Trinity College London or any other exam board.
Please refer to page 98–99 for details on the process of preparing for and submitting your digital graded exam
for assessment including details of what information to upload with your video.
Introduction to Trinity’s digital graded Acting exams
Furthermore, by working towards these exams, a range Grades 4–5 12 years and over
of other skills not assessed directly are developed
Grades 6–8 16 years and over
that are highly valued by schools and employers:
self-motivation, ability to learn and adjust, working Trinity is committed to making its exams accessible
to deadlines, organisational skills and flexibility. to all, and each candidate is treated individually when
considering how assessments can be adapted for those
LEVELS OF THE QUALIFICATIONS with special needs. Find out more at trinitycollege.com/
Each exam is assigned a level in accordance with the drama-csn
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England
and Northern Ireland. These levels are: ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS FOR
RQF level Grade(s) Level Trinity’s graded Acting exams are conducted in English.
Entry level Initial Initial They assess how candidates use language as a tool for
communicating and performing in particular contexts,
Level 1 Grades 1–3 Foundation rather than assessing the fluency of the language itself.
Level 2 Grades 4–5 Intermediate We recommend, particularly for those exams that
involve a discussion with the examiner, that candidates
Level 3 Grades 6–8 Advanced have a level of English language proficiency of at
least B1 on the CEFR (Common European Framework
ATTAINMENT BANDS of Reference for languages). As the exams are more
The exams are marked out of 100. Candidates’ results demanding of language as the levels advance, CEFR
correspond to different attainment levels as follows: level B2 is suggested from Grade 3, and C1 for Grades 6
and above. More information on the CEFR can be found
Marks received Attainment level at trinitycollege.com/CEFR-level-descriptors
85 or more Distinction Candidates’ use of English must be intelligible to the
examiner, although they are not required to conform
75–84 Merit
linguistically to any particular model of pronunciation
65–74 Pass or usage.
Employability and learning skills
Communication w The ability to explain what you Candidates build their communication skills through
and interpersonal mean in a clear and concise way the performance of material, working on vocal and
skills w To listen and relate to people, physical skills to convey meaning, character and story
and to act upon key information/ to an audience.
instructions Through the reflection task, candidates develop their
skills in responding articulately, as well as self-analysis.
Creativity w The ability to apply knowledge Performance-based tasks support candidates in building
from many different areas to their creativity as they realise material for performance,
solve a task making interpretive choices.
w The ability to develop creative
responses to challenges and
in doing so create original and
imaginative situations
Working under w The ability to manage the The challenge of the exam environment, the
pressure and workload that comes with requirement to prepare thoroughly, together with
to deadlines deadlines tasks that require candidates to respond quickly to new
information are an excellent measure of this skill area.
Organisation w The ability to be organised and Being prepared and organised in the exam room is a
skills methodical key part of the assessment. Candidates are expected
w The ability to plan work to meet to research and prepare their performance pieces and
deadlines and targets take responsibility for the hard-copy information and
w The ability to monitor progress equipment required for the exam.
of work to ensure deadlines
are met
Critical thinking w The ability to analyse material Through rehearsing and preparing for the performance-
skills and deconstruct it to understand based tasks, candidates hone their critical thinking and
how its specific impact is analytical skills.
achieved through language and
Confidence w Belief in one’s own ability to The experience of preparing for both performance and
successfully complete a task the exam can build candidates’ belief in themselves
and their own abilities.
Teamwork w The ability to work well This collaborative skill is demonstrated throughout the
with people from different pair and group exams.
disciplines, backgrounds and
expertise to accomplish a task
or goal
Recognition and progression routes
Recognition and progression routes
Level of regulated Guided learning hours Independent learning hours Total qualification time
qualification (GLH) (ILH) (TQT) (hours)
Initial 8 32 40
Grade 1 12 48 60
Grade 2 18 62 80
Grade 3 18 82 100
Learning outcomes: Acting
On successful completion of this exam, the candidate will be able to:
Initial w Perform a monologue with some characterisation
w Perform a mime using physical skills appropriate to the story
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material
Grade 1 w Perform a monologue using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate
to the material
w Perform a mime using physical skills and the performance space appropriate to the story
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material
Grade 2 w Perform a monologue using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate
and Grade 3 to the material
w Perform a mime or speech/scene using vocal and physical skills and the performance space
appropriate to the material
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative response to the instructions provided
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 4 w Perform play extracts using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate
and Grade 5 to the material
w Devise and perform using published material within an invented alternative scenario
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative and informed response to instruction
or questions provided
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 6 w Perform play extracts using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate
to the material
w Devise and perform using published material within an invented alternative scenario
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative and informed response to the instructions provided
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 7 w Perform a range of play extracts, using vocal and physical skills and the performance space
appropriate to the material
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative response to instruction or questions provided
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 8 w Perform a programme of play extracts, using vocal and physical skills and the performance
space appropriate to the material
w Work with direction to modify a performance piece that demonstrates an in-depth
understanding of the original material and its interpretative possibilities
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Learning outcomes: Acting
On successful completion of this exam, the candidate will be able to:
Initial w Perform a duologue with some characterisation appropriate to the material
w Interact and work with others to create a finished piece of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material
Grade 1 w Perform a duologue using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate to
the material
w Interact and work with others to create a finished piece of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 2 w Perform duologues using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate to
and Grade 3 the material
w Interact and work with others to create finished pieces of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 4 w Perform a duologue using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate to
and Grade 5 the material
w Devise and perform using published material within an invented alternative scenario, using the
performance space appropriate to the scenario.
w Interact and work with others to create finished pieces of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 6 w Perform scenes using vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate to
the material
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative and informed response to instruction provided
w Interact and work with others to create finished pieces of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 7 w Perform play extracts, written in different periods, using vocal and physical skills and the
performance space appropriate to the material
w Perform an improvisation that shows a creative response to instruction provided
w Interact and work with others to create finished pieces of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Grade 8 w Perform a programme of play extracts, written in different periods and language styles, using
vocal and physical skills and the performance space appropriate to the material
w Work with direction to modify a performance piece that demonstrates an in-depth
understanding of the original material and its interpretative possibilities
w Interact and work with others to create a finished programme of work
w Respond appropriately to set questions on prepared material with understanding
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
8 minutes
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Demonstrate understanding of the material
with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some
imaginative use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was some awareness of audience and competence in delivering a performance
w There was a clear understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was a basic awareness of audience and some competence in delivering a performance
w There was a reasonably secure understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was a basic awareness of audience
w There was some understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity. There was little or no attempt
to use body and space.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a very limited understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
10 minutes
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was good use of vocal
modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering a
performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a clear
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good
use of vocal modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a performance most of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect well on the work, demonstrating a reasonable understanding
of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use
of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a performance some of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating some understanding of
the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity with little evidence of
preparation. There was little or no attempt to use body and space appropriate to the material.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
12 minutes
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout and there was good use
of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and coherence most of the time,
communicating an imagined situation with some creativity
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering
a performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level
of understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time and there was some
good use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative
w The candidate was able to improvise, communicating an imagined situation with confidence
and coherence most of the time
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a performance most of
the time.
