Review Application
Review Application
Review Application
Name Satyam
Middle Name
Surname Kumar
Email Id
Gender Male
Mobile Number 8825217013
Telephone Number
Date Of Birth 28/10/2006
Place Of Birth GARHWA
Religion Hindu
Mother Toungue Hindi
Nationality India
Disability Not Applicable
Current Address Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida Greater Noida, Uttar
Pradesh Uttar Pradesh, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar
Pradesh, 201310, India
Permanent Address Janakpur Muhalla Tandwa Garhwa Jharkhand, Garhwa,
Jharkhand, 822114, India
No of members in the family 5
Annual Family Income(in Rs.) 95,000.00
No. of children studying in family 3
Are you child of a single parent? No
Relationship Name Education Occupation Annual Income
Mother Sudha Devi Below Class 10 Housewife 0
Self Satyam Kumar 12th Grade Student 0
Brother Raunak Kumar 10th Grade Student 0
Father Santosh Kumar 10th Grade Agriculture 95000
Sister Srishti Kimari Below Class 10 Student 0
Education Degree Degree Institute State City Duration Passing Max Marks Obtained
Type Program Name Year Marks
UG B.Tech(Bach-
Informa- GL Uttar Gautam 4 2028
elor of tion BAJAJ Pradesh Buddha
Tech- Tech- INSTI- Nagar
nology) nology TUTE
Document Document Name
Photo ID Proof _aadhar.pdf
Permanent Address Proof _aadhar.pdf
Disability Certificate (if any) N/A
Applicant photo IMG-20240123-WA0005.jpg
Family income proof Income_certificate_(_22/09/2024).pdf
Marksheet of 10th Class Board Examination _10th_(_satyam).pdf
Marksheet of 12th Class Board Examination 12th_(_satyam).pdf
Proof of enrollment in current institution bonafide_.pdf
1.I confirm that all information provided by me in this application is correct and truthful, and is a wholly accurate and fair
representation of my achievements.
2. I confirm that my parents or legal guardian have/ has reviewed the terms and condition and have provided their consent
by signing their name in the designated box below.
3. I understand that any material misrepresentation (including: year of study, declared income, course of study, name of
institute, academic scores, documentation etc.) by me in this application will result in disqualification of my application
and, where appropriate, the rescinding of scholarship.
4. I understand that in case of any communication from Reliance Foundation seeking information or documents, I am
required to respond to the same within 2 working days from receiving the communication. Failing to do so may result in
disqualification of my application at Reliance Foundation’s discretion.
5. I understand that this application and supporting materials will be shared with people involved in the evaluation process
and others who are responsible for administering the Reliance Foundation Scholarship and involved in the selection
process and I hereby voluntarily provide my consent for sharing my personal information with the aforementioned people
in order to facilitate my application for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship program.
6. I understand that failure to maintain the academic or performance standards outlined in the Award Letter issued upon
successful completion of the selection process, or conduct deemed prejudicial to the program's best interests, may result
in the withdrawal of my award and termination of payments. I understand that all Reliance Foundation Scholarships are
subject to the policies of Reliance Foundation.
7. I consent to the use of my information for marketing and promotional purposes by Reliance Foundation. Should I wish
to withdraw this consent in the future, I will notify Reliance Foundation at Once
submitted, I will no longer have access to any part of the application or supporting materials, including any references
or evaluations.
8. I confirm that as of the date of this application, (i) there have never been any proceedings instituted in respect of an
offence alleged to have been committed by me in any court in India or abroad, (ii) no warrant or summons for my
appearance has ever been issued under any law for the time being in force, (iii) no warrant for my arrest has ever been
issued by a court under any law for the time being in force, (iv) no court has ever passed an order prohibiting my departure
from India, and (v) I have not, at any time, ever been convicted by a court in India or abroad for any offence under any
9. I confirm that I have not (i) been subject to any disciplinary measure, (ii) resigned from a professional or academic
appointment, or (iii) entered into a settlement for, or in connection to, any misconduct, including but not limited to unethical
practices, harassment, sexual harassment or abuse.
Note to Applicant: If you are arrested for, charged with, or convicted of an offence, or any proceedings are instituted or
pending against you, or any warrant or summons issued for your arrest or appearance, or if there is any change in
your status or representations in relation to misconduct after the submission of this application, you must PROMPTLY
(within 30 days of the arrest, charge, misconduct report, etc.) inform the Reliance Foundation Scholarships team at .