Family and Friends 1 Unit 3: This Is My Nose! Lesson 1 Objectives
Family and Friends 1 Unit 3: This Is My Nose! Lesson 1 Objectives
Family and Friends 1 Unit 3: This Is My Nose! Lesson 1 Objectives
Look at picture 2.
What’s this? [point to Rosy’s nose] (nose).
What does Rosy say? (This is my nose). Say that one more time?
Look at Billy [point to picture 3] Billy says, “OK Rosy”. Then, [point to picture
4] Now, he’s got sun cream all over his [point to the face] and [point to the
Have students listen to the Now we will listen to the story. When you listen, use your finger like this
story [model] to point to the speech bubbles as you hear. For example, when you
hear “Let’s put on sun cream”, where will you point at? [model]
Teach extra language (That’s Everyone copy me, “That’s right” [gesture] [wait for students] One more
right, put on) time? [write That’s right on the whiteboard]
Next, “put on” [act putting on sun cream] Team 1? Team 2? One person?
[write put on on the whiteboard]
Group roleplay Now, everyone, we will roleplay. There are two characters in this story, they
Divide the class into 2 teams. are … [point to Rosy] and … [point to Billy]
Ask students to say out loud Team 1, you will be Rosy, and team 2 will be Billy. The team with the better
the text of their character. job will get more points. So where is Rosy? Clap your hand [model], and Billy,
where are you, let’s touch your face [model].
Now look at picture 1, Rosy will speak first. Where are you, Rosy? Let’s say …
[point to the first bubble in picture 1, correct any pronunciation mistakes,
encourage students to say it out loud]
And Billy [point to the second bubble in picture 1]
[do the same with the other pictures]
Individual roleplay Team 1, who wants to come here to be Rosy? [invite a strong student]
Invite 2 students to role play Team 2, who wants to be Billy? [invite a strong student]
the story in front of the class. The whole class, we will listen to Rosy [point to the student] and Billy [point to
the student]. When you listen to them, use your finger to follow the text.
Are you ready? One, two, three. Action.
FF1 Lesson plan page 2
Stage Activities Script
Invite another pair to roleplay.
Give compliment and delayed
correction as needed.
Wrap up Grab students’ attention. Everyone, [use the attention getter to grab students’ attention]
5’ Help students retain what they
have learned. So, what did we learn? (body parts)
Give instructions and assign What is this? (nose, face)
homework. What are these? (arms, legs, ears)
Good job.
What does this mean? [model “put on” gesture] (put on)
And this? [model “that’s right” gesture] (That’s right)
Look. [show the Workbook page in PPT presentation] [point, explain the
instructions, model how to do the first question / the whole exercise]
Now, open your notebooks and write down these words [write 5 parts of the
body words on the board]. Remember to copy each word three times
[gesture] at home. Then, do the Workbook Unit 3 Lesson 1 [show relevant
page]. I will check your work next time.