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a
reasonable understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time and there was some use
of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative
w The candidate was able to improvise, communicating an imagined situation that had some
coherence and clarity
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a performance some of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating some
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy. There was little
use of body within the space and there was little evidence of preparation.
w There was a struggle to improvise and to stay within an imagined situation
w There was limited awareness of audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material and/or a reluctance or inability to reflect on
the discussion topics
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
14 minutes
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was some expressive use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some confidence, communicating an imagined situation
creatively and coherently
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood throughout
with an appearance of ease
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some confidence, communicating an imagined situation
with some creativity
w There was a good awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood with an appearance
of ease and confidence most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level of
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of vocal
and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative.
w The candidate was able to improvise an imagined situation with some coherence and clarity
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood with an appearance of
ease and confidence some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a reasonable
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence
of preparation. There was little use of the body within the space appropriate to the material.
w Improvisation skills were limited, and the imagined situation was not sustained
w There was limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering
a performance
w There was a limited understanding of the material and/or a reluctance or inability to reflect on the
discussion topics
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
16 minutes
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver a clear
and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create character and support narrative
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create character and support narrative Technical skills
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with some character and
narrative development
w Show an imaginative connection between the scripted piece and re-worked performance
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure and accurate performance with some sense of spontaneity Performance
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
There was an expressive use of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation
and/or narrative and there were imaginative choices of interpretation.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and fluency, sustaining an imagined situation
creatively with character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
There was a variety of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or
narrative, and clear choices of interpretation.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some confidence, sustaining an imagined situation with
some character and narrative development
w There was an ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a sense of
spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level
of understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the time.
There was a range of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative, and there
were some clear choices of interpretation.
w The candidate was able to improvise an imagined situation with some creativity, sustaining an
imagined situation with some character and narrative development
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood, and some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a reasonable understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of preparation.
A limited range of vocal and physical skills was demonstrated.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking creativity, character and/or narrative development
w There was limited awareness of audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering
a performance
w The candidate demonstrated little ability to reflect with understanding on the work presented
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
18 minutes
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative Technical skills
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with character and narrative development
w Show an imaginative connection between the scripted piece and re-worked performance
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way and
with control to support characterisation and/or narrative throughout. There were some imaginative
choices of interpretation.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and fluidity, sustaining an imagined situation
creatively with clear character and narrative developments
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a mature
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way and
with control to support characterisation and/or narrative most of the time. There were some clear
choices of interpretation.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some confidence and fluidity, sustaining an imagined
situation with character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the
time. There was a range of vocal modulation, integrated with some effective physical skills to
support characterisation and/or narrative some of the time. There were some clear choices of
w The candidate was able to improvise with some imagination, sense of character and narrative
w The candidate engaged the audience, communicating meaning and mood with some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a good level of understanding of
the material
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of
preparation. A limited range of material and performance skills was demonstrated.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking creativity, character or narrative development
w There was limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering
a performance
w The candidate demonstrated little ability to reflect with understanding on the work presented
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
20 minutes
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Integrate a range of vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to
deliver an imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with character and narrative development
w Show an imaginative connection between the scripted piece and re-worked performance
w Demonstrate clear and creative choices of interpretation and an ability to work in the moment
w Demonstrate connection with character and understanding of the material and of the Engagement
preparation and staging processes with the material
w Respond creatively to an improvisation stimulus
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging vocal and physical skills used accurately and
creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices
of interpretation, and an authentic connection with character was sustained throughout.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and ownership, communicating
an imagined situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and assurance,
delivering a secure and accurate performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect in a thoughtful and considered way on the work, demonstrating
a mature understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices
of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated most of the time.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence, communicating an imagined situation with
creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering a
secure and accurate performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some maturity on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with some
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative choices
of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated some of the time.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some commitment, communicating an imagined
situation with character and narrative development
w There was some confidence in engaging the audience and the appearance of ease, delivering
a secure and accurate performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a secure understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation, limited creativity and/or
limited connection with character.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking imagination and/or knowledge of context
w There was a lack of confidence in communicating with the audience and/or in delivering a
performance with a sense of ownership
w The candidate demonstrated limited understanding of the material, lacking opinion and
detailed knowledge
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
23 minutes
During the exam, the candidate will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to Technical skills
communicate character and narrative
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with creative character and
narrative development
w Demonstrate a clear understanding of the material, character, preparation and staging processes
w Demonstrate some persuasive choices of interpretation and an ability to work in the moment
with the material
w Respond creatively to an improvisation stimulus
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood of Communication
the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
w Deliver an integrated, emotionally sustained, vocally and physically engaged performance
that displays a creative response to the material
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately
and imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were bold and original choices of
interpretation, and a sensitive connection with character was sustained throughout.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence, a sense of ease and ownership, inhabiting
an imagined situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and
authority, delivering a secure and accurate performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with maturity on the work, demonstrating an
in-depth and intelligent understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection
to the material, clear and persuasive choices of interpretation, and a secure connection with
character was demonstrated most of the time.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and commitment, communicating an
imagined situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering
a secure and accurate performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently on the work, demonstrating a full understanding
of the material
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and persuasive
choices of interpretation and there was a secure connection with character some of the time.
w The candidate was able to improvise confidently with some creative character and
narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate
performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a secure understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation and limited creativity.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking creative character and/or narrative development
w There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and limited ability to communicate and
engage the audience
w The candidate demonstrated limited understanding of the material, lacking knowledge, depth
of opinion and detail
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
26 minutes
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material leading to an
imaginative programme that is cohesively linked
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to
communicate character and narrative
w Demonstrate the ability to respond to direction given
w Demonstrate an in-depth, imaginative understanding of the material including an ability to
reflect on own performance with maturity and to clearly articulate artistic choices
w Demonstrate a clear understanding of character
w Demonstrate performance choices that show evidence of independent interpretation and Engagement
a sense of ownership with the material
w Demonstrate the ability to investigate a text with confidence, responding to directorial
prompts given by the examiner to create an imaginative modification of one of the prepared
performance pieces
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience fully, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
w Demonstrate the ability to deliver a sustained, coherent and fluent performance programme
of depth and originality
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Solo)
Distinction w The work presented a complete synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills
used accurately and creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and
creative choices of interpretation, an imaginative and original connection to the material and a
total sense of ownership. There was a complete sense of personal and emotional investment, with
an authentic connection with character throughout.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence, ease
and fluency, fully inhabiting an imagined situation
w There was a seemingly effortless and assured ability to engage the audience fully, delivering
a secure and accurate performance of spontaneity and authority throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with maturity on the work, demonstrating a
comprehensive and insightful understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative
choices of interpretation, a sense of originality and ownership, and an authentic connection with
character most of the time.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence and
commitment throughout, inhabiting an imagined situation
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience fully, delivering a secure and
accurate performance with spontaneity and authority most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with some maturity on the work, demonstrating
an in-depth understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately to support
characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection to the material, some
clear and original choices of interpretation and some sense of ownership. There was an authentic
connection with character most of the time.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence and with
some creativity
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate
performance with some spontaneity and authority
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently on the work, demonstrating some in-depth
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. While some interpretive choices were made, there was little sense of
originality or ownership.
