-Select a Command
- Draw, select and erase objects
- Draw line, circle, and other basics shapes
- Copy objects
- Create a mirrored image.
- Trim an object to a cutting edge.
-- Move an object to a new location
Allowing the Cursor to
Each Icon is called “Linger over a Tool
a “Command”/ Brings up a
“Tool” Descriptive “ToolTip”
AutoCAD Commands
• Nearly every action you perform in AutoCAD is based on a command.
• You use commands to tell AutoCAD the actions you want it to perform, and
AutoCAD responds with command prompts.
• Command prompts tell you the status of an action, or they give you options
from which you must choose to complete a command.
• You can use any of the following to start commands:
Application menus
Ribbon Bar/ Toolbar
Command line
Accelerator keys
Command Prompt
Regardless of how you start a command, the command prompts flow in the
same way. AutoCAD either displays prompts on the command line or
displays a dialog box.
The current instruction begins with one of three verbs. The verb
communicates the action you can perform, as shown below:
Select Use the pointing device to select objects.
Enter Enter a value on the command line.
Specify Select a point on the screen
•You can create arcs in many ways.
•The default method is to specify three points—a start point, a
second point on the arc, and an endpoint.
Command Circle
Shortcut: C
Menu: Draw > Circle
Result: Draws a circle based on a center point and radius
•You can create circles in several ways.
•The default method is to specify the center and radius.
Command Rectangle
Shortcut: REC
Menu: Draw > Rectangle
Result: Draws a rectangle after you enter one corner
and then the second
Command Polygon
Shortcut: POL
Menu: Draw > Polygon
Result: Creates an equilateral closed polyline
System Variables
It stores the current number of polygon sides.
The range is 3 to 1024.
Command Spline
Shortcut: spl
Menu: Draw > Spline
Result: Creates a curve
Command: Offset
Shortcut: O
Result: Offset is probably one of the most useful
commands for constructing drawings.
To use:
1. Type or select the command
2. Type R and press enter
3. Enter the radius. (NOTE: Enter 0 if you want two lines to meet exactly
with no arc)
4. Select the first object
5. Select the second object.
Command: Extend
Shortcut: Ex
Result: Extends lines. Works like the trim command, but the opposite results.
Command: Copy
Shortcut: Co
Result: The Copy command can be used to create one or more duplicates of any drawing
object or objects which you have previously created. Copy is a very useful and time-saving
command because you can create very complex drawing elements and then simply copy them
as many times as you likes.
Command Sequence:
Command: COPY
Select objects: (pick object to copy, P1)
Select objects: (to end selection)
Specify base point or displacement, or [Multiple]: (pick P2 or M for
multiple copies)
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as
displacement>: (pick P3)
Command: Move
Shortcut: M
Result: The Move command works in a similar way to the Copy command except that no
copy is made, the selected object(s) is simply moved from one location to another.
Command Sequence:
Command: MOVE
Select objects: (pick object to move, P1)
Select objects: (to end selection)
Specify base point or displacement: (pick P2)
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as
displacement>: (pick P3)
Command: Rotate
Shortcut: Ro
Command Polyline
Shortcut: PLINE / PL
Menu: Draw > Polyline
Result: Creates two-dimensional polylines.
A polyline is a connected sequence of line or arc segments created as
a single object. A rectangle is an example of a polyline.
Polylines have some unique qualities that make them very useful:
•They can have width (constant or varying)
•They can consist of arcs and lines.
•They can be edited
•They can be joined together.
•They can be exploded into individual segments
Drawing Editing Commands
The commands covered in this section are all concerned with editing
and in some way manipulating existing graphics in a drawing.
They fall into three major groupings:
Deletion Operations;
Canceling Commands
You can cancel any command by pressing ESC.
Directions: With the suggested commands, draw the
traffic signs below in free size.
3 Circle
Use line or rectangle
Hatch (2 colors)
2 Circle
2 Line
Hatch (2 color)
Rotate= 45Degree
Suggested Commands: Offset, Line, Rotate, Hatch, Circle, Trim, Rec etc.
Step 2: Create
Step 1: Save AS
Step 3: Save
Inside Folder