Revit Structural Steel
Revit Structural Steel
Revit Structural Steel
new model will open as following snaps:
2-modeling :
In level 2 view , start drawing first vertical grid with any length ( just click
on start point and end point) and make sure that the grid line is drawn with
angle=90 degree as following snap:
Then move with mouse to the right direction from the line and start
drawing the second vertical grid line in any distance between two lines and
also make sure that the grid line is drawn with angle=90 degree as following
To rename grid name: from upper bar ….modify….then click on grid
line….from right bar(properties)….rename it as following snap:
To make names of grid lines appear in both sides of grid line (start and end
points): click on one grid line ….then from right bar(properties) press on
edit type….then check box of plan view symbols end 1 as following snaps:
To modify the spacing between two grid lines that we drew before: click on
dimension that is written between two GL and rewrite it as following snap:
The next step start drawing horizontal grid lines in the same sequence of
previous vertical grid lines …. Then after drawing first horizontal grid line
then rename it as to be (1) as previous …then from upper bar….structure
…….grids…..pick lines (it refers to offset like ones existed in AutoCad)
……then write offset distance in upper bar ….then start to pick first
horizontal grid line in upper direction for specified numbers of times (
according to building numbers of bay spacing) as following snaps:
then every direction in level 2 must be out of grid lines , so any elevation or
side view in grid line area must be moved outside by dragging it towards
right side as following snaps:
Start drawing levels : in any elevation view ( for example east
elevation)……. Rename dimension value that is written under each level
name ( for example instead of 3000 write 6900 for eave level) then for
ridge level use the same method ( offset , with offset distance = ridge level-
eave level=1500 ) as following snaps:
10 | P a g e
1-Before doing step of offset( pick lines ) , you must make sure that all
levels in elevation view have intersections points with grid lines as
following snap:
11 | P a g e
2-in the same way , if you want names of levels or grid lines appear in both
directions, click on GL or level ….then from right bar( properties)….edit
type….check box of symbol at end 1 as previous.
3- another way to draw ridge level : select line of eave level …..from upper
bar….modify / levels…….then choose copy( or from key board write CO) …
on any point of the level line…..move upwards …… then write distance=1500 then
press enter as following snap:
12 | P a g e
3- Drawing frame elements:
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After loading family step for column sections , start to choose column
section from right bar and select the first horizontal line ….. pick point of
intersections then column will be drawn as following snap:
17 | P a g e
To rotate column direction : select column ….. from upper bar select
rotate…. Write rotation angle in angle box or select two points that make
angle =90 degree as following snap:
18 | P a g e
To change frame elements view to be shaded and can be seen well, from
lower bar …. Select visual style to be( shaded )….. select detail level to be (
fine ) as following snaps:
19 | P a g e
Rafters: firstly go to level 2 (plan view) then from upper bar Structure…..
beam….load family ….repeat the previous steps as we did in columns load family (
but note that in beams family we will select structure framing)…then go to east
view …..then from upper bar …. Structure….. beam…. Choose pick a plane …..then
click on first vertical grid line …..choose elevation: north….open view…press on
modify…..then offset GL(B) on distance = 10000 mm …then select beam section
and draw two rafters as following snaps:
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Go to level 2 ( plan view) then select first frame ……from upper bar choose
copy….then pick points on grid lines until drawing all frames as following
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Struts: in 3D view…..from upper bar….structure……beam… strut
section from right bar( properities)….then check box of 3D snipping ,
structural usage : automatic ,then draw first strut in the first bay as
following snaps:
Then in 3D view select strut ….. go to level 2 ( plan view ) then start to
copy it in all Grid lines as following snaps:
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Then select one strut in plan view …..right click on it….. select all instances
…. Visible in view…. Then copy it to the other side as following snaps:
29 | P a g e
Purlins: in 3D view ….. from upper bar ….structure….beam…..load family…C
shape….select sections for purlins…. Then press on modify from upper
bar…..beam system….boundary line…..set work plane….pick a plane….pick
supports then pick two rafters lines …..then pick line and draw line connect
two points on ridge … then draw another line connect two points on eave
….then press on beam direction and pick first line on ridge as following
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Then from right bar( properties) ….change justification to be ( end ) and
write actual spacing of purlins as following snaps:
to make purlins appear in cross section ….press on one purlin then right
click ….select all instances…. Visible in view…..from right bar( properties)
…edit type….then scroll down until you find section geometry and find
height of purlin section( in our example the height of purlin is = 381
mm)…then from right bar( properties) …scroll down and change Z offset
value to be = purlin height as following snap:
36 | P a g e
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Then go to cross section view( from box of 3D view press on front ) as
following snaps:
38 | P a g e
Go to level 3( the last level that shows purlins in plan )….. press on one
purlin then right click ….select all instances…. Visible in view….then strat to
copy it in other bays as following snaps:
39 | P a g e
To mirror purlins in the other side along ridge line….. press on one purlin
then right click ….select all instances…. Visible in view….then strat to mirror
it using mirror ( pick axis ) method as following snaps:
40 | P a g e
41 | P a g e
From upper bar………..strucyure …………. Brace ( or from key board write BR
)…….load family……..structural framing……….steel……AISC 14.1…….