w Insecure improvisation skills during the modification task impeded creativity and the delivery
of a committed performance
w The programme lacked coherence. There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and
limited ability to communicate and engage fully with the audience and little sense of ownership.
w The candidate showed limited understanding of the material, lacking depth of opinion and
detailed knowledge
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
8 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate understanding of the material
with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some
imaginative use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and
there was some secure communication between the candidates.
w There was some awareness of audience and competence in delivering a shared performance
w There was a clear understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some secure
communication between the candidates.
w There was a basic awareness of audience and some competence in delivering a shared performance
w There was a reasonably secure understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments of
communication between the candidates.
w There was a basic awareness of audience
w There was some understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity. There was little or no attempt
to use body and space and limited communication between the candidates.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a very limited understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
10 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was good use of vocal
modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was a secure
communication between the candidates.
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering a
shared performance
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a clear
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was some
secure communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance most of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect well on the work, demonstrating a reasonable understanding of
the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were moments of
communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance some of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating some understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity with little evidence of
preparation. There was little or no attempt to use body and space appropriate to the material and/
or communication between the candidates.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material shown when reflecting on the work
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
12 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was efficient
communication between the candidates.
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering a
shared performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level of
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some efficient
communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance most of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work and the topics introduced by
the examiner, demonstrating a reasonable understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments of
efficient communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance some of
the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating some
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy. There was little
use of body within the space and there was little evidence of preparation. There was little or no
communication between the candidates.
w There was limited awareness of audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material and/or a reluctance or inability to reflect on
the discussion topics
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
14 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was some expressive
use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was a
confident communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood,
delivering a shared performance throughout with an appearance of ease
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some confident
communication between the candidates.
w There was a good awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood, delivering a shared
performance with an appearance of ease and confidence most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level of
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments of
confident communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood, delivering a shared
performance with an appearance of ease and confidence some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a reasonable
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little
evidence of preparation. There was little use of the body within the space appropriate to the
material and there was little communication between the candidates.
w There was a limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in
delivering a shared performance
w There was a limited understanding of the material and/or a reluctance or inability to reflect on the
discussion topics
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
16 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver a
clear and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create character and support narrative Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create character and support narrative
w Show an imaginative connection between the scripted piece and re-worked performance
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure and accurate shared performance with some sense
of spontaneity
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
There was an expressive use of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation
and/or narrative and there were imaginative choices of interpretation. There was a good
communication and rapport between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
There was a variety of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or
narrative, and clear choices of interpretation. There was some good communication and rapport
between the candidates.
w There was an ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a sense of
spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a good level
of understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the time.
There was a range of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative, and
there were some clear choices of interpretation. There were moments of good communication
and rapport between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood and some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a reasonable understanding of
the material
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of
preparation. A limited range of vocal and physical skills was demonstrated and there was limited
communication between the candidates.
w There was limited awareness of audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering a
shared performance
w The candidate demonstrated little ability to reflect with understanding on the work presented
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
18 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w Show an imaginative connection between the scripted piece and re-worked performance
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
w Demonstrate clear choices of interpretation
with the material
w Demonstrate knowledge of the process of devising and of how the writer’s use of
language contributes to characterisation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure, accurate and engaging shared performance with spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way
and with control to support characterisation and/or narrative throughout. There were some
imaginative choices of interpretation and there was convincing communication and rapport
between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with
a sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout.
w The candidate was able to reflect with confidence on the work, demonstrating a mature
understanding of the material.
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way and
with control to support characterisation and/or narrative most of the time. There were some clear
choices of interpretation and there was some convincing communication and rapport between
the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with
a sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some confidence on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the
time. There was a range of vocal modulation, integrated with some effective physical skills to
support characterisation and/or narrative some of the time. There were some clear choices of
interpretation and there were moments of convincing communication and rapport between the
w The candidate engaged the audience, communicating meaning and mood with some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a good level of understanding of
the material
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of
preparation. A limited range of material and performance skills was demonstrated. There was
limited communication between the candidates.
w There was limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering
a shared performance
w The candidate demonstrated little ability to reflect with understanding on the work presented
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
20 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate a range of vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to
deliver an imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with character and narrative
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
w Demonstrate understanding of the preparation and staging processes
with the material
w Demonstrate clear and creative choices of interpretation and an ability to respond
creatively to an improvisation stimulus
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver an emotionally sustained, shared performance with accuracy and spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging vocal and physical skills used accurately and
creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices of
interpretation, and an authentic connection with character was sustained throughout. There was
an accomplished and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and ownership, communicating an imagined
situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and assurance,
delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect in a thoughtful and considered way on the work, demonstrating
a mature understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices
of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated most of the time.
There was some accomplished and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence, communicating an imagined situation with
creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect with some maturity on the work, demonstrating a secure
understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with some
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative
choices of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated some of the
time. There were moments of accomplished communication between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise with some commitment, communicating an imagined situation
with character and narrative development
w There was some confidence in engaging the audience and the appearance of ease, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a secure understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation, limited creativity and/or
limited connection with character and communication between the candidates.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking imagination and/or knowledge of context
w There was a lack of confidence in communicating to the audience and/or in delivering a
performance with a sense of ownership
w The candidate demonstrated limited understanding of the material, lacking opinion and detailed
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
23 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to Technical skills
communicate character and narrative
w Create an imagined situation through improvisation with creative character and
narrative development
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills used
accurately and imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were bold
and original choices of interpretation, and a sensitive connection with character was sustained
throughout. There was a skilful and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence, a sense of ease and ownership, inhabiting
an imagined situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and
authority, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with maturity on the work, demonstrating an
in-depth and intelligent understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection
to the material, clear and persuasive choices of interpretation, and a secure connection with
character was demonstrated most of the time. There was some skilful and natural communication
between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise with confidence and commitment, communicating an
imagined situation with creative character and narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently on the work, demonstrating a full understanding
of the material
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and persuasive
choices of interpretation, and there was a secure connection with character some of the time.
