Embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) are integral aspects of modern technology, enabling devices to
sense, communicate, and interact with the environment. This course aims to provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of embedded systems and IoT technologies. Through hands-on learning and
theoretical study, students will gain insights into the design, programming, and applications of these systems. :
To familiarize the students with the fundamental concepts and architecture of embedded
To apply the concept of basic building blocks of Embedded systems and Internet of things (IoT).
To familiarize students with the concepts, architectural design, communication protocols, and
challenges associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm.
To enable students to develop practical skills in programming embedded systems and IoT devices using
the Arduino platform, including interfacing with various sensors and actuators.
To encourage students to explore emerging trends, research problems and innovative solutions.
CLO0 To apply programming concepts for PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, K3 Conceptual 10
3 interfacing sensors, actuators, and other PO5, PO7, PO 11, PO Procedural
devices with microcontrollers.. 12
CLO0 To analyze and explore the principles and PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, K4 Conceptual 9
4 applications of Internet of Things (IoT). PO5, PO7, PO 11, PO Procedural
CLO0 To apply knowledge of communication PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, K3 Factual 8
5 interfaces such as RS232, RS485, SPI, I2C, PO5, PO7, PO 11, PO Conceptual
USB, Bluetooth, and Zigbee in both embedded 12
systems and IoT projects.
Total Contact Hours 50
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Terminology
*Cognitive Level =CL
**Knowledge Categories = KC
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CLO1 H M L M - - M - - - - -
CLO2 H H - H L - - M M L L M
CLO3 M H H - L - L - - - M H
CLO4 L M H M M - H - - - L -
CLO5 H M - H M - M - - - L L
Entrepreneurship 3
Research 3
Innovation 3
Skills 4
Employability 3
B1: Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design by Raj Kamal, TMH, 2nd Ed., 2011.
B2: The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi,
and Rolin D. McKinlay; Pearson Education India, Second Edition, 2014.
B3: Internet of Things (IoT): Principles, Paradigms, and Applications of IoT by Rajkumar Buyya and
Amir Vahid Dastjerdi; Elsevier, First Edition, 2016.
B4: Arduino Cookbook by Michael Margolis; O'Reilly Media, Third Edition, 2018.
B5: Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C by
Yifeng Zhu; E-Man Press LLC, Third Edition, 2017.
B6: Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages by Alan Burns and Andy Wellings; Addison-Wesley,
Fourth Edition, 2009.
B7: The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols by Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick,
and Omar Elloumi, Wiley, 1st Ed., 2012.
7. Course Plan
Session Number Topic(s) Book (page no.)
Introduction to Course Handout B1 (3-4), B1 (10-
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Introduction to Embedded Systems, 18), B1 (52)
1-2 Embedded system characteristics and applications, features of embedded
3-4 Harvard & Von Neumann architectures, Architecture of Embedded B1 (45-48), B5
System) (29-34)
5-6 Application specific ICs (ASICs), Types of ASIC, Applications B5 (73-79), B6 (33-
7-8 Overview of Embedded Networking & Standards: RS232, SPI, I2C, USB, B1 (160-175) B7
Bluetooth, Zigbee (93-94)
9-10 Real time embedded systems, its features, Soft v/s Hard Real time B6 (17-23)
embedded systems
11-14 Microcontrollers and Programming: Introduction to Microcontroller, B1 (62-71) B2(4-7)
Microprocessor v/s Microcontroller, architecture and memory
organization, 8051 Pin configuration, input output ports
15-18 Addressing Modes, Instruction Set and Programming, flag bits and PSW B2 (50-72), B2 (89-
register 94)
19-22 Timers and Serial Port, Interrupt Handling, Arithmetic instructions and B2(100-106)
32-35 Threats and vulnerabilities in IoT systems- Network and Transport layer B3 (185), B3 (189-
challenges, IoT Gateways and security, IoT Routing Attacks, Authorization 193)
36-37 Light weight cryptography- Symmetric Key LWC Algorithms, Asymmetric B3 (194-195)
LWC algorithms
38-40 Arduino and Programming: Introduction to Arduino, Architecture of B4 (6-8), B4 (15),
Arduino, Pin diagram of Arduino, Types of Arduino
41-42 Arduino Programming Structure, Bare minimum code, Variables, Serial B4 (11-14), B4 (21-
monitor 25), B4 (94)
43-44 Types of Sensors and actuators (temperature, light, motion, motors, B4 (167-190)
relays, displays etc)
45-46 Case Studies of Smart home automation, Smart cities, Case Studies of B4 (135-145), B7
Healthcare and wearable devices (285-300)
Course Plan (Embedded Systems and Internet of Things)
