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RHYTHM 2. TEMPO- rate of speed of a movement.

Is a term which denotes an aspect of a 3. INTENSITY- variation of stress of movement.

quality of movement that is sometimes thought
4. PITCH- lowness or highness of a tone.
of as dance. When an individual moves in
response to a particular rhythm or music we call 5. ACCENT- emphasis on certain beats.
the movements as rhythmic movements or
rhythms. Structured forms which start creative 6. METER- the regular recurrence of beats which
rhythmic movements are called rhythms. divides a musical design into measure.

RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES 7. PHRASE- measures grouped together.

Rhythmic activities have been 8. BAR- in music a vertical line across a staff
taking place for thousands of years. Rhythmic dividing it into equal measures of time.
activities trace back to the Olympics, with sports 9. COUNT- a pulse beat, a time limit.
such as gymnastics that combined movement
with the use of rhythm. This created a form of 10. NOTE- a printed symbol of a musical tone.
physical expression with strength and ability. 11. MEASURE- a group of pulse beats.
Now, rhythmic activities commonly extend to
physical games with elements of song and 12. NOTE PATTERS- refers to a note or set of
dance. Some current examples include jump notes with or without rest used for a certain
rope games, popular dance workouts, like dance step.
13. STEP PATTERN- refers to the movement or
RHYTHMIC FUNDAMENTALS movements done for each of the dance steps.

Rhythmic activities are the physical

manifestations of the mental and emotional
response of the individual to rhythm. They are
activities which a child responds to physically, Dance provides numerous functions in a
socially, and mentally to regular patterns of society. People experience dance in different
sound. They are also a source of enjoyment for ways and for many different reasons. Most
people of all ages. Through these activities, skills people are aware of dance as a performing art
and the sense of rhythm are acquired and on stage, screen and media, but dancing can
developed, feelings are expressed, basic also be a social activity, a form of physical
principles of time, space and force can be fitness, or a prime means of expressing cultural
experienced. heritage and identity. Historically, dance was
often performed in rituals, worship, social
In the field of dance, there are
celebrations, and as a means of entertainment
certain fundamental knowledge and rhythmic
and self-expression. It is said that the first use of
skills considered important for proficiency and
dance was as a gesture in order to
efficiency in bodily movements.
communicate. Today, dance is still a part of
traditional events but also as an element of new
innovative performing experiences.

1. BEAT- the underlying pulse of a rhythm.


1. PHYSICAL BENEFIT OF DANCE Dance is a way of knowing and

communicating. All societies use dance to
• Develops muscular and cardiovascular
communicate on both personal and cultural
levels and to meet physical and spiritual needs.
• Improves flexibility, coordination, Dance, as with all the arts, has its own language.
balance and body composition. We need to learn this language in order to fully
understand and appreciate the world of dance.
• Enables joint mobility.
• Help prevent osteoporosis.
• Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
area that the dance performers occupy
2. MENTAL/ EMOTIONAL BENEFIT OF and where they move.
 1.1. DIRECTION - where the body
• Help keep the brain sharp. moves. The performers can go forward,
• Decreases risk of dementia and backward, diagonal, circular, sideways,
Alzheimer’s diseases and so on.
 1.2. SIZE - how large or small
• Increase self- esteem and improves movements. The movement can be
body image. varied by doing smaller or larger
• Aids in releasing emotional tension. actions.
 1.3. LEVEL - the vertical distance from
3. SOCIAL BENEFIT OF DANCE the floor. The movements can be
done in a high, medium, and low level.
• Gives sense of togetherness within a
 1.4. FOCUS - where the dancer's eves
look as he/she is dancing. The
• Encourages positive social interaction performers may change their focus by
and interpersonal relationship in a looking at different directions.
group  1.5. PATHWAYS - patterns we make as
we move through the air or across the
• Contributes to the individuals potential
for self-actualization in society
 1.6. SHAPE - circles, squares, triangles,
4. CULTURAL BENEFIT OF DANCE etc. made with parts of the body, the
whole body, with groups of people, or
• promotes cultural values by moving through space.
• preserves cultural heritage and
traditions A. BODILY SHAPES