There were moments of skilful communication between the candidates.
w The candidate was able to improvise confidently with some creative character and
narrative development
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate shared
performance most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect on the work, demonstrating a secure understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation and limited creativity and/or
rapport between the candidates.
w Improvisation skills were limited, lacking creative character and/or narrative development
w There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and limited ability to communicate and
engage the audience
w The candidate demonstrated limited understanding of the material, lacking knowledge, depth of
opinion and detail
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
26 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material leading to an
imaginative programme that is cohesively linked
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to
communicate character and narrative
w Demonstrate the ability to respond to direction given
w Demonstrate an in-depth, imaginative understanding of the material including an ability
to reflect on own performance with maturity and to clearly articulate artistic choices
w Demonstrate a clear understanding of character and of how the characters relate to
each other
w Demonstrate performance choices that show evidence of independent interpretation and with the material
a sense of ownership
w Demonstrate the ability to investigate a text with confidence, responding to directorial
prompts given by the examiner to create an imaginative modification of one of the
prepared performance pieces
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience fully, communicating the meaning and Communication
mood of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
w Demonstrate the ability to deliver a sustained, coherent and fluent shared performance
programme of depth and originality
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Pair)
Distinction w The work presented a complete synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills
used accurately and creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear
and creative choices of interpretation, an imaginative and original connection to the material and
a total sense of ownership. There was a complete sense of personal and emotional investment,
with an authentic connection with character throughout. There was an excellent rapport and
seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence, ease and
fluency, fully inhabiting an imagined situation
w There was a seemingly effortless and assured ability to engage the audience fully, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance of spontaneity and authority throughout
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with maturity on the work, demonstrating a
comprehensive and insightful understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative
choices of interpretation, a sense of originality and ownership, and an authentic connection
with character most of the time. There was some excellent rapport and seemingly natural
communication between the candidates.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence and commitment
throughout, inhabiting an imagined situation
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience fully, delivering a secure and
accurate shared performance of spontaneity and authority most of the time
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently and with some maturity on the work, demonstrating
an in-depth understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately to support
characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection to the material, some
clear and original choices of interpretation and some sense of ownership. There was an authentic
connection with character most of the time. There were moments of excellent rapport and natural
communication between the candidates.
w During the modification task the candidate was able to improvise with confidence and with
some creativity
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate shared
performance with some spontaneity and authority
w The candidate was able to reflect confidently on the work, demonstrating some in-depth
understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. While some interpretive choices were made, there was little sense of
originality or ownership and an ineffective rapport between the candidates.
w Insecure improvisation skills during the modification task impeded creativity and the delivery of
a committed performance
w The programme lacked coherence. There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and
limited ability to communicate and engage fully with the audience and little sense of ownership.
w The candidate showed little knowledge of the material, lacking depth of opinion and detailed
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
8 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate understanding of the material
with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some
imaginative use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and
there was some secure communication between the candidates.
w There was some awareness of audience and competence in delivering a shared performance
w The candidates demonstrated a clear understanding of the material
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some secure
communication between the candidates.
w There was a basic awareness of audience and some competence in delivering a shared performance
w The candidates demonstrated a reasonably secure understanding of the material
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments of
communication between the candidates.
w There was a basic awareness of audience
w The candidates demonstrated some understanding of the material
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity. There was little or no attempt
to use body and space and limited communication between the candidates.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a very limited understanding of the material
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
10 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was good use of vocal
modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was a secure
communication between the candidates.
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering a
shared performance
w The candidates demonstrated a clear understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use
of vocal modulation and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was
some secure communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance most
of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were moments of
communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance some
of the time
w The candidates demonstrated some understanding of the material and of how the characters relate
to each other
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility and/or clarity with little evidence of
preparation. There was little or no attempt to use body and space appropriate to the material
and/or communication between the candidates.
w There was little or no awareness of audience
w There was a very limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
12 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was efficient
communication between the candidates.
w There was a consistent awareness of audience and a good level of confidence in delivering a
shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a good level of understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some efficient
communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance most of
the time
w The candidates demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments of
efficient communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience and confidence in delivering a shared performance some of
the time
w The candidates demonstrated some understanding of the material and of how the characters relate
to each other
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy. There was little
use of body within the space and there was little evidence of preparation. There was little or no
communication between the candidates.
w There was limited awareness of audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
14 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate throughout. There was some expressive
use of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was a
confident communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood,
delivering a shared performance throughout with an appearance of ease
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate most of the time. There was some good use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there was some confident
communication between the candidates.
w There was a good awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood, delivering a shared
performance with an appearance of ease and confidence most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a good level of understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate some of the time. There was some use of
vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative and there were moments
of confident communication between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood, delivering a shared
performance with an appearance of ease and confidence some of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented was hesitant and lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence
of preparation. There was little use of the body within the space appropriate to the material and there
was little communication between the candidates.
w There was a limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering
a shared performance
w There was limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
16 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver a
clear and accurate performance
Technical skills
w Employ vocal variety to create character and support narrative
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create character and support narrative
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure and accurate shared performance with some sense
of spontaneity
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
There was an expressive use of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation
and/or narrative and there were imaginative choices of interpretation. There was a good
communication and rapport between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
There was a variety of integrated vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or
narrative, and clear choices of interpretation. There was some good communication and rapport
between the candidates.
w There was an ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a sense of
spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a good level of understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the time.
There was a range of vocal and physical skills to support characterisation and/or narrative, and
there were some clear choices of interpretation. There were moments of good communication and
rapport between the candidates.
w There was an awareness of audience, communicating meaning and mood with some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of preparation.
A limited range of vocal and physical skills was demonstrated and there was limited communication
between the candidates.
w There was limited awareness of audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering a
shared performance
w There was a limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
18 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
Technical skills
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate clear choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure, accurate and engaging shared performance with spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency throughout.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way
and with control to support characterisation and/or narrative throughout. There were some
imaginative choices of interpretation and there was convincing communication and rapport
between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a mature understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Merit w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency most of the time.
Expressive vocal modulation and imaginative physical skills were used in an integrated way and with
control to support characterisation and/or narrative most of the time. There were some clear choices
of interpretation and there was some convincing communication and rapport between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, communicating meaning and mood with a
sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Pass w The work presented was audible, clear and accurate and had a sense of fluency some of the time.
