1000 Most Common Spanish Words - Frequency Vocabulary - Strømmen Language Classes
1000 Most Common Spanish Words - Frequency Vocabulary - Strømmen Language Classes
1000 Most Common Spanish Words - Frequency Vocabulary - Strømmen Language Classes
Have you been looking to improve your conversational skills and effectively
tackle a lot of new vocabulary? Check out our post on the 1000 Most
Common Spanish Words below.
10,000 words. Wow. That does seem daunting when you are first starting
out. But like anything new, you just have to start small and keep adding to it.
That’s why we wrote this blog article: which features the 1000 most
frequently used Spanish words.
1 como as
2 yo I
3 su his
4 que that
5 él he
6 era was
7 para for
8 en on
9 son are
10 con with
11 ellos they
12 ser be
13 en at
14 uno one
15 tener have
16 este this
17 desde from
18 por by
19 caliente hot
20 palabra word
21 pero but
22 qué what
23 algunos some
24 es is
25 lo it
26 usted you
27 o or
28 tenido had
29 la the
30 de of
31 a to
32 y and
33 un a
34 en in
35 nos we
36 lata can
37 fuera out
38 otros other
39 eran were
40 que which
41 hacer do
42 su their
43 tiempo time
44 si if
45 lo hará will
46 cómo how
47 dicho said
48 un an
49 cada each
50 decir tell
51 hace does
52 conjunto set
53 tres three
54 querer want
55 aire air
56 así well
57 también also
58 jugar play
59 pequeño small
60 fin end
61 poner put
62 casa home
63 leer read
64 mano hand
65 puerto port
66 grande large
67 deletrear spell
68 añadir add
69 incluso even
70 tierra land
71 aquí here
72 debe must
73 grande big
74 alto high
75 tal such
76 siga follow
77 acto act
79 preguntar ask
80 hombres men
81 cambio change
82 se fue went
83 luz light
84 tipo kind
85 fuera off
86 necesitará need
87 casa house
88 imagen picture
89 tratar try
90 nosotros us
91 de nuevo again
92 animal animal
93 punto point
94 madre mother
95 mundo world
96 cerca near
97 construir build
98 auto self
99 tierra earth
122 me me
154 hasta up
156 su your
165 así so
167 su her
172 él him
179 ir go
184 no no
187 mi my
242 no don’t
394 sí yes
435 oh oh
541 am am
710 si whether
711 empujar push
947 ni nor
Want to start learning? Get ready for the “empezar” conjugation in Spanish!
Empezar is the Spanish verb for “to
¡Hola amigos! If you’ve come here, you’re most likely looking to improve your
Spanish reading comprehension. Whether you’re a
We hope you enjoy the grammar lesson for “esperar” conjugation in Spanish!
Esperar is the Spanish verb for “to
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