- it refers to how the entire

body is molded in space or the configuration of
body parts. The body can be rounded angular,
or the combination of the two. Other body
shapes can be from wide to narrow and from
high to low. They can be symmetrical and 3.1 SUSTAINED - movements are done smoothly,
asymmetrical. continuously, and with flow and control. It
does not have a clear beginning and ending.
3.2 PERCUSSIVE - movements are explosive or
- balanced shape; movements are practically
sharp in contrast with sustained movements.
identical or similar on both sides.
They are accented with thrust of energy. They
• ASYMMETRICAL BODY SHAPES have a clear beginning and ending.

- unbalanced shape; movements of two sides of 3.3 VIBRATORY - movements consist of

the body do not match or are completely trembling or shaking. A faster version of
different from each other. percussive movements that produces a jittery
3.4 SWINGING - movements trace a curved line
a group of dancers perform movements or an arc in space. The movements are relaxed
in different group shapes/ they are arrange in and giving in to gravity on the downward part of
ways that are wide, narrow, rounded, angular, the motion, followed by an upward application
symmetrical, or asymmetrical, and are viewed of energy.
together as a total picture or arrangement.
3.5 SUSPENDED - movements are perched in
2. TIME space or hanging on air. Holding a raised leg in
-duration of the movement. The movements in any direction is an example of suspended
timing can be executed in varying tempo movement.
(speed). Performers move with tempo of an 3.6 COLLAPSING - movements are released in
underlying sound known as beat or pulse. tension and gradually or abruptly giving in to
2.1. BEAT - the ongoing underlying pulse gravity, letting the body descend to the floor. A
slow collapse can be described as a melting or
2.2. TEMPO - how fast or slow the movements. oozing action in a downward direction.
2.3. ACCENT - strong beats that usually occur at
regular intervals.
2.4. RHYTHMIC PATTERNS - patterns made by
arranging long and short movement or strong 1. UNITY - the interconnected phrases of the
and light movement. dance are coherent and flow smoothly together.
The movements fit together, and each plays an
2.5. DURATION - the length of the time the important role that contributes to the entirely
movement lasts. of the dance.

- how the body uses energy while the dance are organized progressively, making
moving. Movements are propelled by energy or each movements phrase move naturally into the
force. This force can either initiate or stop an next. There is a continuous development of the
action. The energy can be heavy / light, sharp / movement phrase and the audience is swept
smooth, tensed / relaxed, and bound / flowing. along to the end.
3. VARIETY AND CONTRAST- variety and contrast 3. FORMS- are the patterns interwoven by the
in movement phrases add excitement and flavor dancers, singly or in groups as they move
to the dance. Changing the direction, use of through a dance sequence. The form of a dance
energy, timing of a movement phrase, and determines the way it is organized. This is
avoiding repeating them in the exact way are similar to the way musical forms like the suite,
ways to add variety to the dance. symphony or concerto shape their overall
contour or identity.
4. TRANSITION - this is the link between
movements, phrases, and sections of the dance. 4. MOVEMENTS - is the medium and the Body is
It makes the logical progression of the dance the instrument. Human's experiences express
flow smoothly. Also, it is vital because it keeps themselves toward life activity through
the unity and continuity of the dance. movement. Movement is the essence of life and
dance. The components / elements of
5. REPITITION- some phrases need to be
movement are: Style, Tempo, Space and
repeated in choreography so that the audience
can see those movements again and identify its
significance. Usually, when a certain phrase or a 5. MUSIC- is the twin sister of dance, is
section of choreography is repeated, it is the intimately related to movement in dance. It is
main message of the dance. the musical compositions that accompany the
performance of a dance. Music is an essential
6. CLIMAX - this is where the apex of energy in
part of a dance as a dancer movement and
the dance is reached. It is similar to the climax
steps are executed to suit the rhythm or tempo
in a story where a series of events culminates.
of the musical arrangement.
The climax may be a fast and enraged blast of
energy action, or it could fade away to a gentle
and quiet exit that marks the end of a particular
story. The music will often assist both the
choreographer and the audience when 1. THEME- is generally known as the main idea
determining this point of development. or main ingredient of the dance or the message
which the dance is trying to convey / portray.