There was a range of vocal modulation, integrated with some effective physical skills to support
characterisation and/or narrative some of the time. There were some clear choices of interpretation
and there were moments of convincing communication and rapport between the candidates.
w The candidates engaged the audience, communicating meaning and mood with some appearance
of ease and confidence, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a good level of understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented lacked audibility, clarity and/or accuracy, showing little evidence of
preparation. A limited range of material and performance skills was demonstrated. There was
limited communication between the candidates.
w There was limited ability to engage the audience and/or there was a lack of confidence in delivering a
shared performance
w There was a limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
20 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate a range of vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to
deliver an imaginative and accurate performance
Technical skills
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate clear and creative choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver an emotionally sustained, shared performance with accuracy and spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging vocal and physical skills used accurately and
creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices of
interpretation, and an authentic connection with character was sustained throughout. There was
an accomplished and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and assurance,
delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a mature understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear and creative choices
of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated most of the time.
There was some accomplished and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering a secure
and accurate shared performance most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with some
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative
choices of interpretation, and a secure connection with character was demonstrated some of the
time. There were moments of accomplished communication between the candidates.
w There was some confidence in engaging the audience and the appearance of ease, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance some of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated and
had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation, limited creativity and/or limited
connection with character and communication between the candidates.
w There was a lack of confidence in communicating to the audience and/or in delivering a performance
with a sense of ownership
w There was limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
23 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills to deliver an imaginative and accurate
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to
communicate character and narrative
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate clear and creative choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented a synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills used
accurately and creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were bold and
original choices of interpretation, and a sensitive connection with character was sustained
throughout. There was a skilful and seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity and
authority, delivering a secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated an in-depth and intelligent understanding of the material and of
how the characters relate to each other
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection
to the material, clear and persuasive choices of interpretation, and a secure connection with
character was demonstrated most of the time. There was some skilful and natural communication
between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience and a sense of spontaneity, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a full understanding of the material and of how the characters relate
to each other
Pass w The work presented a range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and with
imagination to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and persuasive
choices of interpretation, and there was a secure connection with character some of the time.
There were moments of skilful communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate shared
performance most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated a secure understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. There were few clear choices of interpretation and limited creativity and/or
rapport between the candidates.
w There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and limited ability to communicate and
engage the audience
w There was a limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
25 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material leading to an
imaginative programme that is cohesively linked
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to
communicate character and narrative
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience fully, communicating the meaning and Communication
mood of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
w Demonstrate the ability to deliver a sustained, coherent and fluent shared performance
programme of depth and originality
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Acting (Group)
Distinction w The work presented a complete synthesis of wide-ranging and integrated vocal and physical skills
used accurately and creatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were clear
and creative choices of interpretation, an imaginative and original connection to the material and
a total sense of ownership. There was a complete sense of personal and emotional investment,
with an authentic connection with character throughout. There was an excellent rapport and
seemingly natural communication between the candidates.
w There was a seemingly effortless and assured ability to engage the audience fully, delivering a
secure and accurate shared performance of spontaneity and authority throughout
w The candidates demonstrated a comprehensive and insightful understanding of the material and
of how the characters relate to each other
Merit w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately and
imaginatively to support characterisation and/or narrative. There were some clear and creative
choices of interpretation, a sense of originality and ownership, and an authentic connection
with character most of the time. There was some excellent rapport and seemingly natural
communication between the candidates.
w There was an assured, confident ability to engage the audience fully, delivering a secure and
accurate shared performance of spontaneity and authority most of the time
w The candidates demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the material and of how the characters
relate to each other
Pass w The work presented a wide range of integrated vocal and physical skills used accurately to
support characterisation and/or narrative. There was an imaginative connection to the material,
some clear and original choices of interpretation and some sense of ownership. There was an
authentic connection with character most of the time. There were moments of rapport and natural
communication between the candidates.
w There was a confident ability to engage the audience, delivering a secure and accurate shared
performance with some spontaneity and authority
w The candidates demonstrated some in-depth understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other
Below Pass w The work presented, while showing some vocal and physical skills, was not sufficiently integrated
and had limited range. While some interpretive choices were made, there was little sense of
originality or ownership and an ineffective rapport between the candidates.
w The programme lacked coherence. There was little evidence of control and/or preparation and
limited ability to communicate and engage fully with the audience and little sense of ownership.
w There was a limited understanding of the material and of how the characters relate to each other
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Staging 20 Staging 20
Please note that where professionals have created the technical elements, then the Performance Only option
(pathway 2) should be selected.
Group size The minimum number of candidates in a group is 3. There is no maximum number.
A performance is submitted that is ready for public viewing (even if the intention is not
to invite an audience). The examiner watches the recording, writes feedback and assigns
Assessment method marks for the selected performance elements using the appropriate assessment areas
and criteria (see above and pages 66–83). The total mark assigned will reflect the level
of achievement of the group as a whole.
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
No maximum
Task 1: Performance
The candidates present the whole or part of a play
or drama performance programme for assessment.
The performance should be planned and choices
made in the staging as if it were intended for public
performance — although the attendance of an
audience is optional. 100 No maximum
Initial 8 minutes
Grade 1 10 minutes
Grade 2 12 minutes
Grade 3 14 minutes
Grade 4 16 minutes
Grade 5 18 minutes
Grade 6 20 minutes
Grade 7 23 minutes
Grade 8 25 minutes
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
8 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate understanding of the material
with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
10 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
12 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the Engagement
characters relate to each other with the material
w Demonstrate an awareness of audience
with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
14 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
16 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver a
clear and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create character and support narrative
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create character and support narrative
w (Pathway 1) Demonstrate effective use of a range of staging elements such as lighting,
sound, costume, props and set to support narrative and enhance the production
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure and accurate shared performance with some sense
of spontaneity
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
18 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to deliver an
imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w (Pathway 1) Demonstrate effective use of a range of staging elements to communicate a
sense of the style of the production
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate clear choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver and sustain a secure, accurate and engaging shared performance with spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
20 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate a range of vocal and physical performance skills appropriate to the material to
deliver an imaginative and accurate performance
w Employ vocal variety to create and sustain character and narrative
Technical skills
w Demonstrate effective use of body and space to create and sustain character and narrative
w (Pathway 1) Demonstrate effective use of a range of staging elements that show some
evidence of being designed and communicate the setting and style of the production
w Demonstrate connection with character, understanding of the material and of how the
characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate clear and creative choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with the audience
w Deliver an emotionally sustained, shared performance with accuracy and spontaneity Performance
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
23 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Demonstrate connection with character and a clear understanding of the material and
of how the characters relate to each other Engagement
with the material
w Demonstrate some persuasive choices of interpretation
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience, communicating the meaning and mood Communication
of the material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
25 minutes
During the exam, the candidates will:
w Integrate vocal and physical performance skills within a range of material leading to an
imaginative performance that is cohesively linked
w Employ a wide range of vocal skills to support and enhance performance and characterisation
w Demonstrate effective use of the performance space, moving with sustained purpose to Technical skills
communicate character and narrative
w (Pathway 1) Make effective use of a range of integrated staging elements as part of a
design to enhance the world of the production
w Demonstrate the ability to engage an audience fully, communicating the meaning of the Communication
material with dramatic impact and authority with the audience
Exam requirements, assessment criteria and attainment descriptors: Plays in Production
Exam guidance
Exam guidance
GENERAL GUIDANCE The content of the material should offer candidates the
opportunity to explore emotions, moods and atmosphere
outside their immediate experience, eg from other periods
or cultures. The material should contain a variety of
When compiling their performance programmes, expressive vocabulary and meaning, as well as offering
candidates may combine shorter and longer pieces to some opportunity for interpretative choices.