pipes……….then choose set of sections including( pipes 100x5 – 125x5 –
150x5 – 200x5 – 250x5 ) as following snaps:
42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
Then from right bar( properties) choose suitable bracing section and start
drawing bracing elements and make sure that 3D snipping is checked first :
44 | P a g e
Then to change start distance of bracing member ( distance between
bracing and base plate of column) ………….. from right bar( properties)
………..choose start attachment to be distance and put its value and the
same thing for end attachment as following snap:
45 | P a g e
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then draw the second bracing member cutting on first one as following
47 | P a g e
press on one pipe then right click ….select all instances…. Visible in
view….then go to level 2 view ( plan view )…..start to copy wall bracing as
following snaps:
48 | P a g e
then copy wall bracing to the other wall side as following snap:
49 | P a g e
Roof bracing:
press on one purlin then right click ….select all instances…. Visible in
view……then right click again……..hide in view……elements…….then start to
draw roof struts and bracing as following snaps:
50 | P a g e
to draw strut……from upper bar…..structure…..brace……select strut section
from right bar( properties) then draw first strut between two points near
ridge line ….. from right bar( properties) change start and end attachment
to be =511 mm ( this distance indicates the distance between ridge line and
first strut) as following snaps:
51 | P a g e
Start to draw the next roof strut from mid points of rafters as following
52 | P a g e
Draw roof bracing in second braced bay as following snaps:
53 | P a g e
press on one roof bracing then right click ….select all instances…. Visible in
view…… then go to level 3 …..from upper bar….mirror( pick axis) and then
pick on ridge line between two rafters as following snaps:
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then select roof struts and bracing again in level 3…….then copy it to the
next grid line …… then select it again and copy it in the wall bracing
positions as following snaps:
56 | P a g e
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to hide analytical lines follow the following snap:
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side wall girts:
From upper bar….structure …..beam system….set work plane ….pick a
plane…then press on RF column and start to draw beam boundary …then
draw lines of beam system area( draw 4 lines around girt area or
rectangular ) and make sure that you ate drawing in outer columns
lines…then press on beam direction and choose lower line and then from
right bar ( properities) change girts spacing and section as following snaps:
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Then select these side wall girts…..go to level 3 plan …….mirror it( using
pick axis method)to the other side and change cross section rotation to
make C-section in upper direction as following snaps:
63 | P a g e
Note :
When we copy or mirror any elements drawn by beam system we select
the elements and the beam system grids too.
Select all wall girts….then start to copy it in other bays as in level 3 plan as
following snaps:
64 | P a g e
End wall columns:
Go to level 1 plan …….select RF column on first bay ….. copy it at distance =
5000 mm …… then change end wall column section and from upper bar
press on attach top
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Go to level 2 plan ……from upper bar….structure…ref plan …..then draw line
as a reference from exterior flange of RF column towards end wall column
direction then move the end wall column exterior flange to be at this ref
line as following snaps:
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Then copy another two end wall column at distance = 5000 mm as
following snaps:
69 | P a g e
70 | P a g e