Mst4 Midterm Reviewer
Mst4 Midterm Reviewer
Mst4 Midterm Reviewer
Ms. Jobelle Galve-Abad | 2nd Year - First Semester | S.Y. 2024 – 2025
ICT is used in the academy for the benefit of the individual or the
institution which is smaller in size than the ones handled by IT
professionals in bigger industries. ICT can be as simple as utilizing
audiovisual equipment for learning at school, the use of electronic
telephony and other devices that help transmit information across the
campus. Since 1997, ICT has also been recognized as the
incorporation of telephony and audiovisual devices in computers. This
direction helped academic institutions cut down the cost of operations,
most especially in the removal of traditional telephone networks.
WANG (2016)
▪ The “belonginess hypothesis” states that people have a
basic psychological need to feel closely connected to ▪ IT is a subset of ICT as the technology used in the field of
others, and that caring, affectionate bonds from close IT aids in the use of ICT
relationships are a major part of human behavior.
▪ This need can be fulfilled through different modes of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION UNION (ITU)
communication. ▪ conducts annual study on the use of ICT around the world
▪ ICT is everywhere. Access is relatively affordable and ▪ The report is called the ICT Development Index (IDI)
somewhat effortless
ITU’s Measuring digital development: The 2024 edition of ITU’s ICT
BREAKDOWN OF ICT Development Index (IDI) shows that progress has been made towards
universal and meaningful connectivity –defined as the ability for
INFORMATION everyone to go online under optimal conditions, at an affordable cost,
▪ refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, anywhere and anytime they need –with low-income economies
investigation, study or research showing most improvement.
▪ not to be confused with data, information is processed data
▪ processed information
▪ helps fulfill daily tasks
▪ an act of transmitting messages
▪ a process in which information is exchanged between
individuals through verbal and non-verbal means
▪ the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes, especially in industry
Note: Based on the 165 economies covered in both editions. Bars PASCALINE (1642)
represent the point scores in IDI 2023 and 2024 (scale on the left- ▪ invented by Blaise Pascal
hand vertical axis), dots show the year-on-year percentage change ▪ also known as the arithmetic machine
(right-hand axis). ▪ designed the machine to add and subtract two numbers
▪ perform multiplication and division through repeated
EVOLUTION OF TECHNOLOGY addition or subtraction
▪ The evolution of technology has always depended on one PROGRAMMABLE LOOM
▪ Humans tend to think of ways to discharge tasks or
workloads, or do daily activities
▪ The concept of technology always starts with the basic tool
by combining a set of tools, machines were made that can ▪ considered as the “Father of Computers” with his work on
do tasks faster and more efficiently “analytical engine” that kickstart the idea of computer
▪ processes analog data
▪ use measurement to execute computations and
store data in a continuous form of physical values
2. READ-ONLY MEMORY (ROM) ▪ capable of solving problems by processing
▪ non-volatile memory type that stores permanent data, such information expressed in discrete form by
as boot instructions for computers, and is used in various manipulating combinations of binary digits
electronic devices, but has limited storage capacity ▪ perform mathematical calculations, organize and
analyze data
▪ combinations of analog and digital computers
▪ used in applications such as aerospace, military,
and scientific research
▪ more expensive than analog and digital
▪ single user
▪ 10 to hundreds of users
▪ big iron
▪ hundreds to thousands of users
SECONDARY STORAGE DEVICES ▪ thousands of users
▪ used as a means for users to permanently store data
separate from the computer system itself ACCORDING TO PURPOSE
▪ non-volatile data storage device that retains information
even when the power is turned off
▪ addition to the computer's primary storage 1. GENERAL COMPUTERS
▪ perform calculations, manage data and execute
1. MAGNETIC STORAGE DEVICES instructions to solve problems or accomplish
▪ storage of data on a magnetized medium it uses different specific tasks.
patterns of magnetization in a magnetizable material to ▪ used across different fields and industries for a
store data and is a form of non-volatile memory variety of purposes
▪ primarily hard disks, floppy disks, magnetic card, tape
cassette, super disk 2. SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPUTER
▪ designed to solve or perform single specific
2. FLASH MEMORY DEVICES problem or task
▪ known as flash storage ▪ most analog computers are special purpose
▪ a type of nonvolatile memory that erases data in units called computers
blocks and rewrites data at the byte level
▪ retains data for an extended period COMPUTER TYPES
▪ e.g. pen drive, SSD, SD Card, Memory Card, Multimedia
Card Categorized into several types due to the introduction of mobile
devices and internet-capable devices. Categorized based on specific
▪ a removable storage device
▪ uses a laser beam to store and retrieve digital 1. DESKTOP COMPUTER
▪ e.g. CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc 2. WORKSTATION
▪ specialized high-performance computing system
designed for technical or scientific applications
CLOUD STORAGE ▪ often connected to two or more display monitors
▪ a data deposit model in which digital information such as 3. SERVER
documents, photos, videos and other forms of media are ▪ a specialized computer that sends information to
stored on virtual or cloud servers hosted by third parties and processes requests from other “client”
▪ e.g. Private Cloud Storage, Public Cloud Storage, Hybrid computers on a shared network
Cloud Storage, Community Cloud Storage 4. LAPTOP
Speed – data, information travel and instructions were done at 3. Immersive Technologies: AR and VR will become more
incredibly fast speed. The world’s fastest computer can perform mainstream in gaming and entertainment, offering users interactive
trillions of operations in one second. experiences.