fit the time allowed. Candidates should ensure that their
performances are of sufficient length to allow them the Grades 4–5
fullest opportunity to demonstrate the skills required. The length and complexity of the material should be
substantial enough to convey some development,
DRESS CODE, COSTUME AND STAGING DEVICES both in terms of authors’ intentions and candidates’
There is no set dress code for Trinity drama exams. interpretation and performance. The material should
Candidates should wear comfortable clothing that allows be sufficiently complex to provide some internal
them to move in the appropriate way for their chosen contrast and range, for example in terms of theme,
pieces. Except for the Plays in Production (pathway 1) character, situation or mood, and provide opportunity for
exams, there is no requirement to use costumes, candidates to begin to explore more universal themes,
scenery, lighting, props or other staging devices. If eg family, survival, peer pressure, justice. The material
candidates do wish to make use of them, they should should contain a stylistic variety of language and literary
ensure that their use does not cause the exam to overrun. form and include subtleties of vocabulary and meaning
to provide the opportunity for a variety of approaches
ROLE GENDER and interpretative choices.
Candidates can perform male or female roles regardless Grades 6–8
of their gender identification.
The length and complexity of the material should be
PERFORMANCE TASKS sufficient to enable variety and range of presentation to
The purpose of these tasks is to encourage candidates be demonstrated and sustained. It should be drawn from
to develop their performance skills alongside building an authors past and present, and from different periods
awareness and understanding of different literary forms. and cultures that provide opportunity for engagement
Candidates develop their skills in being able to: with different genres and styles, contrast of themes,
settings, characters and mood. The material should
w Memorise and perform material
enable the candidate to engage with complex emotions,
w Adopt and sustain a role universal themes and require analysis and reflection in
w Understand and interpret a text the preparation of performance, presenting challenge in
w Bring a text to life, integrating physical and vocal skills terms of physical and vocal requirements.
to enhance performance and communicate meaning to
For examples of suitable material at each level,
the audience
see Trinity’s online anthology — trinitycollege.com/
Unless otherwise stated, all performance pieces should PROSE AND PLAY EXTRACTS
be taken from published works (not self-published).
Where candidates are required to perform ‘an extract
At Grades 7 and 8 (solo and pair), the candidates can
from a play’, at Intermediate (Grades 4–5) and Advanced
present a piece of unpublished work. This acknowledges
(Grades 6–8) levels this must be a speech/extract from a
the wealth of material that is available, often in digital
longer work rather than from a book of speeches, so the
form, that may not have been through the traditional
peer check/ publishing house approval process. candidates can demonstrate understanding of the context
This can be a piece of the candidate’s own writing or of the extract in performance and in the discussion.
from someone else. When selecting a piece, candidates
should keep in mind that it should present opportunities EDITING MATERIAL
for different interpretations, and for displaying the Extracts may be edited, for example to remove
range of vocal and physical skills required at the grade subsidiary characters, but the overarching structure,
the candidate is being assessed for. sense and dramatic development must remain clear.
In solo performances, candidates should avoid playing
SELECTING MATERIAL a single character in a scene in which dramatic
The candidate’s age, level of maturity and capabilities development depends largely on verbal interaction
should be considered carefully when selecting the material. with one or more other characters who remain — in the
context of a solo performance — invisible and inaudible.
Initial–Grade 3 Candidates should not attempt to play multiple
The length and complexity of the material should be characters within a scene unless this is specifically
sufficient to allow candidates to show their ability to related to the style and content of the play.
establish and sustain their performance and interpretation.
Exam guidance
Exam guidance
Acting (Solo)
(where an additional performer √ √
is taking part)
Acting (Pair) √ √
Acting (Group) √ X
Plays in Production √ X
Exam guidance
At Grade 5 there is an expansion on this; the candidates established at this level. An example of a scene a
can explore different scenarios and re-imagine the candidate(s) may present at Grade 8 is Ronnie from
original extract in a new style, setting, or with an Chicken Soup with Barley by Arnold Wesker, the speech
alternative point of view or with another character’s starting ‘No, he’s a store-keeper in a sweet factory
understanding. For example Helena’s speech ‘Through now.’ The stimulus may ask the candidate to present
Athens I am thought as fair as she’ from A Midsummer the scene in a different environment, for example as a
Night’s Dream could be set at a bus stop in the present stand-up comedian, presenting the speech directly to an
day: ‘Everyone on Instagram thinks I’m as pretty as audience as if standing at a microphone and delivering the
Hermia.’ Or Hermia might give us her thoughts about punchlines. Or in a very quiet place, a library for example,
what she thinks of Demetrius’s feelings for Helena. trying not to allow anyone else to hear the dialogue.
At this Intermediate level, the task develops research A musical theatre example is in Stephen Sondheim’s
skills which further develop understanding of the Sweeney Todd Johanna sings wistfully ‘Green Finch and
original scene. When devising their new scene, Linnet Bird’, thinking about the freedom that is denied
candidates are advised to explore all options they to her. In a modification of this, the candidate(s) could
can think of to bring new perspectives to the original be asked to sing the song as though she were a school
material, experimenting with style, period, physicality teacher chastising her young class for singing badly in
and vocal delivery in order to create an imaginative and choir practice to bring out a more extrovert performance.
secure performance. Examples of modification task stimuli are at
Acting (Solo) Grade 8 | Acting (Pair) Grade 8 w Allow skills gained in practice to guide their work
rather than trying to remember a rehearsed scenario
TASK OBJECTIVE w Be encouraged to explore the stimulus and find new
The objective of the task is for the candidate(s) to ideas during the recording of their submission
demonstrate their ability to engage with, and develop w Challenge themselves in the moment and embrace
a creative response to, time-bound stimulus material. the element of surprise as they creatively explore
It provides the candidate(s) with an opportunity to the material
demonstrate a deeper understanding of the chosen
texts, along with the ability to respond and adapt to a Candidates should avoid:
given stimulus. In the assessment, examiners are looking w The need to polish or fix a final piece for assessment
for evidence of: depth, maturity and fearlessness of w Being concerned over ‘mistakes’ or the piece taking a
approach; a thoughtful response; working freely with a new path during the recording
sense of the unexpected; clarity and understanding of
the original text; a naturalness and a sense of being ‘in
the moment’.