8. Delivery/Instructional Resources
Session Topics Web References Audio-Video
1-8 Introduction to Embedded
Systems, Embedded system duction-to-embedded-systems/ 08102045
characteristics and applications,
Harvard & Von Neumann
architectures, Architecture of ded-systems-introduction-to- 08102045
Embedded System, Application embedded-systems/
specific ICs (ASICs), Overview of ourses/106/105/106105193
Embedded Networking & /
Standards: RS232, RS485, SPI,
I2C, USB, Bluetooth, Zigbee
** All STs are compulsory. ST1 and ST2 have weightage of 25% each and ST3 has 50% out of total weightage of component 2.
***It is mandatory to complete Components 1 and 2. Further, as per Academic Guidelines minimum 75% attendance is required to become
eligible for appearing in the End Semester Examination. Page 7 of
Course Plan (Embedded Systems and Internet of Things)
No. of
S. No. Topic Weightage
(s) %
1 UNIT I - Introduction to Embedded Systems 10 20%
Introduction to embedded processors, features of embedded system,
Embedded system characteristics and applications, Harvard & Von
Neuman architectures, Architecture of Embedded System, Application
specific ICs (ASICs) and basic types, Overview of Embedded
Networking & Standards: RS232, RS485, SPI, I2C, USB, Bluetooth,
Zigbee, Real time embedded systems and features, Soft vs Hard Real
time embedded systems.
2 Unit II- Microcontrollers and Programming 12 30%
Introduction to Microcontroller, Microprocessor v/s Microcontroller,
architecture and memory organization, 8051 Pin configuration, input
output ports, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set and Programming, flag
bits and PSW register, Timers and Serial Port, Interrupt Handling.
Arithmetic instructions and programs; logic instructions and programs
3 Unit III- Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) 15 30%
Introduction to Internet of Things, Characteristics of IoT, Application
Areas of IoT, Industrial IoT, Real time analytics in iot and fog
computing. Layered architecture of IoT, SOA based Architecture, API
Oriented Architecture, IoT challenges, IoT Communication protocol
comparison, Cloud computing, Big data, threats and vulnerabilities in
IoT systems- Network and Transport layer challenges, IoT Gateways
and security, IoT Routing Attacks, Authorization mechanisms, Light
weight cryptography- Symmetric Key LWC Algorithms, Asymmetric
LWC algorithms
4 Unit IV- Arduino and Programming 9 20%
Introduction to Arduino, Architecture of Arduino, Types of Arduino,
Arduino Programming Structure , Bare minimum code, Variables, Serial
Moitor, Types of Sensors and actuators (temperature, light, motion,
motors, relays, displays etc) . Case Studies of Smart home automation,
Smart cities, Healthcare and wearable devices
Course Plan (Embedded Systems and Internet of Things)
Lab Session Resource Link
Reading Switch-
Port Programming-
2 To Implement and analyze Serial Monitor on Arduino
To Implement Gas leakage detector circuit using MQ-
3 projects/interfacing-mq3-alcohol-sensor-
02/03 Gas sensor with Arduino
IR sensor-
To Interface IR Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor with with-arduino
Ultrasonic Sensor-
To Implement Temperature and Humidity monitoring
5 up-the-dht11-humidity-sensor-on-an-
setup with Arduino and DHT sensor
To Implement light based audio response circuit using
6 io/@pakganern/active-buzzer-with-ldr-
LDR sensor and buzzer with Arduino
Servo motor-
7 To control Servo motor and DC motor with Arduino
DC motor-
To display various characters using 16x2 LCD, I2C and
Aurdino interface-i2c-lcd-display-with-arduino/
To Setup a cloud platform to log the data and establish a t-of-things-experiment-guide/configure-
9 communication link between IoT devices and cloud thingspeak
To Design an IoT based system to acquire sensor data
10. and show on cloud platform (use any arduino, humidity-temperature-nodemcu-
nodemcu) thingspeak/#google_vignette
11. Introduction to raspberry pi