2. DESIGN - refers to the planned organization

or arrangement of movements according to
1. RHYTHM- - is the magic power of dance. patterns in time and in space. It is patterned in
Internally, human is propelled by the rhythm of time as it groups together the accented beats
physical and mental processes, the heartbeat, and the unaccented beats of movements into
the action of the lungs, and the rhythmic measures as provided by the rhythm.
patterns of things seen, heard and stored in the
3. MOVEMENT- it refers to action of dances with
mind. Externally, nature and daily activities
the use of their bodies to create organized
create innumerable rhythmic patterns.
patterns. Body movement is divided into three:
2. COMMUNICATION - formulation and exchanging the steps, the gestures of the arms and hands,
feelings and thoughts on a nonverbal level. and the facial expression.
Communication through dance is not music driven
but rather body and soul driven. Dance involves
the entire body, and the body can be a powerful
agent of communication.
4. TECHNIQUE - basically the skill of executing a 4. POPULAR DANCE - the dance craze of a given
movement. As a dancer, one needs to have a time showing the prowess or expertise of a dancer
complete control over the muscles of his body for a cause.
for him to be said technically proficient. 5. MODERN DANCE/ INTERPRETATIVE DANCE
5. MUSIC- -t plays significant role of the dance. (THEATRICAL DANCE) CREATIVE DANCE- the
It is used as accompaniment that somehow highest level form of all dances. Theatrical dances
motivates the dancer's movement. are performed in a certain place or on stage which
are usually intended for entertainment and
6. COSTUME AND PROPERTIES - these educational purposes, such as the modern ballet,
contribute to the visual effect of the dance. It is neo-classical ballet or opera.
the planned costume and properties or
6. JAZZ - a dance with a bit of innovations. Its basic
accessories used by the dancers, and an
routines are usually a combination of popular
important contributing factor to the dance in
dance and ballet.
bringing the dance to life and reality.
7. NATURAL DANCE - Refers to a type of dance,
7. CHOREOGRAPHY- is the holistic technical which makes use of a basic locomotor and axial
arrangement or organization of the dance. It movements.
synthesizes together the movements, steps,
stage management, musical scoring, and the 8. CLASSIC BALLET - the base of all dances. It's the
theme of the dance to bring a clearer view or ultimate expression of art in dance which
message of the dance. originated in the royal courts during the middle
ages. The term ballet refers to series of solo and
8. SCENERY - is the setting of the dance o serves converted dances with poses and steps combined
as the background of the dance to make it more with light flowing figures, music accompaniment
artistic and realistic. and expressive scenic accessories of a dramatic
atmosphere. Usually a ballet includes staging,
scenery, costumes dancing and music; but no
KINDS / TYPES OF DANCE singing and dialogue.

1. FOLK DANCE- - traditional dances handed 10. SOCIAL / BALLROOM DANCES - these are
down from generation to generation depicting popular type of dancing for pleasure as
the way of life (culture/ traditions) of the people generally performed by pairs or group of people
following a definite step or pattern. Most of
2. CULTURAL / ETHNIC DANCES - it reflect the these have specific rhythms and coordinated
peculiar characteristics of a specific tribes with the movements and steps of the body,
specially their cultural, religious, racial and hand, foot and head. Basically for self-
traditional similarities. The dances found satisfaction or socializing purposes.
commonly among the IP's of the hinterlands.
Although the movement patterns are not
specific, this dance is seldom classified as a LOCOMOTOR AND NON- LOCOMOTOR
folkdance. LOCOMOTOR- Movement that travels through space and usually
requires the transfer of weight from one foot to rhe other. (ex.
3. NATIONAL DANCE- this refers to the types of Walk, skip, gallop, run, slide, leap)
folkdance found most widely done in a specific
NON- LOCOMOTOR- Movement does not travel through space.
(ex. bend, stretch, twist, turn, swing, sway, push, pull, rise, fall and

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