Exam guidance
Grade 2 Grade 4
(Total time for the task: a minimum of 3 and a maximum (Total time for the task: 4 minutes)
of 4 minutes)
Guide length of response for each question is
Guide length of response for each question is 50 seconds to 1 minute 15 seconds. While responses
40 seconds to 1 minute. While responses might vary in might vary in length, the candidate should aim to make
length, the candidate should aim to make full use of the full use of the total time allocated for the task.
total time allocated for the task.
The candidate chooses THREE or FOUR of the following
The candidate (or teacher/care-giver) chooses TWO or questions to respond to:
THREE of the following questions to respond to.
ow do you feel your performances went?
1. H
The teacher or care-giver can ask the candidate the
questions on camera to facilitate the response if 2. Choose one of your pieces and talk about how the
preferred: character’s or narrator’s feelings changed.
1. W
hat did you enjoy about the performances you have 3. D
escribe the imaginary surroundings in one of
just given and the pieces/items you chose? your pieces.
2. H
ow were the characters or performed pieces 4. T
alk about how the skills you worked on preparing for
different from each other? How did you show that to today helped your performance.
the audience? 5. W
hat did you consider to be the funniest or
3. C
hoose one of your performed pieces and talk most dramatic moment in your pieces? What
about what makes the story or subject matter vocal or physical skills did you use to show that
interesting to you. to the audience?
ow did you show the audience what your character
4. H 6. H
ow were your performances different from
felt when you were performing? each other? How did you show that to your
imagined audience?
5. W
hich piece did you have to practise the most
and why? Grade 5
Grade 3 (Total time for the task: 4 minutes)
(Total time for the task: a minimum of 3 and a maximum Guide length of response for each question is
of 4 minutes) 50 seconds to 1 minute 15 seconds. While responses
might vary in length, the candidate should aim to make
Guide length of response for each question is full use of the total time allocated for the task.
40 seconds to 1 minute. While responses might vary in
length, the candidate should aim to make full use of the The candidate chooses THREE or FOUR of the following
total time allocated for the task. questions to respond to:
7. H
ow successful do you think your performances
The candidate (or teacher/care-giver) chooses TWO or
were? What went well?
THREE of the following questions to respond to.
The teacher or care-giver can ask the candidate 8. H
ow did the writing or musical style and language/
the questions on camera to facilitate the response lyrics help you to create your characters?
if preferred: 9. H
ow did you employ your voice or body to show
1. H
ow do you feel your performances went? key moments or dramatic development in one of your
What were you most pleased with? pieces?
2. C
hoose one of your pieces and talk about how the 10. W
hat happens either before or after one of the
character’s or narrator’s feelings changed. extracts from a piece you performed?
3. C
hoose one of your pieces and explain what makes the 11. H
ow did the skills that you worked on for your
story or subject matter interesting to you. performances affect your understanding of either a
performed piece or stagecraft in general?
4. D
escribe the imaginary surroundings in one
of your pieces. 12. Talk about the environment you imagined for one
of your pieces and how that influenced your staging
5. W
hat did you consider to be the funniest or most
choices during your preparation.
dramatic moment in your pieces? What vocal or
physical skills did you use to show that to the
6. H
ow were your performances different from each
other? How did you show that to your imagined
Exam guidance
Grade 1 Grade 3
(Total time for the task: a minimum of 3 and a maximum of (Total time for the task: a minimum of 3 minutes and a
4 minutes) maximum of 4 minutes)
Guide length of response for each question is: Guide length of response for each question is:
w 40 seconds to 1 minute for the question to be responded w 40 seconds to 1 minute for the question to be responded
to individually to individually
w 1–2 minutes for the question to be responded to jointly w 1–2 minutes for the question to be responded to jointly
While responses might vary in length, the candidate should While responses might vary in length, candidates should
aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task. aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task.
The candidates (or teacher/care-giver) chooses ONE The candidates (or teacher/care-giver) chooses ONE
question for each candidate to respond to individually, question for each candidate to respond to individually,
and ONE question for them to respond to jointly. The and ONE question for them to respond to jointly. The
candidates can ask each other the questions, or the candidates can ask each other the questions, or the
teacher or care-giver can ask the candidate the questions teacher or care-giver can ask the candidate the questions
(on camera or off-camera) to facilitate the response if (on camera or off-camera) to facilitate the response if
preferred: preferred:
1. W
hat did you enjoy about the performance/ 1. How do you feel your performances went? What were
performances you have given? you most pleased with?
hat did your character feel about the other character,
2. W 2. Choose one of your pieces and talk about how
and how did you show that to the audience? the character’s feelings changed, or how the
mood changed?
3. Which element did you have to practise the most? (eg
the words, the movement, a particular moment.) Why? hoose one of your performed pieces and talk
3. C
about what makes the story or subject matter
4. H
ow did you work on listening and taking turns when
interesting to you?
you were practising?
4. Talk about how you decided between you on your
hat did you decide what the most important moment
5. W
imaginary surroundings in one of your pieces.
in your performance piece? Was it the same moment
How did that help your performance?
for both of you?
5. What did you consider to be the funniest or most
Grade 2 dramatic moment in your pieces? What skills did you
(Total time for the task: a minimum of 3 minutes and a use to show that to the audience?
maximum of 4 minutes) 6. How did you improve your team-work when you were
Guide length of response for each question is: working on your performance pieces?
w 40 seconds to 1 minute for the question to be responded
to individually
In Grades 4–5: candidates should choose a different
w 1–2 minutes for the question to be responded to jointly
question each from section 1 and talk together on one
While responses might vary in length, candidates should topic in section 2. This should be in the form of a
aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task. conversation or discussion rather than prepared answers.
The candidates (or teacher/care-giver) chooses ONE Candidates should answer one question each individually
question for each candidate to respond to individually, from section 1. They should also engage in a conversation
and ONE question for them to respond to jointly. The about one question from section 2 in order to reflect
candidates can ask each other the questions, or the spontaneously on the performance they have just given.
teacher or care-giver can ask the candidate the questions
(on camera or off-camera) to facilitate the response if Candidates should announce which questions they are
preferred: addressing.
1. W
hat did you enjoy about the performance/ Grade 4
performances you have just given and the material you (Total time for the task: 4 minutes)
Guide length of response for each question is:
2. H
ow did your characters differ from one another,
and how did you decide to show that to the imagined w 50 seconds to 1 minute 15 seconds for the question to
audience? be responded to individually
3. H
ow did you work together on movement and staging w 1 minute 45 seconds to 2 minutes 30 seconds for the
when you were practising? question to be responded to jointly
4. W
hat made the story or subject matter of your scene While responses might vary in length, the candidate should
interesting to you? aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task.