Reliability & Consistency – dependable because they have a low 4. Interactive Streaming: Streaming platforms will explore more
failure rate. Computers produce consistent results interactive content, allowing viewers to influence storylines or
Accuracy – computers process large amounts of data and generate
error-free results, provided that the data entered is valid and 5. Sustainability in Tech: Companies will prioritize eco-friendly
instructions work properly. “Garbage in, garbage out”. The accuracy practices, focusing on reducing carbon footprints and promoting
of computer’s output depends on the accuracy of the input. sustainable hardware.
Communication – computers allow users to communicate with other 6. 5G Expansion: The fifth generation of mobile networks, 5G,
users or computers. A user is anyone who communicates and promises significantly faster data download and upload speeds, wider
interacts with a computer or makes use of the information it generates. coverage, and more stable connections. The expansion of 5G is
facilitating transformative technologies like IoT, augmented reality,
MEDIA, IMPACT OF ICT and autonomous vehicles by providing the high speed, low-latency
connections they require. This technology is crucial for enabling real-
MEDIA time communications and processing large amounts of data with
▪ refers to the means of communication that uses unique minimal delays, thereby supporting a new wave of technological
tools to interconnect among people innovation.
▪ refers to communication devices
▪ communication devices are used to interact with 7. Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Cities: IoT technology in smart
communication and/or communication cities involves the integration of various sensors and devices that
▪ the forms of media include television, radio, cellular phones, collect data to manage assets, resources, and services efficiently.
and internet This includes monitoring traffic and public transport to reduce
congestion, using smart grids to optimize energy use, and
MEDIA IN THE DIGITAL AGE implementing connected systems for public safety and emergency
services. As cities continue to grow, IoT helps manage complexities
In the digital age, media can be considered as: and improve the living conditions of residents.
1. From the keyboard, pressure pads are found underneath each key.
The pressure pad sends information to the CPU for processing, upon
typing a character.
2. The information is then transmitted in the form of 0’s and 1’s using
the ASCII code. ASCII – American Standard Code for Information
Interchange; is an 8-bit code used to represent letters, numbers, and
basic special characters.
3. The CPU determines what character has been typed and sends the
information (in 0’s and 1’s) to the computer monitor.
ICT improves education, access to information, and security.
However, it limits personal interaction and physical activity and poses 4. The monitor displays information in characters that is readable and
problems in employment and security. understandable by humans.
ETHICAL ISSUES IN ICT Computers interpret the letters, numbers and characters through a
series of 0’s and 1’s. This is done through the number system
PLAGIARISM conversion. Computer systems convert characters from the keyboard
▪ an act of theft in which a person copies another person’s and later display them on the monitor.
ideas, words, etc. and pass them off as his or her own
▪ an action in which one deals with a person dishonestly,
unethically, and dishonorably, to take advantage of the
latter’s work or resources
▪ E.g. Sexual exploitation, data exploitation
▪ can either be an insult, slur or slander
▪ refers to an act of installing or copying software into the
computer in the absence of EULA or producing a copy
disregarding copyright
▪ a pathway composed of cables and connectors used to
carry data from a computer’s peripheral devices to a
computer microprocessor and the main memory
The computer works with the aid of its basic parts. When a person
types on the computer’s keyboard, it is converted to a machine CONTROL BUS
language, that can be understood by the computers. ▪ carries the control, timing and coordination signals to
manage the various functions across the system
▪ used to specify memory locations for the data being
▪ a bidirectional path, carries the actual data between the
processor, the memory and the peripherals
▪ is a collection of computer programs and related data that
TYPES OF COMPUTER NETWORK SYSTEMS provides instructions for telling a computer what to do and
how to do it
▪ Any set of instructions that guides the hardware and tells
them how to accomplish each task
▪ Consists of programs that are designed to perform specific
tasks for end-users
▪ A program or group of programs designed for end users
▪ Allows end users to accomplish one or more specific (non-
computer related) tasks