5. Which element did you have to practise the most? (eg
the words, the movement, a particular moment.) Why?
Exam guidance
Exam guidance
Section 2 — Talk together, taking it in turns to lead the interaction and trust? Did you make immediate
conversation on two of the following: decisions about the stimulus, did you adjust/refine
1. T
alk about how you staged your pieces and decided your ideas?)
on your imagined environments when you were 3. T
alk about the process of staging your pieces,
rehearsing. (For example: Did you do any research? and deciding on your imagined surroundings.
Did you do improvisations? What alternatives did (For example: What alternatives did you explore? Did
you explore?) you need to compromise? Did you use improvisations?
2. T
alk about the process of working together for today’s Did you do any research?)
performance. (For example: Your conversation could 4. R
eflect on the process of rehearsing together and
include thoughts on both benefits and challenges, building trust. (For example: Your conversation could
how you developed team-work, any obstacles you include how the performed pieces have changed over
overcame or what gave you the greatest sense of time, any games or exercises you worked on, what
achievement.) improvements you have noticed in your partner’s
3. T
alk about the contrasts you noticed in the pieces you performance as well as your own, what you are most
performed. How did you use the different styles of proud of and how these skills could help your ongoing
writing/music/skills to make these clear to an audience? learning?)
4. H
ow did you approach the Improvised task?
Grade 8
(For example: What exercises or games help improve
your skills and interaction? Does working in pairs (Total time for the task: a minimum of 6 minutes and a
help? Did you make immediate decisions about the maximum of 7 minutes)
stimulus? Is it easy to agree?) Guide length of response for each question is:
w 1 minute 30 seconds to 1 minute 45 seconds
Grade 7
per question
(Total time for the task: a minimum of 5 minutes and a
maximum of 6 minutes) While responses might vary in length, candidates should
aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task.
Guide length of response for each question is:
The candidates choose ONE question from section 1
w 1 minute 15 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds per question for each candidate to respond to individually, and TWO
While responses might vary in length, candidates should questions from section 2 for them to respond to jointly.
aim to make full use of the total time allocated for the task. The candidates can ask each other the questions:
The candidates choose ONE question from section 1 Section 1 — choose one question each:
for each candidate to respond to individually, and TWO 1. H
ow did your understanding of the writer, composer or
questions from section 2 for them to respond to jointly. genre influence your interpretation and performance?
The candidates can ask each other the questions:
2. W
hich of your performance pieces made the most
Section 1 — choose one different question each: demands on you vocally, physically or emotionally?
1. W
ere there any challenges in combining vocal or How did you approach it in rehearsal and overcome
physical techniques to realise the style or genre of the challenges?
your pieces today? How did you work on them in 3. C
hoose one of your pieces and talk about how it fits
rehearsal and overcome the challenges? into the overall story/plot arc in its original context.
2. C
hoose one of your pieces and talk about how it fits Did you adjust this for your own performance, and
into the overall story/plot arc in its original context. if so how?
Did you adjust this for your own performance, and if 4. T
alk about your approach to building a character.
so how? How do you work on body and voice, and describe any
3. C
hoose one of your pieces and talk about your improvisations or drama exercises you use in rehearsal?
character’s motivations and describe what processes Section 2 — Talk together, taking it in turns to lead the
you explored in rehearsal to bring them to life. conversation on one of the following:
4. T
hinking about the performance you gave today, talk 1. T
alk about how you selected your pieces for today’s
about the ways you sustained your energy and took performance. (For example: Your conversation could
responsibility for a safe and effective performance. include how they contrast, how easy they were to
Section 2 — Talk together, taking it in turns to lead the relate to, what research you did and what messages
conversation on two of the following: you wanted to put over to the audience.)
1. T
alk about the contrasts you noticed in the pieces 2. T
alk about either the improvisation skills or the
you performed. Discuss how you used the different contributory skills you have developed during the
styles of writing/music/skills to make these clear to preparation for today and say why you think they
an audience. are useful. (For example: Did you do exploratory
workshops, are there warm-up exercises/games which
ow did you both approach the improvised/modified
2. H
help, did you do research or use technical support etc)
task? (For example: What skills did you work on
in preparation for the task? How did you work on
Exam guidance
3. R
eflect on the process of rehearsing together and
building trust. (For example: Your conversation could
include how the performed pieces have changed over
time, any games or exercises you worked on, what
skills you have learned, what improvements you have
noticed in your partner’s performance as well as your
own, what you are most proud of and how these skills
could help your ongoing learning.)
4. T
alk about what you have learned about your own
strengths and limitations during your preparation for
today’s performance? Are there any skills you would like
to develop or challenges you would like to take on next?
Health and safety
w Weapons should only be given to performers once it w Performers should ensure they know the emergency
has been determined that they are knowledgeable drills, escape routes and assembly points
in their safe and proper use. Whenever weapons are
to be used in a performance, the scene should be
carefully choreographed in order to minimise risks.
w The storage and use of weapons must fully comply
with safety and police regulations
General guidance and policies
Trinity is registered as a Data Controller with the
Information Commissioner’s Office in the United
Kingdom under data protection legislation. Please
see trinitycollege.com/data-protection for the most
up-to-date information about Trinity’s data protection
procedures and policies.
Trinity is committed to providing a high-quality
service for all our users from initial enquiry through
to certification. Full details of our customer service
commitment can be found at trinitycollege.com/
Summary of process and details of how to submit your exam for assessment
Summary of process and details of how to submit your exam for assessment
Pair exams
For a pair exam, the candidates are required to provide on the submission form the following information:
w Candidate name: the full name of each candidate
w Identification label: This is a label that the candidate must wear. The label should have the letter A on it for
candidate 1, and the letter B on it for candidate 2. The letter should be large enough to be clearly seen on the video.
w Role(s): the name of the role(s) each candidate is performing
Candidate Identification
name label
In addition to completing the submission form, candidates are required to upload the texts/scripts of the performed
pieces as follows (these should be uploaded as separate documents):
w The text of the performed pieces set out in the published format and lineation — the script should also show
where any edits have been made
w The script of any devised pieces
Acting resources
Acting resources
A wide range of resources to support teaching and learning is available at trinitycollege.com/drama-resources
Digital resources are available to support teaching and learning, including advice and content on:
w Preparing for your exam
w Performance technique
w Choosing performance pieces
Trinity also provides a free online anthology at trinitycollege.com/anthology, which offers a diverse and
international range of example pieces, giving teachers and candidates the structure and inspiration needed to
build performance programmes.
For further help you can contact the drama support team at Trinity’s central office at drama@trinitycollege.com,
or find the contact details of your local representative at trinitycollege.com/worldwide